• 제목/요약/키워드: wealth

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대순진리회의 효 윤리에 나타난 종교성 연구 (A Study on the Religiosity of Filial Piety Ethics in Daesoonjinrihoe)

  • 차선근
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제27집
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    • pp.171-200
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    • 2016
  • 이 글은 전통 효(Filial Piety) 윤리와 대순진리회(Daesoonjinrihoe)의 효 윤리를 비교의 지평에서 분석한 것이다. 그동안 한국의 전통 효 윤리는 현대와 맞지 않는다는 이유로 변화를 요구받아 왔고, 그 핵심은 부모와 자식 간의 관계가 수직적·일방적인 게 아닌 수평적·상호 호혜적이어야 한다는 것이었다. 하지만 이에 대한 구체적인 이념과 대안에 대한 깊이 있는 연구는 거의 없었다. 이런 측면에서 한국의 대표적인 민족종교인 대순진리회가 근대화 이후에 전통과 현대의 충돌을 경험하면서 성장해 왔다는 점을 감안하면, 그 교리체계에서 효 윤리가 어떻게 구축되어 있는지를 관찰하는 작업은 전통 효가 현대적 감각에 맞게 어떻게 윤색될 수 있는지를 살피게 하는 하나의 좋은 사례를 제공해줄 수 있으리라 본다. 이것을 요약하면, 첫째, 유교와 대순진리회는 봉친(奉親)을 효 윤리로 삼지만, 유교는 가부장적인 봉건성에 입각하여 아랫사람의 일방적·맹목적 희생을 강조하고, 대순진리회는 어느 한쪽의 일방적인 희생을 지양하며 부모와 자식 사이의 상생(mutual beneficence)을 도모하고 있다. 이러한 차이는 유교적 효가 봉건질서를 추구하는 이념 속에서, 대순진리회 효가 새로운 종교적 세계인 후천 신세계의 원리인 보은상생과 인존(Respect For Man)의 이념 속에서 구축된 결과로 나타난 것이다. 둘째, 불교와 도교의 효는 부모 생전에 수복(壽福)을 누릴 것을 기원하고 사후에는 천도를 위해 발원하는 소극적·수동적인 것이다. 대순진리회의 효 역시 그러한 관념을 일부 포함하지만, 거기에 그치지 않고 부모 스스로가 죄를 벗고 앞길을 닦아나가도록 유도하는 것까지 효의 범주를 더 넓게 잡는다. 부모와 자식의 수행을 동시에 요구하는 이런 효 윤리는, 자식이 수행 끝에 종교적 목표를 이룬 연후 받게 되는 복록을 부모도 동시에 누릴 수 있게 하고자 하는 대순진리회 세계관 때문에 성립된다. 셋째, 유교와 대순진리회는 선령향화를 효 윤리로 삼지만, 무속적 사고를 배제한 본래 유교(성리학)적 세계관 속의 효는 향화의 대상을 비인격적 존재로, 대순진리회는 인격적 존재로 상정한다. 따라서 유교에 비해 대순진리회의 선령향화는 관념에 치우치지 않는다는 점에서 보다 현실적이다. 넷째, 유교와 대순진리회는 모두 조상들의 은혜를 갚고자 하나 그 은혜의 내용과 보은에 차이가 있다. 유교에서는 조상들이 생명을 준 존재이기에 그에 대한 감사로써 향화를 올리는 것만으로 효가 성립되지만, 대순진리회에서는 조상신들이 자손의 도성덕립을 목적으로 60년 적공(積功)으로써 생명을 주면서 동시에 수도를 하도록 독려하는 존재로 설정되어 있기 때문에 향화를 올리는 것과 더불어 수도까지 해야 효가 성립된다. 다섯째, 유교에서는 세속에서의 출세를 의미하는 입신양명이 효이지만, 대순진리회에서는 그 보다는 수도를 성공시켜 종교적 목표를 달성시키는 것이 더 큰 효로 규정된다. 여섯째, 유불도는 모두 도덕에 기반한 가족윤리로 효를 규정한다. 대순진리회 역시 그러하지만, 그 외에도 효에 종교적 구원을 위한 필수 윤리라는 위상을 더 부여한다. 왜냐하면 효의 부재는 세상을 병들게 하고 멸망케 하는 직접적인 원인이면서, 동시에 60년 동안 적공(積功)을 한 조상신들과 직접적으로 생명을 준 부모들의 은혜를 저버리는 배은이 개벽시대에는 용납되지 않는다고 보기 때문이다. 이러한 사실들로부터, 대순진리회는 자신의 독특한 사상을 바탕으로 하여 유불도의 전통 효 윤리들을 일부는 수용하고 일부는 재해석과 재창조 과정을 거쳐 윤색해 두고 있음을 살필 수 있다. 즉 대순진리회의 효는 인간 존중의 이념, 구체적으로는 보은상생과 인존(Respect For Man)사상 위에서 정립된 윤리 규정이며, 인격 완성과 도통이라는 종교적 목표에 도달하기 위한 나 자신의 수행이자 복록을 더불어 누리기 위한 부모의 일정한 수행까지 요구하는 개념으로 이해되고, 개벽시대에 구원을 받기 위한 필수 윤리라는 대단히 강화된 종교적 색채를 띠고 있는 것이라고 크게 그려 볼 수 있다는 말이다.

가상 커뮤니티에서 사회적 자본과 정체성이 지식기여에 미치는 역할: 실증적 분석 (The Role of Social Capital and Identity in Knowledge Contribution in Virtual Communities: An Empirical Investigation)

  • 신호경;김경규;이은곤
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2012
  • A challenge in fostering virtual communities is the continuous supply of knowledge, namely members' willingness to contribute knowledge to their communities. Previous research argues that giving away knowledge eventually causes the possessors of that knowledge to lose their unique value to others, benefiting all except the contributor. Furthermore, communication within virtual communities involves a large number of participants with different social backgrounds and perspectives. The establishment of mutual understanding to comprehend conversations and foster knowledge contribution in virtual communities is inevitably more difficult than face-to-face communication in a small group. In spite of these arguments, evidence suggests that individuals in virtual communities do engage in social behaviors such as knowledge contribution. It is important to understand why individuals provide their valuable knowledge to other community members without a guarantee of returns. In virtual communities, knowledge is inherently rooted in individual members' experiences and expertise. This personal nature of knowledge requires social interactions between virtual community members for knowledge transfer. This study employs the social capital theory in order to account for interpersonal relationship factors and identity theory for individual and group factors that may affect knowledge contribution. First, social capital is the relationship capital which is embedded within the relationships among the participants in a network and available for use when it is needed. Social capital is a productive resource, facilitating individuals' actions for attainment. Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1997) identify three dimensions of social capital and explain theoretically how these dimensions affect the exchange of knowledge. Thus, social capital would be relevant to knowledge contribution in virtual communities. Second, existing research has addressed the importance of identity in facilitating knowledge contribution in a virtual context. Identity in virtual communities has been described as playing a vital role in the establishment of personal reputations and in the recognition of others. For instance, reputation systems that rate participants in terms of the quality of their contributions provide a readily available inventory of experts to knowledge seekers. Despite the growing interest in identities, however, there is little empirical research about how identities in the communities influence knowledge contribution. Therefore, the goal of this study is to better understand knowledge contribution by examining the roles of social capital and identity in virtual communities. Based on a theoretical framework of social capital and identity theory, we develop and test a theoretical model and evaluate our hypotheses. Specifically, we propose three variables such as cohesiveness, reciprocity, and commitment, referring to the social capital theory, as antecedents of knowledge contribution in virtual communities. We further posit that members with a strong identity (self-presentation and group identification) contribute more knowledge to virtual communities. We conducted a field study in order to validate our research model. We collected data from 192 members of virtual communities and used the PLS method to analyse the data. The tests of the measurement model confirm that our data set has appropriate discriminant and convergent validity. The results of testing the structural model show that cohesion, reciprocity, and self-presentation significantly influence knowledge contribution, while commitment and group identification do not significantly influence knowledge contribution. Our findings on cohesion and reciprocity are consistent with the previous literature. Contrary to our expectations, commitment did not significantly affect knowledge contribution in virtual communities. This result may be due to the fact that knowledge contribution was voluntary in the virtual communities in our sample. Another plausible explanation for this result may be the self-selection bias for the survey respondents, who are more likely to contribute their knowledge to virtual communities. The relationship between self-presentation and knowledge contribution was found to be significant in virtual communities, supporting the results of prior literature. Group identification did not significantly affect knowledge contribution in this study, inconsistent with the wealth of research that identifies group identification as an important factor for knowledge sharing. This conflicting result calls for future research that examines the role of group identification in knowledge contribution in virtual communities. This study makes a contribution to theory development in the area of knowledge management in general and virtual communities in particular. For practice, the results of this study identify the circumstances under which individual factors would be effective for motivating knowledge contribution to virtual communities.

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보석 컷팅디자인을 활용한 보석산업활성화에 관한 연구 (A Study Of Design With Application On Of Gem Cutting Technique)

  • 장명수;박승철
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제10권10호
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2012
  • 현대사회의 발전에 따라 삶의 질이 향상되면서, 귀금속보석은 사치품이라기보다는 패션의 일환으로 신변장식품이라는 의식변화와 함께 그 수요가 점점증가하고 있다. 인터넷(Internet) 등 멀티미디어(Multimedia)가 급속히 증가됨에 따라 파격적(破格的)인 디자인(Design)과 독특한 제품을 애용하는 인구가 늘어나고 있다. 그러나 앞으로는 한정된 천연보석의 고갈로 인하여, 천연보석만으로 그 수요를 감당할 수 없기 때문에 합성보석, 인조보석, 모조보석(模造寶石), 유기질, 물질 비경질 형태의 준(準) 광물(鑛物) 등(等)을 보석대용으로 사용한다. 그래서 합성보석의 대체성(代替性)은 필연적이기 때문에 다양한 합성보석, 유리( 琉璃)등의 소재가 개발되고 있고. 보석가공기술 및 독창적인 디자인개발이 뒤 따른다면, 합성보석에 대한 부가가치를 극대화 할 수 있다, 이에 따라 귀금속보석 산업에 있어서도 그 역할(役割)이 크게 기여(寄與) 할 것으로 본다. 세계 여러 나라는 귀금속보석 산업이 부를 추구 하는 효자산업으로 발전하고 있고, 우리나라도 2007년(年) 7월(月) 재경부가 우리나라의 귀금속보석 산업을 국가의 새로운 "신 성장 동력산업으로 육성 발전시켜 나가겠다는 귀금속보석 산업의 활성화정책"을 발표 하였다. 이에 본 연구는 귀금속산업의 활성화 방안을 찾아보기 위하여 합성보석을 이용한 보석 컷 디자인을 연구함으로써, 보석의 획일적(劃一的)인 연마형태(硏磨形態)에서 벗어나 독특하고 패션적인 커팅과 보석에 색상과 문양을 주어 다양한 보석디자인을 개발을 하고, 천연보석중심의 보석 디자인보다는 대중적이며, 많은 사람들이 함께 공유할 수 있는 합성보석을 이용하여 보석을 디자인 하였으며, 보석의 한정된 디자인 형태에서 벗어나 보석의 새로운 디자인을 발견하고 차별화된 제품을 생산함으로써 품질의 고급화로써 경쟁력(競爭力)을 확보(確保)하여 주얼리 디자인(Jewelry Design)의 창작영역 확대에 기여(寄與)하고자 보석 디자인 중심으로 연구를 하게 되었다.

한국.중국.일본 여성의 색조대장문화 (A Study on Make-up Culture of Korea, China and Japan)

  • 박보영;황춘섭
    • 복식
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    • 제39권
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    • pp.217-237
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    • 1998
  • The present research is to study the make-up culture of Korea and its neighboring countries such as China and Japan during the period from the prehistoric age to the 19th cen-tury. The research was made by documents analysis. The results are summerised as follows : (1) A man has a basic instinct to beautify himself. There was not a significant difference between the make-up behavior of men and women in its primal stage. It was by the start of farming and the division of labor that made the make-up behavior as a feminine culture. The difference of sexual role caused the con-ceptual difference between manly beauty and womanly beauty. It was very natural for women to regard the make-up as the best way for showing their feminine beauty. In Korea, China and Japan, there were vari-ous kinds of primal actions such as tattooing, body-painting, and tooth make-up which were used in the purpose of body protection, incantation, ornament, and so on. Ass their ornamental purpose was becoming more important, these primal actions became the basis of the feminine make-up culture. Nowadays make-up, having mental and emo-tional function, is helpful to increasing self-satisfaction, promoting good personal relation-ship, and attracting attention from the other sex. It also has other functions of showing social status, wealth, age, sex, courage, power, and so on. (2) The representative make-up product used widely in the three countries was Boon (powder) which decides the overall color of face. The key point in the production of Boon was to increase its power of adsorption. The invention of Yunboon (power mixed with lead) solved this major problem of Boon. Yeonji which decides the color of cheek was the mixture of Boon and the powder of Honghwa (a kind of red-colored flower or tree). Mimook (eyebrow pencil) was developed to match up with the various and changing currencies of penciling eyebrows in each nation and times, Yeonji and Joosa (red sand) were used as Jinji (lip stick). The predominant color of Jinji was red. As miscellaneous methods of partial make-up, there were Kon-ji used in a wedding cer-emony in korea, Aek-hwang, Hwa-jeon, Sa-hong, and Myun-yup in China, and Chi-heuk, a peculial method of partial make-up in japan. (3) There were various factors which decided the characteristics of make-up culture usually reflects international atmosphere, the form of government, economic situation, re-ligious and social ideology, aesthetic sense, symbolizing meanings of colors, and so on. The up and down of an influentian country was one of the major factors which decided the characteristics of the make-up culture of its neighboring countries. When a country took a liberal form of government, it had diverse and splendid tendencies in its make-up culture. The better a nation's economic situation is, the more abandant and various its make-up culture is, and sometimes, the more eccentric and decadents it was. In the field of make-up production, the three countries had their own characteristics. But, as a whole, China was the leading nation who spread the culture and products of make-up to Korea and Japan. Though the Chinese make-up culture and products were usually spread to Japan through Korean, there was some evidence of direct exchanges between China and Japan through its dispatches of Kyun-Tang-Sa(Japanese delegation to the Tang Dynasty). While religion had a positive influence on the development of make-up culture by introducing new methods of make-up, Confucianism exercised strict control over the make-up cul-ture. The currencies in arts and changes of esthetic sense introduced new methods and booms to the make-up culture. Literature made people pay increasing attentions to the countenances of women and changed the standards of esthetic sense. We can find out that the social status of woman was also reflected in the make-up culture. As the social status of women became higher, the feminine make-up culture also developed more then ever. As mentioned above, the make-up cultures of the three countries reflected their social values, esthetic senses, and emotional feelings. Through their cultural exchanges, the three countries could develop various make-up products and methods.

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편물의 역사적 고찰 -유럽의 편물 전통문양을 중심으로 - (The Historical Survey on Knitted Works - On the Basic of the Traditional Knitting Patterns of Europe -)

  • 이순홍;이선명
    • 복식
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    • 제50권7호
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    • pp.195-218
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    • 2000
  • This study investigates the characteristics of European knitted works from a historical perspective. Specifically, this study deals with the following research topics: 1) the origin and development of knitting. 2) the characteristics of knitting industry according to the change of times, 3) the comparison of local knitting patterns and cultures. 4) 7he symbolic meaning of the designs in the knitted works and theire functions. This research is barred on the survey of the relevant literature and photographs. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The introduction of knitted works was closely connected with the climatic and socio-economic conditions of the places of the origin. Knitted work developed mostly in Northern Europe, a cold area, and the barren, mountainous coastal areas where people frequently used woolen materials for clothes. 2) In ancient times, abstract and geometric patterns have developed in Europe under the influence of Arabian knitted work. Middle Ages saw the flourishing of Arabian knitted works representing the authority of the church. In early modern times, the knitted work assumed the wealth of the royal families and the nobles. But afterward it was gradually Popularized among the middle classes. Knitting was then regarded as one of the women's major cultural activities. However, recently in the interwar periods. the knitting industry did not flourish and the knitted works came to serve merely as comfort goods by political urge. Knitted works were introduced in Korea around 1870 (the 7th or 8th year of king Kojong era) by Catholic missionaries and they started to be made by machine in 1917. 3) As for the propagation of the knitted work into Europe, there are three routes estimated. The traditional knitting patterns of local areas and their characteristics are summed up as follows : (1) England Guernseys are thick dark blue wool, whereas Jerseys are thinner and of various colors. The knitted shawls of Shetland are world-famous for their fine, lace-like texture that they can be through a wedding-ring. The knitted work of Fair Isle shows several distinctive features, such as the use of no more than two colors, patterns with diagonal lines. symmetry within the patterns, the prominent OXO patterns, and horizontal bands of patterning. The representative knitted work of Aran is Aran sweater made for fishermen to developed from guernseys of Scotland. (2) Scandinavian countries are distinguished from other countries by their conservative but creative cultural tradition. Their knitting patterns are characterized by small geometric figures such as dots, triangles, squares, rhombuses, and crosses used often with stars and roses. Scandinavian knitting is also salient for its vertical stripes and simple motifs repeating at short intervals. (3) Baltic area : The Latvian and Lithuania stockings have very ornate patterns. Many of the Estonian knit stockings and mittens share designs. Komi was well-known for its symmetric diamond pattern. Komi patterns include colored stripes, borders of pattern and all-over designs of complex diagonals. (4) Balkan area : In Yugoslavia, the patterns of roses, leaves and flowers were used for stockings, gloves and leggings. Greek knitting resembled southern Russian knitting, which utilized light colored patterns with dark colors for a background. Turkish patterns are symmetric vertically or horizontally. 4) The traditional knitting patterns net only carried symbolic meanings but also served as means of communication. First of all, patterns had incantatory meanings. Patterns also represented Power or authenticity Patterns were symbolic of one's social standing, too. The colors, motifs and their arrangements were very important features symbolizing one's social position or family line. People often communicated by certain pieces of knitted work or patterns.

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초등학교 안전교육 내용분석연구 (A Study on the Contents Analysis of Safety Education in Elementary School : Focusing on Comparison with the Needs of Students)

  • 김탁희;이명선
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study is to give basic materials for selection and improvement of contents of safety education, which is substantially helpful to elementary students, by analysis of contents of safety education in some subjects and assessment of the needs of elementary students for safety education. For this purpose, this study was analyzed the contents of safety education in five subjects for elementary school and conducted the survey of 883 students in some elementary schools in Seoul from April 7 to 22, 2000. The results were as follows; 1. As a result of analysis of the proportion of contents regarding safety-related education in some subjects, Physical Education occupied the highest proportion (14.09%), and that was followed by Practical Subject (9.55%) and Moral Education (9.34%). However, the proportions in Social Study and Natural Science were very low, 1.85% and 1.31% each. In total lines of these five subjects, the numbers of line regarding safety education was contained by 5.78%. 2. Analyzing the proportion of domains of safety education in five textbooks, the Meaning of Safety and Basic Principles occupied the highest portion (29.5%), and that was followed by the Home Safety (24.0%), the Safety in School (17.1%), and the Play and Leisure Safety (14.0%). The Coping with Accidents and First Aid, the Safety from Fire and Explosion, and the Traffic Safety occupied relatively low portion, 6.9%, 5.7%, and 2.8% each. 3. As a result of analysis of the proportion of the safety education domain in each subject, the Meaning of Safety and Basic Principles occupied the highest portion (23.6%) in Moral Education, the Home Safety (12.7%) in Practical Subject, and the Play and Leisure Safety (10.9%) in Physical Education. 4. Most of the participants in this survey experienced the Home Accidents (71.1%). And also, they experienced the Play and Leisure Accidents (57.9%), the Accidents in School (49.7%), the Traffic Accidents (45.3%), and the Fire and Explosion Accidents (24.7%) in order. 5. In the average proportion of the needs of participants for safety education in each domain, the Coping with Accidents and First Aid has the highest point (4.05). And, that was followed by the Home safety (3.79), the Safety from Fire and Explosion (3.73), the Meaning of Safety and Basic Principles (3.65), the Play and Leisure Safety (3.50), the Safety in School (3.37), and the Traffic Safety (3.35). The average proportion of the needs for safety education of total domains was 3.66. 6. In the needs for safety education regarding the feature of participants, it showed higher scores in female students than male ones (p〈0.001), in lower grader than higher grader (p〈0.05), and in the students born to wealth than those born poor (p〈0.05). Also, the children who recognize the necessity of safety education showed higher scores of the needs for safety education (p〈0.001). And it also showed the same results of high score to the children whose parents did the safety education (p〈0.00l) and to the children and their parents who have the higher degree of practicing safety (p〈0.001), and these differences were statistically significant. 7. In the extent of preference for methods of safety education, it showed high score to the Field Learning, followed by the Audio- Visual Education, the Discussion, and the Instruction of teacher. In the extent of preference for subjects regarding the contents of safety education by each domain, it showed high score to the subject of Safety for 4 domains - the Meaning of Safety and Basic Principles, the Traffic Safety, the Safety from Fire and Explosion, and the Coping with Accidents and First Aid. And also, they preferred Moral Education for 2 domains - the Home safety and the Safety in School, and Physical Education for a domain of the Play and Leisure Safety. 8. While 27 of 36 detail items was contained the contents of safety education, the proportion of needs of participants for safety education showed more than average 3.00 score in 34 of 36 detail items. However, none of 9 detail items was included in five textbooks. Also, 2 detail items - the Coping with Disasters and the Safety from Poisoning - were included together 2 parts; One part had the higher ranked 7 items acquired by analysis of the needs, and the other had the higher ranked 7 items acquired by analysis of the contents. But, except those 2 items, none of items were matched with each part.

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간흡충 감염 가토의 면역진단에 대한 연구 2. 성충 조항원의 정제 및 발육단계별 항원 분석 (Studies on the Immunodiagnosis of Rabbit Clonorchiasis 2. Immunoamnity purification of whole worm antigen and characterization of egg, metacercaria and adult antigens of Clonorchis sinensis)

  • 이옥란;정평림;남해선
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 1988
  • 간흡충(Clonorchis sinensis)의 조항원(WWA), 정제항원(ABA)의 민감도와 특이도를 비교해 보는 한편, 발육단계별로 충란 항원(EGA)-피낭유충 항원(MEA)-성충 항원(WWA)의 단백질 구성물질의 차이를 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE)로 관찰하고 이들 항원의 유용성을 효소면역반응(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: ELISA)으로 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 간흡충의 조항원으로부터 정제된 항원(ABA)은 항체와 결합한 결합항원(affinity-purified antibody(IgG) binding antigen:ABA)으로서 Ouchterlony 반응으로 간흡충 감염 가토혈청과 4개의 침모대 (WWA는 7개)를 형성하였다. WWA의 major protein들은 분자량 16,300∼18,500 및 28,000∼29,000 dalton의 Polypeptide band였고, ABA는 분자량 18,000∼21,000 및 29,000∼31,000 dalton의 단백질로 다소의 차이를 보였다. ELISA시첩에서 ABA는 WWA에 비해 현저히 민감도가 낮았다. WWA와 ABA에 대한 폐흡충 감염 사람혈청의 ELISA 정사에서 WWA는 Ouchterlony 양성자 8예중 3예에서 교차반응을 나타내었으나 ABA는 교차반응을 나타내지 않았다. 간흡충의 발육단계별 항원 단백질의 분자량 범위는 WWA 11,000∼80,000, MEA 15,000∼100,000, EGA 15,000∼200,000 dalton이었다. 주류원 단백질의 분자량은 EGA는 각각 36,600 (band No. 22), 38,500(No. 20), 64,000(No. 9), 62,000(No. 10), 54,500(No. 11), 53,000(No. 12) dalton, MEA는 각각 65,600(No. 3), 44,700 (No.7), 43,900(No. 8) dalton, WWA는 각각 16,300∼18,500(No. 31-32), 28,000∼29,000(No. 25), 11,000w13,000 (No. 35) 및 31,000(No. 24) dalton이었다. 즉, MEA와 EGA가 WWA보다 고분자의 단백질로 구성되어 있었다. 각 발육단계별 항원의 항원성은 ELISA 반응으로 볼 때 WWA가 가장 높았고, MEA는 약한 항원성만을 나타내었으며 EGA는 음성이었다. WWA와 간흡충 감염 가토혈청은 감염 4∼6주에 OD>1.0, 12주 이후 항체가의 plateau를 나타내었으나 MEA는 Ouchterlony 반응에서 EGA와 함께 음성반응을 보였다. ELISA에서도 중감염군(12∼20주)에서만 OD>0.6으로 미약한 항원성이 인정되었으며 경감염군은 전감염기간중 OD<0.6를 나타내었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 성충 항원이 가장 강력한 함원성 물질을 포함하고 있음이 명백하다고 생각된다. 그러나 성충 조항원은 면역진단에 사용할 겹우 타흡충과의 빈번한 교차반응이 예상되므로 민감도 및 특이도가 높은 정제 항원물질을 분리하는 일이 중요하다고 생각된다.

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경영자의 부가 기업의 반인수조치 선택에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Manager's Wealth on Adopting Anitakeover Measures)

  • 주현태
    • 재무관리연구
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.167-186
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    • 1995
  • 기업인수합병(M&A) 시장의 활성화에 따라 적대적 공개매수를 방어하기 위한 반인수조치(Antitakeover Techniques)들에 관한 관심도 고조되고 있다. 지금까지 널리 알려져 있는 대표적인 반인수 조치들은 Fair Price Amendment(FPA), Classified Board Amendment(CBA)와 Poison Pills(PP) 등이다. 이들 대표적 세 반인수조치들 중에서 FPA와 CBA 채택의 경우는 주주들의 사전 승인이 요구되는데 반하여 PP는 주주들의 사전 승인없이 채택이 가능한 반인수조치이다. 이처럼 상이한 반인수조치들의 채택은 채택기업의 가치에 상이한 부의 효과를 미치는데, 이 분야의 많은 실증적연구 결과들이 보고되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 표본기업으로 현재까지 상호개별적으로 연구되어 왔던 두가지 반인수조치(FTA, CBA)에 PP와 비채택기업도 포함시키고 있다. 지금까지의 반인수조치 채택에 따른 기업가치에 미치는 부의 효과에 관한 연구결과를 확인해보고, 반인수조치 채택에 관한 경영자의 의사결정과 경영자의 부 사이에 체계적인 관계가 존재하는지를 실증분석하고자 한다. 여기서 경영자의 부는 기업내부자 지분율과 기업내 경영자를 위한 Golden Parachute의 존재 유무로 측정한다. 본 연구에서는 3개의 가설을 설정하였다. 가설1: 만일 경영자가 주주의 이익을 희생하면서 자신의 이익을 위한 반인수조치를 채택한다면, 반인수조치 채택의 공표는 평균적으로 기업가치에 부(-)의 효과를 보일 것이다. 가설2: 경영자의 내부지분율이 낮을때 경영자들은 주주에게 가장 해로운 반인수조치를 선택할 것이다. 가설3: Golden Parachute가 존재하지 않을때 경영자들은 주주에게 가장 해로운 반인수조치를 채택할 것이다. 본 연구의 대상기업들중에서 반인수조치 채택 기업들은 IRRC 1990년도판에서 수집되었고, 대칭표본 기업으로 반인수조치를 채택하지 않은 기업들은 CRSP 파일에서 기업규모, SIC 코드를 대응시켜 선정하였다. 임원, 관계이사들과 친인척을 포함하는 내부자의 지분과 Golden Parachute 존재 여부는 이 연구의 표본기업들의 Proxy Statement에서 수집하였다. 최종 표본기업은 FPA 채택기업, CBA 채택기업, PP채택기업, 그리고 비채택기업으로 4개의 상호 배타적인 기업 그룹으로 구성되었다. 본 연구는 Event Study와 Multinomial Logistic Regession의 두가지 실증분석 방법을 사용하였다. Event Study방법론은 반인수조치 채택 공표시 초과수익률을 조사하기 위해 사용하였다. Multinomial Logistic Regession은 선택된 반인수조치 종류와 설명 변수들(내부자 지분율, Golden Parachute)간에 체계적인 관계가 존재하는지를 검증하기 위해 사용되었다. 반인수조치들을 채택하는 기업들은 반인수조치를 채택하고 있지 않은 기업들에 비해 내부자 지분율이 낮게 나타났으며, 반인수조치 중 PP를 채택한 기업에서 가장 낮은 내부지분율을 보이고 있다. GP 채택을 보면 PP를 선택한 기업의 50%가 GP를 채택하였다. 본 연구에서 반인수조치 채택 발표일 하루 전후의 초과수익률을 조사한 결과는 반인수조치 미채택기업, CBA, FPA 채택기업들의 초과수익률은 통계적으로 의미가 없었으나, PP채택에 따른 초과수익률은 의미 있는 부(-)의 값을 나타냈다. 이와같이 CBA와 FPA채택기업들은 주주의 부를 감소시키지 않았으나 PP채택기업들은 주주의 부를 감소시켰다. 따라서 경영자는 주주의 이익을 희생시키면서 자신의 이익을 위해 PP를 선택하고 있음을 보여 주고 있다. 연구결과는 내부자 지분율의 크기가 경영자와 주주간의 이해를 효과적으로 일치시키고 있음을 제시하고 있다. 즉, 내부자 지분율이 큰 기업일수록 반인수조치를 채택하지 않거나 반인수조치 채택시에 주주의 이익에 반하지 않은 반인수조치를 선택하는 경향이 높다. Golden Parachute이 존재하는 기업은 FPA를 채택하거나 반인수조치를 채택하지 않는 것보다 PP나 CBA를 채택하는 경향이 더 높다. 한편 기업에서의 GP의 존재가 경영자의 가장 해로운 반인수조치 선택을 억제하지 못함을 보여주고 있는데, 이는 GP가 비효과적인 계약메카니즘임을 제기한다. GP가 경영자와 주주간의 이해를 일치시키도록하는 계약이라기 보다는 차라리 기업방어전략이 비효과적일때 경영자 자신의 안전판으로 제공되고 있음을 보여준다. 이 논문의 주요공헌은 기업내부자 지분율의 크기와 GP의 존재가 반인수조치 선택에 체계적인 영향을 미치고 있음을 보여준 것이다. 여기서 사용된 Multinomial Logistic모델은 내부지분을 크기와 GP의 존재가 PP또는 CBA가 채택될 것인지를 예측할 수 있게 한다.

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아시아 Kaftan양식에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Kaftan Style in Asia)

  • 오춘자
    • 복식
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    • 제35권
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 1997
  • This thesis is a study on the kaftan styles iin Asia. The purpose of he study was to examine the origin o the kaftan concentrating on the history and cultural backgrounds of nomads in he Western Central and North Eastern Asia. Secondly for more thorough study and expla-nation on how these kaftans contributed to East-West trade along the silk road. wall paintings and miniature illuminations along Oasis roads persia and Saracen period were compared, Also real kaftans were compared and analyzed the characteristics of Western (Turkey palestine) Central(Kazakistan Uz-bekistan Tadzhistan Qyrgyztan Turkmenistan) and the North Eastern Asian(Mongol) area. Thirdly an attempt has been made to provide the North Eastern Asian(Mongol) area. Thirdly an attempt has been made to provide the style classifications according to their peculiarities of the various kaftans as well as how kaftan gave important influences on custumes of different religious sects. The kaftan is a long coat-like garment with front openings fastened with long sash having an extra long sleeves which were worn by middle and high class nomadics throughout the West Central and North Eastern Asia This type of kaftans were a basic clothing for nomadics since they were constantly moving fromone to another areas on their horse back riding. They also wore tight trousers with boots. Kaftans seem to be originated from nomads of Steppe around B.C. 800 On B. C 400 west asian areas such as Solokha Kul-oba Kulogan had pictures sculptues on vases showing kaftans of half coat type length with front opening tied with band. Also the materials used were the products of animals such as wool or felt with animal designs showing Scythian nomads. In the North Eastern Asia Hsiung-Nu were active in Kazakha North Altai and Mongol The Clothing and fabrics exfavated near Noin-ula Pazyrik showed many samples of kaftan with trousers with other interment be-longings with a corpse around B.C 300 to A. D 100 when trades along the silk roads were proven by many historians Kaftans excavated in this area wore red front opening silk materials which suggesting settling down of nomads. in he central Asia Dol-gull near Altai mountain area were mainly miners who later had many trades with Persia and Bizantine. After Dol-gull Bezeklik temple Samarkant Kizil cow Budda sculture wall paintings of Astana tomb showed typical kaftan of this re-gion. These were both hip covered length as well as long coat with narrow sleeves. Es-pecially they had different color band fron the main kaftan with grogeously and splendously designed silk. In perusia during A. D 1400 to 1600 minia-ture illumination showed kaftan as a high class symbol more than clothing purpose. They had best quality silk with extra long sleeves draping and had a layers of kaftans one on top of anther as a symbol of wealth These Kaftans with different colors and designs were even more beautiful with their effective combinations and contrast of colors. On the other hand the lower class common people and servants wore simple kaftan with the front part of the kaftan were slipped into the belt in order to be more active and con-venient to work, The real kaftans discovered at Topkapi Saray palace of Turkey from A. D 1300 to 1900 were also compared. These kaftans were very numerous in numbers as well as designs The materials and designs used were also vari-ous such as Chinese to Italian silk. The shaped and pattern itself were not much different from the previous nomad's Kaftans. The Palestian kaftans remained were from the beginning of 19th and 20th century. Since this area is hot and dry desert they used black and navy blue colors mostly in order to exclude the sun lights. The patterns used were similar to Nomads and Bedouin with cross stiches and patch work decorations. In the central Asia they had similar life style and natural environmental cnditions with Turkish tribe which resulted in similar kaftan styles as nomads. Mongols conserved basic patterns of kaftan since Cinggis Khan with deep folding in order to keep warm. At last the kaftans studided in this thesis were classified in to four such as half coat long coat jacket and vest style. A pattern used in the Central Asia were zigzag and ani-mal design whereas in the West Asia were floral plant arabesk and circle pattern. As I discussed previously kaftan styles of nomads in the Asia maintained its basic pat-tern throughout the history except slight changes in color gusset sleeve shapes. These slight changes were made according to the need to adapt the need of environmental natu-ral conditions, The reason for aboriginality of kaftan in Asia was its simplicity and con-venience Most interesting fact is that for all these years Mongols are still wearing kaftan in their life ensuring us that they art the preserves of old kaftan. Since this thesis dealt enormous Asian regions I had a limitation of not being able to cover the Far Esatern asian areas such as Korea China and Japan how these kaftans were influenced in their clothing history as well as Eastern and Western culture. This topic along with the studies on materials and designs of patterns of kaftan will be another research project in the future.

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1910년대 만화의 전개와 내용적 특질: 『매일신보』 게재 만화를 중심으로 (Development and Content Characteristics of Cartoons in the 1910s: focusing on cartoons published in Maeilsinbo)

  • 서은영
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권30호
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    • pp.139-168
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    • 2013
  • 본고는 1910년대 "매일신보"에 게재되었던 만화를 수집 발굴하여, 기존 만화사에서 간과되었던 이 시기 만화의 의미와 가치를 해명하고자 했다. "매일신보"에 실렸다는 이유로 외면했던 기존 연구사에 문제를 제기하고, 다소 유연한 태도로 접근하여 1910년대 만화의 다양한 층위를 보여주고자 했다. 1910년대 전체적으로는 신문관 간행 잡지에 게재된 '다음엇지'와 "매일신보"가 모두 아우러져서 서술되어야 하겠지만, 본고에서는 "1910년대 만화사 재고"라는 목표로 "매일신보"만을 우선 대상으로 삼았다. 1910년대는 한국 만화의 시초라 일컬어지는 1909년의 "대한민보"'삽화'의 등장과, 신문 만평이 본격화되고 최초로 코믹스가 실렸던 1920년대를 이어주는 교량적 역할을 수행하는 동시에, 총독부 기관지라는 "매일신보"의 특수성과 대중문화의 주체가 태동한다는 시기적 특수성이 중층적으로 존재하는 시기이다. 본고에서는 강점 직후의 특수성 안에서 만화가 "매일신보"지면에 배치되게 된 배경과 전개 상황을 서술했다. 초기에는 근대적 만화양식이 모호한 상태였지만 후기로 갈수록 양식상의 정립이 이루어졌다. 이 시기의 만화는 하나의 란(欄)으로 고착되어 지속되지는 않았지만, 기사의 내용을 압축적으로 재현해 가장 극적인 부분을 만화로 시각화하는 방법으로 독자의 호기심을 자극하는 등 다양한 만화가 시도되었다. 본고에서는 게재된 만화 가운데 대표성을 띠는 것을 분류하여 "매일신보"만화의 성격을 대략 세 가지로 구분했다. 조선의 일상 풍경과 풍속을 통해 '가장 조선적인 것'을 재현하는 동시에 반문명의 조선의 모습을 배치하는 제국의 이중적 시선을 담지한 것, 조선인의 부의 축적을 공익의 관점에서만 타당한 것으로 재현한 것, "경성"이라는 공간에서도 생활고를 겪는 조선인과 호화로운 연말을 보내는 진고개의 일본인을 대별함으로써 공간을 차별적으로 구분하는 시선을 담지한 것으로 분류했다. 이처럼 "매일신보"는 만화를 통해 피식민지인을 규율하고 식민지 권력의 담론을 자연스럽게 노출하기도 했다.