• Title/Summary/Keyword: university enterprise

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A Study on the Decision Making Model for Social Enterprise Investment (사회적기업 투자 의사결정 모델 연구)

  • Suh, Sung-Moo;Chang, Dae-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1109-1115
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    • 2013
  • The present study attempts to build a decision making model for social enterprise investment. The proposed model includes four factors; social compatibility, growth, profitability, stability, and organizational suitability. Thirteen social enterprise investors were requested to rate the importance of each of the four factors when they make investment decisions. Financial stability (25.8%) and social compatibility(25.7%) turned out to be most important followed by profitability(17.5%) and growth(17.1%). Organizational suitability(13.9%) was least important. This study uncovered the first empirical factors for social enterprise investment decision making in the early stage of exploratory research. In practice, also provided several implications to social entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers.

Design of Enterprise System Platform based on Spring Data JPA in Spring Framework Environment (스프링 프레임워크 환경에서 스프링 데이터 JPA기반의 엔터프라이즈 시스템 플랫폼의 설계)

  • Yoo, Jung-Sang;Lee, Myeong-Ho
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2019
  • The competition for standardization in the enterprise environment starts with the data tier of the back-end and the standard enterprise middle tier is being stabilized by standardization as it is accepted as the Spring Framework. In addition, with the advent of new devices in an increasingly rapid cycle, securing compatibility with web and mobile services has become an important competitive advantage for web service companies. However, companies are unable to secure competent technical personnel appropriate for the rapidly changing environment of the information generation, and the curriculum of educational universities does not reflect the demand of new competency-oriented curriculum. Therefore, in this study, in order to acquire competency-oriented skills required for such an enterprise system platform environment and to develop a curriculum, the system using Spring Data JPA in the Spring Framework environment was implemented through documenting for each analysis and design step. It aims to provide a reference model for the full stack competency-based curriculum and capstone design curriculum that can be applied immediately in the enterprise environment.

The Effect of ESG Ratings on the Value of Chinese Listed Companies (ESG 영역별 평가등급이 중국 상장기업 가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Dong, Meng;Baek, Kang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - ESG(Environmental, Social and Governance) rating is an indicator to predict the sustainable development and long-term value creation of enterprises, which is becoming more and more important. This study divided the ESG rating into each sector(E, S and G) to identify which ESG elements are effective in enhancing enterprise value according to the characteristics of the enterprise, which is different from previous studies. Design/methodology/approach - In this study, Bloomberg ESG Disclosure Score was used to empirically analyze the relationship between ESG ratings and corporate value by taking the listed companies of China's Shanghai Composite Index from 2017 to 2020 as the object. Findings - First, the relationship between ESG ratings and enterprise value shows a statistically significant positive correlation, which supports the results of previous studies. Second, the analysis results from the classification of ownership structure of enterprises (state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises) show that compared with state-owned enterprises, the ESG ratings of non-state-owned enterprises is more closely related to enterprise value. Third, the analysis of various industries (manufacturing and non-manufacturing) shows that compared with manufacturing, ESG scores of non-manufacturing has a more positive effect on enterprise value. Lastly, the analysis by industry type (heavy-contaminated companies, non-contaminated companies) confirmed that ESG scores of non-contaminated companies has a positive effect on corporate value than heavy-contaminated companies. Research implications or Originality - This study classified ESG evaluation grades(E, S and G) for listed companies in China and analyzed in detail how they affect corporate value according to corporate characteristics, drawing implications for what ESG indicators should be focused on to increase corporate value.

A Study on Marketing Activation of Franchise Enterprise Utilizing Social Network Service(SNS) (SNS(Social Network Service)를 활용한 프랜차이즈 업체의 마케팅 활성화에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sun-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Choi, Kul-Yong;Han, Kyu-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.24-44
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    • 2011
  • Many companies are increasingly using social network service(SNS) as an online marketing tool, and its marketing activation has been in the limelight as a differentiation strategy most recently. The purpose of this study is to analyze online marketing cases utilizing SNS and to apply it in Franchise Enterprise in order to activate its marketing activities. This study is more concerned with the cases of facebook, twitter, and blog among social network services and suggests some ways of utilizing them in Franchise Enterprise as follows: Based on the examples of facebook, firstly, we set up the role as a homepage in individul, Franchise Enterprise, and other organizations. Secondly, we also set up the role as an organizing tool in communities, and thirdly, setting up the role as a location map tool. Regarding some applications in marketing tool of Franchise Enterprise, we suggest the role as a public relation tool of the company and brand, and also propose the role of brand planning and development. Finally, we suggest a way of overcoming the limitation in offline operations.

Project Management based Analysis for the Enterprise 6 Sigma Success Factors (프로젝트 경영관점에서의 전사 6 시그마 성공요인 분석)

  • Mhun, Young-Soo;Bae, Suk-Joo
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2011
  • Six Sigma has been disseminated into a variety of areas. It is believed that a stepwise understanding of Six Sigma's DMAIC is required for successes of unit projects. Meanwhile, infra-structure factors, such as leadership, organization, personnel management, educational system, etc., are also important to safely implant the Six Sigma into the whole enterprise and to thoroughly create the culture of innovation and enterprise. Careful analysis of those elements makes it possible to draw common connection between Project Management and the Six Sigma. This study drives the success elements for the successful adoption of the Six Sigma in the Korea Western Power Co., Ltd., of which management was evaluated as one of the tops based on the results of 2007 Management Innovation Assessment and arranges the similarity of like this factor and Enterprise Project Management. The results of this study are expected to provide a useful guideline for the adoption of the Six Sigma in whole company level.

Implementation Infrastructure Technology for Enterprise e-business (기업 내부의 e-비즈니스 구현 기반기술)

  • Lee, Chang-Hoyi;Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2002
  • 현재까지 e-비즈니스와 관련된 많은 자료들과 솔루션들이 발표되었지만 기업을 위한 e-비즈니스 환경에 IT 기술을 접목시켜 기업의 내부의 IT 기술과 솔루션에 대한 연구가 활발하지 않은 듯 하다. e-비즈니스의 유형은 기업과 고객(B2C), 기업과 기업(B2B), 국가와 기업(G2B), 국가와 국가(G2G) 등으로 세분화 할 수 있으나, 가장 중심적 역할을 하는 주체는 기업 조직이라고 하겠다. 본 연구에서는 많은 e-비즈니스의 구현 기반 기술 중에서 기업 내부 측면의 e-비즈니스 구현 기반기술과 관련된 IT 기술들은 전사적 자원관리를 위한 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)와 지식 기반의 정보 분석을 위한 DW/CRM(Data Warehouse/ Customer Relationship Management), 기업내부의 정보 통로인 EIP(Enterprise Information Portal}, 기업내부의 이기종 어플리케이션간의 통합을 위한 EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)와 경영층의 전략적인 의사결정을 지원하기 위한 SEM(Strategy Executive Management), 확장 ERP 개념인 SCM(Supply Chain Management) 기술에 대한 개념적 이해와 기업내부의 e-비즈니스 환경을 위한 적용방안을 밝히고 각 IT별 솔루션의 분류함에 의해 기업의 e-비즈니스 시스템의 구현 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

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The Analysis and Designing of the Supply Chain System of the Tobacco Sales Enterprise

  • Yongyao, Zhuang;Xiqing, Gui;Bin, Wang;Yunbo, Ba
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2007
  • On the basis of analysis of the characteristic of production operations in tobacco enterprise, this paper explores the social environment and basic conditions of Tobacco Sales Enterprise, the system architecture and function module of the Supply Chain System of the Tobacco Sales Enterprise are described and it also discusses the application and management of supply chain system.

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The Impact of the Competitiveness of Intermediate Software on Enterprise Results: a Case Study of Chinese Intermediate Software

  • Liu, Zi-Yang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to draw a conclusion on the impact of intermediate software on enterprise results. In this paper, product innovation and product reliability are especially used as analytical factors. An exploratory analytical study is conducted on the competitiveness of intermediate software, in the hope of gaining a new understanding of the competitiveness of intermediate software. Data are analyzed using such quantitative analytical tools as SPSS and AMOS. Using reliability analysis, validity analysis and structural equation model analysis, the final results are achieved. According to the analysis results, we can draw the following conclusions: the competitiveness of intermediate software has a positive impact on the innovation of software products. The competitiveness of intermediate software doesn't have a positive impact on the reliability of software products. Product innovation has a positive impact on enterprise results. Product reliability also has a positive impact on enterprise results. By analyzing the conclusions, we can make certain suggestions and draw implications on the competitiveness of China's software industry.

Development of u-Farm Information Architecture and Information Management Technology based on RFID/USN for the Agricultural Sector (RFID/USN 기반 농업분야 u-IT 적용을 위한 u-Farm 정보 아키텍처 및 정보 관리기술 개발)

  • Ryu, Seungwan;Park, Sei-Kwon;Oh, Dongok;Kang, Young-Jun;Park, You-Jin;Shin, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.170-181
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    • 2015
  • Generally, because individual agricultural product possesses its own distinctive characteristics and shows different characteristics at each stage of the agricultural supply chain, it is necessary to develop a proper enterprise architecture for managing information system. In this paper, we propose an enterprise architecture based on RFID/USN technology that can be used as a reference enterprise architecture for u-IT application in the agriculture sectors, which is called the u-Farm enterprise architecture with taking heterogeneous characteristics of agricultural products into account for. In addition, we also developed the RFID/USN middleware platform as a core infrastructure technology. Fo evaluation of the performance of the proposed u-Farm architecture and the RFID/USN middleware platform, the field-trial evaluation at the apple Agricultural Processing Center (APC) has been executed and the results shows that the proposed architecture and platform perform well in terms of information integration over the whole SCM process from the farming stage to delivering statge to the customers. It is expected that the proposed u-Farm enterprise architecture can be utilized as a standard information architecture, and the RFID/USN middleware platform can be a infrastructure platform for future u-IT based information technology applications and services in the agricultural environment.

The System of Digital Management of the Enterprise's Labor Resources in the Context of Ensuring Personnel Security and Economic Development

  • Dziubenko, Oleg;Halaz, Lina;Bala, Olha;Zozulia, Ihor;Berezovskyi, Ruslan
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the article is to analyze the system of digital management of labor resources in the context of ensuring personnel security and economic development. In the context of the digital transformation of the economy, much attention is paid to the creation of an innovative personnel management system, as the competition between organizations is intensifying, the victory in which guarantees greater economic benefits. Based on the results of the study, the features and key aspects of the digital management system of the enterprise's labor resources were characterized in the context of ensuring personnel security and economic development. Further research will include consideration of the practical aspects of the digital management system of the enterprise's labor resources.