• Title/Summary/Keyword: vegetation area

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Groundwater and Soil Pollution Caused by Forest Fires, and Its Effects on the Distribution and Transport of Radionuclides in Subsurface Environments: Review (산불에 의한 지하수 토양 환경오염과 방사성 물질 분포 및 거동 영향 고찰)

  • Hyojin Bae;Sungwook Choung;Jungsun Oh;Jina Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.501-514
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    • 2023
  • Forest fires can generate numerous pollutants through the combustion of vegetation and cause serious environmental problems. The global warming and climate change will increase the frequency and scale of forest fires across the world. In Korea, many nuclear power plants (NPPs) are located in the East Coast where large-scale forest fires frequently occur. Therefore, understanding the sorption and transport characteristics of radionuclides in the forest fire areas is required against the severe accidents in NPPs. This article reviewed the physiochemical changes and contamination of groundwater and soil environments after forest fires, and discussed sorption and transport of radionuclides in the subsurface environment of burned forest area. We considered the geochemical factors of subsurface environment changed by forest fire. Moreover, we highlighted the need for studies on changes and contamination of subsurface environments caused by forest fires to understand more specific mechanisms.

Effectiveness of Companion Plant Input to Improve Natural Enemy Utilization in Organic Tomato Production (토마토 유기농 시설재배에서 천적활용 증진을 위한 동반식물 투입효과)

  • Minjae Kong;Eun-Jung Han;Seungmin Jeong;Wookjae Lee;Byungmo Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.973-978
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    • 2023
  • This study determined the mechanisms of selection of companion plants that will increase natural enemies and compared and analyzed the effect of suppression of pest density and changes in pest and natural enemy density and spatial distribution, aiming to select suitable companion plants to control major pests that are problematic in organic tomato facility cultivation. As a result of the companion plant selection, 13.5 days were identified in the area with daily flowers among five species of flowering plants. In the experiment to determine the timing of natural enemies, the best results were found in the treatment group introduced two weeks before the pest occurred. As a result of the actual package test, farmers could see that the density of greenhouse pollen decreased significantly (100-500% for adults and 11-67% for larvae compared to no treatment) in the treatment with companion plants. Based on the results of this study, we expect that ecological pest management using companion plants that attract natural enemies will help to increase biodiversity through vegetation management, secure the safe production of organic products and improve the sustainability of agriculture.

Characteristics of Vegetation Structure of Burned Area in Mt. Geombong, Samcheok-si, Kangwon-do (강원도 삼척 검봉산 일대 산불피해복원지 식셍구조 특성)

  • Jung Won Sung;Chae Rim Lee;Se Min Byun;Won-Seok Kang
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.38-38
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    • 2022
  • 동해안 지역에서 발생되는 대형 산불의 원인은 건조주의보, 영동지역에서 불어오는 강한 바람, 소나무의 단순림, 임도 유무와 상태 등을 들고 있다. 조사 대상지인 삼척 검봉산 일대는 기존 소나무가 우점하는 곳으로 2001년 복원을 위해 소나무, 곰솔, 굴참나무 등을 조림하였고, 일부는 자연복원을 하였다. 복원 이후 21년 지난 현재 삼척 검봉산 일대 산불피해 복원지역의 식생은 크게 굴참나무-소나무군락, 소나무신갈나무군락, 곰솔-소나무군락으로 나누어지는 것으로 나타났다. 산불피해지 식생 회복은 굴참나무, 소나무, 곰솔 등 조림으로 현재 식생은 산불 발생 이전의 임상으로 회복되고 있다. 특히, 산불의 유형 중 지표화 피해지역은 하층 식생의 피해가 크다. 기존의 소나무는 결실된 종자를 비산하여 치수를 발생시켜 자연복원의 속도를 높이고 굴참나무를 활용한 인공복원은 맹아를 발달시켜 본인의 영역을 확장하는 전략을 지니고 있다. 단, 입지적 환경이 동일하다는 전제 조건에서 숲에서 재생 기작이 진행되는 자연복원보다는 인공복원이 회복시간과 종다양성이 높은 측면에서는 효과적인 것으로 결론을 지을 수 있다. 식생군락을 분류한 결과 굴참나무-소나무군락, 소나무-신갈나무군락, 곰솔소나무군락으로 3개 군락으로 나누어졌다. 인공복원지에 식재한 굴참나무, 소나무, 곰솔은 복원 이후 지속적으로 해당지역의 식생이 우점종으로 자생하고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 소나무-신갈나무군락의 경우 참나무과 식물인 신갈나무와 굴참나무, 졸참나무가 교목층과 아교목층에 자연유입되고 있어 향후 신갈나무가 우점하는 활엽수림으로 천이 될 것으로 예상된다. 군락의 종다양도지수는 낙엽활엽수가 우점하는 굴참나무-소나무군락이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 침엽수림인 곰솔소나무군락이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 산불피해지 식생은 조림수종에 영향을 크게 받으며, 21년이 지난 현재 산불 이전 임상으로 회복되는 경향을 나타내었다. 향후, 효과적인 복원을 위한 DB구축 및 모니터링자료 마련을 위해 산불피해지에 대한 지속적인 식생조사를 통한 자료구축이 필요하다.

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A Simulation of Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization considering Temperature Change between Day and Night (주야간 온도변화를 고려한 야간 열적외영상 컬러화 모의)

  • Jung, Ji Heon;Jo, Su Min;Eo, Yang Dam;Park, Jinhyeok;Choi, Yeon Oh
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2024
  • In order to improve the visibility of nighttime thermal infrared images, a simulation method with daytime color images was proposed. As a simulation method consisting of two steps, the daytime thermal infrared image was simulated by learning the unpaired nighttime thermal infrared image and daytime thermal infrared image, then the result was translated into a daytime color image. A temperature change regression equation was constructed and applied to reflect the systematic characteristics of temperature changes in daytime and nighttime images, and day and night simulation and colorization were trained and modeled by CycleGAN. For the experimental area, 100 images were captured and used for training. As a result, the simulation showed an average SSIM of 0.2449 and a PSNR of 51.2254. It was confirmed that the method could simulate complex and detailed features such as vegetation.

Classifications of Ecological Districts for Estuarine Ecosystem Restoration; Examples of Goseong Bay Estuaries, South sea, Korea (하구 생태 복원을 위한 생태구역 구분; 남해 고성만 고성천 인근 하구의 예)

  • An, Soon-Mo;Lee, Sang-Yong;Choi, Jae-Ung
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2011
  • Estuarine ecosystem responds sensitively to natural and anthropogenic perturbations. lt is necessary to identify the direction of the change when the perturbation occurs as well as to understand the structure and functioning of estuarine ecosystem for a proper management of the area. In this study, the estuarine habitats were classified into different ecological districts so as to the switch from one district to another district could be related to the environmental change due to the perturbations. Total 16 ecological districts was defined according to the presence of barrage, salinity and vegetation characteristics. The defined ecological districts were applied to small estuaries in Goseong bay, south sea of Korea (Baedun, Guman, Maam, Goseong) to distinguish different regions which might have characteristic bottom topography, inclinations of river bottom, sediment characteristics, salinity structure and area of vegetation. Total 7 out of 16 ecological district was identified in this region; NFB (natural, fresh, bare), NHB (natural, high salinity, bare), NLV (natural, low salinity, vegetated) in natural (without barrage) estuaries and CFB (closed, fresh, bare), CFV( closed, fresh vegetated), CLV (closed, low salinity, vegetated), CHB (closed, high salinity, bare) in closed (with barrage) estuary. A comparison of environmental factors and biota between CHB and CLV demonstrated the effect of barrage on estuarine ecosystem. The height and sediment characteristics of CHB and CLV were similar but the average salinity was lower in CLV than in CHB due to the barrage, which produced favorable condition for the Phragmites australis in CLV. Information regarding the ecological districts in various sizes and location could be useful for predicting the ecosystem change due to natural and anthropogenic perturbations and for preparing management actions.

Growth Characteristics and Vegetation Structure of the Pinus densiflora Forest for Sugumagi of Unmun Temple, Cheongdo-gun, Korea (청도군 운문사 입구 수구막이 소나무림 식생구조 및 생육 특성)

  • Kang, Gi Won;Lee, Do-I;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • This study was designed to come up with a way of managing a cultural landscape forest by conducting research on the vegetation structure and growth characteristics. This study's target site, which was 45,201㎡ in size, was Pinus densiflora forest for Sugumagi placed at the entrance of Unmun Temple, Sinwon-ri, Unmun-myeon, and Cheongdo-gun in the southernmost part of Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Sugumagi means the water of the valley flows far away, and where no downstream is visible according to feng shui. The historical sources of the Sugumagi Pinus densiflora forest at the entrance of Unmun Temple isn't clear. It waw only found at that location. The Pinus densiflora forest at the entrance of Unmun Temple is located in the waterway in terms of Feng Shui. The present condition of growth was investigated through a grid surveys of 98 trees and Pinus densiflora growth. As a result of the analysis of growth status, Pinus densiflora, Larix leptolepis, Zelkova serrata, Celtis sinensis, and Rhus javanica were distributed in the conopy layer, and 28 species including Ailanthus altissima were grown in the understroy layer, and 92 species, including Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, in the shrub layer. The plant community structure was divided into low, medium and high-density Pinus densiflora forests in the study area, based on the number in the conopy layer and the grade of and the trees analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the Pinus densiflora dominated the low, medium and high-density Pinus densiflora forests, and there were no competitive species. The relative dominance of the low-density Pinus densiflora forests was 46.9% on average, medium-density was 62.6% and 50.2% was found in high-density. The mean species diversity of Shannon in the low-density study was 0.7055, medium-density study was 0.8966 and the average species diversity of Shannon in the high-density study was 0.8317. The analysis of the age and growth of 25 sample trees in the Sugumagi Pinus densiflora forest shows that the distribution of the chest diameter (DBH) of the sample Pinus densiflora is 38 to 77cm with the average chest diameter being 61.1cm. The age was 84-161 years and the average was 114 years. In the Pinus densiflora forest, most(670,659, or 98.3%) of the tree trunk wound was collected for rosins during the Japanese colonia Era, Of the total 670, 659 were Pinus densiflora, 98.3% of the total. 394 were surgically repaired in 2005. For the preservation of the Sugumagi Pinus densiflora forest, dead trees should be replaced with substitute trees appropriate to the middle and south topography. It is demanded that foreign species such as Larix leptolepis in the research area should be removed and Pinus densiflora that underwent surgical operations should be regularly sterilized. It is also emphasized that the management of insecticide is important.

Estimation of Paddy Field Area in North Korea Using RapidEye Images (RapidEye 영상을 이용한 북한의 논 면적 산정)

  • Hong, Suk Young;Min, Byoung-Keol;Lee, Jee-Min;Kim, Yihyun;Lee, Kyungdo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1194-1202
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    • 2012
  • Remotely sensed satellite images can be applied to monitor and obtain land surface information on inaccessible areas. We classified paddy field area in North Korea based on on-screen digitization with visual interpretation using 291 RapidEye satellite images covering the whole country. Criteria for paddy field classification based on RapidEye imagery acquired at different time of rice growth period was defined. Darker colored fields with regular shape in the images with false color composite from early May to late June were detected as rice fields. From early July to late September, it was hard to discriminate rice canopy from other type of vegetation including upland crops, grass, and forest in the image. Regular form of readjusted rice field in the plains and uniform texture when compared with surrounding vegetation. Paddy fields classified from RapidEye imagery were mapped and the areas were calculated by administrative district, province or city. Sixty six percent of paddy fields ($3,521km^2$) were distributed in the west coastal regions including Pyeongannam-do, Pyeonganbuk-do, and Hwanghaenam-do. The paddy field areas classified from RapidEye images showed less than 1% of difference from the paddy field areas of North Korea reported by FAO/WFP (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Programme).

Evaluation of Health Impact of Heat Waves using Bio-Climatic impact Assessment System (BioCAS) at Building scale over the Seoul City Area (생명기후분석시스템(BioCAS)을 이용한 폭염 건강위험의 검증 - 서울시 건물규모를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyu Rang;Lee, Ji-Sun;Yi, Chaeyeon;Kim, Baek-Jo;Janicke, Britta;Holtmann, Achim;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.514-524
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    • 2016
  • The Bio-Climatic impact Assessment System, BioCAS was utilized to produce analysis maps of daily maximum perceived temperature ($PT_{max}$) and excess mortality ($r_{EM}$) over the entire Seoul area on a heat wave event. The spatial resolution was 25 m and the Aug. 5, 2012 was the selected heat event date. The analyzed results were evaluated by comparing with observed health impact data - mortality and morbidity - during heat waves in 2004-2013 and 2006-2011,respectively. They were aggregated for 25 districts in Seoul. Spatial resolution of the comparison was equalized to district to match the lower data resolution of mortality and morbidity. Spatial maximum, minimum, average, and total of $PT_{max}$ and $r_{EM}$ were generated and correlated to the health impact data of mortality and morbidity. Correlation results show that the spatial averages of $PT_{max}$ and $r_{EM}$ were not able to explain the observed health impact. Instead, spatial minimum and maximum of $PT_{max}$ were correlated with mortality (r=0.53) and morbidity (r=0.42),respectively. Spatial maximum of $PT_{max}$, determined by building density, affected increasing morbidity at daytime by heat-related diseases such as sunstroke, whereas spatial minimum, determined by vegetation, affected decreasing mortality at nighttime by reducing heat stress. On the other hand, spatial maximum of $r_{EM}$ was correlated with morbidity (r=0.52) but not with mortality. It may have been affected by the limit of district-level irregularity such as difference in base-line heat vulnerability due to the age structure of the population. Areal distribution of the heat impact by local building and vegetation, such as spatial maximum and minimum, was more important than spatial mean. Such high resolution analyses are able to produce quantitative results in health impact and can also be used for economic analyses of localized urban development.

A Study of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficient for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) (정지궤도 천리안위성 해양관측센서 GOCI의 Tasseled Cap 변환계수 산출연구)

  • Shin, Ji-Sun;Park, Wook;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.275-292
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to determine Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) coefficients for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI). TCT is traditional method of analyzing the characteristics of the land area from multi spectral sensor data. TCT coefficients for a new sensor must be estimated individually because of different sensor characteristics of each sensor. Although the primary objective of the GOCI is for ocean color study, one half of the scene covers land area with typical land observing channels in Visible-Near InfraRed (VNIR). The GOCI has a unique capability to acquire eight scenes per day. This advantage of high temporal resolution can be utilized for detecting daily variation of land surface. The GOCI TCT offers a great potential for application in near-real time analysis and interpretation of land cover characteristics. TCT generally represents information of "Brightness", "Greenness" and "Wetness". However, in the case of the GOCI is not able to provide "Wetness" due to lack of ShortWave InfraRed (SWIR) band. To maximize the utilization of high temporal resolution, "Wetness" should be provided. In order to obtain "Wetness", the linear regression method was used to align the GOCI Principal Component Analysis (PCA) space with the MODIS TCT space. The GOCI TCT coefficients obtained by this method have different values according to observation time due to the characteristics of geostationary earth orbit. To examine these differences, the correlation between the GOCI TCT and the MODIS TCT were compared. As a result, while the GOCI TCT coefficients of "Brightness" and "Greenness" were selected at 4h, the GOCI TCT coefficient of "Wetness" was selected at 2h. To assess the adequacy of the resulting GOCI TCT coefficients, the GOCI TCT data were compared to the MODIS TCT image and several land parameters. The land cover classification of the GOCI TCT image was expressed more precisely than the MODIS TCT image. The distribution of land cover classification of the GOCI TCT space showed meaningful results. Also, "Brightness", "Greenness", and "Wetness" of the GOCI TCT data showed a relatively high correlation with Albedo ($R^2$ = 0.75), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ($R^2$ = 0.97), and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) ($R^2$ = 0.77), respectively. These results indicate the suitability of the GOCI TCT coefficients.

Landscape Analysis of the Hallasan National Park in a Jeju Island Biosphere Reserve: Fragmentation Pattern (제주 생물권보전지역 내 한라산국립공원의 경관분석 : 단편화 현상)

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Chang, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.309-319
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    • 2008
  • Roads are an indicator of anthropogenic activity causing ecosystem disturbances and often lead to habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, and habitat isolation. The Hallasan National Park(153.4$km^2$) on Jeju Island being distinguished for its unique geology, topography, and biota has also been designated as a core area of UNESCO Man and the Biosphere(MAB) Reserve. Although the high conservation value of this park has contributed to a rapid growth of tourists and road construction, landscape changes due to roads have not been examined yet. We used GIS systems to examine the fragmentation pattern caused by roads, in relation to its zonation, elevation, and vegetation. When a buffer was applied to roads(112m width for paved roads and 60m width for both legal and illegal trails), the park consisted of 100 fragments. The ten fragments generated after applying buffer to only paved roads and legal trails ranged from $0.002km^2$ to $38.2km^2$ with a mean of $14.2km^2$, and about 7% of both nature conservation zone and nature environment zone of the park were edge. Fragments in both east and west ends of the park and around the summit exhibited relatively high shape indices with means of 5.19(for 100 fragments) and 7.22(for 10 fragments). All five legal trails are connected to the pit crater of the mountain and vegetation changed from broadleaf forests and conifer forests to grasslands with elevation, consequently resulting in dramatic fragment size reduction in grasslands at high elevation, in particular above 1,400m, where endemic and alpine plants are abundant. These results show that in Hallasan National Park the risks of habitat deterioration and habitat loss due to fragmentation may be more severe in the nature conservation zone dominated by Baengnokdam than in the nature environment zone. Therefore, current road networks of the park appear to fall short of the goal of the national park for ecosystem conservation and protection. Considering that the entire Hallasan National Park also serves as a MAB core area, conservation efforts should focus, first of all, on park rezoning and road management to mitigate habitat fragmentation.