• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban classification

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Spatial Pattern Analysis of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Level Index Approach using Variogram

  • Yoo, Hee-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2006
  • A traditional image analysis or classification method using satellite imagery is mostly based on the spectral information. However, the spatial information is more important according as the resolution is higher and spatial patterns are more complex. In this study, we attempted to compare and analyze the variogram properties of actual high resolution imageries mainly in the urban area. Through the several experiments, we have understood that the variogram is various according to a sensor type, spatial resolution, a location, a feature type, time, season and so on and shows the information related to a feature size. With simple modeling, we confirmed that the unique variogram types were shown unlike the classical variogram in case of small subsets. Based on the grasped variogram characteristics, we made a level index map for determining urban complexity or land-use classification. These results will become more and more important and be widely applied to the various fields of high-resolution imagery such as KOMPSAT-2 and KOMPSAT-3 which is scheduled to be launched.

Classification of Metro Station Areas Using Multi-Source Big Data: Case Studies in Beijing

  • Shuo Chen;Xiangyu Li
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2023
  • Large-capacity public transportation systems, represented by urban metro lines, are the key to alleviating the significant increase in urbanization and motorization in China. But to improve the agglomeration effect of metro stations in a more accurate and targeted way requires scientific evaluation and classification of the surrounding areas of metro stations. As spatial and functional design are the core factors for urban renewal design, this study took Beijing as an example, using multi-source data to evaluate the morphology and functional composition surrounding areas of metro stations, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix was used to classify and characterize each type of surrounding areas from morphological-functional dimensions. It shows a negative correlation of the mix-use index with the floor area ratio, and only about 20% of the areas achieve the ideal situation of high construction intensity with high mix-use diversity. Hoping to provide a reference for city managers and designers in dealing with the surrounding metro stations with different construction intensities in a more precise way.

A Study on Empirical Method Analysis of Impervious Surface Using KOMPSAT-2 Image (KOMPSAT-2 위성영상을 이용한 불투수지도작성 방법에 관한 실증연구)

  • Bae, Da-Hye;Lee, Jae-Yil;Ko, Chang-Hwan;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.717-727
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    • 2011
  • Impervious surface affects urban climate, flood, and water pollution and has important role as basic data for urban planning and environmental and resources management uses. With a high paved rate, increased quantity of the outflown water and brings urban flooding during a heavy rain. Moreover, these non-point source pollution is getting increased the water pollution. In this regard, it is definitely important to research and keep monitoring the current situation of paved surface, which influences urban ecosystem, disaster and pollution. In this study, we suggest a method to utilize high resolution satellite image data for efficient survey on the current condition of paved surface. We analysed the paved surface condition of Dae-jeon metropolitan city area using KOMPSAT-2 image and validate its practicalness and limitation of this method.

Rule set of object-oriented classification using Landsat imagery in Donganh, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Thu, Trinh Thi Hoai;Lan, Pham Thi;Ai, Tong Thi Huyen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_2
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    • pp.521-527
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    • 2013
  • Rule set is an important step which impacts significantly on accuracy of object-oriented classification result. Therefore, this paper proposes a rule set to extract land cover from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired in Donganh, Hanoi, Vietnam. The rules were generated to distinguish five classes, namely river, pond, residential areas, vegetation and paddy. These classes were classified not only based on spectral characteristics of features, but also indices of water, soil, vegetation, and urban. The study selected five indices, including largest difference index max.diff; length/width; hue, saturation and intensity (HSI); normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and ratio vegetation index (RVI) based on membership functions of objects. Overall accuracy of classification result is 0.84% as the rule set is used in classification process.

Single Antenna Based GPS Signal Reception Condition Classification Using Machine Learning Approaches

  • Sanghyun Kim;Seunghyeon Park;Jiwon Seo
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2023
  • In urban areas it can be difficult to utilize global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) due to signal reflections and blockages. It is thus crucial to detect reflected or blocked signals because they lead to significant degradation of GNSS positioning accuracy. In a previous study, a classifier for global positioning system (GPS) signal reception conditions was developed using three features and the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. However, this classifier had limitations in its classification performance. Therefore, in this study, we developed an improved machine learning based method of classifying GPS signal reception conditions by including an additional feature with the existing features. Furthermore, we applied various machine learning classification algorithms. As a result, when tested with datasets collected in different environments than the training environment, the classification accuracy improved by nine percentage points compared to the existing method, reaching up to 58%.

Haussmann's Urban Green Space System in Paris' The Efficacities and the Logic of the Green Politics (오스만의 파리시 도심녹지시스템 : 그 효용성과 녹지정책의 논리)

  • 견진현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2003
  • The urban park provides a safe rest and leisure area, and offers the beauty of nature to counter the drearyness of urban space. It can provide benefits such as the reduction of environmental pollution, the regulation of the local climate, and it can also provide a safe area during times of disaster. However, there was no interest in urban park development and control in Korea during the economic boom of the mid 1960s. Furthermore, during the industrialization process, the population grew significantly in the cities and the cities' scales were noticeably extended; as a result of this, the living environment and the natural environment in the cities worsened. With rapid urbanization and industrialization, urban green area diminished, and it became necessary to organize the urban park system to improve quality of life. 45% of south korea's population lives in 6 cities, which is only 4% of Korea's land size. The Urban park system has to be considered in the urban planning process. Paris' urban green system can be a role-model for Korea's urban green development plan to function organically. Urban public park concepts have been used in Paris's urban planning since 1850. There were hardly any parks, gardens and squares for the public before the middle of the 19th century. For improving life-styles for the poor, Napoleon III strongly supported the development of green space systems in Paris by G.E. Haussmann. Napoleon III and Haussmann established and applied the urban green regulation within Paris urban planning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the green regulations Haussmann's Paris urban plan and urban green space system: and as a result of this, it can be an indicator for urban green space development in Korea.

Analysis of Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Surface Temperature Using Deep Learning Based Local Climate Zone Classification: A Case Study of Suwon and Daegu, Korea (딥러닝 기반 Local Climate Zone 분류체계를 이용한 지표면온도와 도시열섬 분석: 수원시와 대구광역시를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Yeonsu;Lee, Siwoo;Im, Jungho;Yoo, Cheolhee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1447-1460
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    • 2021
  • Urbanization increases the amount of impervious surface and artificial heat emission, resulting in urban heat island (UHI) effect. Local climate zones (LCZ) are a classification scheme for urban areas considering urban land cover characteristics and the geometry and structure of buildings, which can be used for analyzing urban heat island effect in detail. This study aimed to examine the UHI effect by urban structure in Suwon and Daegu using the LCZ scheme. First, the LCZ maps were generated using Landsat 8 images and convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning over the two cities. Then, Surface UHI (SUHI), which indicates the land surface temperature (LST) difference between urban and rural areas, was analyzed by LCZ class. The results showed that the overall accuracies of the CNN models for LCZ classification were relatively high 87.9% and 81.7% for Suwon and Daegu, respectively. In general, Daegu had higher LST for all LCZ classes than Suwon. For both cities, LST tended to increase with increasing building density with relatively low building height. For both cities, the intensity of SUHI was very high in summer regardless of LCZ classes and was also relatively high except for a few classes in spring and fall. In winter the SUHI intensity was low, resulting in negative values for many LCZ classes. This implies that UHI is very strong in summer, and some urban areas often are colder than rural areas in winter. The research findings demonstrated the applicability of the LCZ data for SUHI analysis and can provide a basis for establishing timely strategies to respond urban on-going climate change over urban areas.

Measurements of Impervious Surfaces - per-pixel, sub-pixel, and object-oriented classification -

  • Kang, Min Jo;Mesev, Victor;Kim, Won Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.303-319
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    • 2015
  • The objectives of this paper are to measure surface imperviousness using three different classification methods: per-pixel, sub-pixel, and object-oriented classification. They are tested on high-spatial resolution QuickBird data at 2.4 meters (four spectral bands and three principal component bands) as well as a medium-spatial resolution Landsat TM image at 30 meters. To measure impervious surfaces, we selected 30 sample sites with different land uses and residential densities across image representing the city of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. For per-pixel an unsupervised classification is first conducted to provide prior knowledge on the possible candidate spectral classes, and then a supervised classification is performed using the maximum-likelihood rule. For sub-pixel classification, a Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA) is used to disentangle land cover information from mixed pixels. For object-oriented classification several different sets of scale parameters and expert decision rules are implemented, including a nearest neighbor classifier. The results from these three methods show that the object-oriented approach (accuracy of 91%) provides more accurate results than those achieved by per-pixel algorithm (accuracy of 67% and 83% using Landsat TM and QuickBird, respectively). It is also clear that sub-pixel algorithm gives more accurate results (accuracy of 87%) in case of intensive and dense urban areas using medium-resolution imagery.

Building Points Classification from Raw LiDAR Data by Information Theory (정보이론에 의한 LiDAR 원시자료의 건물포인트 분류기법 연구)

  • Choi Yun-Woong;Jang Young-Woon;Cho Gi-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.469-473
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    • 2006
  • In general, a classification process between ground data and non-ground data, which include building objects, is required prior to producing a DEM for a certain surface reconstruction from LiDAR data in which the DEM can be produced from the ground data, and certain objects like buildings can be reconstructed using non-ground data. Thus, an exact classification between ground and non-ground data from LiDAR data is the most important factor in the ground reconstruction process using LiDAR data. In particular, building objects can be largely used as digital maps, orthophotos, and urban planning regarding the object in the ground and become an essential to providing three dimensional information for certain urban areas. In this study, an entropy theory, which has been used as a standard of disorder or uncertainty for data used in the information theory, is used to apply a more objective and generalized method in the recognition and segmentation of buildings from raw LiDAR data. In particular, a method that directly uses the raw LiDAR data, which is a type of point shape vector data, without any changes, to a type of normal lattices was proposed, and the existing algorithm that segments LiDAR data into ground and non-ground data as a binarization manner was improved. In addition, this study proposes a generalized building extraction method that excludes precedent information for buildings and topographies and subsidiary materials, which have different data sources.

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  • Koh, Chang-Hwan;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.378-381
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    • 2008
  • The regulating and relaxing targets in the Land Use Regulation and Total Maximum Daily Loads are influenced by Land cover information. For the providing more accurate land information, this study attempted to generate an impervious surface map using KOMPSAT-2 image which a Korea manufactured high resolution satellite image. The classification progress of this study carried out by tasseled-cap spectral enhancement through each class extraction technique neither existing classification method. KOMPSAT-2 image of this study is enhanced by Soil Brightness Index(SBI), Green vegetation Index(GVI), None-Such wetness Index(NWI). Then ranges of extracted each index in enhanced image are determined. And then, Confidence Interval of classes was determined through the calculating Non-exceedance Probability. Spectral distributions of each class are changed according to changing of Control coefficient(${\alpha}$) at the calculated Non-exceedance Probability. Previously, Land cover classification map was generated based on established ranges of classes, and then, pervious and impervious surface was reclassified. Finally, impervious ratio of reclassified impervious surface map was calculated with blocks in the study area.

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