• Title/Summary/Keyword: varieties of low degree

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  • Lee, Wan-Seok;Park, Eui-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.1001-1015
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    • 2011
  • In this article we study the problem to determine all occurring Betti diagrams of varieties $X{\subset}\mathbb{P}^r$ of almost minimal degree, i.e. deg(X) = codim(X; $\mathbb{P}^r$)+2. We describe a realistic picture of how many different kind of Betti diagrams exist at all (Theorem 3.1). By means of the computer algebra system "SINGULAR", we obtain a complete list of all occurring Betti diagrams in the cases where codim$(X,\mathbb{P}^r){\leq}8$.

Studies on the Inheritance of Heading Date in Wheat(Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) (소맥(Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)의 출수기 유전에 관한 연구)

  • Chang-Hwan Cho
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    • v.15
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1974
  • Introducing genes for earliness of wheat varieties is important to develop early varieties in winter wheat. In oder to obtain basic informations on the response of heading to the different day length and temperature treatments and on the inheritance of heading dates, experiments were conducted at the field and greenhouse of the Crop Experiment Station, Suwon. Varieties used in this experiments were, early variety Yecora F70, medium varieties Suke #169, Parker and Yukseung #3, and late varieties Changkwang, Bezostaia, Sturdy and Blueboy. The parents and F$_1$s of partial diallel crosses of above eight varieties were subjected the following four different treatments; 1. high temperature and long day, 2. high temperature and short day, 3. low temperature and long day, and 4. low temperature and short day. The same materials were grown also in field condition. Parents, F$_1$ and F$_2$ generation were grown also in both greenhouse under high temperature and short day and in field. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1. No effects of temperature and daylength on the number of leaves on the main stem were found when -varieties were vernalized. The number of main stem leaves were fewer for spring type of varieties than for winter type of varieties. 2. The effects of temperature and daylength on the days to flag leaf opening were dependent on the speed of leaf emergence. The speed of leaf emergence were faster for lower leaves than for upper leaves. 3. The response to short day and long day (earliness of narrow sense) of varieties were found to be direct factor responsible to physiology of heading dates in vernalized varieties. Great difference of varieties to heading date was found in high temperature and short day treatment, but less differences were found in high temperature and long day, low temperature and long day and low temperature and short day treatments respectively. The least varietal difference for heading dates was found in the field condition. 4. Changkwang and Parker were found to be the most sensitive to short day treatment (photosensitive) and the heading of these varieties were delayed by short day treatment. No great varietal differences were found among other varieties. 5. Varietal differences of heading dates due to daylength were greater in high temperature than in low temperature. 6. Varietal differences of heading dates due to temperature were not great. but in general the heading dates of varieties were faster under high temperature than under low temperature. 7. Earliness of heading dates was due to partial dominance effect of genes involved in any condition. The degree of dominance was greater under short day than under long day treatment. 8. The varietal differences of heading date under high temperature and long day were due to earliness or narrow sense (response to long day) of varieties. The degree of dominance was greater for Yecora F70, spring type than for other winter type of varieties. No differences or less differences of degree of dominance was found among winter type of varieties. The estimated number of effective factor concerned in the earliness of narrow sense was one pair of allele with minor genes. 9. The insensitivity of varieties to short day treatment in heading dates was due to single dominant gene effect. Under the low temperature the sensitivity of varieties to short day treatment was less apparent. 10. The earliness of short day and long day (earliness of narrow sense) sensitivities of varieties appearea to be due to partial dominance of earliness over lateness. In strict sense, the degree of the dominance should be distinguished. 11. Dominant gene effects were found for the thermo-sensitivity of varieties, and the effect was less, significant than the earliness in narrow sense. 12. One pair of allele, ee and EE, for photosensitivity was responsible for the difference in the heading dates between Changkwang and Suke #169. Two pairs of alleles, ee, enen and EE, EnEn. appeared to be responsible for the difference between Changkwang and Yecora F70. The effects of EE and EnEn were, additive to the earliness and the effects of EE were greater than EnEn under short day. However, the effects of EE were not evident in long day but the effects of EnEn were observed in long day. 13. Two pairs of dominant alleles for the earliness were estimated from the analysis of F$_1$ diallels in the field but the effects of these alleles in F$_2$ were not apparent due to low temperature and short day treatment in early part of growth and high temperature and long day treatment in later part of growth. The F$_2$ population shows continuous variation due to environmental effects and due to other minor gene effects. 14. The heritabilities for heading dates were ranged from 0.51 to 0.72, indicating that the selection in early generation might be effective. The extent of heritability for heading dates varied with environments; higher magnitude of heritability was obtained in short day treatment and high temperature compared with long day and low temperature treatments. The heritabilities of heading date due to response to short day were 0.86 in high temperature and 0.76 in low temperature. The heritabilities of heading date due to temperature were not significantly high. 15. The correlation coefficients of heading dates to the number of grains per spike, weight of 1, 000 grains. and grain yield were positive and high, indicating the difficulties of selections of high yielding lines from early population. But no significant correlation coefficient was obtained between the earliness and the number of spikes, indicating the effective selection for high tillering from early varieties for high yielding.

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Cold Tolerance Characteristic Test of High Yield Tongil-type Rice Breeding Lines for Processing

  • Kang-Su Kwak;Sea-Kwan Oh;Kuk-Hyun Jung;Dae-Ha Seo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.278-278
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the yield potential of high yield Tongil-type rice varieties has greatly increased, reaching 817kg/10a(Geumgang No.1). Moreover, in order to promote rice consumption and strengthen the competitiveness of the rice processing industry, the R&D of high yield Tongil-type rice varieties for each processing purpose, such as rice noodles, grain feed and industrial materials, has been continuously carried out. However, because Tongil-type rice varieties or lines are generally very vulnerable to cold damage, cold tolerance test can be said to be absolutely necessary to improve the cultivation safety. This study is the result of the seedling and field cold tolerance characteristic tests carried out in 2021 of high yield Tongil-type rice breeding lines. For the cold tolerance characteristic test of seedlings, total 303 high yield rice breeding lines for processing were treated in cold water of 13℃ and irrigation depth of 4cm for 10 days from the third-leaf age, then it was evaluated by comparing the degree of discoloration and withering with the checked varieties(Boramchan, Hanahreum No.2). Also, for the test of field, total 186 high yield rice breeding lines for processing were treated in cold water of 17℃ by keeping pouring day and night from 30 days after transplanting to ripening stage, then it was evaluated by comparing the degree of discoloration, delay of heading, shortening rate of stem length and percent of fertile grain etc. with the checked varieties. And the cold tolerance evaluative criteria were classified as strong(1~3), medium(4~6) and weak(7~9) in overall cold tolerance. (Seedling test) As for the degree of cold tolerance of the check variety, 'Boramchan' and 'Hanahreum No.2' showed a response of 'medium' and 'weak', respectively. However, there was no 'strong' line in the high yield rice breeding lines, 2 lines showed a 'medium' response, and 301 lines showed a 'weak' response. Therefore, except for a few lines(0.7%), most lines(99.3%) showed a 'weak' response. (Field test) In terms of the overall cold tolerance of the check variety, both 'Boramchan' and 'Hanahreum No.2' showed a 'medium' response. Similarly, there was no 'strong' line in the case of high yield rice breeding lines, 20 lines showed a 'medium' response, and 166 lines showed a 'weak' response. Therefore, except for some(10.8%) lines, most(89.2%) lines showed a 'weak' response. From the above results, we selected about 100 individuals with less seed shattering and degeneration of the ear tip, and with a relatively high percent of fertile grain, and are continuing to select lines with improved cold tolerance in the F4~F5 group in this year. As such, most of the Tongil-type rice varieties have poor cold tolerance and thus have low cultivation safety at low temperatures. However, it is important to select improved lines through generational progress because there are some lines that still have a certain level of cold tolerance among them.

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Heritability and Effects of Some Characters on Silage Yield in Dent Corn Varieties (Zea Mays indentata Sturt.) Grown Under Drought Conditions

  • BASER, Ismet;GENCTAN, Temel
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 1999
  • This research was carried out in a farm situated in Malkara District of Tekirdag Province (Turkey) in 1994-95, and the effect of genotype and environmental conditions on some characters and variations of these characters in terms of silage yield in 8 dent corn varieties were determined. The results of this research showed that leaf weight, stem diameter, and silage yield had a low broad sense heritability while the number of leaves per plant had a high heritability. Yield performance of varieties varied to a significant degree because of variations in rainfall rate during the growing periods. Leaf number, silage yield, leaf weight, stem diameter, plant height and ear weight varied between 13.33-17.33 number, 8,443-11,114 ton/hec, 152.8-244.2 g, 2,615-2,965 cm, 216.5-252.5 g and 176.2-285.8 g, respectively.

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Effect of The Degree and Duration of Low Temperature on the Degeneration and Sterility of Spikelets in Rice (저온(低溫)의 정도(程度)와 기간(期間)이 수도(水稻)의 영화퇴화(穎花退化)와 불임(不稔)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ahn, Su Bong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1980
  • In order to evaluate cold tolerance and to counter measure the cold damage of newly released rice varieties, the effects of degree and duration of low temperature at the meiotic stage on the sterility and ripening of rice spikelets were investigated and the results were as follows: 1. As the temperature was lowered and the duration of low temperature was extended during the meiotic stage, the heading dates were delayed and the sterility were increased. The main factor for the low yield due to low temperature was due to the increased sterility, and under the below $15^{\circ}C$, the delayed heading was also responsible for the low yield. 2. The sterility and delayed kernel development of rice were increased when grown at $15^{\circ}C$ for six days. 3. The newly released rice varieties were highly sensitive te low temperature damage during the meiotic stage. The treatment of rice at $15^{\circ}C$ for four days might be used as a perameter to evaluate the low temperature tolerance of rice varieties.

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Effect of Storage Period and Temperature on the Characteristics Related with Rice Quality (벼 저장온도 및 저장기간이 미질 관련 형질에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Ki-Yong;Park, Hong-Kyu;Ko, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Chung-Kon;Choi, Yoon-Hee;Kim, Ki-Young;Kim, Young-Doo
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    • v.51 no.spc1
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    • pp.25-29
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate physiochemical properties and factors related with eating quality in the rice and paddy rice with different storage methods. As storage period was longer and temperature was higher, the b values of chromaticity and degree of fatty acid were increased, and the b value of room temp. was higher than that of low temp. In the varieties, the b value of Samcheonbyeo was the highest among varieties. also b value of Gancheokbyeo and Sae-gyehwabyeo were more increased than those of Dongjinbyeo and Hojinbyeo. Toyo meter values were significantly different according to storage temperature and period. Toyo meter values in storage of low temp. small decreased from 8 month after storages and that of loom temp. was severe decreased from 2 month after storages. In storage of low temp, Toyo meter values in storage of low temp. $(5{\sim}10^{\circ}C)$ was the lowest, and those of the early varieties were the most decreased. Degree of fatty acid of brown rice was increased from 2 month after storages and those of low temp. was severe increased. So, they made rice quality and eating quality to be deteriorated.

Studies on the Effect of Low Temperature Treatment at Meiotic, Heading and Seedling Stage in Paddy Rice (수도의 장해형 냉해에 관한 연구)

  • Hong-Suk Lee;Hyung-Yull Cho;Pyeong-Ki Yim;Hoon Heu
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    • v.15
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 1974
  • In order to clarify the inducing conditions and cause of sterility in rice plants, 4 varieties were cooled at 3 different levels of temperature combined with 3 different levels of treatment period. And 19 varieties were tested to examine the varietal difference of cold resistance. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. There were significant varietal differences in the effect of cooling treatment at meiotic stage. Suwon 213-1 was induced heavy sterility by 3 day cooling treatment at 17.5$^{\circ}C$ whereas Hayayuki, Nongpaik and Jinheung were induced a little sterility by 3 day cooling treatment at 15$^{\circ}C$ and 5 day treatment at 17.5$^{\circ}C$. The per cent of grain fertility was correlated significantly with the delayed days to heading, the degree of panicle extraction (Suwon 213-1, Nongpaik, Jinheung), culm length (Nongpaik, Suwon 213-1), and Auricle distance (Suwon 213-1). The degree of sterility was able to be estimated from the linear regression equation between the degree of panicle extraction (distance from panicle neck to flag leaf) and fertility percentage. In the case of heavy cold damage by the treatment of low temperature at meiotic stage, the rice plant had somewhat lower pollen density per anther, small and ununiform anther and pollen in size, and more sterile pollen grains. Suwon 213-1 showed anthesis in almost all spikelets, while Nongpaik, Jinheung and Hayayuki indicated considerable number of indehisced anther at 5 days after heading. 2. The fertility were not generally higher in cooling treatment at heading stage than at meiotic stage treatment. And significant correlation was found between the percentage of grain fertility treated at above two stages. Nongpaik and Jinheung were not affected in percentage of fertility by 5 day treatment at 15$^{\circ}C$ when these were treated at heading stage. Indehisced anthers were not found in Suwon 213-1 and Hayayuki, but Nongpaik and Jinheung showed more anthers which did not show anthesis 3. There was different varietal response to low temperature which was indicated by the decrease of grain fertility resulted from cooling treatment at meiotic stage. Jaekeun and Jinheung did not show low fertility but Milseong, Suwon 210, Satominoli and Suwon 213-1 showed outstanding decrease in fertility percentage by the cooling treatment at meiotic stage. The varieties which had low fertility were likely to have low pollen density per anther, abnormal anthers, small size po]]en grains and many sterile pollens. 4. Remarkable varietal difference of cold resistance was found in heading stage cooling treatment. Nongpaik, Jinheung, Jaekeun, Paltal, Akibare, Milseung and Palkeong were not affected in grain fertility by cooling treatments but Nonglimna No. 1, Suseong, Hayayuki, Suwon 213-1 and Suwon 210 showed significantly high sterility as treated by cool temperature. Most of the varieties showed higher fertility by cooling treatment at heading stage than meiotic stage but Hayayuki, Suseong and Nonglimna No.1 showed lower fertility when these were treated at heading stage than meiotic stage. There were two grops of varieties in the response to cooling treatment, one was somewhat non-anthesised and the other showed full anthesis. 5. In cold injury test of young seedlings, the result of observation was not accorded with the degree of growth inhibition. As a general, Palkeum and Suseong were highly torelant to cool temperature but Suwon 213-1, Jaekeun, Paltal, Shirogane, Palkeong, Mankyung were highly susceptible. 6. There is no significant correlation between the degree of young seedling cold damage and or the degree of growth retardation at seedling stage and grain fertility resulted from coding treatment both heading and meiotic stage.

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Phase of Overhead Flooding Damage during Maturation of Rice (벼 성숙기 침관수 피해양상)

  • Choi Jang-Soo;Ann Deok-Jong;Choi Chung-Don;Lee Seong-Phil;Choi Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2000
  • The typhoon and flooding injury in rice were investigated both the region of downpour at the middle of August and the region of typhoon 'Yanni' at the late of September, 1998 in Kyongbuk provincial of Korea. More than 10% of rice stem were buried by soil inundation, the heading was delayed and the high node tiller was brought out. Yield components were deteriorated and yield was reduced. As the clay in the muddy water was attached on grains of rice, the yield was greatly reduced by reason of low grain filling ratio and polished rice ratio. The injury of muddy water was less at yellow ripening stage than at early ripening stage. On the other hand, the muddy water injury was reduced by the fungicide 'Benomyl' and 'Daconil' treatments. The degree of lodging according to varieties and ripening stages was not made a great difference, while the lodging was mainly occurred in the early transplanting time. In a week after lodging, viviparous spikes were occurred in almost all varieties, the degree of viviparity was shown highly in order of early maturing, middle maturing and late maturing varieties in the field as well as in laboratory test. The viviperous spikes were greatly occurred in the lodging toward hill space within row than row space because the more grains were touched on the ground.

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Studies on the Low Temperature Injury of the Rice Varieties (통일계(統一系) 수도품종(水稻品種)의 저온장해(低溫障害)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Chang-Yoel;Kim, Moon-Kyu;Jo, Jai-Seong;Kim, Choong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 1977
  • An expriment was conducted to determine the rate of germination under low temperature and effects of low temperature on seedling of varieties derived from the cross between Indica and Japonica type of rice. Total of 30 varieties including leading variety, Tongil, were germinated at the temperature of $10^{\circ}C$. and $15^{\circ}C$. to determine the rate of germination, and six varieties also including Tongil were planted in pot, and seedlings were exposed to the temperature of $5^{\circ}C$. and $1^{\circ}C$. for 15 days and damage of plant growth due to low temperature was observed. 1. Under the condition of $10^{\circ}C$., varieties such as Iri #323, Suwon #253, Iri #325, Milyang #22, Suwon #251, and Suwon #267 were showing over 70 percent of germination ratio, while varieties, Dodolokiwase, Milyang #23, Yusin, Iri #328, and Iri #329 were below 10 percent in germination ratio. 2. Under the condition of $15^{\circ}C$., variety Suwon #262 was shown 100 percent of germination and varieties such as Milyg an#22, Dodlokiwase, Tongil, Milyang #29, Suwon #258, Milyang #23, Milyang #24, Milyang #28 and Milyang #21 were over 90 percent in germination ratio. However, varieties such as Iri #328, Iri #329, Jinheung, and Minehikari were below 50 percent in germination rate. 3. Considering the germination rate and average days required to germination, Milyang #22 and Iri #323 were highly resistant varieties to low temperature. The rate of germination of varieties from the cross between Indica and Japonica under low temperature was not always lower than that of varieties from Japonica type of rice. 4. Most of the seedlings of varieties used were quite resistant to $1^{\circ}C$. at least for six hours. However, leaves of rice were exposed to the the temperature of $1^{\circ}C$. for 12 hours, and the withered leaves were recovered soon when put in under normal temperature. The degree of leaf withering under low temperature was lower in Milyang #15, Japonica type than in varietieties belonging to $Indica{\times}Japonica$ type of rice. 5. When the seedlings of varieties such as Josaengtongil, Tongil and Yusin were exposed to the temperature of $1^{\circ}C$. for 36 hours, 70 percent of leaves were withered and when the time of expose were doubled, the leaves were completely died. When the temperature was fluctuated, over 75 percent of leaves were died, while 65 percent of leaves of Milyang #15 were died when exposed to $1^{\circ}C$, for 72 hours. 6. Significant growth retardation was observed for all entries when exposed to $1^{\circ}C$. for 24 to 36 hours. The growth retardation was apparently increased as the time of expose was extended.

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Investigation on Techniques for Evaluating Hardiness to Low Temperature in Cereals (화곡류의 내한성 검정기술에 관한 연구)

  • Chae-Yun Cho;J. D. Hayes
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    • v.14
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 1973
  • 1. The relatively lower prehardening temperature was more effective on increase of the hardiness of the intermediately hardy varieties than the higher one but either the extremely hardy or nonhardy varieties did not respond to the temperature as much as the intermediate types. 2. Five degree Centigrade was generally more favorable than $2^{\circ}C$ on hardening of the plants, especially when frozen at higher temperature for shorter duration. 3. It appears that photoperiod during prehardening and hardening did not play so important role as temperature on the hardiness. 4. The higher the soil moisture content, the higher the frost injury occurred. 5. Application of nitrogen increased markedly the hardiness and % DM of the plants. Percentage of dry matter of young seedlings might be used as an easy and rough criterion for evaluating hardiness since there was a highly significant regression of varietal frost injury on the %DM. 6. Four days appeared to be enough for hardening of plants although the plants increased gradually the hardiness as duration of hardening extended. Dehardening of the plants at relativity higher temperature took place rapidly within one to four days. 7. Under this controlled environment, freezing at about $-8^{\circ}C$ for 24 hours seemed the best for the purpose of evaluating the hardiness to low temperature. 8. It is believed that assessment of frost injury should be done at least one week after freezing. Some varieties showed strong ability to recover from the damage as recovery period was extended. 9. As a whole, Cd 80 and 83 were the most hardy and followed by Cappelle and Maris Otter. Four. winter oats varieties and Jufy I belonged to the intermediate type while the other three spring varieties were nonhardy at all. Peniarth was comparable with Maris Otter in hardiness. S 147 appeared the least hardy among the winter oats varieties. 10. It is evident that water-soluble carbohydrate content is associated with the hardiness to some extent but not primary factor involved in hardiness.

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