• Title/Summary/Keyword: water length effect

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A Study of Spraying Curing Compound for Concrete Pavement Considering Environmental Condition in Tunnel (터널내 환경을 고려한 콘크리트 포장의 양생제 살포기준 연구)

  • Ryu, SungWoo;Kwon, OhSun;Song, GeoRuemSoo;Lee, MinKyung;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : This study is to suggest tunnel length to spray curing compound, based on the field tests. METHODS : At first field test, length from the entrance of tunnel to wet wall was checked by visual survey. The second and third test, various sensors were installed in concrete or in tunnel, such as RH sensor, temperature sensor, portable weather station and etc.. And also, test for bleeding and retaining water of concrete were conducted to evaluate environmental effect on concrete pavement. RESULTS : The result of the field experiment for tunnel length to spray curing compound indicates that length changes depending on tunnel length, season, and location. Environmental condition of a short tunnel was not much different between location near entrance and at center of tunnel. However, in case of a medium and long tunnel, effect of outside environmental condition decreased, when location moved into tunnel center of it. CONCLUSIONS : From the testing results, it can be proposed that optimum tunnel length to spray curing compound is 60m for a medium and long tunnel, and whole length for a short tunnel.

Research on the Effect of the Control Methods of Irrigation Water on the Growth and Yield of Paddy Rice. (한발기에 있어서 용수관리 방법이 수도생육과 그 수량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 김시원
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.2177-2190
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    • 1971
  • This experiment was made to determienthe effect of various soil moisture contents in simulated drought conditions on different stages of rice growth. The drought conditions were developed at such three rice-growing stages as transplanting, immediately after transplanting and young ear forming. Three different lengths of drought periods, which are ten days, twenty days and thirty days, were applied for each growing stage of rice. The rice variety used this experiment is Nong-rim 29. This experiment was conducted at the university farm of the Kon-Kuk University during the period of $1968{\sim}1970$. Three reprications for each of 12 treatments and split plot design were employed in this study. Bottomless wood square boxes, $1^m{\times}1^m{\times}1^m$, were burried in the test plot and box top was covered with poloyethylene sheets to avoid natural rainfall drops. Standard plots were irrigated continuously with a water depth of 40mm/day and those of drought treatments were irrigated continuously up to the beginning of the planned drought period, and they were irrigated again with a depth of 40mm/day up to the maturing stage of rice. Other methods for rice raising followed those methods developed by the Field Crops Experiment Station of the Office of Rural Development. During this experiments, climatic conditions in regard to rainfalls, sunshine hours, and temperatures were observed. According to this observation, those values measured deviate slightly from the annual means. However the growing condition of rice plants were normal. The pH value of irritation water is nearly neutral, and soils in the test plots are relatively fertile, being similar to ordinary paddy soils. Analysis of variances for number of stalks, plan-height, ear sprouting date, length of stalks, ear length, number of ears per plant, fertility, grain weitght, weight of plant, and yield were carried out. The variances for plant height, ear sprouting date, length of stalk ear length, and yield has statistical significance under drought treatments applied at three different growing stages. The variance showing the effect of lengths of drought period is highly significant for all the treatments studied except that of grain weight. The interaction between drought periods and drought treatments at different growing stages is significant for plant height, stalk length, ear length, number of ears, fertility and yield, these results indicated that droughts at different growing stages have influence on plant height, ear length, yield, and length of drought period also has strong influence on all factors studied except grain weight. The combination of drought treatments at different rice growing stages and lengths of drought periods has different effects on various agronomic characteristics, including yield. Plant height under drought treatment practiced at transplanting stage is the lowest, and drought treatment applied immediately after transplanting resulted in the least number of stalks. The effect of different lengths of drought periods on plant height and number of stalks depends signis ficantly on increasing days of drought. Ear sprouting date tends to be delayed for one or two days undedrought treatments at transplanting period and with increasing days of drought. Better yield is secured in drought treatment applied immediately after transplanting. Adverse effect war observed when drought treatment was applied at ear forming period. These effects may be attributed to the alternation of irrigation and drought causing vigorous root activity. In general, yield linearly decreases as the length of the drought period increases. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that, in order to mimimize damage due to drought, and, to save irrigation water, paddy fields, immediately after transplanting, may be not irrigated, since there is sufficient moisture in the soil, and that sufficient irrigation water should be applied again in the ear forming stage of rice plant.

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Investigation of cause and magnitude of scale effect occurring in model experiments of fishing nets (그물어구의 모형 실험시에 발생하는 축척비 영향의 원인 및 크기 조사)

  • Kim, Dae-An
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2011
  • In order to investigate the cause and magnitude of scale effect occurring in the model experiments of fishing nets, five pairs of Nylon pyramid nets and one pair of PE ones in which all the two nets paired were equal each other in the factors determining their flow resistance, i. e., the ratio d/l of diameter d to length l of bars, the angle f between two adjacent bars, the attack angle q of nettings to the water flow, and the wall area S of nets, and different in the values of d and l were prepared. Then, the nets were attached to the circular steel frame alternately and their flow resistances with shapes in water were measured on the sea ascribing no turbulent flows by using the tension meter made of a block bearing for the experiment. All the Nylon nets were spreads out easily in water to form a circular cone at relatively low velocity of water and showed the resistance smaller a little in the nets with larger d and l than them with smaller d and l, because the filtration of water through meshes become easier in nets especially with larger l. But PE nettings were not spread out sufficiently on account of their small flexibility and showed higher resistance especially in them with thicker twines. Therefore, the difference in bar length or mesh size and flexibility of nettings between prototype and model nets are regarded to become factors ascribing scale effect. Especially the influence of the difference in mesh size may become large significantly in actual model experiments because the mesh size of model nets is decided at much larger value than that given by scale ratio and so the difference of mesh size between the two nets become much larger than that between nets used in this experiment.

Structure of Secondary Xylem and Cambial Initials in Pinus koraiensis S. et Z. Grown in Arid Soil (건지에서 자란 잣나무(Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.)의 이기목부 및 형성층구조의 변화)

  • 임동옥
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1993
  • This study deals with the effect of dwarf growth for the wood and the structural changes of cambium in Pinus koraiensis subjected to water stress. The length and wall thickness of tracheary elements in dwarf trees was shorter and thicker than that in normal trees. The redial width and cell number of the annual rings are narrower and smaller in dwarf trees than those in normal trees. In serial tangential sections, the frequency of anticlinal division is low and loss of cambial initials is small in dwarf trees. The length of cambial initials in water deficit, trees are slightly shorter than that in normal trees, and the instructive growth of cambial initials during differentiation of xylem mother cells is inactive in dwarf trees. Thus, it is interpreted that the shortening of tracheary elements in dwarf trees is due to the fact that the length of cambial initials are shortened and the intrusive growth of those during differentiation of xylem mother cells is inactive. The structural variations in the wood of naturally occurring dwarf trees are similar to those of trees subjected to artificial water stress. Therefore, it is suggested that the variation of xylem element in dwarf trees are related to water conditions.

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Size dependent effect on deflection and buckling analyses of porous nanocomposite plate based on nonlocal strain gradient theory

  • Khazaei, Pegah;Mohammadimehr, Mehdi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.76 no.1
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    • pp.27-56
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the deflection and buckling analyses of porous nano-composite piezoelectric plate reinforced by carbon nanotube (CNT) are studied. The equations of equilibrium using energy method are derived from principle of minimum total potential energy. In the research, the non-local strain gradient theory is employed to consider size dependent effect for porous nanocomposite piezoelectric plate. The effects of material length scale parameter, Eringen's nonlocal parameter, porosity coefficient and aspect ratio on the deflection and critical buckling load are investigated. The results indicate that the effect of porosity coefficient on the increase of the deflection and critical buckling load is greatly higher than the other parameters effect, and size effect including nonlocal parameter and the material length scale parameter have a lower effect on the deflection increase with respect to the porosity coefficient, respectively and vice versa for critical buckling load. Porous nanocomposites are used in various engineering fields such as aerospace, medical industries and water refinery.

The influence of flow rate and temperature on the quenching effect of cooling water (냉각수의 유동속도와 온도가 담금효과에 미치는 영향)

  • 민수홍;김상열
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.24-39
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    • 1982
  • It has already been known that quenching effect is influenced greatly by stirring and changing coolant's temperature on quenching. But according to the past investigations its effect has not been taken into consideration quantitatively in the cooling process. The purpose of this study is that the influence of flow rate and temperature on the quenching effect of cooling water as quenching medium is quantitatively examined by using the open channel. The stream of water in this study is turbulent flow. The temperature of the specimen made of pure copper is measured by CA thermocouple in the vicinity of the surface and recorded by an automatic recorder during the quenching process in city water. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The quenching effect of cooling water generally increases with Reynolds Number(characteristic length; specimen diameter)as shown in the experimental formula; but at the realm of Reynolds Number from 1.2 * 10$^{4}$ to 9.2 * 10$^{4}$, the increasing rate of quenching effect shows little increase. 2. The increasing rate of quenching effect was increased under the flow rate of 221 cm/sec. On the other hand, it was decreased below this flow rate. 3. The quenching effect was influenced by the water temperature and the flow rate. But it was rather dependent upon the former than the latter. 4. Although the quenching effect appeared loosely in the water temperature of 50.deg. C, it was shown that the quenching effect increased in the low flow rate of 31 cm/sec. comparing with the still water. 5. It is desirable to design the quenching system to be over 1.2 * 10$^{4}$ in Reynolds Number or over, 3000$cm^{-1}$ / in V/v in order to increase the quenching effect of the system using open channel.annel.

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Preliminary Analysis on Design Parameters and Application Effects of Surface Water Heat Exchanger (SWHE) (지표수 열교환기 설계 변수와 적용 효과에 대한 선행 분석)

  • Sohn, Byonghu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2016
  • Commercial buildings and institutions are generally cooling-dominated and therefore reject more heat to a borehole ground heat exchanger (BHE) than they extract over the annual cycle. Shallow ponds can provide a cost-effective means to balance the thermal loads to the ground and to reduce the length of BHE. This paper presents the analysis results of the impact of design parameters on the length of SWHE pipe and its application effect on geothermal heat pump (GHP) system using BHE. In order to analysis, we applied ${\varepsilon}-NTU$ method on designing the length of SWHE pipe. Analysis results show that the required pipe length of SWHE was decreased with the increase of approach temperature difference and with the decrease of pipe wall thickness. In addition, when the SWHE was applied to the GHP system, the temperature of BHE was more stable than that of standalone BHE system.

Heat Transfer Characteristics of Plastic Particle Slurry in a Circular tube Flow (관내 유동 플라스틱 슬러리의 열전달 특성)

  • 김명환;김명준
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.451-456
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    • 2004
  • This present experimental study has dealt with the heat transfer characteristics of plastic particle slurry which flows in a circular tube. This type of slurry is suggested for heat transfer enhancement effect cause by random and vortex effect of plastic particle dispersed in water. As a result, the thermal boundary layer becomes thin so the heat transfer coefficient on the tube wall more increase compare to pure water flow. This experimental test section was composed with stainless pipe which has the length of 2000mm, inner pipe diameter of 14mm and outer pipe diameter of 60mm. The most effective and important parameter of this experiment is plastic packing factor(PPF). The focuses of these results are pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient. As results, the friction factor of plastic particle slurry becomes higher at laminar flow region than pure water because of buoyancy effect of plastic particle but the local heat transfer coefficient becomes higher.

Studies on the Growth Characters and Nutrient Uptake Related to Source and Sink by Cool Water Temperature at Reproductive Growth Stage I. Influence of Cool Water Irrigation on the Degeneration and Differentiation of Rachis Branches and Spikelets, Sterility Ratio and Ripening Ratio of Rice (생식생장기 냉수온이 벼의 Source와 Sink관련형질 및 양분호흡에 미치는 연구 I. 냉수관개가 지경과 영화의 분화 및 퇴화, 불임, 등숙에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Su-Il;La, Jong-Seong;So, Jae-Don;Lee, Man-Sang
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 1985
  • This experiment was conducted to study effect of cold water damage on some growth characters related to source and sink at reproductive growth stage in Jinan (sea level 303m). The cold water irrigation duration had irrigated 4, 8 and 12 days at panicle formation stage and reproduction division stage compared to perennial water irrigation. Cold water irrigation shortened culm length and panicle length and degree of panicle exsertion. The shortening effect appeared great at lower internodes when treated at panicle formation stage but at higher internodes when treated at reduction division stage. Cold water irrigation decreased the number of secondary branches and spikelets per panicle, and increased the number of degenerated spikelets being high degeneration when treated at panicle formation stage. Spikelet sterility and impediment of grain filling were affected by duration of cold water irrigation being great when treated at spikelet primodium differentiation stage and reduction division stage in particular. Grain weight was also reduced. Significant relationship existed between spikelets sterility, grain filling and yield. The degeneration of secondary branches and spikelets correlated with leaf area but spikelet sterility and yield with culm length, panicle length and panicle exsertion.

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Interfacial Wave Characteristics for Countercurrent Stratified Air-Water Flow in a Horizontal Pipe

  • Chung, Heung-June;Chun, Se-Young;Chung, Moon-Ki;No, Hee-Cheon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.379-389
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    • 1996
  • To experimentally investigate the several wave patterns for the horizontal countercurrent stratified air-water flow, a series of systematic experimental studies have been performed. The experiments are carried out in a horizontal pipe with 4m in length and 102mm in inner diameter. The oater and air superficial velocities vary from 0.0004 to 0.0204 and from 0 to 6m/s, respectively. The instantaneous water thickness is measured by parallel-wire conductance probes, and the wave field is recorded by high speed video camera. Also, to evaluate the wave effect on interfacial friction factor, the pressure drop is measured. Statistical data anal)sis is accomplished in order to obtain the fundamental wave parameters such as un amplitude, length and velocity, and spatial growth factor. By using these statistical parameters, the wave regime boundaries can be verified.

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