• Title/Summary/Keyword: web-based GIS

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Geovisualization of Migration Statistics Using Flow Mapping Based on Web GIS (Web GIS 기반 유선도 작성을 통한 인구이동통계의 지리적 시각화)

  • Kim, Kam-Young;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.268-281
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    • 2012
  • In spite of the usefulness of migration statistics in spatially understanding social processes and identifying social effects of spatial processes, services and analyses of the statistics have been restricted due to the complexity of their data structure. In addition, flow mapping functionality which is a useful method to explore and visualize the migration statistics has yet to be fully represented in modern GIS applications. Given this, the purpose of this research is to demonstrate the possibility of flow mapping and the exploratory spatial analysis of the migration statistics in a Web GIS environment. For this, the characteristics of the statistics were examined from database, GIS, and cartographic perspectives. Then, O-D structure of the migration statistics was converted to spatial data appropriate to f low mapping based on the characteristics. The interface of Web GIS is specialized the migration statistics and provides exploratory visualization by allowing dynamic interactions such as spatial focusing and attribute filtering.

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Development of GIS Application using Web-based CAD (Web기반 CAD를 이용한 지리정보시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Han-Su;Im, Jun-Hong;Kim, Jae-Deuk;Shin, So-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2000
  • This study deals with development GIS application using web-based CAD, this application serves to user, designer, manager that more convenient and various functions. Development to this application, collect attribute data from fieldwork and geographic data from cadastral map and aerial survey map and then development to user interface using HTML, JavaScript, ASP, Whip ActiveX control. This application's characters are as follows ; First, system designer designed that anyone who have basic knowledge about web and CAD can develop this application. A system structure simplification by 2-Tier. Geographic information use DWF(drawing web format) file and attribute information use DBMS in consideration of extension. Second, system manager can service independently GIS in Web need not high priced GIS engine, so more economical. Third, internet user get service GIS information and function that search of information, zoom in/out, pan, print etc., if you need more functions, add function without difficultly. Developed application as above, not only save volume but fast of speed as use vector data exclude character and image data. Also, this application can used by means of commercial and travel information service but also various GIS service of public institution and private in web.

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An Extended DOM for GML Data (GML 데이타를 지원하는 확장된 DOM)

  • Ban, Chae-Hoon;Jo, Jeong-Hee;Moon, Sang-Ho;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.510-519
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    • 2002
  • The OpenGIS Consortium has proposed a new web-mapping technology to support interoperability in web GIS environment by developing the specifications of MapServer and GML. In this environment, the MapServer transforms legacy spatial data into GML data, and clients display them on standard web browsers. This web-mapping testbed proposes methods for discovering, accessing, integrating and displaying GIS information except processing of spatial operations which are essential services in GIS environment. This paper proposes the method for executing spatial operations on GML data which are overlays of different map layers in legacy data servers. To support spatial operations on GML data in web GIS environment, this paper designs and implements GDOM based on the W3C's DOM Specifications and OGC's Simple Features Specifications. This paper shows the specifications and implementation of GDOM and the process of spatial operations in web-mapping testbed environment.

Agent-Based Load Balancing Method for Web GIS Services; Web-Based Forest Fire Management System

  • Jo, Yun-Won;Jo, Myung-Hee;Oh, Jeong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.359-368
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    • 2001
  • The prototype of forest fire management system on Web was studied. In the architecture of this system, one of the most important concerns is to handle load upcoming to Web Server so that it provides Web service without any delay or failure. In order to solve this problem, the agent is designed on dispatcher in a Web server cluster and implemented to distribute load dynamically by considering the information related to load coming to the Web Server such as the number of connection to the Map Server. The proposed forest fire management system has user-friendly interface with the GIS mapping functionality by selecting Map Objects Internet Map Server (MO IMS) as Map Server and is implemented using Java as programming language.

A study on constructing GIS component repository on web using registration/retrieval agents

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won;Bu, Ki-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.949-951
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    • 2003
  • To improve the reusability and interoperability of GIS components, we propose the registration/retrieval agents, which can search the locating of users' frequently used components in not only the GIS domain but also other spatial information technologies such as GPS, ITS, RS and FM. The registration/retrieval agents increase the reusability through the GIS component based development under distributed GIS components environment and enables the rapid setting of application on the web. Moreover, users can understand easily the information of GIS component and have the effective investment, timeliness and reliability while they have less maintenance effort by agent. In order to design and implement this system on web, HTML and ASP (Active Serve Page), and JAVA were used. In addition, the performance of this system was verified through comparing others, which are similar to.

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Development of Web-GIS based Real-Time Natural Disaster Damage Information Management System (웹GIS를 이용한 실시간 자연재해 피해정보 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Shim, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Woo-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 2008
  • This study mainly focused on the development of real-time based damage investigation system using web-GIS. The study area was Gangseo-Gu in Busan where frequently has relatively higher magnitude of damages from natural disasters. GIS DB was built to provide geospatial data such as 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 topographic maps and IKONOS high resolution satellite data. The web-GIS system has demonstrated the higher contribution for the better response and recovery against any type of natural disasters through real-time communication and data dissemination among government agencies and personnel. However, further researches need to be made to improve system capabilities. In addition, for more effective system operation and maximizing the benefits of exploiting web-GIS system, linkage with national DB such as NDMS is essential.

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Design and Implementation of Web GIS Server Using Node.js (Node.js를 활용한 웹GIS 서버의 설계와 구현)

  • Jun, Sang Hwan;Doh, Kyoung Tae
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2013
  • Web GIS, based on the latest web-technology, has evolved to provide efficient and accurate spatial information to users. Furthermore, Web GIS Server has improved the performance constantly to respond user web requests and to offer spatial information service. This research aims to create a designed and implemented Web GIS Server that is named as Nodemap which uses the emergent technology, Node.js, which has been issued for an event-oriented, non-blocking I/O model framework for coding JavaScript on the server development. Basically, NodeMap is Web GIS Server that supports OGC implementation specification. It is designed to process GIS data by using DBMS, which supports spatial index and standard spatial query function. And NodeMap uses Node-Canvas module supported HTML5 canvas to render spatial information on tile map. Lastly, NodeMap uses Express module based connect module framework. NodaMap performance demonstration confirmed a possibility of applying Node.js as a (next/future) Web GIS Server development technology through the benchmarking. Having completed its quality test of NodeMap, this study has shown the compatibility and potential for Node.js as a Web GIS server development technology, and has shown the bright future of internet GIS service.

Design and Implementation of Server based GIS Computing Platform for Mobile Web Map Service (모바일 WMS를 위한 서버기반 GIS 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim Myung-Sam;Chung Yeong-Jee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2006
  • Web Map Service on mobile environment, provided with cost effective mobile GIS contents and user preferred POIs(Points of interests), is strongly required at this moment when mobile and portable Internet is rapidly spreaded on mobile user community as information technology and mobile HW are evolved in its speed, bandwidth and features. As the mobile and portable Internet becomes popular in mobile services, LBS(Location Based Service) is positioned on a mobile client as one of the best information infra services. Recently mobile GIS (Geographic Information System) comes in service to support LBS, but it is constrained and limited on its system configuration and its presentation methodology of a map, and also it depends on its run time environment. In this paper, we made an effort to design and implement a GIS computing platform with server based thin client for mobile WMS(Web Map Service). For its cost effective Platform which could be easily building up POIs and GIS contents, we're not using commercial GIS solution but NGII's (National Geographic Information Institute's) DXF numerical map, and representing the maps, GIS contents and POIs by SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) recommended by OGC(OpenGis Consortium). We're also adapting de facto standard of XML web service technology such as WSDL, SOAP to provide real time mobile GIS service on PDA as well as mobile terminal by applying a GPS receiver for a user's location information on mobile environment.

The Design of Web-Linked Digital Map for LBS/GIS Service (LBS/GIS 서비스를 위한 웹 연동 수치지도 설계)

  • Park Sung-Seok;Kim Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1023-1031
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    • 2005
  • LBS(Location Based Service) and GIS (Geographic Information System) are supporting necessary services for system which provides geographic information using location information based on various platforms. However the mobile computing environments such as PDA system have serious limitations in functional viewpoints compare of general computing environments, it has problems for developing GIS system which is providing various information. In this paper, we suggest the reduced methods of digital map and format of web-linked digital mao in order to fit in mobile environment. As a result of map generation, the total capacity of the supported digital map was diminished about $99.34\%$ than the original map.

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Emotional User Experience in Web-Based Geographic Information System: An Indonesian UX Analysis

  • Lokman, Anitawati Mohd;Isa, Indra Griha Tofik;Novianti, Leni;Ariyanti, Indri;Sadariawati, Rika;Aziz, Azhar Abd;Ismail Afiza
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2022
  • In the discipline of design science, the integration of cognitive, semantic, and affective elements is crucial in the conception and development of a product. Affective components in IT artefacts have attracted researchers' attention, but little attention has been given to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This research was conducted to identify emotions in web-based GIS, and determine design influences on the emotions using Kansei engineering (KE). In the evaluation procedure, ten web-based GIS were used as specimens, and 20 Kansei words were used as emotional descriptors in the Kansei checklist. 50 participants were asked to rate their emotional responses towards the specimens on the Kansei checklist. Principal Component Analysis was used to discover the semantic structure of Kansei, in which dynamism and spaciousness were identified. Significant Kansei concepts were identified using Factor Analysis, in which dynamic & well-organized, refreshing, spacious, professional, and nautical-look were identified. Partial Least Square analysis has assisted the research in discovering the significant design influence to the Kansei. These findings provide designers and other stakeholders with valuable knowledge for strategizing future web-based GIS designs that incorporate user emotions.