• Title/Summary/Keyword: vegetation environment

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A Study on Decreasing Effects of Ultra-fine Particles (PM2.5) by Structures in a Roadside Buffer Green - A Buffer Green in Songpa-gu, Seoul - (도로변 완충녹지의 식재구조에 따른 초미세먼지(PM2.5)농도 저감효과 연구 - 서울 송파구 완충녹지를 대상으로 -)

  • Hwang, Kwang-Il;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwark, Jeong-In;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to verify the effect of green buffers, built as urban planning facilities on the reduction of ultra-fine particulate($PM_{2.5}$) and analyze changes in ultra-fine particles by structure, green volume and planting types of wayside green buffers, thus drawing the factors that can be used when green buffers are built to reduce ultra-fine particulate based on the results. This study selected Songpa-gu, and investigated 16 sites on 5 green buffers adjacent to two of Songpa-gu's main roads, 'Yangjaedaero' and 'Songpadaero'. This study divided all the green spaces into three different types-slope type, plain type and mounding type, and analyzed the mean green volume. As a result of measuring the concentration of $PM_{2.5}$, this study found that it was $55.5{\mu}g/m^3$ on average in winter, which was a harmful level according to the integrated environmental index provided by Seoul City, saying that levels above $50{\mu}g/m^3$ may have a harmful effect on sensitive groups of people. Particularly, the concentration of $PM_{2.5}$ was $38.6{\mu}g/m^3$ on average in spring, which exceeded the mean concentration of $PM_{2.5}$ in Seoul City in 2015. The mean concentrations of $PM_{2.5}$ in every investigation spot were $46.6{\mu}g/m^3$ for sidewalks, $45.5{\mu}g/m^3$ for green spaces and $42.9{\mu}g/m^3$ for residential areas, all of which were lower than $53.2{\mu}g/m^3$ for roads, regardless of the season. The concentration of $PM_{2.5}$ for residential areas was the lowest. In the stage of confirming the effect of green buffers, this study analyzed the correlation between the green volume of vegetation and the fluctuated rate of ultra-fine particles. As a result, it was found that the green coverage rate of trees and shrubs was related to the crown volume in every investigation spot but were mutually and complexly affected by each other. Therefore, this study judged that the greater the number of layers of shrubs that are made, the more effective it is in reducing the concentration of $PM_{2.5}$. As for seasonal characteristics, this study analyzed the correlation between the concentration of $PM_{2.5}$ for residential areas in winter and the green coverage rate of each green space type. As a result, this study found that there was a negative correlation showing that the higher the shrub green coverage rate is, the lower the concentration value becomes in all the slope-type, plain-type and mounding-type green spaces. This study confirmed that the number of tree rows and the number of shrub layers have negative correlations with the fluctuated concentration rate of $PM_{2.5}$. Especially, it was judged that the shrub green volume has greater effect than any other factor, and each green space type shows a negative correlation with the shrub coverage rate in winter.

A Study on Value of Geumseonjeong as a Scenic Spot (금선정의 명승적 가치에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Young;Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2012
  • The Confucian culture of the Chosun Dynasty has a great effect on the construction of ByeolSeo gardens. Among them, especially the gardens built in Gyeongsang Province areas, where a great number of Confucian scholars were produced in the beautiful natural environment, have maintained various heritage of Confucian culture established by the scholars. Along with the Nakdong River, we can find so many cultural assets of buildings such as head houses, ByeolSeo gardens, including the literary remains such as administrative certificates, poetry and prose, and records of pavilions, which show the trace of the scholars who followed the instructions of the doctrines of Chu-tzu. The Geumseonjeog located in Punggi County, Gyeongsangbuk Province, which was the ByeolSeo gardens possessed by Geumgye Whang Jun-ryang(1517-1563), who was the governor of the area and one of the representative students of Toigye Lee Whang. The building is located nearby the Geumseon Valley with beautiful natural scenery under Sobaek Mountain. Especially the pine forest around the valley boasts a unique natural setting. This study is aimed to analyze the value of natural scenic spot of the Geumseonjeong through the surveys on surroundings, topography, vegetation and water system. including the value of humanistic elements focused on the writings such as 'Geumgyejip' written by Whang Jun-ryang and Lee Whang, another 'Geumgyejip' written by Ryu un-ryong, and 'Geumgyejeongsajungsugi' written by Hong Gyeong-ryeom. And also, the scenic spot value of the signboards such as the 'Geumgyejeongsajungsugi' written by Ryu un-ryong, 'Geumgyejeong' by Lee Han-il, 'Geumgyejeong' written by Jo Un-hyeong and 'Geumgyejeongsa, written by Lee Jung-gi, was analyzed. And the historical and cultural value was analyzed through the semantic interpretation of the series of poetry and pose and the old map established in 1872. In respect of the scenery, the surroundings of the Geumseon Valley boast the outstanding settings as the clean mountain stream in front of the Geumseonjeong makes a beautiful harmony with the pine forest. The pine forest surrounding the Geumseon Valley has played a secret role in the history of the village. Considering the fact that the pine forest was expressed in the map of Punggi County produced in 1872, it may be assumed that the forest was regarded to have historical and scenic value in those times. Considering the fact that the words like 'Beautiful' and 'Scenic spot' were used in the writings like 'Geumgyejip' and there were meeting places around the valley, we can recognize the value of the place as a scenic spot. The beautiful natural scenery surrounding the ByeolSeo gardens, and the increase in humanistic value of the poetry and prose, including the administrative certificates, has recently brought about the cases in which some scenic spots of the ByeolSeo gardens were designated as cultural assets. According to the value as a scenic spot and semantic interpretation of the Geumseonjeong, the pavilion appeared to have a great scenic spot value as a ByeolSeo gardens, so that this study was designed to prepare criteria with which the pavilion may be designated as a scenic spot of ByeolSeo gardens.

Genesis and Classification of the Red-Yellow Soils derived from Residuum on Acidic and Intermediate Rocks -II. Songjeong series (산성암(酸性岩) 및 중성암(中性岩)의 잔적층(殘積層)에 발달(發達)한 적황색토(赤黃色土)의 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類) -제(第)II보(報) 송정통(松汀統)에 관(關)하여)

  • Um, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1973
  • The morphological, physical, and chemical properties of Sonjeong series derived from acidic crystalline rocks are presented. Also it deals with the genesis and classification of the Songjeong series. Morphologically these soils have brown to dark brown loam A horizons and yellowish red to red clay loam Bt horizons with moderate, medium subangular blocky structure and thin patchy clay cutans on the ped faces. C horizons are very deep, yellowish red to yellowish brown fine sandy loam or sandy loam with original rock structure. Physically distribution of particle size indicates that clay increases with depth up to argillic horizons but below the argillic horizons clay content decrease. The moisture holding capacity is fairly good in Songjeong soils. Chemically soil reaction is strongly to very strongly acid throughout the profile and content of organic matter is less than 1 per cent except A horizons. Cation exchange capacity ranges from 5 to 9 me/100g of soils and base saturation is less than 35 per cent throughout the profile. The natural fertility of Songjeong soils are usually low. It needs lime, organic matter, and heavy application of fertilizer for the crop land. These soils occur temperate and humid climate under coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forest vegetation. Songjeong soils are classified as Red-Yellow Soils. Characteristically Songjeong soils are similar to Red-Yellow Podzolic soils in the United States but lack of A2 horizons and are quite liket Red-Yellow Soils of the Japan. According to new classification system which is 7th approximation of USDA Songjeong soils can be classified as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Hapludults and in the FAO/UNESCO project World Soil Map as Orthic Acrisols.

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Studies on the Soil Properties and Fertilizer Recommendation for Grass Lands to be Established (산지초지(山地草地) 조성대상지(造成對象地) 토양특성(土壤特性)과 시비추천(施肥推薦))

  • Lee, Hyub-Sung;Hur, Bong-Koo;Yoon, Kwan-Hee;Son, Eung-Ryong;Um, Ki-Tae;Noh, Dae-Chul;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 1989
  • For the agricultural utilization of Korean forest land resources, which constitutes most of country, the distribution of environment and soil physico-chemical properties of establishable grass lands were clarified. The surveyed data were analized for the reasonable utilization and management of establishable grass land. The results were as follows ; 1. About 50.2% of the grass lands to be established were located under the 200m in altitude. The higher the altitude was, the more the organic matter content. 2. Tall type grass species such as Miscanthus purpurascens, Purple eulalia, and Themeda Japonica covered 71.3% of the natural vegetation in the soils of grass land to be established. 3. The extent of sandy and clayey soils which might be limited in the establishment of grassland was only 3.3%, meanwhile majority of the soils were in the favourable condition for grassland that is about 94% have more than 20cm in available soil depth and about 60.5% of the soils have less than 10% of gravels and stones in the soil profiles. 4. The chemical properties of the prearranged grassland soils were worse than the established grasslands, especially in the content of available $P_2O_5$. 5. The amount of fertilizer recommended for meadow were 286kg of nitrogen per hectare, 271kg of phosphorus, 224kg of potassium and 2040kg of calcium per hectare, but for grazing land were 201, 204, 136 and 1920kg/ha respectively.

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Topographic Factors Computation in Island: A Comparison of Different Open Source GIS Programs (오픈소스 GIS 프로그램의 지형인자 계산 비교: 도서지역 경사도와 지형습윤지수 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bora;Lee, Ho-Sang;Lee, Gwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2021
  • An area's topography refers to the shape of the earth's surface, described by its elevation, slope, and aspect, among other features. The topographical conditions determine energy flowsthat move water and energy from higher to lower elevations, such as how much solar energy will be received and how much wind or rain will affect it. Another common factor, the topographic wetness index (TWI), is a calculation in digital elevation models of the tendency to accumulate water per slope and unit area, and is one of the most widely referenced hydrologic topographic factors, which helps explain the location of forest vegetation. Analyses of topographical factors can be calculated using a geographic information system (GIS) program based on digital elevation model (DEM) data. Recently, a large number of free open source software (FOSS) GIS programs are available and developed for researchers, industries, and governments. FOSS GIS programs provide opportunitiesfor flexible algorithms customized forspecific user needs. The majority of biodiversity in island areas exists at about 20% higher elevations than in land ecosystems, playing an important role in ecological processes and therefore of high ecological value. However, island areas are vulnerable to disturbances and damage, such as through climate change, environmental pollution, development, and human intervention, and lacks systematic investigation due to geographical limitations (e.g. remoteness; difficulty to access). More than 4,000 of Korea's islands are within a few hours of its coast, and 88% are uninhabited, with 52% of them forested. The forest ecosystems of islands have fewer encounters with human interaction than on land, and therefore most of the topographical conditions are formed naturally and affected more directly by weather conditions or the environment. Therefore, the analysis of forest topography in island areas can be done more precisely than on its land counterparts, and therefore has become a major focus of attention in Korea. This study is focused on calculating the performance of different topographical factors using FOSS GIS programs. The test area is the island forests in Korea's south and the DEM of the target area was processed with GRASS GIS and SAGA GIS. The final slopes and TWI maps were produced as comparisons of the differences between topographic factor calculations of each respective FOSS GIS program. Finally, the merits of each FOSS GIS program used to calculate the topographic factors is discussed.

Analysis of Optimal Pathways for Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning for the Establishment of Digital Inventory of Forest Resources (디지털 산림자원정보 구축을 위한 최적의 지상LiDAR 스캔 경로 분석)

  • Ko, Chi-Ung;Yim, Jong-Su;Kim, Dong-Geun;Kang, Jin-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to identify the applicability of a LiDAR sensor to forest resources inventories by comparing data on a tree's position, height, and DBH obtained by the sensor with those by existing forest inventory methods, for the tree species of Criptomeria japonica in Jeolmul forest in Jeju, South Korea. To this end, a backpack personal LiDAR (Greenvalley International, Model D50) was employed. To facilitate the process of the data collection, patterns of collecting the data by the sensor were divided into seven ones, considering the density of sample plots and the work efficiency. Then, the accuracy of estimating the variables of each tree was assessed. The amount of time spent on acquiring and processing the data by each method was compared to evaluate the efficiency. The findings showed that the rate of detecting standing trees by the LiDAR was 100%. Also, the high statistical accuracy was observed in both Pattern 5 (DBH: RMSE 1.07 cm, Bias -0.79 cm, Height: RMSE 0.95 m, Bias -3.2 m), and Pattern 7 (DBH: RMSE 1.18 cm, Bias -0.82 cm, Height: RMSE 1.13 m, Bias -2.62 m), compared to the results drawn in the typical inventory manner. Concerning the time issue, 115 to 135 minutes per 1ha were taken to process the data by utilizing the LiDAR, while 375 to 1,115 spent in the existing way, proving the higher efficiency of the device. It can thus be concluded that using a backpack personal LiDAR helps increase efficiency in conducting a forest resources inventory in an planted coniferous forest with understory vegetation, implying a need for further research in a variety of forests.

A Review of Recent Climate Trends and Causes over the Korean Peninsula (한반도 기후변화의 추세와 원인 고찰)

  • An, Soon-Il;Ha, Kyung-Ja;Seo, Kyong-Hwan;Yeh, Sang-Wook;Min, Seung-Ki;Ho, Chang-Hoi
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 2011
  • This study presents a review on the recent climate change over the Korean peninsula, which has experienced a significant change due to the human-induced global warming more strongly than other regions. The recent measurement of carbon dioxide concentrations over the Korean peninsula shows a faster rise than the global average, and the increasing trend in surface temperature over this region is much larger than the global mean trend. Recent observational studies reporting the weakened cold extremes and intensified warm extremes over the region support consistently the increase of mean temperature. Surface vegetation greenness in spring has also progressed relatively more quickly. Summer precipitation over the Korean peninsula has increased by about 15% since 1990 compared to the previous period. This was mainly due to an increase in August. On the other hand, a slight decrease in the precipitation (about 5%) during Changma period (rainy season of the East Asian summer monsoon), was observed. The heavy rainfall amounts exhibit an increasing trend particularly since the late 1970s, and a consecutive dry-day has also increased primarily over the southern area. This indicates that the duration of precipitation events has shortened, while their intensity became stronger. During the past decades, there have been more stronger typhoons affecting the Korean peninsula with landing more preferentially over the southeastern area. Meanwhile, the urbanization effect is likely to contribute to the rapid warming, explaining about 28% of total temperature increase during the past 55 years. The impact of El Nino on seasonal climate over the Korean peninsula has been well established - winter [summer] temperatures was generally higher [lower] than normal, and summer rainfall tends to increase during El-Nino years. It is suggested that more frequent occurrence of the 'central-Pacific El-Nino' during recent decades may have induced warmer summer and fall over the Korean peninsula. In short, detection and attribution studies provided fundamental information that needed to construct more reliable projections of future climate changes, and therefore more comprehensive researches are required for better understanding of past climate variations.

A Study on the Ordering Status of Traditional Landscape Design Service in Cultural Heritage (문화재의 전통조경설계용역 발주실태 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Kim, Choong-Sik;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2021
  • This study identified the scale that traditional landscape design has taken up by analyzing a total of 1037 services for design of cultural heritage that had been ordered by the government agencies from 2018 to 2020, and has drawn characteristics of traditional landscape design focusing on major cases. The results are as follows. First, the number of order cases for traditional landscape design has shown differences annually in the services of design of cultural heritage, but the design amount has been found to have the similar average annually, which confirmed that the same level has been maintained each year. It was found that the number of cases of traditional landscape design requiring responsibilities or participations of landscape engineers for 3 years in the entire design had a high proportion of approximately 26%. Second, the traditional landscape design has required professional knowledge and experiences of landscape engineers that could not be replaced by the business operator for design of cultural heritage consisting of architects. The expertise has been shown differently depending on types of construction. First, the topographical design for the work to build a foundation has required understanding of ground shapes and its elevations and professional knowledge on calculation of the amount of the earth work and the remains maintenance technique etc. The plantation design has required basic knowledge on growth characteristics of trees and the environment for growth and understanding of the vegetation landscape of the past. Meanwhile, the design for traditional pavement and traditional landscape structures and facilities has required the expertise on traditional materials that are different from the modern ones and their processing and construction methods. The understanding of changes to water paths and ecosystem, the principles of fluids, and characteristics of each type of fluid was essential for the design for the ecological landscape work including the maintenance of a water system such as rivers etc. As such, the traditional landscape design has a scale accounting for approximately one fourth of the entire cultural heritage design and requires the expertise differentiated from other fields. This improves the provisions of the current law on limiting the actual design, suggesting the need for the establishment of a traditional landscape design company so that all traditional landscape designs can be carried out by landscape engineers.

Evaluation of Space-based Wetland InSAR Observations with ALOS-2 ScanSAR Mode (습지대 변화 관측을 위한 ALOS-2 광대역 모드 적용 연구)

  • Hong, Sang-Hoon;Wdowinski, Shimon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.447-460
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    • 2022
  • It is well known that satellite synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) has been widely used for the observation of surface displacement owing to earthquakes, volcanoes, and subsidence very precisely. In wetlands where vegetation exists on the surface of the water, it is possible to create a water level change map with high spatial resolution over a wide area using the InSAR technique. Currently, a number of imaging radar satellites are in operation, and most of them support a ScanSAR mode observation to gather information over a large area at once. The Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) wetland, located in northern Colombia, is a vast wetland developed along the Caribbean coast. The CGSM wetlands face serious environmental threats from human activities such as reclamation for agricultural uses and residential purposes as well as natural causes such as sea level rise owing to climate change. Various restoration and protection plans have been conducted to conserve these invaluable environments in recognition of the ecological importance of the CGSM wetlands. Monitoring of water level changes in wetland is very important resources to understand the hydrologic characteristics and the in-situ water level gauge stations are usually utilized to measure the water level. Although it can provide very good temporal resolution of water level information, it is limited to fully understand flow pattern owing to its very coarse spatial resolution. In this study, we evaluate the L-band ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR mode to observe the water level change over the wide wetland area using the radar interferometric technique. In order to assess the quality of the interferometric product in the aspect of spatial resolution and coherence, we also utilized ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 stripmap high-resolution mode observations.

Modeling of Vegetation Phenology Using MODIS and ASOS Data (MODIS와 ASOS 자료를 이용한 식물계절 모델링)

  • Kim, Geunah;Youn, Youjeong;Kang, Jonggu;Choi, Soyeon;Park, Ganghyun;Chun, Junghwa;Jang, Keunchang;Won, Myoungsoo;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.627-646
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the seriousness of climate change-related problems caused by global warming is growing, and the average temperature is also rising. As a result, it is affecting the environment in which various temperature-sensitive creatures and creatures live, and changes in the ecosystem are also being detected. Seasons are one of the important factors influencing the types, distribution, and growth characteristics of creatures living in the area. Among the most popular and easily recognized plant seasonal phenomena among the indicators of the climate change impact evaluation, the blooming day of flower and the peak day of autumn leaves were modeled. The types of plants used in the modeling were forsythia and cherry trees, which can be seen as representative plants of spring, and maple and ginkgo, which can be seen as representative plants of autumn. Weather data used to perform modeling were temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation observed through the ASOS Observatory of the Korea Meteorological Administration. As satellite data, MODIS NDVI was used for modeling, and it has a correlation coefficient of about -0.2 for the flowering date and 0.3 for the autumn leaves peak date. As the model used, the model was established using multiple regression models, which are linear models, and Random Forest, which are nonlinear models. In addition, the predicted values estimated by each model were expressed as isopleth maps using spatial interpolation techniques to express the trend of plant seasonal changes from 2003 to 2020. It is believed that using NDVI with high spatio-temporal resolution in the future will increase the accuracy of plant phenology modeling.