• Title/Summary/Keyword: water control

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Feasibility Study of Agronomic Application of Treated Sewage for Paddy Rice Culture

  • Woo, Sun-Ho;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2000
  • A feasibility study was performed to examine the agronomic application of treated sewage on paddy rice culture by field experiment for two consecutive years. The domestic sewage was treated by the constructed wetland system which was in subsurface flow type and consisted of sand and macrophyte. The effluent of the wetland system was used for irrigation water. The effluent was diluted to maintain the total nitrogen concentration below $26mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ in the first year and used without dilution in the second year experiment. Growth components and yields were compared against the CONTROL plot where conventional method was applied. And also, soil characteristics of the plots before and after reclaimed sewage irrigation were analyzed. Generally, addition of the treated sewage to the irrigation water showed no adverse effects on paddy rice culture, and even enhancement was noticed in both growth and yield. Irrigation of treated sewage after concentration adjusted with conventional fertilization showed the better result, and the yield exceeded that of CONTROL case where clean water was irrigated. Soil characteristics changed after irrigation, and significant EC increasing was observed for the reclaimed sewage irrigation plots. From this study, it appears that reuse of treated sewage, as supplemental irrigation water could be a feasible and practical alternative. For full-scale application, further study is recommended on the specific guideline of major water quality components in treated sewage for irrigation and public health.

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Optimum Water Quality Contral of River Basin by Linear Programming (선형계획법에 의한 하천유역의 최적수질관리)

  • 김상근;이순택
    • Water for future
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 1983
  • In this paper, a linear programming was used for determining the optimum efficiency required of each wastwater treatment facility and minimum total treatment casts in order to meet any set of stream dissolved oxygen standards within a river basin. The optimum solution of water quality control which was obtained with the inventory equation of Camp-Dobbins' equation incorporated into the constraints of linear programming was compared with that of Streeter-Phelps' equation. It can be concluded that correlation coefficient was 0.997. Then the linear programming incorporating the inventory equation of selected streeter-Phelps equation was used in order to obtain the optimum solution of water quality control based on data form the Nakdong River.

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The Behavioral Characteristics of a Droplet on the Line Patterned Surface Including Water Film (수막을 가지는 선형 젖음성 패턴 표면에서의 액적 거동 특성)

  • Lee, Changwoo;Park, Jinyoung;Cho, Handong;Hwang, Woonbong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.12
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    • pp.1335-1340
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    • 2013
  • Herein the water film was introduced to the hydrophilic area on the line patterned surface to solve the contradiction caused by surface roughness (high different wettability has advantage to control the droplet but high roughness for that high wettability difference causes obstruction of droplet moving). Thus the droplet on the water film could not be hindered to line direction but restricted to orthogonal direction, effectively. In addition, droplet behaviors according to droplet volume and line thickness were studied. Droplet fell off the line with narrowing the interface between the droplet and the water film on the line. When the droplet fell off the line, the plate angle was designated as a critical plate angle and it used as an indicator of surface capability to control the droplet. As a result critical plate angle increases as droplet volume decreases and line thickness increases.

Effects of Tailored Water Drinking on the Orthostatic Hypotension in the Elderly (맞춤식 수분섭취가 노인의 체위성저혈압 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Kim, Eun Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine preventive effects of tailored water drinking on orthostatic hypotension and heart rate variability in the elderly. Methods: A non-equivalent control group pre and post time-series design was adapted. Among a total of 64 elderly people admitted to two nursing homes, 35 elderly were assigned to the experimental group and 29 were assigned to the control group. As for the elderly people in the experimental group, tailed water drink was provided according to the scheduled time for six weeks. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured twice before the intervention in both groups. The data were analyzed with SPSS program using t-test, ${\chi}^2$-test, and repeated measure of ANOVA. Results: There were significant differences in blood pressure and heart rate variability between the two groups. Conclusion: Tailored water drinking had preventive effects on decreasing blood pressure fall as well as prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly people.

Effect of Ijintang - hot water & methanol extracts - on the regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral edema in MCA occlusioned rats (뇌경색유발(腦梗塞誘發) 흰쥐의 국소뇌혈류량(局所腦血流量)과 뇌부종(腦浮腫)에 대한 이진탕(二陳湯)의 수(水) 및 메탄올추출엑스의 효과(效果))

  • Yun, Sang-Hyeop;Min, Byeong-Il;Ryu, Jae-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 1996
  • For the purpose of developing a new drug against cerebral infarction, we chose Ijintang which is frequently applied in the field of Jung Pung of traditional medicine. From this formula, water extract and methanol extract were prepared respectively. Animals were divided into three groups; control group, water extract medicated group, methanol extract treated group. water extract was given 195mg/kg orally and methanol extract, 165mg/kg for 2 weeks in case of cerebral edema and 1 month in regional cerebral blood flow. On the regional cerebral blood flow, the drug medicated groups showed no significant changes as compared gith control group. There was no significant difference on the cerebral edema among the groups. According to the results above, it is suggested that oral medication of water extract and methanol extract from Ijintang have no effect on the change of rCBF and edema after acutely induced cerebral infarction. However, it is thought that modification of administration method and development of new animal model for traditional medicine are needed.

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Real-time Water Quality Prediction for Evaluation of Influent Characteristics in a Full-scale Sewerage Treatment Plant (하수처리장 유입수의 특성평가를 위한 실시간 수질예측)

  • Kim, Youn-Kwon;Chae, Soo-Kwon;Han, In-Sun;Kim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.617-623
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    • 2010
  • It is the most important subject to figure out characteristics of the wastewater inflows of sewerage treatment plant(STP) when situation models are applied to operation of the biological processes and in the automatic control based on ICA(Instrument, Control and Automation). For the purposes, real-time influent monitoring method has been applied by using on-line monitoring equipments for the process optimization in conventional STP. Since, the influent of STP is consist of complex components such as, COD, BOD, TN, $NH_4$-N, $NO_3$-N, TP and $PO_4$-P. MRA2(Microbial Respiration Analyzer 2), which is capable of real-time analyzing of wastewater characteristics is used to overcome the limitations and defects of conventional online monitoring equipments in this study. Rapidity, accuracy and stability of developed MRA2 are evaluated and compared with the results from on-line monitoring equipments for seven months after installation in Full-scale STP.

The Effects of Ginseng on $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ Activity of Sarcolemma Fragments in Rat Hearts (흰쥐에 인삼투여시 심장근 섬유막 절편 $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ 활성의 변화)

  • Lim, Jeung-Eun;Kim, Nak-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 1985
  • This investigation was performed to study the effect of Ginseng water extract on the cardiac sarcolemma $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ activity of rat hearts. The Ginseng water extract (100mg/kg/day) was administered orally to Sprague-Dawley rats for one, four and seven days. The fragment of sarcolemma was prepared by the method of Matsui and Erdmann and the $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ and $Mg^{++}-ATPase$ activity were measured by the method of Martins and Doty. $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ activity in the rat heart treated with Ginseng water extract for 1 day was not significantly different from control value, but the activity was decreased by 13.4% in the rat heart treated for 4 days and was decreased by 20.4% in the 7 days treated group. $Mg^{++}-ATPase$ activity in the rat treated with ginseng water extract was similar to control value. It may be concluded that chronic administration of Ginseng may inhibit the $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ enzyme activity, but single administration may not inhibit the activity.

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Development of Natural Color of Bleached Hanji Dyed with Rice Straw Extractives (볏짚 추출물을 이용한 한지의 천연색 발현)

  • 최태호;이연숙
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2003
  • Black liquor staining for the development of natural color of bleached Hanji caused problems of discoloration and degradation. This study was carried out not only to complement these problems but also to develop natural dyeing method that was similar to the color of unbleached Hanji, through the dyeing of rice straw extractives. The dyeing properties of Hanji were influenced more by dyestuffs extraction method than extraction and dyeing time. Dyeing ability of hot water extractives was superior to cold-water extractives. Without the relation to the time of extraction and dyeing, the color of Hanji dyeing hot water extractives were similar to the control, and the color of Hanji dyed for 45 min with hot water extractives that extracted for 120 min, were almost same as the control. As natural dyestuffs, hot water extractives of rice straw showed that excellent dyeing ability for the development of various natural colors similar to unbleached Hanjis.

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An Experimental Study on the Effect of Sinchim on Enhancing of memory in Rat with water maze (신침(神枕)이 치매유발백서의 학습을 통한 기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Jeung, Hee-Sang;Kim, Geun-Woo;Koo, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study was performed to examine the effect of Sinchim on enhancing of memory in rat with water maze. Methods : Experimental animals(white rat) were classfied into normal, control, and aroma sample group. Then, they were injected .{\beta}-amyloid into control and aroma sample group rat's brain about $5{\mu}l$ to injure its brain. After rat smelt Sinchim about 12days, I did water maze test and anatomized its hippocampus. Sections were cut coronally at 30 ${\mu}m$.(XI00) Results: 1. In acquisition test of water maze learning, .{\beta}-amyloid injured group took more time than normal group to reach the escape platform noticeably and through the session of trial, Sinchim aroma sample group shortened time than .l3-amyloid injured group after 6 days. 2. In the acetyltransferase(AchE) immunostained method, it was shown that Sinchim aroma sample recovered tbe syntbesis of ChAT(Choloneacetyltransferase). Conclusion: Smelling Sinchim would be useful for enhancing of memory.

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A Study on First Flush Storage Tank Design for Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) Control (합류식하수도 월류수 관리를 위한 초기우수 저류조 설계방안 연구)

  • Son, Bongho;Oa, Seongwook
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.654-660
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    • 2011
  • One of the best way to control Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is proposed to construct first flush storage tank. But there is little known parameters for optimum design of these facilities. This study was conducted to get optimum design parameters for a first flush storage tank construction. The optimization of the tank is generally based upon some measure of SS(Suspended Solid) mass holding efficiency. Water quality deterioration of receiving water body happened right after first time occurring rainfall in dry weather seasons. So, design rainfall intensity is used at 2 mm/hr for peak of monthly average intensities of dry seasons. The capacities for each evaluated catchment are designed from 14.4 min to 16.1 min HRT of CSOs flow at design rainfall intensity. Owing to all storage tanks are connected to interception sewer having a redundancy, the suggested volume could be cut down.