• Title/Summary/Keyword: water release

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Fabrication and Evaluation of Powders Containing Calcium Silicate for Solid Self-emulsifying System of Oil (오일 성분의 고형 자가 유화 시스템을 위한 규산칼슘 함유 분말의 제조 및 평가)

  • Sung Giu, Jin
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.499-504
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study is to assess the impact of spray drying conditions on medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) loading, solubility, and release of an MCT-loaded solid self-emulsifying system in a water-insoluble oily substance. MCT-loaded solid self-emulsifying systems are prepared by spray drying with SDS and calcium silicate. The effects of inlet temperature (60, 80, or 100℃) and feed solution composition (0, 10, 50, 90, or 100% ethanol) on physicochemical properties of MCT-loaded solid self-emulsifying systems are studied. The inlet temperature significantly affects the water solubility of MCT. Moreover, the feed solution composition significantly affects water solubility, release rate, and MCT loading. The MCT-loaded solid self-emulsifying system obtained at 60℃ using 90% ethanol feed solution shows the best physicochemical properties among the synthesized products and exhibits better water solubility (4.43 ± 0.44 vs. 0 ㎍/mL) and release (94.4 ± 1.6 vs. 32.8 ± 7.4%, 60 min) than a commercial product. Furthermore, the MCT-loaded solid self-emulsifying system shows an excellent emulsion droplet size (approximately 230 nm).

Analysis and Evaluation of Lake Sediment

  • Hwang, Jong-Yeon;Han, Eui-Jung;Kim, Tae-Keun;Yu, Soon-Ju;Yoon, Young-Sam;Chung, Yang-Soon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to estimate interrelation between characteristics of sediment and nutrient releare from sediment in Dae-cheong lake. For the investigations, sediments were sampled in June and October 1997 at fish farms, embayment, and the main stream of Dae-cheong lake. Items for investigation are as follows; water content, weight loss on ignition(IG), porosity of sediment, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen(TKN), content of element(H, N, C), nutrient release rate. Water content and porosity were measured to conjecture the physical trait and grain size. And weight loss on ignition was measured to determine the contents of organic substance. For the determination of nutrient release rate, $PO_4-P$ and $NH_4-N$ concentration of interstitial water and overlying water were measured. Release rate of nutrients which has direct influenced upon the water quality were 0.05-8.63mg-$P/m^2{\cdot}day$ and 4.99-36.56mg-$N/m^2{\cdot}day$. And it was found that release rate was measured higher in the 1st sampling than in the 2nd sampling. And for determination of the humus level of sediment, carbon and nitrogen content were measured by using elemental analyzer. Generally, C/N ratio is used to determine humus level of lake sediment. As a result of elemental analysis, C/N ratio was determined in the range of 7.64~11.55, so humus level of Dae-cheong lake sediment was estimated from mesohumic state to oligohumic state.

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Comparison of Biological Phosphorus Removal Characteristics between A/O and A2/O Process (A/O 및 A2/O공정의 생물학적 인제거 특성비교)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Seo, Gyu-Tae;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Nag-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2002
  • Bench scale experiments were carried out with two biological nutrient removal(BNR) units, A/O and $A^2O$ processes, to investigate the behavior of phosphorus in the system and to compare the characteristics of phosphorus removal in two BNR processes. To achieve this goal, COD/T-P and COD/TKN ratios of the influent was varied in the range of 23~64 and 5~24, respectively. In A/O process, influent COD/T-P ratio should be kept higher than 44mg/L to meet the final effluent T-P concentration lower than 1mg/L and in $A^2/O$ process, influent COD/T-P and COD/TKN ratios higher than 56 and 10, respectively, were required for good phosphorus release and uptake with no influence of nitrate nitrogen in return sludge. At this conditions, the rate of phosphorus release in the anaerobic basin should be kept higher than 0.1 kg S-P/kg MLVSS d In A/O process, the phosphorus content of anaerobic and aerobic sludges was increased as SRT of total system was becoming longer resulting in decreasing the difference of phosphorus content between two sludges while phosphorus release in anaerobic basin and phosphorus uptake in aerobic basin was not incident. In $A^2/O$ process, the phosphorus content of anaerobic and aerobic sludges were not increased with higher SRT of total system due to the relatively high nitrate concentration in return sludge. However, the difference of phosphorus content between anaerobic and aerobic sludges was incident when phosphorus release and uptake was observed.

Internal Corrosion Control of Drinking Water Pipes by pH and Alkalinity Control and Corrosion Inhibitor (수질제어 및 부식억제제에 의한 상수도관의 내부부식 제어)

  • Kuh, Sungeun;Woo, Dalsik;Lee, Doojin;Kim, Juwhan;Ahn, Hyowon;Moon, Kwangsoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2006
  • The internal corrosion of water distribution systems is the main cause for the problem of the public health threat as well as water leakage in the damaged pipeline, red water, and odor and taste of the tap water. This study was examined the effect of chemicals used for pH and alkalinity control and corrosion inhibitors for producing the optimal corrosion control method. Corrosion study at different pH and alkalinity indicated that these control using alkaline chemicals was effective in corrosion rate, Fe release reduction, but examined to be increased in turbidity and corrosion-by-products(TTHMs) problems. The turbidity was slightly increased, requiring caution in controlling corrosion with $Ca(OH)_2$. At pH 9.0, TTHMs concentration is increased two times corn pared with non-control of pH. Using the pipe which had experienced 28 years of exposure, iron release was decreased with the corrosion inhibitor. Consequently, pH, Alkalinity control method using alkaline chemicals must be complemented by corrosion inhibitor application for efficient corrosion control.

Distribution of Vital, Environmental Components and Nutrients Migration Over Sedimentary Water Layers

  • Khirul, Md Akhte;Kim, Beom-Geun;Cho, Daechul;Kwon, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2021
  • Contaminated marine sediment is a secondary pollution source in the coastal areas, which can result in increased nutrients concentrations in the overlying water. We analyzed the nutrients release characteristics into overlying water from sediments and the interaction among benthic circulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur were investigated in a preset sediment/water column. Profiles of pH, ORP, sulfur, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus pools were determined in the sediment and three different layers of overlying water. Variety types of sulfur in the sediments plays a significant role on nutrients transfer into overlying water. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction and various sulfur species interaction are predominantly embodied by the enhancing effects of sulfide on nitrogen reduction. Contaminant sediment take on high organic matter, which is decomposed by bacteria, as a result promote bacterial sulfate reduction and generate sulfide in the sediment. The sulfur and iron interactions had also influence on phosphorus cycling and released from sediment into overlying water may ensue over the dissolution of ferric iron intercede by iron-reducing bacteria. The nutrients release rate was calculated followed by release rate equation. The results showed that the sediments released large-scale quantity of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate, which are main inner source of overlying water pollution. A mechanical migration of key nutrients such as ammonia and inorganic phosphate was depicted numerically with Fick's diffusion law, which showed a fair agreement to most of the experimental data.

Impact of Thickness of Sand Capping on Phosphorus Release Rate from Sediment (모래 캡핑 두께가 퇴적물 인 용출에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Woo-Hyeok;Kim, Geon-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.3 s.117
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2006
  • This research was carried out to understand the impacts of thickness of sand capping to control phosphorus release from sediment into overlying water. As capping effectively retards release flux, phosphorus concentration in water body can be maintained if phosphorus release rate was kept under microbial degradation rate. With capping thickness increases, deaeration rate become less, while reaeration coefficient become higher. Phosphorus release rate and capping thickness were linearly correlated. The results of regression analysis indicated that phosphorus release can be controlled effectively by sand capping of least 20${\sim}$40 mm thickness.

Sustained Release of Ibuprofen from Sodium Alginate Beads (알긴산나트륨을 이용한 이부프로펜의 용출지연)

  • Kwon, Sang-Keun;Seo, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 1995
  • Alginic acid is a hydrophilic , colloidal polysaccharide obtained from cell wall of seaweed or brown algae and has a broad range of applications. Alginlc acid becomes alginate gel bead due to its cation-induced gelation. Dried alginate beads can be reswollen according to environmental pH. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possible applicability of alginate beads as an oral controlled release system of ibuprofen. In this experiment ibuprofen was incorporated in alginate beads and alginate beads were treated with various methods. Ibuprofen release from alginate beads in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was laster than in distilled water and dilute HCl. The release of ibuprofen was more sustained in bead than simple mixture and coprecipitate of ibuprofen and sodium alginate. The dissolution rate of ibuprofen was decreased in using of bead that hardened with formaldehyde. The dissolution rate of the drug from the bead was the fastest in 12 hour dried beads, 1.5%-sodium alginate concentration and 1%-calcium chloride concentration. Sodium alginate bead can be used as a sustaind release drug delivery system of water-insoluble drugs.

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Prediction of Phosphorus Transport from Sediment and Development of Phophorus Control Technology - I. Prediction of Phosphorus Transport from Sediment (저질토로부터의 인의 용출거동 예측 및 제어기술 개발 - I. 저질토로부터의 인의 용출거동 예측)

  • Lee, Jung-Yub;Kang, Seon-Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 1999
  • In this study small glass columns with 2.5cm inner diameter and 24.5cm length were used as many as the sample numbers to study the effects of initial pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and sediment depth on the release of phosphorus from lake sediment. No phosphorus release occurred at $10^{\circ}C$ with all pHs, and release rate at $25^{\circ}C$ was higher than that at $35^{\circ}C$ with pH 4 and reverse trends were observed at pH 7 and 10. Under all conditions, DO concentrations were decreased and equilibrium was obtained after 4-8 days when phosphorus release started and the Do concentrations were less than 1 mg/l. Sediment depth had little effect on phosphorus release rate. It was found that relation between released SRP(Soluble Reactive Phosphorus) concentration and time was zero order reaction and reaction rate coefficients were obtained. The amount of phosphorus release from lake sediment can be predicted by considering these k values.

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Pharmaceutical Studies on Chitosan Matrix: Controlled release of aspirin from chitosan device

  • Lee, Chi-Young;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 1987
  • Chitosan ($\beta$-D-glucosaminan) is chemically prepared from chitin (N-acetyl-$\beta$- D-glucosaminan) which is an unutilized natural resource. We now report on the suitability of the chitosan matrix for use as vehicles for the controlled release of drugs. Salicylic acid and aspirin were used as model drugs in this study. The permeation of salicylic acid in the chitosan membranes was determined in a glass diffusion cell with two compartments of equal volume. Drug release studies on the devices were conducted in a beaker containing 5% sodium hydroxide solution. Partition coefficient (Kd) value for acetate membrane (472) is much greater than that for fluoro-perchlorate chitosan membrane (282). Higher Kd value for acetate chitosan membrane appears to be inconsisstent with the bulk salicylic acid concentration. The permeability constants of fluoro-perchlorate and acetate chisotan membranes for salicylic acid were 3.139 ${\times}10^{-7}cm^2$ min up to 60 min and that of 30% aspirin in the devices was 4.739${\times}10^{-7}cm^2$sec upto 60 min. As the loading dose of aspirin in a chitosan device increased, water up-take of chitosan device increased, but in case of salicylic acid it decreased. The release rate increased with increase in the molecular volume of the drugs. Thses result suggest that the release mechanism may be controlled mainly by diffusion through pores.

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The Effects of Polyphosphate Corrosion Inhibitor and Lime Water to Reduce Red Water for Carbon Steel (탄소강의 녹물저감에 대한 인산염부식억제제와 석회수 효과 연구)

  • Park, Young-Bog;Kong, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.228-237
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    • 2005
  • The main purpose of this study was to investigate the red water reducing effects of phosphate based inhibitor when it was applied to water distribution system. The effects of pH, alkalinity, calcium concentration in the reduction of the red water also studied. The most finished water in Korea showed relatively high corrosiveness and was required to introduce some types of corrosion reducing methods such as addition of alkalinity. The precipitation of $CaCO_3$ by addition of $Ca(OH)_2$ formed porous film on the surface of the carbon steel pipes and was displaced easily from the surface of the pipes; on the other hand, addition of zinc phosphate (ZOP) formed reliable film on the surface and reduced iron release and color. Although the main function of ZOP was to suppress the release of Pb and Cu, it also reduced iron concentration released from water distribution pipes.