• Title/Summary/Keyword: width control

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Analysis about Flexural Strength of Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Beam using Folded Steel Plate (Cap) as Shear Connector (절곡 강판(Cap)을 전단연결재로 사용한 강판-콘크리트 합성보의 휨강도 분석)

  • Cho, Tae-Gu;Choi, Byong-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.481-492
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    • 2018
  • The steel-plate concrete composite beam is composed of a steel plate, concrete and shear connector to combine two inhomogeneous materials. In general, the steel plate is assembled by welding an existing composite beam. In this study, the SPC beam was composed of folding steel plates and concrete, without a headed stud. The folding steel plate was assembled by a high strength bolt instead of welding. To improve the workability in a field construction, a hat-shaped cap was attached to the junction with a slab. Monotonic load testing under two points was conducted under displacement control mode to analyze the flexural strength of the SPC beam using a cap as the shear connector. Five specimens with shear connector types, protrusion length, and different thickness of steel plates were constructed and tested. The experimental results were analyzed through the relationship between the shear strength ratio and flexural strength in KBC 2009. The test results showed a shear strength ratio of more than 40 %. In the case of using a cap-like specimen as the shear connector, the flexural strength was 70% of the value calculated as a fully composite beam. In addition, the cap showed a smaller shear strength than the stud, but the cap served as a shear connection. When the thickness of the steel plate was taken as a variable, the steel plate exhibited a bending strength of approximately 70% compared to a fully formed steel plate, and exhibited similar deformation performance. Local buckling occurred due to incomplete composite behavior, but local buckling occurred at a 5% higher strength for a relatively thick steel plate. The buckling width also decreased by 15%.

Effect of Bacillus subtilis C4 and B. cereus D8 on Plant Growth of Canola and Controlling Activity Against Soft Rot and Stem Rot (Bacillus subtilis C4와 B. cereus D8에 의한 유채의 생육증대 및 무름병과 균핵병 방제효과)

  • Lee, Jae-Eun;Lee, Seo-Hyeun;Park, Kyung-Soo;Park, Jin-Woo;Park, Kyung-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2009
  • The effect of two plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on plant growth and systemic protection against soft rot disease and stem rot disease of canola (Brassica napus), caused by Erwinia carotovora and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was investigated in a laboratory and a greenhouse. Selected PGPR strains C4 and D8 were treated to canola seeds by soaking. Strains C4 and D8 significantly not only increased plant height and root length about 74% and 40.3% and also reduced disease severity of soft rot disease by 80% by C4 and D8 respectively, compared to the control. Especially strain C4 showed antifungal activity against 6 fungal pathogens, S. sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Phytophthora capsici and Colletotrichum acutatum. In greenhouse experiment, the seed treatment of both of them increased plant height, leaf width and leaf length of canola plant to 19.5% and 24.9%, 11.3% and 15.3%, and 14.1% and 20.7% by C4 and D8, respectively, and reduced disease severity of S. sclerotiorium. These results indicate that these two PGPR strains can decrease disease severity and increased plant growth under greenhouse condition. Therefore, these two bacteria have a potential in controlling Sclerotinia stem rot of canola. These strains have to investigate under field condition to determine their role of antibiosis, induced systemic resistance and plant growth promotion on canola.

Sanitary Control of Aquarium Tank Water with U.V. Light (자외선을 이용한 활어용 수조수의 위생 대책 수립)

  • CHOI Seung-Tae;PARK Mi-Yeon;CHANG Dong-Suck
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.428-434
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a sanitary aquarium for the safety slices of raw fish by using U.V. light. Water re-circulating system was composed of two tanks. One of the tanks $(90\times45\times45cm\;in\;size),$ was used for rearing fish and the other $(90\times45\times45cm\;in\;size),$ with 37 pieces of corrugated plastic plates was used for the growth of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter to remove ammonia from the water. Consequently, bactericidal effects of U.V. light were examined under the controlled condition of water with flow rate 730m1/sec (water flow thickness: 10mm), the width 41cm of water flow route, and the distance 4.75cm from the lamp to its water bottom, and U.V. light 75W (5 lamps). The water of the aquarium tank will be theroetically circulated 1 cycle per 18 min. In these conditions the bactericidal effect was $85\%$ just after passing through U,V. light and 3 log cycle in aquarium tank water. The count of Vibrio parahaemolyticus just after irradiation was decreased by about over than 3 log cycle. Under the irradiation for 72 hours, viable cell counts in both skin and gill of fish reared were decreased into about 2 log cycle, but there was no significant decrease in viscera. When the temperature of the tank was controlled at about $20-23^{\circ}C$ under the same condition, viable cell counts were reduced about 2 log cycle, and fecal coliforms were reduced about 1 log rycle and 3 log cycle in Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus edulis, respectively.

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A Study for Controlling Early-age Temperature Rise of the Concrete Pavement by Shadow Tent in Hot Weather Construction (차광막를 이용한 하절기 콘크리트포장의 초기온도 관리 방안연구)

  • Joh, Young-Oh;Kim, Hyung-Bae;Suh, Young-Chan;Ann, Sung-Soon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2004
  • Long term performance of concrete pavement significantly depends on the given construction and environmental condition. It means that random cracks and extreme crack width due to inappropriate quality control at the early age might lead to decreasing the pavement service life. The temperature and moisture during the construction, cement and aggregate types, curing condition are major components to affect the quality of the concrete pavement at the early age. First of all, the high temperature differential, that is made by increasing air temperature and the heat of cement hydration, is known as the major contributor to severe cracks. In this study, tent covering was used for controlling temperature of the concrete slab. The field measurement data indicates that the effect of the tent covering is very significant to decrease possibilities of random crack occurrence and curling stress and enhance the long-term concrete strength. HIPERPAV(High PERformance PAVing software), a program predicting the strength and stress of an earty-age concrete pavement (72 hour after placement), is used for simulating the effects of tent covering. The HIPERPAVE results showed that the section with the tent covering has higher reliability than the section without the tent covering by 22.5%. In details, reliability is increased 72.5% (without the tent covering) to 95% (with the tent covering).

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Experimental Studies on Pathogenicities and Developmental Stages of Nosema apis(Zander, 1909) (꿀벌에 기생(寄生)하는 Nosema apis의 병원성(病原性)과 발육단계(發育段階)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Yung Bai;Kim, Dong Sung;Jang, Du Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 1976
  • Studies on pathogenicities and developmental stages of Nosema apis (Zander, 1909) were carried out through artificial infection to Nosema free honey bees with various levels of spores isolated from local honey bee colony. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The clinical symptoms were observed as dysentery, enteritis of mid-gut (enlargement and decoloration), crawling posture and shortening of the longevity of worker bees in the rearing honey bee colony inoculated with the spores. 2. Number of spores harvested from laboratory rearing honey bees were progresively increased to 4 weeks after inoculation. The regression equations and coefficients of correlations to various spore levels were as follows in each treatment colony. Colony 1. ($$1,000{\times}10^4spores/ml$$) $$y_{c1}=471{\times}10^{4}x+454{\times}10^4(r=0.65^*$$) Colony 2. ($$500{\times}10^4spores/ml$$) $$y_{c2}=340{\times}10^{4}x+207.8{\times}10^4(r=0.99^{**}$$) Colony 3. ($$100{\times}10^4spores/ml$$) $$y_{c3}=150{\times}10^{4}x+84.2{\times}10^4(r=0.99^{**}$$) Colony 4. ($$10{\times}10^4spores/ml$$) $$y_{c4}=13.8{\times}10^{4}x+13{\times}10^4(r=0.98^{**}$$) 3. Average longevity of worker bees artificially infected with Nosema apis was shortened as 21.7~43.8% compare to the control. (p<.05, p<.01) 4. The spores which were isolated from honey bee colony infected with Nosema disease were ovoid or spherical form, and measured, as a rule, from $4.7{\mu}m$ to $6.1{\mu}m$ (mean $5.3{\mu}m$) in length and from $2.4{\mu}m$ to $3.2{\mu}m$ (mean $2.9{\mu}m$) in width. 5. In the mid-gut of honey bees, the spore was progresively germinated and became trophozoite stage. The trophozoites were grown to meronts and their binary fission were begun. The divided two sporoblasts were developed to the spores which had elastic membrane. The new spores were shed in excreta of honey bees 10~15 day after inoculation at $25{\pm}2$ centigrade. 6. The ultrastructure of spore membrane consisted of three layers, such as, outer, middle and inner layer. The sporoplasm consisting lamellar structure occupied only anterior part of the spore and was often extended to posterior direction where definite vacuoles and a polar filament was able to detect.

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The Effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Inoculation on the Growth of Lettuce (상추에 대한 Arbuscular 균근균(AMF) 접종원 처리 효과)

  • Wee, Chi-Do;Li, Jun-Xi;Kim, Hong-Lim;Sohn, Bo-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.498-505
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    • 2010
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of AMF on the growth of horticultural crops, we compared mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), that were inoculated with AMF propagules. As compared to the AMF- seedlings, in AMF+ seedlings at 3 weeks after sowing, the number of leaves increased 9%, leaf fresh weight increased 59%, leaf area increased 58%, and leaf length and width increased 21-22%, and chlorophyll content increased 2%. Furthermore, at 9 weeks after sowing, compared to the AMF- plants, in lettuce plants inoculated with AMF at the sowing and transplanting stages, the number of leaves increased 21% and 18%, leaf fresh weight increased 51% and 41%, root fresh weight increased 56% and 47%, and chlorophyll content increased 18% and 19%, respectively. Further this experiment indicated that the growth responses of lettuce plants inoculated with AMF during transplanting were similar to those inoculated with AMF during sowing. The results imply that the AMF infection timepoint is not important. The P content in the leaves of lettuce plants inoculated with AMF during transplanting was significantly higher (217%) than that of leaves from lettuce plants not inoculated with AMF. In contrast, the P content of the leaves of lettuce plants inoculated with AMF during the sowing stage was similar to that of leaves of control lettuce plants. In this experiment, P and chlorophyll content in AMF+ lettuce plants were higher than in AMF- plants, indicating that the photosynthetic rate was improved with AMF inoculation.

An Economic Approach for Improvement of Radius for Hazarouds Road (위험도로 곡선반경 개선의 경제적 접근에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Tae-Jun;Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Yoon, Pan;Park, Je-Jin;Kim, Young-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2003
  • The Government presented improvement plans such as "Traffic Accident Frequent Point" and "Hazardous Roads" to reduce traffic accidents on the increase after 1980s. In case of the hazardous roads, they are expressed by grades which are marked by geometric elements such as width, radius, grade. sight distance. and other environmental factors. As each business for improving roads goes by only focusing on improvement of geometric elements, excessive expense can be invested too much nowadays causing economical waste. Therefore, as improvement plans approached by economic access are needed, this paper shows the cost-effective improvement of the business to keep safety related to traffic accident and economical waste. The hazardous roads which authorized by Gwang-ju National Road Preservation Office of Construction and Transportation Ministry in 1995 for business for improvement of roads, were investigated before 1999. First of all, estimating traffic accident models are presented by using existed data statistically. The models help to maximize traffic accident decrease through control of the presented factor. Secondly, optimum construction cost of improvement is presented to prevent overcapitalization. However, this paper is limited because it was difficult to sort the data with various areas and to approach various ways.

Effect of Environmental Conditions and Chemical Treatments on Seed Germination of Astilbe koreana (Kom.) Nakai (자생 숙은노루오줌의 종자발아에 미치는 환경조건과 화학적 처리의 영향)

  • Jang, Bo Kook;Cho, Ju Sung;Lee, Cheol Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2016
  • Factors affecting germination of seeds in the forms of various environment and chemical compounds. The present study was aim to produced effective seed propagation method of Astilbe koreana (Kom.) Nakai which had expected high value for the cut flower, ornamental and pharmaceutical material. Seed width and length ranged 0.62, 2.22 ㎜, respectively, and weight of thousand seeds was 40.5 ㎎. As result of imbibition test, showed moisture content of fresh seed (2.57%) increased rapidly by water-soaking treatment under 24 hours, recording to maximum value of 29.8%, and expansion of the seed coat was observed. Seed germination was the best at 15℃ and light conditions (40.8%) among temperature and light conditions treated. Percent germination of seeds was improved under the low (15, 20℃) than high temperature (25, 30℃). In addition, the seed was not germinated at dark condition regardless of temperature. Seeds of A. koreana thus seemed that it had low temperature germinability conditions. To improve germination rate, seeds were submerged in various concentrations of growth regulators such as GA3 and kinetin, and minerals as KNO3 and KCl. As a results, KNO3 treatment, regardless of concentrations, promoted germination compared to control. Especially, percent of germination (77.8%), germination energy (96.1%), mean germination time (11.3 days) and T50 (6.5 days) were effectively improved by treatment of KNO3 20 mM.

Strengthening effect of resin denture base by glass fiber reinforcement addition (유리섬유 보강재 첨가에 따른 레진 의치상의 강화효과)

  • Kim, Chong-Myeong;Kim, Ji-Hwan;Kim, Hea-Young;Kim, Woong-Chul
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was analyzed by comparing the effect of glass fiber reinforcement addition on the strength of resin denture base. It was intended to provide a reference data useful for clinical application. Methods: The test specimens (length $64.0{\pm}0.1mm$, width $10.0{\pm}0.1mm$, thickness $1.0{\pm}0.1mm$, $1.5{\pm}0.1mm$, and $2.0{\pm}0.1mm$ respectively) were made. In the experimental groups resin denture base reinforced with glass fiber were fabricated. In the control groups resin denture base were fabricated by conventional method. After specimen fabrication was completed, transverse test was performed using a universal testing machine. Results: The transverse strength value in CON group was $83.08{\pm}9.07MPa$ for 1.0 mm, which ranked the highest in value. On the other hand, the value was $56.07{\pm}5.15MPa$ for 2.0mm, which ranked the lowest in value. And CON+SES group was $119.80{\pm}30.70MPa$ for 1.0mm, which ranked the highest in value. On the other hand, the value was $84.00{\pm}7.97MPa$ for 2.0mm, which ranked the lowest in value. Also, the flexural modulus value in CON group was $2,983.10{\pm}506.92MPa$ for 1.0mm, which ranked the highest in value. On the other hand, the value was $1,257.64{\pm}230.48MPa$ for 2.0mm, which ranked the lowest in value. And CON+SES group was $4,679.41{\pm}1578.29MPa$ for 1.0mm, which ranked the highest in value. On the other hand, the value was $2,512.36{\pm}527.09MPa$ for 2.0mm, which ranked the lowest in value. Conclusion: The reinforced glass fiber increased the strength of resin denture base, effected to reduce the thickness of resin denture base.

A Study on the Hazardousness and the TLV in Working Environments of Benzine (벤진의 유해 위험성과 작업환경 노출기준 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Yeong;Lee, Sung-Bae;Han, Jung-Hee;Shin, Jea-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.233-244
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    • 2006
  • Of many volatile organic detergents for metals, benzine(CAS No. 8030-30-6), of which the toxicity has not yet been proven, has been used as an alternative of the halide compounds in the consideration of toxic effects, global warming and the destruction of ozone layer. In order to evaluate the effects of the benzine on human body by investigating the subchronic inhalation toxicity, to obtain the basic data for establishing the criteria of exposure in working environments and to classify the hazardousness in compliance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act by evaluating the hazardousness, repeated inhalation exposure test was carried with SD rats. The rats were grouped by 10 females and males each. The repetitive inhalation exposures were carried out at 4 levels of concentration of 0 ppm, 60 ppm, 300 ppm, and 1,500 ppm, for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 13 weeks. The results are described hereunder. 1. No death of the animals of the exposed and controlled groups in the test period. Not any specific clinical symptoms, change in feed intake quantity, abnormality in eye test, or change in activity were observed. 2. In the 300 ppm and 1,500 ppm groups, weight reduction in the female groups and weight increase of liver and kidney in the male groups compared with control group were observed with statistical significance(p<0.05). 3. In the blood test, the HCT increased in the male 300 ppm group and the number of hematocyte increased, MCV and MCH decreased in the male 1,500 ppm group. In the female 1,500 ppm group, the HB decreased and the distribution width of the hematocyte particle size increased. In the blood biochemistry test, the TP in the male 1,500 ppm group and the LDH in the female 1,500 ppm group were increased with statistical significance(p<0.05). 4. Under the test conditions of the present study with SD rats, the NOEL was evaluated to be from 60 ppm to 300 ppm for both male and female groups. By extrapolation, the NOEL for human who work 8 hours a day was evaluated to be from 128 ppm to 640 ppm 5. Since the NOEL evaluated in this study do not exceed 60ppm(0.184 mg/L) the test material does not belong to the classification of the hazardous substance "NOEL${\leq}$0.5mg/L/6hr/90day(rat), for continuous inhalation of 6hours a day for 90 days" nor to the basic hazardous chemical substance class 1(0.2 mg/L/6hr/90day(rat) defined by the GHS which is a criteria of classification and identification of chemical compounds. However, considering the boiling point($30-204^{\circ}C$), flashing point($-40^{\circ}C$), vapor pressure(40 mmHg), and the inflammable range(1.0 - 6.0 %), sufficient care should be taken for handling in the safety aspects including fire or explosion.