• Title/Summary/Keyword: vegetation growth

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Analysis of Seasonal Water Quality Variation of a Natural Wetland in the Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 수계 자연습지의 계절별 수질변화특성 분석)

  • Kim, Young Ryun;Lee, Kwang Sup;Lee, Suk Mo;Kang, Daeseok;Sung, Kijune
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.713-719
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    • 2009
  • A natural wetland in the Nakdong River basin which effectively removes non-point source pollutants was investigated for 2 years to understand wetland topography, vegetation types, and water quality characteristics. The water depth of the natural wetland was in the range of 0.5~1.9 m which is suitable for the growth of non-emergent hydrophytes. The wetland has a high length to width ratio (3.3:1) and a relatively large wetland to watershed area ratio (0.057). A broad-crested weir at the outlet increases the retention time of the wetland whose hydrology is mainly dependent on storm events. The concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the growing season and the winter season showed anoxic and oxic conditions, respectively. Diurnal variations of DO and pH in the growing season were also observed due to weather change and submerged plants. COD and TP concentrations were low in the winter season due to low inflow rate and increased retention time. Increased TP concentrations in the spring season were caused by degradation of dead wetland plants. Nitrogen in the wetland was mostly in organic nitrogen form (>75%). During the growing season, ammonium concentration was high but nitrate nitrogen concentration was low, possibly due to anoxic and low pH conditions which are adverse conditions for ammonificaiton and nitrification. The results of this study can be used as preliminary data for design, operation, monitoring and management of a constructed wetland which is designed to treat diffuse pollutants in the Nakdong river watershed.

Experimental Techniques for Evaluating the Success of Restoration Projects

  • Robinson, George R.;Handel, Steven-N.l;Mattei, Jennifer
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2002
  • The ecological background of a restoration project is complex and difficult to betermine without experimentation. A useful context for experiments is the well-studied process of natural succession, because the factors that drive or inhibit succession are also at work during reclamation (a form of primary succession) and restoration (which often resembles secondary succession). Using experimental studies on urban wasteland reclamation, we have tested for factors that stimulate or inhibit succession during early phases of woodland development in the Northeastern United states. The emphasis has been on mutualisms (seed dispersal, pollination, and mycorrhizae) and microsite limitations in the recruitment, growth, and reproduction of woody plants. Using plantings of seeds, seedlings, and clusters of reproductively mature plants on abandoned landfills, we have observed that (1) soil microsite deficiencies lead to very poor germination (<0.1$\%$) and seedling survival (<0.01$\%$) of most native species; (2) seed dispersal by birds is a significant and reliable source of woody plant recruitment; however (3) proximity effects are strong, with most (up to 95$\%$) of seed rain falling in the vicinity of planted clusters that are closest to putative seed sources; and (4) remnant natural woodlands are critical components of the recruitment process. To emphasize the last point, in one case, we found that the destruction of approximately 50$\%$ of nearby natural woodland vegetation led to a commensurate decline in seed rain. In another case, we found that the species richness of recruits was strictly limited by the species composition of nearby source plant communities, with no evidence of community enrichment by long distance dispersal over 5 years. We conclude from these results that the size and proximity of remnant natural populations are critical considerations when planning reclamation and restoration programs that rely on natural successional processes.

Forest regrowth reduces richness and abundance of invasive alien plant species in community managed Shorea robusta forests of central Nepal

  • Khaniya, Laxmi;Shrestha, Bharat Babu
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2020
  • Background: Natural forests are generally considered to be less prone to biological invasions than other modified ecosystems, particularly when canopy cover is high. Few decades of management of degraded forests by local communities in Nepal has increased canopy cover and altered disturbance regimes. These changes might have reduced the abundance of invasive alien plant species (IAPS) in forests. To understand the status of IAPS in such forests, we studied two community managed Shorea robusta forests (Sundari and Dhusheri) of Nawalpur district in central Nepal. In these two forests, vegetation sampling was done using circular plots 10 m radius at forest edge, gaps, and within canopy. Variation of IAPS richness and cover across these microhabitats were compared, and their variation with tree canopy cover and basal area analyzed. Result: Altogether 14 IAPS were recorded in the study forests; among them Chromolaena odorata, Ageratum houstonianum, and Lantana camara had the highest frequency. Mikania micrantha was at the early stage of colonization in Sundari Community Forest (CF) but absent in Dhuseri CF. Both IAPS cover and richness was higher at forest edge and gap than in canopy plots and both these attributes declined with increasing canopy cover and tree basal area. Conclusion: The results indicate that increase in canopy cover and closure of forest gaps through participatory management of degraded forests can prevent plant invasions and suppress the growth of previously established IAPS in Shorea robusta forests of Nepal. This is the unacknowledged benefit of participatory forest management in Nepal.

Flora and Life form of 4 Man-made Wetlands in Gunsan City (군산시 주요 4개 인공습지의 식물상 및 생활형)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kang, Eun-Ok;Choi, Young-Eun;Park, Byoung-Mo;Baek, Jong-Seon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.1125-1140
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    • 2011
  • According to previous research on evaluating vegetative value of wetland and RAM evaluation targeting the man-made wetland in Gunsan, Gunsan Reservoir and Gongchang Reservoir had been found to have satisfactory results while Anjeong Reservoir and Changan Reservoir had been found to have unsatisfactory results. Aimed at those reservoirs, a vegetation survey was conducted to analyze differences in terms of flora and growth habit. As for the flora, Gunsan Reservoir ranked first with 433 kinds of plants, followed by Gongchang Reservoir with 306, Changan Reservoir with 176 and Anjeong Reservoir with 167. As for specific plant species by floristic region, it was identified that Gunsan Reservoir had 18 species, larger than other wetlands and also, it had more species of naturalized plants than others. This phenomenon is related to various wetland environments resulted from wider area of Gunsan Reservoir. In the case of dormancy form, hemicryptophytes were mainly distributed in Gunsan Reservoir and Gongchang Reservoir while annual plants were mainly distributed in Anjeong Reservoir and Changan Reservoir with heavy disturbance.

Growth Response of Kentucky Bluegrass and Creeping Bentgrass by Foliar Spray with Chitosan Formulation and Seaweed Extracts during Fall Season (키토산 제형과 해조추출물의 엽면살포가 가을철 Kentucky Bluegrass와 Creeping Bentgrass의 생육 반응)

  • Chang, Tae-Hyun;Yoon, Jeong-Ho
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2011
  • The seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) extracts and chitosan formulations were sprayed on species of creeping bentrgass (Agrostis palustris Huds) cultivar "Penn A1" and species of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) mixed cultivars (Midnight 33%, Moonlight 33%, Prosperity 33%) during fall season in sod farm. Turf color, chlorophyll contents and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to affect turf qualities were investigated. There were detected significantly difference on chlorophyll contents and DNVI with seaweed extracts and chitosan formulations treatments. The contents of chlorophyll and NDVI on species of Kentucky bluegrass mixed cultivars and species of creeping bentgrass cultivar "Penn A1" were significantly increased by foliar spray with chitosan formulations and seaweed extracts. There was not a significantly difference on leaf color in two species within cultivars. These results suggested that chitosan formulations and seaweed extracts may help for turfgrass managements in the golf course during fall season.

Occurrence of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) Fungi and Their Effect on Plant Growth in Endangered Vegetations

  • Selvaraj, Thangaswamy;Padmanabhan, Chellappan;Jeong, Yu-Jin;Kim, Hoon
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.885-890
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    • 2004
  • A survey for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) occurrence was undertaken in three endangered vegetation sites in the area of Kudankulam atomic power station. Fifteen VAM fungal species were isolated from the root-zone soils of fourteen different plant species. There was a significant correlation observed between the number of spores and of percentage root colonization as exemplified by Phyllanthus niruri and Paspalum vaginatum (450, 95%; 60, 25%). Although VAM species are not known to be strictly site specific, the fact that Acaulospora elegans was observed only in site 1, Glomus pulvinatum in site 2 only, and Gl. intraradices in site 3 only, showed site-specificity in this study. To confirm the infection efficiency, two host plant species in the sites, P. niruri and Eclipta alba, were selected and inoculated in field with three selected VAM fungal spores. Gl. fasciculatum was found to be the most efficient VAM species in percentage root colonization, number of VAM spores, and dry matter content. When the nutrients in roots of P. niruri and E. alba were analyzed, there was higher uptake of K (4.2 and 3.4 times, respectively) and Ca (5.3 and 4.9 times, respectively), the analogues for $^{137}Cs$ and $^{90}Sr$, respectively. From the results, it might be concluded that VAM association helps the plants survive in a disturbed ecosystem and enhances uptake and cycling of radionuclides from the ecosystem.

Studies on the Ecological Change of the Plant Community in the Erosion-Controlled and Rehabilitated Areas - During 9~26 Years After Erosion Control Works - (사방시공지 식물사회의 생태학적 변화에 관한 연구(V) - 사방시공 후 9~26년 간의 변화 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2003
  • Most denuded mountain areas in Korea were completely stabilized by the successful work of the 1st and 2nd 10-year Forest Development Plans which targeted the reforestation of denuded forest lands. The objectives of this study are (1) to estimate the depth of organic horizon in the soil profile, (2) to investigate the change of vegetation structure, (3) to estimate the change of biomass in the erosion controlled and rehabilitated mountain areas with the passage of time. This study was carried out as the 5th times. The first study began in the year of 1985, the second study was in the year of 1988, the third study was in the year of 1992, 4th was in the year of 1998 and 5th was in the year of 2002. The first study started in the study sites which elapsed 9 years after erosion control works. The results of the study were as follows : The increase rate of soil thickness was estimated to $Y_{(cm)}=2.906log_{(yr)}-3.2476(r^2=0.917)$ during 26 years after erosion control works. The important value of pines decreased to 14.7% on upper layer. But, the important value of alders. which did not plant on erosion control work increased to 27.1%. The decrease of whole crown projection indicates that pines. and alders were heavily injured by pine leaf gall midge in the year of 1993, 1995 years and Agelastica coerulea Baly in the year of 1986, 1987 years at Yoju-gun. The young growth of pines and alders not appeared on the soil surface which elapsed 26 years after erosion control works. On the lower layer, oaks occupied over 50% in I.V, RD, RC, RF. In process of years, the increase of biomass estimated to be $Y_{(t/ha)}={0.7505X_{(yr)}}^{1.6335}\;(r^2=0.9712)$ for 26 years after erosion control works.

The Effects of Geological Features on Forest Devastation in Kyungpook Province Area (지질(地質)이 경북(慶北) 산림황폐(山林荒廢)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Son, Doo-Sik;Lee, Heon-Ho;Park, Sang-Jun;Jau, Jae-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • Forest devastation in Korea was caused by several factors such as internal factors from geological features and external factors from artificial forest damages including fuel wood collection from forests, forest fires, shifting cultivations and so on. According to the reports of 1935, lots of forest devastation in Kyungpook province area occurred around the main and branch stream of Nakdong river. Main factors of occurring forest devastation in 1935 were investigated by the methods of forest devastation rate and the population density at the basin of Nakdong river. But based on our study, forest devastation mainly occurred in rock zones of granite and granite gneiss, next to Nakdong formation but scarcely occurred in Hayang formation. Clay of the weathered soils of granite and granite gneiss was lost by rainfall, but remaining coarse-sandy soils(or grits) have poored conditions in vegetation's growth, which are due to high level of water permeability, lack of water-holding capacity and dried conditions. Generally, pine forests are mainly growing up in these regions. It is supposed that forest devastation was accelerated due to long periods of natural regeneration and no ability of natural regeneration by sprout after frequent collections of fuel wood and cuttings from pine forest on those grit areas. These results indicated that the high rate of forest devastation occurred around the basin with the high resident population density, which was partly due to forest damages by fuel collection. Moreover, both geological features and number of residents had much influence on forest devastation. Forest devastation was positively correlated with those variables(r=+0.73).

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A Study on Recognition of Land Acquisition for Ecology Restoration Project in Ecological and Landscape Conservation Area of Donggang River Basin. (동강유역 생태·경관보전지역 내 매수토지 생태복원사업 인식도 연구)

  • Li, Lan;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2017
  • A protected area means a space designated and protected by law from development pressure and environmental pressure. It is mainly designated to protect specific ecosystems, natural landscapes, and cultural resources from irrational development (or damage), and involves policies of the public sector such as central and local governments. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has conducted conservation and restoration projects for preserving natural ecosystems and genetic resources. In order to conserve the ecosystem in the protected area, national and public organizations purchase private land and use it ecologically; in addition, ecological restoration project is carried out for the purpose of creating waterside ecological belt or preserving ecosystem. Land acquisition refers to the land where highly influenced by the water quality and need to restore, and purchased by negotiating with the landlord. Although the nation and public institution carried out ecosystem restoration project for partial purchase land in order to conserve ecosystem, it is below the expected effect due to lack of comprehensive management system and have some problems in restoration project and unification of management institutions. Land acquisition in Donggang River Basin Ecological Conservation area is initiated in 2005 for creating income of local residents and ecological restoration. However, the lack of overall management and awareness resulted in poor vegetation growth and poor response by local residents due to terrain exposure. As such, there is insufficient research on the current situation and systematic integrated management although the number of land acquisition is increasing year after year. Futhermore, overall recognition and follow-up monitoring of eco-restoration are still inadequate. Therefore, the survey on the awareness of the purchase land ecosystem restoration project is necessary for the efficient restoration project and establishment of the management strategy for land acquisition in the future. Therefore, in this study, we provide fundamental materials on further research projects by carrying out research on the awareness of ecological restoration projects in the Donggang River basin ecological preservation area.

Periphytic Diatom Communities and Water Environment in the Donghwa Constructed Wetlands (동화습지의 갈대 침수줄기에 서식하는 부착규조군집의 생태학적 특성)

  • Kim, Baik-Ho;Park, Young-Seok;Kim, Yong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2010
  • Water quality and epiphytic diatom on the submerged stems of reed (Phragmites communis), which occupy 90% of the Donghwa wetland macrophytes were monthly monitored at three points such as inflow stream, high- and low-level wetlands, and outflow stream between March and October, 2005. 1) A diverse and high density of diatom species observed in the cold-season, especially Nitzschia palea and Nitzschia amphibia dominated the diatom community without wetlands. 2) High DAIpo and TDI indices were measured over the sampling periods and stations, regardless of nitrogen increase and phosphorus increase through the wetlands. 3) Higher density of diatom species in high wetland than low wetlands was attributed in the enough nutrients and light penetration by low growth of reed. Therefore, epiphytic diatom of reed stem in Donghwa wetland, where high nutrients released from the sediment and reed debris after the death of macrophytes, flourished with low canopy of low reed vegetation.