• Title/Summary/Keyword: usages

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Characteristics of Ozone Precursor Emissions and POCP in the Biggest Port City in Korea

  • Song, Sang-Keun;Shon, Zang-Ho;Son, Hyun Keun
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2015
  • Emissions of ozone precursors ($NO_x$ and VOCs) and photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCPs) of VOC emission sources were investigated in the largest port city (i.e., Busan), Korea during the year 2011. This analysis was performed using the Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) national emission inventory provided by the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), Korea. For $NO_x$, the emissions from off-road mobile sources in Busan were the most dominant (e.g., $31,202ton\;yr^{-1}$), accounting for about 60% of the total $NO_x$ emissions. The emission from shipping of off-road mobile sources (e.g., $24,922ton\;yr^{-1}$) was a major contributor to their total emissions, amounting to 47% of the total $NO_x$ emissions due to the port-related activities in Busan. For VOCs, the emission source category of solvent usage was predominant (e.g., $36,062ton\;yr^{-1}$), accounting for approximately 82% of the total VOC emissions. Out of solvent usages, the emission from painting was the most dominant ($22,733ton\;yr^{-1}$), comprising 52% of the total emissions from solvent usages. The most dominant VOC species emitted from their sources in Busan was toluene, followed by xylene, butane, ethylbenzene, n-butanol, isopropyl alcohol, and propane. The major emission sources of toluene and xylene were found to be painting of coil coating and ship building, respectively. The value of POCP for the off-road mobile source (61) was the highest in ten major activity sectors of VOC emissions. Since the POCP value of ship transport of off-road mobile source (72) was also high enough to affect ozone concentration, the ship emission can play a significant role in ozone production of the port city like Busan.

Usefulness of Six emoticon newly adapted to facebook (페이스북 새로 도입된 6가지 감정의 유용성)

  • Park, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Seung-in
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2016
  • Rapid growth of internet utilization consequences in an expansion of individual's social networks via SNS. Recently, Facebook has added six different emotion buttons reflecting suggestions claiming that "Like" button is limited, and thus must be improved. Regarding to how well newly updated six different emotion buttons were utilized, a survey that inquires the usefulness and usability of buttons for further improvement in service was conducted to 35 Facebook users of 20's and 30's, the most active ages with frequent usages. As a result, users responded with negative attitudes considering expression of six different emotions in Facebook, and exhibited less frequent usages of the service. According to respondents, the emotion expression service would lead better approachability if Facebook suggests simpler emotion expression, for example, two emotion buttons rather than current six buttons.

An Empirical Study of Customer's Repeat Visit Frequency on the Internet (인터넷 이용자들의 웹사이트 재방문 빈도에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee, Suke-Kyu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.11
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2003
  • This study explores whether a NBD type of model can be applied to characterize the underlying frequency distribution of online consumer's visit behavior. In this study, the following two research questions are addressed: (1) How can we characterize the underlying distribution pattern(s) of the number of repeat i i visits to a site? (2) How can consumer's Internet usages and his/her demographics affect the average number of visits to the site? Through the empirical investigation, this study found that NBD models are directly applicable to characterize the underlying distribution of visit frequency on the Internet. Furthermore, this study addresses some managerial implications for understanding how site visits are determined. Especially this study highlights the relationship between repeated visits and the visitors' Internet Usages and demographics. The proposed models are estimated and validated by online panel data that covers more than 1000 different sites and has 800,000 observations.

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Analysis on the General Operations, Usages, and User Satisfaction of the Electronic Information Centers in the Selected University Libraries in Daegu and Kyoungpook Area (대구·경북 지역 5개 대학도서관 전자정보실의 운영현황과 이용행태, 이용자만족도 분석)

  • Cho, Min-Young;Oh, Dong-Geun
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzes the general operations of the current services and usages, and the perceptions on the service quality and satisfaction of the 480 users of the electronic information centers (EIC) in the 5 selected university libraries in Daegu and Kyoungpook area. Each libraries provide various levels of their services. Service quality is supposed to be comprised of 3 dimensions of facilities and equipments, contents, and staff. Each of three dimensions influences statistically significantly the user satisfaction of the EIC. Users are satisfied with the facilities and equipments highly. Users in each libraries show statistically different satisfactions in the dimensions of facilities and equipments, and contents, except staff dimensions. Users of each universities show different overall satisfactions on the EICs also.

An Analysis of the Discourse on the Length Concept in a Classroom for the Length of Space Curve (곡선의 길이 수업에서 길이 개념에 대한 담론 분석)

  • Oh, Taek-Keun
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.571-591
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of mathematical discourse about the length in the class that learns the length of the curve defined by definite integral. For this purpose, this study examined the discourse about length by paying attention to the usage of the word 'length' in the class participants based on the communicative approach. As a result of the research, it was confirmed that the word 'length' is used in three usages - colloquial, operational, and structural usage - in the process of communicating with the discourse participants. Particularly, each participant did not recognize the difference even though they used different usage words, and this resulted in ineffective communication. This study emphasizes the fact that the difference in usage of words used by participants reduces the effectiveness of communication. However, if discourse participants pay attention to the differences of these usages and recognize that there are different discourses, this study suggests that meta - level learning can be possible by overcoming communication discontinuities and resolving conflicts.

An XPDL-Based Workflow Control-Structure and Data-Sequence Analyzer

  • Kim, Kwanghoon Pio
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1702-1721
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    • 2019
  • A workflow process (or business process) management system helps to define, execute, monitor and manage workflow models deployed on a workflow-supported enterprise, and the system is compartmentalized into a modeling subsystem and an enacting subsystem, in general. The modeling subsystem's functionality is to discover and analyze workflow models via a theoretical modeling methodology like ICN, to graphically define them via a graphical representation notation like BPMN, and to systematically deploy those graphically defined models onto the enacting subsystem by transforming into their textual models represented by a standardized workflow process definition language like XPDL. Before deploying those defined workflow models, it is very important to inspect its syntactical correctness as well as its structural properness to minimize the loss of effectiveness and the depreciation of efficiency in managing the corresponding workflow models. In this paper, we are particularly interested in verifying very large-scale and massively parallel workflow models, and so we need a sophisticated analyzer to automatically analyze those specialized and complex styles of workflow models. One of the sophisticated analyzers devised in this paper is able to analyze not only the structural complexity but also the data-sequence complexity, especially. The structural complexity is based upon combinational usages of those control-structure constructs such as subprocesses, exclusive-OR, parallel-AND and iterative-LOOP primitives with preserving matched pairing and proper nesting properties, whereas the data-sequence complexity is based upon combinational usages of those relevant data repositories such as data definition sequences and data use sequences. Through the devised and implemented analyzer in this paper, we are able eventually to achieve the systematic verifications of the syntactical correctness as well as the effective validation of the structural properness on those complicate and large-scale styles of workflow models. As an experimental study, we apply the implemented analyzer to an exemplary large-scale and massively parallel workflow process model, the Large Bank Transaction Workflow Process Model, and show the structural complexity analysis results via a series of operational screens captured from the implemented analyzer.

SAD : Web Session Anomaly Detection based on Bayesian Estimation (베이지언 추정을 이용한 웹 서비스 공격 탐지)

  • 조상현;김한성;이병희;차성덕
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2003
  • As Web services are generally open for external uses and not filtered by Firewall, these result in attacker's target. Web attacks which exploit vulnerable web-applications and malicious users' requests cause economical and social problems. In this paper, we are modelling general web service usages based on user-web-session and detect anomal usages with Bayesian estimation method. Finally we propose SAD(Session Anomaly Detection) for detection unknown web attacks. To evaluate SAD, we made an experiment on attack simulation with web vulnerability scanner, whisker. The results show that the detection rate of SAD is over 90%, which is influenced by several features such as size of window or training set, detection filter method and web topology.

The Relationship between Use of Internet Banking and Security Anxiety: Extending TAM (인터넷 뱅킹 사용과 보안우려의 관계: 기술수용모형의 확장)

  • Hwang Ha Jin;Lee Ung Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2003
  • Although, recently, studies on Internet banking users' behavior have been frequently found in some academic journals, most of them have ignored security anxiety which may be considered as important factors influencing usages of Internet banking. We propose an research model for Internet banking users which is an extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) by adding new variable, security anxiety. For empirical support of our model, we survey for 298 samples and analyze it by structured equation model(SEM). In result, our proposed model is proved as a valid one in which all hypotheses except one are accepted and the values of model fitness are relatively high.

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Sciences in the Song and Yuan Dynasties II (송·원대의 과학에 대하여 II -금에서 원으로-)

  • Jin, Yuzi;Kim, Young Wook
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2015
  • This survey is the second part of the history of science of Song and Yuan dynasties and will covers the period from Jin to Yuan. Following the first part, we look at the calendrical astronomy, mathematics and medicine. In this survey we again follow Yabuuchi's work on the history of science of Song and Yuan period and Du Shiran's work on the history of science of China. We start from the sciences and mathematics of Jin which inherited those of Northern Song and see how they influenced the whole China including Yuan and Southern Song. As a conclusion the tendency to practical usages in the Southern Song as well as the suppression of Han people in Yuan prevented developments of theoretical sciences in Yuan and Ming later.

Characteristics of Two Phase Operation of Two Winding Motor Driven by Reference Current Adaptive Inverter (기준전류추정형 인버어터에 의한 2 권선전동기의 2 상운전특성)

  • 원종수;정의상
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 1984
  • The single phase induction motor is recently requested to meet a broad speed control and smooth forward and reverse operation due to the multifarious usages. This paper deals with two phase operation of a two winding motor by reference current adaptive inverter which can supply the currents to satisfy the balanced oeration into the main and auxiliary winding through the entire operational region. According to the roposed system, the starting, forward and reverse and variable speed control of a two winding motor eliminated the capacitor from the capacitor-run motor is also possible. The formation and its principle of the reference current adaptive inverter and characteristic analysis of the motor fed by this apparatus are described in this paper. Excellent agreement with the measured results and calculated values by computer simulation is obtained.

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