• Title/Summary/Keyword: unit of perception

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Influence of Death Perception, Attitude Toward Terminal Care, Mental Health on the Terminal Care Stress of Intensive Care Unit Nurses (중환자실 간호사의 죽음 인식, 임종간호 태도, 정신건강이 임종간호 스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Jung Ok;Kim, Sang Hee
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the factors affecting the terminal care stress of nurses in intensive care units in terms of their death perception, attitude toward terminal care, and mental health. Methods: This descriptive study collected data from 118 nurses in intensive care units in one tertiary referral hospital and three general hospitals. The instruments used in the study were the Terminal Care Stress Assessment Tool, the View of Life and Death Scale, the Frommelt Attitudes toward Nursing Care of the Dying Scale (FATCOD), and the Mental Health Assessment Tool. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. Results: There was a significant positive correlation between terminal care stress and death perception (r=.31, p<.001). The factors significantly influencing the terminal care stress of the participants included gender (β=.33, p<.001), religion (β=.24, p=.004), and death perception (β=.35, p<.001), and the overall explanatory power was 23.1% (F=12.73, p<.001). Conclusion: To decrease terminal care stress among nurses, establishing the death perception of nurses based on value clarification about death may be necessary. Furthermore, this study suggests an intervention study examining the effect of an education program on terminal care stress among ICU nurses.

The Effect of Work Interruption on Workload and Perception of Patient Safety Culture in Ward Nurses (병동간호사의 간호업무중단이 업무부담과 환자안전문화인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Doo-Nam Oh;Ye-Won Lee
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.2-13
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    • 2022
  • Purpose:This study aimed to identify the effect of work interruption that influenced workload and perception of patient safety culture on ward nurses. Methods: Participants were 184 ward nurses, with more than 12 months of work experience, from two tertiary hospitals in S city. A descriptive correlational study design was used. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson's correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis via SPSS version 27.0. Results: The results showed that general wards nurses had a higher degree of work interruption (t=5.632, p<.001) and workload (t=3.603, p<.001) compared to comprehensive nursing care service wards nurses. More interruption in nursing work caused more burden on work (γ=.440, p<.001) and led to lesser perception of patient safety culture (γ=- .199, p=.007). Finally, the regression analysis showed that work interruption had a statistically significant relevance on nurses' workload (F=20.582, p<.001) and perception of patient safety culture (F=8.792, p<.001). Conclusion: To alleviate ward nurses' work interruption and decrease the negative effect on workload and perception of patient safety culture, it is necessary to mediate nurse staffing level and the number of assistants and utilize the environment.

A Study on Landscape Impact Assessment Techniques in District Unit Plan (지구단위계획에서 사용된 경관영향평가 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Bong, Jong-Jin;Jung, Young-Duk;Lee, Bong-Su;Cho, Yong-Joon
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 2005
  • District unit plan was arranged for rational induction and regulation of development due to increase of demand for comfortable environment and change of recognition of urban view. This study analyzes cases of district unit plan since 2003 and draws the following conclusions to provide basic material necessary for landscape impact assessment and analysis of actual conditions. It used regulation of design factors and analysis of physical index in making view plan and focuses on characteristics of visual perception in predicting impact through simulation. Future landscape impact assessment must establish a variety of indices and application of various techniques.

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A Study on the Cost Estimating Method based on Spatial Unit Focused on Improving Limitation Caused by Lack of Spatial Information of the Cost Based on Work Type (공간단위 공사비 산정방법에 관한 연구 - 공종별 공사비의 공간정보 부재로 인한 한계점 개선을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ki-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2011
  • In this Study, the Cost of Public Facility Construction in the VE Cost Model, and the Progress of the Construction Site Management, and Cost due to the Lack of Cpatial Information in Dispute Cost Work Type Recognize the limits of Historical Information, and to Overcome the Perception of Cost and Space Systems Unit In the Process of Transition that Began Seeking Ways to Improve Through this Study, Different Parts of the Proposed Area of Construction Work Unit System, the Core of Calculating Hourly and Detailed Engineering Information and Cost Information Generated Extension to Configure the Construction Unit in Every Space, Every Work Unit System, All Materials That Make Up Work Unit System, Unit Labor Costs, And All of the Configuration Items Enables Precise And Multidimensional Understanding is That.

A Perceptual Study of the Temporal Cues of English Plosives for Leveled Groups of Korean English Learners (다양한 수준의 한국인 영어 학습자의 영어 파열음의 구간 신호 지각 연구)

  • Kang Seok-han;Park Hansang
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    • no.56
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 2005
  • This study explores the most important temporal cues in the perception of the voiced/voiceless distinction of English plosives in terms of newly defined measures of perception: original signal to response agreement, unit signal to response agreement, and robustness. Seven native speakers of English and three leveled groups of Korean English learners participated in the present study. The results showed that both native speakers of English and Korean groups failed to successfully perceive the voiced/voiceless distinction of English plosives, particularly alveolar plosives, in word-medial trochaic positions. The results also showed that in word-initial and word-medial iambic positions both native speakers of English and Korean groups employ the information in the release burst and aspiration in the perception of the voiced/voiceless distinction, of English plosives, and that in word-final positions native speakers of English employ the information in the preceding vowel, while Korean groups employ the information in the closure interval.

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Consumer Perception of Domestic Electricity Prices (가정용 전기요금에 대한 소비자인식)

  • Lee, Seong-Lim;Park, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated (1) consumer perception about the level of electricity price, (2) the amount of household electricity consumption, and (3) consumer perception on electricity pricing system reform. For data collection, a national wide survey was conducted between November 22 and December 15, 2006. Excluding 233 cases, because of incomplete responses, data from 1767 households were analyzed. The major findings were as follows; More than 50% of the respondents consumed between 100-300kWh of electricity per month. Household size and income were significantly associated with electricity consumption. Approximately 50% of respondents perceived that electricity was being overcharged. Approximately 50% of the respondents positively evaluated the effects of the graduation pricing system. Households consuming more than 300kWh of electricity per month preferred a flat unit price. Based on these results, we suggest the implications to reforming the electricity pricing system.

Perception of the Professionals for the Environment-Friendly Apartments (환경친화 공동주택에 대한 전문가인식 변화 연구)

  • Ryu, Ji-Won;Park, Won-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2007
  • This study was intended to examine the change in the perception of the professionals for the environment-friendly apartments. After result of implementing the question survey against the professionals two times, the degree of importance in the environment-friendly design elements didn't show any significant change. However, it showed the degree of maturity on the concept of environment-friendly development is widely spreaded in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects. Based on the description of such results, the conclusion can be deduced as follow; 1) Presumably it would require 5 years for the diffusion of the concept of environment-friendly apartments and 10 years for the construction of developing its materialization and settlement respectively, 2) The proper density would be designed in $150{\sim}200%$ in view of the environmental and economic aspects. 3) It is necessary to change the existing system into the District Unit oriented planning & design method in order to apply the environmental design elements in smooth manner.

The Effect of Feeling Distance on Clothes in the Person Perception (의복의 거잡감이 대인지각에 미치는 영향)

  • 박성순;이경희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of feeling distance of clothes in the person perception. The specific objectives were: 1) to investigate whether the compositions of clothes affect the rate of detouring, ; 2 ) to investigate whether the gender compositions of dyads affect the rate of detouring, ; 3) to investigate whether the distance between members of dyads affect the rate of detouring. ; 3) to investigate whether the distance between members of dyads affect the rate of detouring. ; 4) to investigate the .effect of the interaction among the compsitions of clothes, the gender compositions, and the distance between members of dyads in the person perception. For this study, two male and two female undergraduates were selected and wore business suit or casual wear as given by the researcher. The distance between members of dyads ranged from 100cm to 170cm with an increment unit of loom. The data from our observation were analysed by x2-test, ANOVA, and MCA. The major findings were ; 1) In male/male dyad, distance perception from clothes were affected by the compositions of clothes at all distance. In maleffemale dyad, when the distance between members of dyad is short, distance perception from clothes were affected by the compositions of clothes modes, 2) When two members of dyad wear business suit, distance perception from clothes were affected by the gender composions of dyads. 3) Distance perception from clothes were affected by distance factors at all the gender compositions of dyads. 4) In the person perception, the most imprtant clue was the distance between members of dyads. The pllysical distance, which was formed by clothes, was between 130cm and 140cm.

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A Study on the perception Level of Nursing Activities of Staffing the Nursing Unit (간호인력의 배치에 영향을 미치는 간호사의 간호행위 인지정도에 관한 연구)

  • Park Chung-Ja;Lee Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 1994
  • The Study was carried out for the purpose of investigating the degree of perception in nursing activities. The data of this study were collected by self-reported questionnaire composed of 5 point rating scale measure the ideal level and the performance level of nurses activity. For the analysis of the data, percentage, MANOVA and ANOVA were 231 nurses in 3 general hospitals in Taegu. Data was administrated from October 4 through 14, 1994. The results were as follow : 1. The average mean score for the ideal level was 4.19 with a maximum possible score 5points. The highest mean score was Infection Controll and the lowest mean score was nutrition The average mean score for the performance level was 3.75, the highest mean score was fluid and electrolyte, the lowest mean score was nutrition. In the desirable nursing pergormance, Education was found the highest response above charge nurse, Medication was found the highest response above General nurse, environment was found the highest response above aide. 2. In the analysis of the relationship between the ideal level and th performance level, significant defference was found in age, position, career, marital status, occupation satisfaction, Nursing unit, parent. 3. In the analysis of the relationship between the ideal level and the performance level and the general characteristics, significant difference was found in marital status in the ideal level of direct nursing care, significant difference was found in age, position, marital status, nursing unit in the ideal level of indirect nursing care, significant difference was found in age, position, career, marital status, occupation satisfaction, nursing unit in the performance level of direct nursing care. significant difference was found in age (25-29) and above 30 career(4-7 and 7), occupation satisfaction(good and moderate, good and poor) in scheffe test of the performance level of direct nursing care.

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Study on Hospital Environmental Causes Affected the Mother′s Comfort After Her Child Birth (산욕부 안위에 영향을 미치는 병원환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1978
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine closely the causes influenced upon the comfort and recovery of the woman delivered of a child in the hospital at the same time to understand environmental status of hospitals in order to promote mother's health recovery, and to improve hospital environment by emphasizing the meaning of environment and health before the medical staff and hospital administrative authority. In the method of servery of the research, 165 post paestum patients have been randomly selected who were accommodated and delivered their babies at OB(obstetric ) & GY (Gynecologic) unit the 7 general hospitals for the period of 6 December 1976 through 17 December 1976. As for the survey, it has been used of Questionnaire where we have 65 items in the respect of personal environment in the hospital such as trusting nurse, ability, reliability, kindness and etiquette of nurse and tile character of nurse the relationship with patients the other respect of physical environment included 9f temperature, moisture. air-ventilation lightening noise, cleanness. facilities, and the third realm being of mother's hearth ground to have the following conclusion 1. The feature of the collected personnel they are from OB or GY sects of from OB unit of the other 5 hospitals except the two general hospitals of the college or school Otherwise the rate of the patients to nurses would be 9 : 1. As for the nurses'ground it would be appeared of 20-25 years of age as the 76%. either 3 year course or 4 year course in the education would be each 50% and less than 2 year experience case would record as of 60 %. In the respect of hospital physical environmental status, there we have two hospitals without any thermometers, on the other han4 nowhere there's hygrometer, otherwise, the lightening is normal or over than normal As for the structure of noise protection the corridors're, generally speaking worse than rooms, nerver hueless, there's no ventilating system in the hospitals. The rooms'repainted in white and yellow, light green white, or green color. The patient's clothing were in green pink blue, light green or in white co for. There're not anything special in both decoration and equipments. Most of them used tall beds except in one hospital 2. To the extent of perception of patient's hatch 9round and hospital environment it is presented that they perceived nurse's ability in highest in total human variable, though perceived kindness or etiquette in the lowest otherwise, comparatively high in total average. 3. In the respect of physical environment it is highest perceived of lightening terms, otherwise, lowest perceived of air ventilation and total average became lowest than the one of the original record 4. To ages, in the respect of hatch ground rather old aged mother than the younger one has perceived that nurse would be trusting, in good service character, able, at the same time, liable, Otherwise, in physical environment regardless of age, they perceived lightening in high and remarkably lower in ventilation As a result of the examination of the difference in hospital environment to each age it is appeared of statistical difference at 5% level of ability in the personal environment otherwise little difference as for physical environment 5. In the respect of perceiving level to educational standard it is highly perceived of personal environment for higher ranking group rather than lower group in the educational standard. In case of physical environment it is highly perceived for lower level group rather than higher level group in educational background. The variables which have statistical significance at 5% level are from trusting kindness, etiquette and total kindness, etiquette and total all significance at 5% level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total human environment variable in personal environment, otherwise, there's little difference in the physical environment. 6. The perceiving level due to times of admission and accommodation at the hospital would be cleared out as gradual higher perception both physical and personal environment in the hospital. At 5% significant level of the ventilation condition in physical environmental variable it is presented of meaningful difference otherwise, there we have little difference both in Personal variable and other one. 7. In accordance with living standard, the perception degree of personal environment in tee hospital would be inclined to increase to higher living standard on the other hand, in case of the physical environment, the perception level world increase to lower living standard At 5 % level, the trustuariable and total scores in the personal eicuironmectal variable there appeared a meaningful/ significant difference otherwise, there presented little difference both in physical environmental and other variable to the living standard 8. Pertaining to family unit, the mother of an independent family unit perceived highly in all respect of the personal and the physical environment in the hospital rather than the woman of succeeding family unit. At 5 % level there appeared a difference in the respect of kindness and etiquette both in personal environment variable, on the other hand, there hardly marked a difference between other variable and physical environmental one. 9. The degree of perception to comforting level has little connection with a statistical difference the age, educational level hospital admitting times, living standard or family unit. 10. The most effective variable to mother's comforting level will be nurse's ability, reliability, trusting manner, and total physical environment variable in order.

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