• Title/Summary/Keyword: wide-view image

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Objective Quality Assessment Method for Stitched Images (스티칭 영상의 객관적 영상화질의 평가 방법)

  • Billah, Meer Sadeq;Ahn, Heejune
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2018
  • Recently, stitching techniques are used for obtaining wide FOV, e.g., panorama contents, from normal cameras. Despite many proposed algorithms, the no objective quality evaluation method is developed, so the comparison of algorithms are performed only in subjective way. The paper proposes a 'Delaunay-triangulation based objective assessment method' for evaluating the geometric and photometric distortions of stitched or warped images. The reference and target images are segmented by Delaunay-triangulation based on matched points between two images, the average Euclidian distance is used for geometric distortion measure, and the average or histogram of PSNR for photometric measure. We shows preliminary results with several test images and stitching methods for demonstrate the benefits and application.

Tracking and Recognition of vehicle and pedestrian for intelligent multi-visual surveillance systems (지능형 다중 화상감시시스템을 위한 움직이는 물체 추적 및 보행자/차량 인식 방법)

  • Lee, Saac;Cho, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a tracking and recognition of pedestrian/vehicle for intelligent multi-visual surveillance system. The intelligent multi-visual surveillance system consists of several fixed cameras and one calibrated PTZ camera, which automatically tracks and recognizes the detected moving objects. The fixed wide-angle cameras are used to monitor large open areas, but the moving objects on the images are too small to view in detail. But, the PTZ camera is capable of increasing the monitoring area and enhancing the image quality by tracking and zooming in on a target. The proposed system is able to determine whether the detected moving objects are pedestrian/vehicle or not using the SVM. In order to reduce the tracking error, an improved camera calibration algorithm between the fixed cameras and the PTZ camera is proposed. Various experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed system.

Application of SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a Ocean Color Image for estimating Sea Surface Currents from Geostationary Ocean Color Imagery (GOCI) data (정지궤도 해색탑재체(GOCI) 표층유속 추정을 위한 SeaWiFS 해색자료의 응용)

  • Kim, Eung;Ro, Young-Jae;Jeon, Dong-Chull
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2010
  • One of the most difficult tasks in measuring oceanic conditions is to produce oceanic current information. In efforts to overcome the difficulties, various attempts have been carried out to estimate the speed and direction of ocean currents by utilizing sequential satellite images. In this study, we have estimated sea surface current vectors to the south of the Korean Peninsula, based on the maximum cross-correlation method by using sequential ocean color images of SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a. Comparison of surface current vectors estimated by this method with the geostrophic current vectors estimated from satellite altimeter data and in-situ ADCP measurements are good in that current speeds are underestimated by about 15% and current directions are show differences of about $36^{\circ}$ compared with previous results. The technique of estimating current vectors based on maximum cross-correlation applied on sequential images of SeaWiFS is promising for the future application of GOCI data for the ocean studies.

Wide-angle Optical Module Design for Mobile Phone Camera Using Recursive Numerical Computation Method (재귀적 수치 계산법을 적용한 모바일 폰용 광각 광학계 설계)

  • Kyu Haeng Lee;Sung Min Park;Kye Jin Jeon
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2024
  • We applied recursive numerical computation to create a basic design of a camera optical module for mobile phones. To enhance the resolution performance for a 38-degree field of view, we constructed the optical system with six non-spherical lenses. However, to increase its applicability to a compact mobile phone, we limited the overall length to 5 mm in the design. Using the data obtained from the basic design, we proceeded with optimization design using the Zemax design tool. The optimized optical system achieved a resolution performance with a modulation transfer function value of more than 19% for a 280 lines/mm pattern and image distortion within 1.0% for all wavelength rays. In this paper, we verify the feasibility of using recursive numerical computation for the basic design of a compact mobile phone camera.

A Study on the Method of the Landscape Evaluation by GIS; Focusing on the scene of Cheju Island (GIS를 활용한 경관평가방법에 관한 연구 - 제주도를 중심으로-)

  • 서주환;김상범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest objective basic data for environmental resource planning through the evaluation of the visual quality by GIS. For this, Landscape information system have been made up of topographical and superficial information and landscape values of Cheju Island have been evaluated by using Grass 4.1, degree of visual preferences have been measured mainly by questionnaires and finally these data have been analyzed by using the correlation. Result of this study can be summarized as fellows, in the landscape value, remarkable views play a role as the dominant landscape information. Also, LCPs including various, successive view or a lot of visibility amount have high Landscape value. Therefore, it is important to management landscape which can preserve values of landscape elements through the creation of visibility area. In the visual preference, remarkable scenes play a part as a dominant factor. Also, LCPs including a wide field of vision or successive view have high visual preference. Therefore, it is proved that the visual preference is related to a field of vision and remarkable scenes. Finally, these data have been analyzed by using the regression, in order to verify the method. The result is that a R\sup 2\ is 0.715. It means that correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. In conclusion, the results of this study reveal that visual preference has been evaluated by aesthetic variables and landscape values have been evaluated by GIS. And visual preference and landscape values are closely correlated. In other words, it is possible to evaluate the aesthetic value by physical variable. The method of evaluationi is used in Cheju Island, and it will be possible to apply this method to other places. And this method can be applied to other places by special quality and landscape informatioin system, made up of landscape elements. Also, it will be possible to keep up management and applicatioin that is evaluated by GIS and computer program. Recently, there is a tendency tat visual and aesthetic approach, based on planners' experiences and intuitioin is gradually changed to the scientific approach, based on a objective data. Therefore, it is important that the measuring system is based on objective data which are concerned with a special quality of landscape. It is also significant that the environmental planning is based on a spatial image of physical environment and major landscape elements.

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Development of Spatial Landslide Information System and Application of Spatial Landslide Information (산사태 공간 정보시스템 개발 및 산사태 공간 정보의 활용)

  • 이사로;김윤종;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and apply spatial landslide information system using Geographic information system (GIS) in concerned with spatial data. Landslide locations detected from interpretation of aerial photo and field survey, and topographic , soil , forest , and geological maps of the study area, Yongin were collected and constructed into spatial database using GIS. As landslide occurrence factors, slope, aspect and curvature of topography were calculated from the topographic database. Texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil were extracted from the soil database, and type, age, diameter and density of wood were extracted from the forest database. Lithology was extracted from the geological database, and land use was classified from the Landsat TM satellite image. In addition, landslide damageable objects such as building, road, rail and other facility were extracted from the topographic database. Landslide susceptibility was analyzed using the landslide occurrence factors by probability, logistic regression and neural network methods. The spatial landslide information system was developed to retrieve the constructed GIS database and landslide susceptibility . The system was developed using Arc View script language(Avenue), and consisted of pull-down and icon menus for easy use. Also, the constructed database can be retrieved through Internet World Wide Web (WWW) using Internet GIS technology.

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Design and Fabrication of Aspherical Optical System for Augmented Reality Application (증강 현실 응용을 위한 비구면 광학계 설계 및 제작)

  • Chang-Won Shin;Hyeong-Chang Ham;Ae-Jin Park;Hee-Jae Jung;Kang-Hwi Lee;Chi-Won Choi
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2023
  • Augmented reality (AR) using a head mounted display (HMD) is used in various fields such as military, medicine, manufacturing, gaming, and education. In this paper, we discuss the design and fabrication of the AR optical system, which is most essential for HMD. The AR optical system for HMD requires a wide transparent area in which the augmented image of the display and the real world can be viewed at the same time. To this end, an AR optical system was designed and manufactured by dividing it into three parts according to each characteristic. Also, the refractive index of the ultra-violet (UV) adhesive layer required to make the three optical systems into one complete AR optical system was considered from the design stage to minimize the optical path shift phenomenon when the input light source passes through the UV adhesive layer. In addition, when designing the AR optical system, two aspheric surfaces were used to compensate for off-axis aberration and to be suitable for mass production. Finally, for HMD mass production, an aspheric AR optical system with a thickness of 11 mm, a diagonal field of view of 40°, and a weight of 11.3 g was designed and manufactured.

A 2D / 3D Map Modeling of Indoor Environment (실내환경에서의 2 차원/ 3 차원 Map Modeling 제작기법)

  • Jo, Sang-Woo;Park, Jin-Woo;Kwon, Yong-Moo;Ahn, Sang-Chul
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2006
  • In large scale environments like airport, museum, large warehouse and department store, autonomous mobile robots will play an important role in security and surveillance tasks. Robotic security guards will give the surveyed information of large scale environments and communicate with human operator with that kind of data such as if there is an object or not and a window is open. Both for visualization of information and as human machine interface for remote control, a 3D model can give much more useful information than the typical 2D maps used in many robotic applications today. It is easier to understandable and makes user feel like being in a location of robot so that user could interact with robot more naturally in a remote circumstance and see structures such as windows and doors that cannot be seen in a 2D model. In this paper we present our simple and easy to use method to obtain a 3D textured model. For expression of reality, we need to integrate the 3D models and real scenes. Most of other cases of 3D modeling method consist of two data acquisition devices. One for getting a 3D model and another for obtaining realistic textures. In this case, the former device would be 2D laser range-finder and the latter device would be common camera. Our algorithm consists of building a measurement-based 2D metric map which is acquired by laser range-finder, texture acquisition/stitching and texture-mapping to corresponding 3D model. The algorithm is implemented with laser sensor for obtaining 2D/3D metric map and two cameras for gathering texture. Our geometric 3D model consists of planes that model the floor and walls. The geometry of the planes is extracted from the 2D metric map data. Textures for the floor and walls are generated from the images captured by two 1394 cameras which have wide Field of View angle. Image stitching and image cutting process is used to generate textured images for corresponding with a 3D model. The algorithm is applied to 2 cases which are corridor and space that has the four wall like room of building. The generated 3D map model of indoor environment is shown with VRML format and can be viewed in a web browser with a VRML plug-in. The proposed algorithm can be applied to 3D model-based remote surveillance system through WWW.

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Types of Concept Figuration in Landscape Design based on Memory (기억에 기반한 조경설계의 개념 형상화 유형)

  • An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2017
  • The designers pursue the thoughtful and wide thinking through the accumulation of knowledge and cultivation of insights for making use of high-level design philosophy and language. The purpose of this study is to investigate characteristics of concept figuration types based on designer's 'memory' in landscape design. The results of this study are as follows. First, the design idea starts to be based on the language and image memory of the designer. The figuration types are composed of the verbal and visual view which are representative communication means. Second, the verbal concept figuration of landscape design consists of two types. The symbolic language of the title as a design theme can be a 'phrase', and it should have a hierarchial balance between the master and the sub. 'Descriptive shape of conceptual scenario' is a text that expresses the concept narratively in order that the reader virtually experiences designed landscapes. Third, visual concept figuration of landscape design is divided into three types. 'Simple visualization of a diagram' is easily embodied through a simple graphic using symbols, comments, images and key words. 'Concept sketch and shape of core idea' is useful to grasp the core of the idea such as physical element, form attribute of space and spatial relation at the initial phase of the concept. 'A collage and montage that create a new shape with a combination of images' are a collection of materials and images that provide a new perspective. These are tools to depict them in a compressed way after recording landscapes phenomenon.

Image and Exposure Dose in Accordance with Radiation Quality on Plain Chest Radiography (흉부촬영(胸部撮影)에서 증감지(增感紙)-필름계의 선질변화(線質變化)에 따른 감도(感度)와 화질에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Dong-Huan;Hayashi, Taro;Ishida, Yuji;Maeda, Mika;Sakura, Tatsuya
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 1992
  • Routine chest radiography is generally imaged by high voltage technique but some radiological technologists use low voltage for imaging. High voltage is usually said between $120\;kV{\sim}140\;kV$. Some RTs like using heavy filtration but others seldom like using it. However which is better for use calcium tungustate film screen system or ortho system and high contrast film or wide latitude c-type film for the exculusive use of chest radiography. We could not make a decision which is ideal method for use. In my opinion any method is not always exellent for chest radiography. In my experiments that I had at Kaken hospital in Japan last year I expect to keep the balance between image quality and diagnostic range and to reduce radiation dose for patients. My experiments are as follows. 1. We have looked into system characteristics(speed and contrast) in accordance with kVp($80{\sim}140$) and added filter($no{\sim}1/16\;VL$) in three screen film systems(BX3+CRONEX4, SRO750+MGH, SRO750+MGL). 2. We have looked into skin dose and film dose with same D=1.8 lung field density in accordance with kVp($80{\sim}140$) and added filter($no{\sim}1/16\;VL$) in three screen film systems. 3. We have compared with the evaluation between correlation of physical image quality(MTF) and optical diagnostic capability. Result are follows. 1. Speed of BX3+CRONEX4 became higher in accodance with kVp and thickness of filter but speed of ortho system was not as like regular system. Thicker filter diminished the speed over 100 kV range in SRO750+MGL. In case of SRO750+MGH speed of 1/16VL filter was looked into lower than speed of 1/4VL filter. Sensitivity of ortho system depends on tube voltage and added filter. 2. Skin dose has been detected $225\;{\mu}Gy{\sim}66\;{\mu}Gy$ in BX3+CRONEX4 from 80 kV, no filter to 140 kV, 1/16VL filter. SRO750+MGH could reduce the patient dose $1/2{\sim}1/3$ level in comparison to that of BX3+CRONEX4. 3. The higher kV was the worse MTF became the thicker filter was the worse MTF became too. MTF of BX3+CRONEX4 was detected better than MTF of SRO750+MGH but SRO750+MGH's optical detectability of small lesion in lung field came out better than that of BX3+CRONEX4. Conclusion Recently routine chest radiography is generally imaged by high voltage but it seems to be there are some questions in using of film screen combination. In high voltage chest radiography the subject contrast will come down that means latitude become wider. In this case if we select the low contrast film screen system(C or L type) the film contrast will fall down extremly and detectability of small lesion will be deteriorated. Wide latitude C, L type film has a merit of high detectability on mediastinum. Furthermore high contrast film screen system has the advantage to keep the high contrast in low density region as like mediastinum and heart shadow. Therefore in low subject contrast high voltage chest radiography we would rather choose the high contrast film screen system(H type) I think. From a view point of patient dose detectability of mediastinum and lung field. The optimum technical facter was found out 120 kV, 1/16VL filter : BX3+CRONEX4, 140 kV, 1/4VL filter : SRO750+MGH, 100 kV, 1/4VL filter : SRO750+MGL.

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