• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban classification

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An Analysis of Biotope Structure in Metropolitan city in terms of Nature Experience and Recreation (대도시의 비오톱 구조분석 -자연체험 및 휴양의 관점에서-)

  • 나정화;이석철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.72-87
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this research was analysis of biotope structure focused on the evaluation for the nature experience and recreation in the case of Suseoung District in Daegu metropolitan area. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The result of biotope type classification was divided into 17 biotope type groups and 90 biotope types belonging to them. 2) In the result of the first evaluation for the nature experience and recreation, biotope types such as MA, NA, OE, PH, QB etc. possess great value. Particulary these biotope types come from forest areas and transition zone. The have not appeared in the inner of cities. 3) The biotope types such as JC, ME, OA, OE, PB, QD, QF etc. are proved to possess high value in the result of the utility evaluation. 4) There emerges 3a biotope type that has the highest value in the result of the second evaluation - such as ME, NB, NC, PD, QB etc. Most of them range widely except in the urbanized areas. Most of them were presented into the large area of site size and in the outer forest areas. But most of them were distributed in the forest areas intensively. So, it is certain that the space of nature experience connected with residential district of the urban people s scarce. Finally, the detailed plan must be made out specially continuously. It is about biotope spaces that are important for the nature experience and the recreation from the result of this research. Also, the study on the detailed index settlement of the sight green plan based on the biotope map must be continued.

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Study on the Classification of Rural Landscape which Needs to be Conserved in Daegu

  • Lee, Sook-Hyang;Kaneko, Tadakazu;Kumagai, Yoichi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2007
  • The Korean rural landscape has changed significantly due to nationwide modernization and industrialization in recent years. Moreover, as urbanization progresses due to population and economic growth, rural areas surrounding the suburbs of cities are feeling the pressure of encroaching urban sprawl. Use of land for human-made structures such as road and housing development is also increasing, resulting in the destruction of nature in rural areas. Adopting a concept of conserving rural landscape in future development projects is therefore highly desirable.The main focus of this study is to look into the traditional concept of the village and to classify some elements of the traditional rural landscape. Daegu Metropolitan City, the third metropolitan city in Korea, is chosen as the subject of the study. The existing 227 villages have been studied on the basis of their principles and types of village locations in relation to the traditional concepts of 'Feng-shui' and 'Tackriji'. The characteristics of the village location are divided into two aspects: the natural landscape, such as topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth, and the historical and cultural landscape, such as customs(Only the natural landscape aspect is included in this study). The natural landscape, a condition of the village location, is divided into three areas: topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth. There are two types of topography: flatland type and mountain type. There are two sub-types in the mountain type: ridge and valley, which depend on the village location in relation to the shapes of the mountains. There are four types of hydrosphere which include waterways and three directions of mountain depending on the shape: front, behind and side. The direction of the village is analyzed from the direction which the houses in the village face. Therefore, the natural landscape element as a condition of the village location is closely related to the traditional concepts of the village.

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Use of Arundinaria munsuensis Y. Lee as Revegetation Plant Materials of Damaged Slopes (훼손지 비탈면 녹화용 식물소재로의 문수조릿대의 적용성 연구)

  • Jang, Hyung-Tae;Park, Won-Je;Kim, Nam-Choon;Park, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2012
  • The study of Arundinaria munsuensis Y. Lee to this day was limited to the field of morphological species classification since its first discovery at Jiri mountain in the late 1990s. This native plants, one of Korean endemic species found in Jiri Mt. necessitates further studies about its use as revegetation plants or groundcover plants in urban areas. This study was launched from this need followed by summaries of results below related to its usage. This targeted species is a native Korean species which its natural distribution on the subalpine zone has merit for the wide range of climatic adaptation. Also, the coverage rate reached 78.3% in three years mostly by rhizome growth with an expectation of full coverage in four years providing less maintenance needs after planting. The net price for the construction of pot seedling methods of this plants is relatively economical than other normal revegetation construction methods. For these reasons, drilling for the plants on cut and fill soil slopes driven from pot seedling adapts Arundinaria munsuensis Y. Lee as efficient revegetation plant. Total construction cost for pot seedling work($30cm{\times}30cm$) of Arundinaria munsuensis was approximately 21,000won which is in reasonable price range when compared to other revegetation construction methods of disturbed slopes. As a native Korean plant, Arundinaria munsuensis has wide range of climatic adaptation with less maintenance requirement after planting. This study may suggest a strong possibility of Arundinaria munsuensis as a pot planting material in sloped area.

The Research Regarding the Visual Continuity of the Green in the Re-development Area by Using the Aerial Photograph

  • Lee Hyuk-Hae;Koshimiz Hajime
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2004
  • In the city of Asia like Seoul and Tokyo, aggregate power is poured into the city making which is suitable in new age. Large-scale re-development is active in various places as the present condition, As for the various East Asian cities, high-level utilization conversion of the land and high conversion of the building are advanced. As for these realities, the re-development is advanced in the situation that has not been clarified enough though it is true that green of the city has decreased. This research was aimed at the clarifying the allocation of greenery when proceeding with town planning projects by quantifying the possibility of allocating greenery in the form of rooftop landscaping in redeveloped areas. Moreover, the distribution of the green in the re-development region was calculated and the coexistence level of green space was calculated, The realities of a desirable green were clarified in the spectacle by understanding a sight and spatial continuousness in the green. In order to clarify the potentiality of roof greenery revaluating, the research was conducted by analyzing from aerial photographs, in Tokyo and Seoul, And the flow of the research was conducted by selection of research object area, taking pictures, acquisition of the aerial photography, rearrangement the data and the analysis. As a result, I was able to prepare a land vegetation coverage classification chart and obtain data pertaining to the level of urban and green tract of land for the researched cities of Tokyo and Seoul. By analyzing this data, we were able to indicate patterns of greenery unable to be obtained through data from ratio of vegetation coverage and ascertain the effectiveness of rooftop landscaping.

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Feature Extraction and Fusion for land-Cover Discrimination with Multi-Temporal SAR Data (다중 시기 SAR 자료를 이용한 토지 피복 구분을 위한 특징 추출과 융합)

  • Park No-Wook;Lee Hoonyol;Chi Kwang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2005
  • To improve the accuracy of land-cover discrimination in SAB data classification, this paper presents a methodology that includes feature extraction and fusion steps with multi-temporal SAR data. Three features including average backscattering coefficient, temporal variability and coherence are extracted from multi-temporal SAR data by considering the temporal behaviors of backscattering characteristics of SAR sensors. Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence(D-S theory) and fuzzy logic are applied to effectively integrate those features. Especially, a feature-driven heuristic approach to mass function assignment in D-S theory is applied and various fuzzy combination operators are tested in fuzzy logic fusion. As experimental results on a multi-temporal Radarsat-1 data set, the features considered in this paper could provide complementary information and thus effectively discriminated water, paddy and urban areas. However, it was difficult to discriminate forest and dry fields. From an information fusion methodological point of view, the D-S theory and fuzzy combination operators except the fuzzy Max and Algebraic Sum operators showed similar land-cover accuracy statistics.

Users' Satisfaction from the Use of Park and Greens based on their Utilization in Gwangju-si (광주시 공원녹지 이용자의 이용 행태에 따른 만족도)

  • Jung, Su-Dong;Yeom, Sung-Jin;Seo, Joung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2021
  • As population concentration, high-rise, and high-density progresses amid rapid industrialization and urbanization in Korea, green areas in the city have decreased significantly and the natural environment has deteriorated day by day due to various development projects. In order to cope with these social changes, many studies related to park and green areas have been conducted, but in the case of Gwangju-si, only studies on green areas such as vegetation structures, street facilities, and recreation forests have been conducted on park green areas. The situation is not losing. Therefore, in this study, a survey was conducted on Gwangju citizens to understand the usage behavior and satisfaction of park green areas, and to provide basic data for future park development and reorganization. As a result, first, to induce a variety of static and dynamic activities in order to increase the park satisfaction of Gwangju citizens, it is possible to create a park that has not been formed as soon as possible, and by planning programs with various themes. Second, it is necessary to expand green space services in marginalized areas by creating water streams, flower pots, and rooftop greening around the lives of Gwangju citizens, and create park green spaces with themes using cultural and historical resources for each administrative district. Third, in order to solve the dry landscape in some urban areas, it is necessary to establish a three-dimensional landscape plan by creating a variety of green areas such as potted plants, green areas, and street trees, and by giving functions of park green areas such as expanding leisure and convenience facilities.

Assessment of Korean Hospitals Management Using Dupont Analysis (듀퐁 분석을 통한 한국 병원계의 경영 현황 분석)

  • Noh, Jin-Won;Lee, Haejong;Cha, Sunjung;Lee, Yejin
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2018
  • Purposes: The hospitals needs to generate a minimum profit, in order to perform its own role such as providing high-quality medical services. The demand for hospital management is increasing, as the social demands are diversified and the financial transparency is emphasized. The purpose of this study is to compare hospitals management based on Dupont Identity, by various hospital classification. Methodology: This study is based on '2016 Statistics for Hospital Management' provided by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute. The hospitals were classified according to the scope of care, the type of establishment, the location, and the number of beds. We analyzed the general and financial characteristics of over 337 hospitals using the method of Dupont Identity. Findings: Net profit margin (PM) has the biggest impact on return of equity (ROE). By the number of beds, general hospital with 160-299 beds have the highest return on equity (ROE). By location, hospitals in local municipalities have higher return on equity than hospitals in urban municipalities. According to the type of establishment, public hospitals have lower business performance, and although they invest more than private hospitals. Practical Implications: This study can inspire interest and provide understanding in hospital management and financial structure, by analyzing through an intuitive indicator named Dupont identity. It is possible to provide basic data for hospital management methods for each financial elements, in order to increase the profitability of hospitals.

Phytosociological Characteristics of Qeurcus acutissima Forest in Daecheong-dam basin (대청댐 유역 상수리나무림의 식물사회학적 특성)

  • Kim, Sung-Yeol;Moon, Geon-Soo;Lim, Sung-Been;Paek, Hye-Jung;Song, Won-Kyong;Choi, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 2021
  • Phytosociological characteristics on Quercus acutissima forests distribution in Daechong-dam basin survey has been carried out using Z.-M. School's methodology and numerical-classification analyses. A total of 43 phytosociological relevés were sampled. Syntaxa were described as Oplismenus undulatifolius-Quercus acutissima community(typicum subcommunity, Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica subcommunity, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica subcommunity), Quercus acutissima community and Quercus variabilis-Quercus acutissima community (typicum subcommunity, Castanea crenata subcommunity). The above three plant communities were classified with species composition reflecting local environmental characteristics of mountain topographies, inclination degrees, and rock exposure rates. Conclusively, those communities were recognized as secondary vegetation affected by high intensity and frequency of human impacts as they inhabited in southward hill lands and low lying grounds in mountains adjacent to human settlements and arable lands. Quercus acutissima community was classified as rural type syntax based on their inlandward distribution and species composition differences from urban forests. Afforest process and natural succession were discussed in relation with habitat environmental elements of Quercus acutissima forest in the survey area.

Research on the Production of Risk Maps on Cut Slope Using Weather Information and Adaboost Model (기상정보와 Adaboost 모델을 이용한 깎기비탈면 위험도 지도 개발 연구)

  • Woo, Yonghoon;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Jin uk;Park, GwangHae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.663-671
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    • 2020
  • Recently, there have been many natural disasters in Korea, not only in forest areas but also in urban areas, and the national requirements for them are increasing. In particular, there is no pre-disaster information system that can systematically manage the collapse of the slope of the national highway. In this study, big data analysis was conducted on the factors causing slope collapse based on the detailed investigation report on the slope collapse of national roads in Gangwon-do and Gyeongsang-do areas managed by the Cut Slope Management System (CSMS) and the basic survey of slope failures. Based on the analysis results, a slope collapse risk prediction model was established through Adaboost, a classification-based machine learning model, reflecting the collapse slope location and weather information. It also developed a visualization map for the risk of slope collapse, which is a visualization program, to show that it can be used for preemptive disaster prevention measures by identifying the risk of slope due to changes in weather conditions.

On the Integrated Operation Concept and Development Requirements of Robotics Loading System for Increasing Logistics Efficiency of Sub-Terminal

  • Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Joo Uk;Kim, Young Min
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2022
  • Recently, consumers who prefer contactless consumption are increasing due to pandemic trends such as Corona 19. This is the driving force for developing the last mile-based logistics ecosystem centered on the online e-commerce market. Lastmile led to the continued development of the logistics industry, but increased the amount of cargo in urban area, and caused social problems such as overcrowding of logistics. The courier service in the logistics base area utilizes the process of visiting the delivery site directly because the courier must precede the loading work of the cargo in the truck for the delivery of the ordered product. Currently, it's carried out as automated logistics equipment such as conveyor belt in unloading or classification stage, but the automation system isn't applied, so the work efficiency is decreasing and the intensity of the courier worker's labor is increased. In particular, small-scale courier workers belonging to the sub-terminal unload at night at underdeveloped facilities outside the city center. Therefore, the productivity of the work is lowered and the risk of safety accidents is exposed, so robot-based loading technology is needed. In this paper, we have derived the top-level concept and requirements of robot-based loading system to increase the flexibility of logistics processing and to ensure the safety of courier drivers. We defined algorithms and motion concepts to increase the cargo loading efficiency of logistics sub-terminals through the requirements of end effector technology, which is important among concepts. Finally, the control technique was proposed to determine and position the load for design input development of the automatic conveyor system.