• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban classification

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A Comparative Study on Mapping and Filtering Radii of Local Climate Zone in Changwon city using WUDAPT Protocol (WUDAPT 절차를 활용한 창원시의 국지기후대 제작과 필터링 반경에 따른 비교 연구)

  • Tae-Gyeong KIM;Kyung-Hun PARK;Bong-Geun SONG;Seoung-Hyeon KIM;Da-Eun JEONG;Geon-Ung PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.78-95
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    • 2024
  • For the establishment and comparison of environmental plans across various domains, considering climate change and urban issues, it is crucial to build spatial data at the regional scale classified with consistent criteria. This study mapping the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) of Changwon City, where active climate and environmental research is being conducted, using the protocol suggested by the World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT). Additionally, to address the fragmentation issue where some grids are classified with different climate characteristics despite being in regions with homogeneous climate traits, a filtering technique was applied, and the LCZ classification characteristics were compared according to the filtering radius. Using satellite images, ground reference data, and the supervised classification machine learning technique Random Forest, classification maps without filtering and with filtering radii of 1, 2, and 3 were produced, and their accuracies were compared. Furthermore, to compare the LCZ classification characteristics according to building types in urban areas, an urban form index used in GIS-based classification methodology was created and compared with the ranges suggested in previous studies. As a result, the overall accuracy was highest when the filtering radius was 1. When comparing the urban form index, the differences between LCZ types were minimal, and most satisfied the ranges of previous studies. However, the study identified a limitation in reflecting the height information of buildings, and it is believed that adding data to complement this would yield results with higher accuracy. The findings of this study can be used as reference material for creating fundamental spatial data for environmental research related to urban climates in South Korea.

The Acquisition of Geo-spatial Information by Using Aerial Photo Images in Urban Area (항공사진 영상을 이용한 도심지역의 지형공간정보 취득)

  • 이현직;김정일;황창섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2003
  • Generally, the latest acquisition method of geo-spatial informations in urban area is executed by generation of digital elevation model (DEM) and digital ortho image by digital photogrammetry method which is used large scale photo image. However, the biggest problem of this method is coarse accuracy of DEM which is automatically generated by digital photogrammetry workstation system. The coarse accuracy of DEM caused geo-spatial information in urban area to reduce of accuracy. Therefore, this study is purposed to increase of DEM accuracy which is applied to method terrain classification in urban area. As the results of this study, the proposed method of this study which is increased to accuracy of DEM by classification of terrain is better than accuracy of DEM which is automatically generated by digital photogrammetry workstaion system. And, the edge detection method which is proposed by this study is established to capability of 3D digital mapping in urban area.

Vegetation Classification using KOMPSAT-2 Imagery and High-resolution airborne imagery in Urban Area (KOMPSAT-2 영상 및 고해상도 항공영상을 이용한 도심지역 식생분류)

  • Park, Jeong Gi;Go, Shin Young;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2013
  • Recently, It is increasing that importance of systematic management by carbon sinks in forest resources. Especially, in terms of social, Forest resources in urban areas are important role as well as carbon sinks, and improvement of the natural environment of the city. In this study, through ANOVA analysis that a total of nine different vegetation index from rearranged NIR band of images to Forest tree species classified in urban areas using high-resolution aerial images and satellite images of KOMPSAT-2. And various vegetation indices such as NDVI are divided a species by forest units through statistical analysis. Also, separated species are compared to forest type map by the Forest Service. As a result, it is built as basis for vegetation management in urban areas.

A Study on the Change of Spatial Structures of Shared Space at Urban Campuses - The opposite concept of Gridlock upon the change to shared campuses - (도심 캠퍼스 공유공간의 공간 구조 변화에 대한 연구 - 그리드락의 반대 개념으로서의 공유 캠퍼스로의 변화에 대하여 -)

  • Kang, Eunki;Baek, Jin
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2018
  • Urban campus, one of the main urban facilities, is the representative place that is struggling with 'gridlock'. Due to privatization of space among different departments and space shortages, gridlock has been occurring as a result. The urban campus trying to solve this problem by changing the quality of space, especially the structure of the shared space, which is expected to be the solution to the grid lock problem. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the structural change in the university's shared space based on paradigm transition. The theoretical consideration is to analyze the spatial characteristics of university shared space that appear at different stages through a new perspective that compares the gridlock phenomenon and the shared paradigm. The framework of the analysis of the shared space, which has recently been restructured, is classified into the spatial characteristics of collaborative space, the creative space, and the common/complex space. In addition, these spatial characteristics are again analyzed through the division of legislative facility classification, management governance subject, area, building location and layout, exposure to the outside as well as the analysis of student and staff entry and exit, sharing structure of site and space, and the classification of program characteristics. The results are as follows: The restructured space is systemized so that the management governance of each space would be connected to each other to share information and space. Furthermore, the spatial boundary between colleges or between campus spaces are not only physically, but categorically clear. The restructured space has semi (or in-between)-spatial characteristics such as the intersection in inside and outside of the pedestrian's circulation and the mixture of programs. This study could serve as principal references in presenting the systematic analysis of directions of the shared spatial structure for the urban campus where new educational space is required due to the changes in the university system.

Ecological Landscape Characteristics in Urban Biotopes - The Case of Metropolitan Daegu - (도시 비오톱의 경관생태학적 특성분석 - 대구광역시를 사례로 -)

  • 나정화;이정민
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to present characteristics for the classification of biotopes and classification method of biotopes as basic data for ecological landscape planning in Metropolitan Daegu. The results of this study were as follows. 1) The study identified fifteen characteristics for classification of biotopes. Ecological landscape characteristics were divided into structural and functional factors. There are six structural factors such an inclination, and nine functional factors such as temperature. 2) The study area was separated into sixty eight biotope types. For example, an industrial district was divided into two biotope types: a biotope type of an industrial district with abundant green space, and a biotope type of an industrial district with scarce green space. 3) In the result of cluster analysis using the average linkage method between groups, biotope groups were divided into fifteen clusters and biotope groups were divided into seven clusters. Each cluster was named according to the features of a descriptive statistics analysis. For example, cluster 8 was identified as a biotope type with an impermeable pavement rate of more than 90 percent and an afforestation rate under 10 percent. 4) Fifteen biotope groups were converted to land use patterns for remote application and utilization of urban biotope in city planning. Biotope groups of a building area beyond an intermediate floor with an afforestation rate under 20-30 percent was converted to a land use pattern such as a tall apartment complex or commercial district. When examining the characteristics that were established in this research, there was a limit to achieve the objective of grade-classification because of a lack of related basic data. The research of landscape ecological characteristics for the classification of biotopes could not be completed due to a lack of time and resources, thus the study of ecological landscape characteristics will be accomplished over time.

Study on the Criterion of River Zones Classification (하천구역구분의 기준에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ju Il;Yoon, Sei Eui
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.2B
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2012
  • River areas are classified as conservation, restoration, and recreation zones depending on engineers' opinions from their experiences at present. For conservation zones, almost all engineers have the same opinions because natural characteristics are considered for classification. However, it is difficult to decide a basis in classifying restoration and recreation zones in mixed areas by urban and rural streams. This study attempted to prove an application of a previous study (Song & Yoon, 2008) that suggested two classification techniques to classify conservation or maintenance zones, and reclassify maintenance zones into restoration or recreation zones. The suggested classification techniques of river zones were used to estimate 46 reaches of 20 urban streams, 47 reaches of 29 rural streams, and 48 reaches of 19 mountainous streams to achieve a purpose of this study. The conservation, restoration, and recreation zones were reasonably divided by results of the suggested techniques. A possibility that quantified criterion could be used to classify river zones was proven in this study.

Convolutional neural network based traffic sound classification robust to environmental noise (합성곱 신경망 기반 환경잡음에 강인한 교통 소음 분류 모델)

  • Lee, Jaejun;Kim, Wansoo;Lee, Kyogu
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.469-474
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    • 2018
  • As urban population increases, research on urban environmental noise is getting more attention. In this study, we classify the abnormal noise occurring in traffic situation by using a deep learning algorithm which shows high performance in recent environmental noise classification studies. Specifically, we classify the four classes of tire skidding sounds, car crash sounds, car horn sounds, and normal sounds using convolutional neural networks. In addition, we add three environmental noises, including rain, wind and crowd noises, to our training data so that the classification model is more robust in real traffic situation with environmental noises. Experimental results show that the proposed traffic sound classification model achieves better performance than the existing algorithms, particularly under harsh conditions with environmental noises.

A Building Modeling using the Library-based Texture Mapping

  • Song, Jeong-Heon;Cho, Young-Wook;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.744-746
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    • 2003
  • A 3D modeling of urban area can be composed the terrain modeling that can express specific and shape of the terrain and the object modeling such as buildings, trees and facilities which are found in urban areas. Especially in a 3D modeling of building, it is very important to make a unit model by simplifying 3D structure and to take a texture mapping, which can help visualize surface information. In this study, the texture mapping technique, based on library for 3D urban modeling, was used for building modeling. This technique applies the texture map in the form of library which is constructed as building types, and then take mapping to the 3D building frame. For effectively apply, this technique, we classified buildings automatically using LiDAR data and made 3D frame using LiDAR and digital map. To express the realistic building texture, we made the texture library using real building photograph.

  • PDF

A Study on the Urban Air Mobility(UAM) Operation Pilot Qualification System

  • Kim, Su-Ro;Cho, Young-Jin;Jeon, Seung-Mok
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2022
  • As around the world, ground and underground transportation capacity is reaching its limit, centering on urban areas. As urban traffic becomes congested, time and cost are astronomical, and environmental destruction caused by urban pollution is becoming increasingly serious. As a way to solve this problem, the means of flying over the air are in the spotlight as the next generation of future transportation, and the concept of urban air mobility (UAM, Urban Air Mobility) is defined as systematic planning. The development of an electric-powered vertical take-off (eVTOL) aircraft that obtains electric power through a battery using a personal aerial vehicle (PAV) as a means of transportation has accelerated. As the aircraft development of new technology aircraft in the evtol method is actively carried out, the need to prepare systems such as aircraft certification standards, pilot qualification systems, and qualification management is emerging. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which lead international standards, announced new special technical conditions and temporary regulations SCVTOL-01, respectively. However, the pilot qualification system for operating the uam aircraft has not yet been clearly announced. Therefore, this paper analyzes the recently announced FAA regulations and EASA regulations to identify differences and directions in perspectives on UAMs and study the existing vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL) pilot qualification system to present directions for qualification classification.

Stream Classification Based on the Ecological Characteristics for Effective Stream Management - In the Case of Nakdong River - (효율적인 하천관리를 위한 하천생태 특성을 고려한 유형 분류 - 낙동강수계를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoo-Kyoung;Lee, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is classifying stream into different types depending on various factor from the perspective of stream corridor restoration and using it as basic data, which are used to consider efficient management and planning for the healthy stream according to the characteristic by types. In this study, 130 points of location of the Nakdong river basin which consist of various geographic factors have been chosen and hierarchical cluster analysis has been carried out in these points by using biological and physiochemical factors whose health can be considered to be predicted and evaluated. As a result of cluster analysis, there were three divided types. Type A whose biology and water quality are considered the best was the highest in forest area percentage so that it was classified into natural stream. Type B was classified into a rural region stream with a mixture of urban and agricultural region. Type C, with the most damaged water quality and biology health had the most urban region surface area and was named as urban region stream. Moreover, an overall restoration strategy according to characteristic by stream types was set. By the results of correlation analysis on factors, water quality showed a high correlation with biological properties and was affected by surrounding land usage. In evaluation of streams, it proves the need to consider not only other habitat's geographical and biological factors but also the water quality and land usage factors. There needs to be further research on stream ecosystem functionality factors and structural aspects by using a more objective and total evaluation result in selecting additional index and various other specific classification methods by stream types and its restoration strategies.