• Title/Summary/Keyword: unified design

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Lessons From Unified Germany and Their Implications for Healthcare in the Unification of the Korean Peninsula

  • Ryu, Gun-Chun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the German experience in the transition to a unified health care system and suggests the following implications for Korea. First, Germany could have made use of the unification process better if there had been a good road map. Therefore Korea must develop a well prepared road map that considers all possible situations. Second, Germany saw an opportunity for the improvement of the health care system in the early stage of unification but could not take advantage of it because the situation changed dramatically and they had not sufficiently prepared for it. Korea should take into account the opportunity for improvement of the present health care system, such as the roles of public health and traditional medicine. Thirdly, the conditions f North Korea seem to be far worse than those of former East Germany and also worse than even those of other transition countries. Therefore Korea should design a long-term road map taking as many variables into account as possible, including the different rigid way of thinking and the interrelationship among the social sectors. Fourthly, during the German reunification unexpected factors changed the direction of the events. Korea should have a separate plan for the unexpected factors.

Low Cost and High Performance UPQC with Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverters

  • Trinh, Quoc-Nam;Lee, Hong-Hee
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1015-1024
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    • 2015
  • This paper introduces a low cost, high efficiency, high performance three-phase unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) by using four-switch three-phase inverters (FSTPIs) and an extra capacitor in the shunt active power filter (APF) side of the UPQC. In the proposed UPQC, both shunt and series APFs are developed by using FSTPIs so that the number of switching devices is reduced from twelve to eight devices. In addition, by inserting an additional capacitor in series with the shunt APF, the DC-link voltage in the proposed UPQC can also be greatly reduced. As a result, the system cost and power loss of the proposed UPQC is significantly minimized thanks to the use of a smaller number of power switches with a lower rating voltage without degrading the compensation performance of the UPQC. Design of passive components for the proposed UPQC to achieve a good performance is presented in detail. In addition, comparisons on power loss, overall system efficiency, compensation performance between the proposed UPQC and the traditional one are also determined in this paper. Simulation and experimental studies are performed to verify the validity of the proposed topology.

Hexagonal Material Flow Pattern for Next Generation Semiconductor Fabrication (차세대 반도체 펩을 위한 육각형 물류 구조의 설계)

  • Chung, Jae-Woo;Suh, Jung-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2010
  • The semiconductor industry is highly capital and technology intensive. Technology advancement on circuit design and process improvement requires chip makers continuously to invest a new fabrication facility that costs more than 3 billion US dollars. Especially major semiconductor companies recently started to discuss 450mm fabrication substituting existing 300mm fabrication of which facilities were initiated to build in 1998. If the plan is consolidated, the yield of 450mm facility would be more than doubled compared to existing 300mm facility. In steps of this important investment, facility layout has been acknowledged as one of the most important factors to be competitive in the market. This research proposes a new concept of semiconductor facility layout using hexagonal floor plan and its compatible material flow pattern. The main objective of this proposal is to improve the productivity of the unified layout that has been popularly used to build existing facilities. In this research, practical characteristics of the semiconductor fabrication are taken into account to develop a new layout alternative based on the analysis of Chung and Tanchoco (2009). The performance of the proposed layout alternative is analyzed using computer simulation and the results show that the new layout alternative outperforms the existing layout alternative, unified layout. However, a few questions on space efficiency to the new alternative were raised in communication with industry practitioners. These questions are left for a future study.

OQMCAR: An enhanced network coding-aware routing algorithm based on queue state and local topology

  • Lu, Cunbo;Xiao, Song;Miao, Yinbin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.2875-2893
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    • 2015
  • Existing coding aware routing algorithms focused on novel routing metric design that captures the characteristics of network coding. However, in packet coding algorithm, they use opportunistic coding scheme which didn't consider the queue state of the coding node and are equivalent to the conventional store-and-forward method in light traffic load condition because they never delay packets and there are no packets in the output queue of coding node, which results in no coding opportunity. In addition, most of the existing algorithms assume that all flows participating in the network have equal rate. This is unrealistic since multi-rate environments are often appeared. To overcome above problem and expand network coding to light traffic load scenarios, we present an enhanced coding-aware routing algorithm based on queue state and local topology (OQMCAR), which consider the queue state of coding node in packet coding algorithm where the control policy is of threshold-type. OQMCAR is a unified framework to merge single rate case and multiple rate case, including the light traffic load scenarios. Simulations results show that our scheme can achieve higher throughput and lower end-to-end delay than the current mechanisms using COPE-type opportunistic coding policy in different cases.

Unified Analytic Calculation Method for Zoom Loci of Zoom Lens Systems with a Finite Object Distance

  • Ryu, Jae Myung;Oh, Jeong Hyo;Jo, Jae Heung
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.134-145
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    • 2014
  • The number of lens groups in modern zoom camera systems is increased above that of conventional systems in order to improve the speed of the auto focus with the high quality image. As a result, it is difficult to calculate zoom loci using the conventional analytic method, and even the recent one-step advanced numerical calculation method is not optimal because of the time-consuming problem generated by the iteration method. In this paper, in order to solve this problem, we suggest a new unified analytic method for zoom lens loci with finite object distance including infinite object distance. This method is induced by systematically analyzing various distances between the object and other groups including the first lens group, for various situations corresponding to zooming equations of the finite lens systems after using a spline interpolation for each lens group. And we confirm the justification of the new method by using various zoom lens examples. By using this method, we can easily and quickly obtain the zoom lens loci not only without any calculation process of iteration but also without any limit on the group number and the object distance in every zoom lens system.

Unified equivalent frame method for flat plate slab structures under combined gravity and lateral loads - Part 2: verification

  • Choi, Seung-Ho;Lee, Deuck Hang;Oh, Jae-Yuel;Kim, Kang Su;Lee, Jae-Yeon;Shin, Myoungsu
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.735-751
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    • 2014
  • In the previous paper, authors proposed the unified equivalent frame method (UEFM) for the lateral behavior analysis of the flat plate structure subjected to the combined gravity and lateral loads, in which the rotations of torsional members were distributed to the equivalent column and the equivalent slab according to the relative ratio of gravity and lateral loads. In this paper, the lateral behavior of the multi-span flat plate structures under various levels of combined gravity and lateral loads were analyzed by the proposed UEFM, which were compared with test results as well as those estimated by existing models. In addition, to consider the stiffness degradation of the flat plate system after cracking, the stiffness reduction factors for torsional members were derived from the test results of the interior and exterior slab-column connection specimens, based on which the simplified nonlinear push-over analysis method for flat plate structures was proposed. The simplified nonlinear analysis method provided good agreements with test results and is considered to be very useful for the practical design of the flat plate structures under the combined gravity and lateral loads.

A Survey Study on Standard Security Models in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Lee, Sang Ho
    • Journal of Convergence Society for SMB
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2014
  • Recent advancement in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has paved the way for WSNs to enable in various environments in monitoring temperature, motion, sound, and vibration. These applications often include the detection of sensitive information from enemy movements in hostile areas or in locations of personnel in buildings. Due to characteristics of WSNs and dealing with sensitive information, wireless sensor nodes tend to be exposed to the enemy or in a hazard area, and security is a major concern in WSNs. Because WSNs pose unique challenges, traditional security techniques used in conventional networks cannot be applied directly, many researchers have developed various security protocols to fit into WSNs. To develop countermeasures of various attacks in WSNs, descriptions and analysis of current security attacks in the network layers must be developed by using a standard notation. However, there is no research paper describing and analyzing security models in WSNs by using a standard notation such as The Unified Modeling Language (UML). Using the UML helps security developers to understand security attacks and design secure WSNs. In this research, we provide standard models for security attacks by UML Sequence Diagrams to describe and analyze possible attacks in the three network layers.

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A Study on the Creation of Parks in North Korea (북한의 공원 및 유원지 형성에 관한 연구)

  • 김동찬;김광래;안봉원;서주환;김신환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 1995
  • In this study on the creation of parks in North Korea, which is closely re]toted to the developmental stages in North Korea, park construction plans are investigated according to the following periods: 1) from the Liberation of Korea in 1945 to the outbreak of the Korean War, 2) from the end of the Korean War to the 1950's, 3) 1960's and 4) 1970's and 1980's Major North Korean parks are also presented and common characteristics of park-making in North Korea are analyzed in the following way : 1) the character and function of the parks, 2) the development of landscaping, 3) the creation of unique North Korean parks. This study was conducted through archival research of North Korean documents and it may be limited due to the intrinsic problem of reliability that the documents have, and also to an impossoble on-the-spot survey. However this study is of value because it presents North Korean parks, as yet unpublished in South Korea, and it can be used as valuable information for further study and especially for the planning of parks and green space system in preparation for a probable unified Korea. For a profound stuffy, broader and more accurately detailed North Korean documents must be obtained and opened to the public. A comparative study on the principles of spatial composition and design elements of the parka in South and North Korea mutt also be conducted so as to find a model for the Korean park for a future unified Korea.

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RUP Model Based SBA Effectiveness Analysis by Considering the V Process and Defense Simulation Hierarchy (V 프로세스와 국방시뮬레이션 모델유형을 고려한 RUP 모델 기반의 SBA 효과도 분석)

  • Cha, HyunJu;Kim, Hyung Jong;Lee, Hae Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents an SBA (simulation-based acquisition) effectiveness analysis environment using the RUP (Relational Unified Process) model. The RUP model has 4 phases which cover the whole development steps such as requirement analysis, design, development and test. By applying the RUP model, SW development can be represented with the iterations of developments for each phase. Such a characteristics of the model would make the model suitable for defense acquisition. In this paper, we show the relation between the RUP model and V process model, which is the foundation for defense acquisition. In order to show how the model could be applied to SBA effectiveness analysis, graphical user interfaces for the analysis are presented at the end of the paper.

Determinants of Continuous Intention-to-Use on NTIS: Perspectives of UTAUT and TTF Model (국가과학기술정보서비스플랫폼 NTIS 지속적 사용의도 결정요인에 관한 연구: UTAUT 및 TTF모형을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun Bin;Son, Dal Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.197-216
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    • 2022
  • Purpose In this study, in order to understand the effects of NTIS users' behavioral scientific behaviors and determinants, an integrated model of the UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model and TTF(Task-Technology Fit) model, which are frequently used MIS field, was presented and empirical analysis was conducted. Design/methodology/approach In this study, an online survey was conducted on researchers from organizations carrying out national R&D projects, institutions, universities, and dedicated management institutions and the collected data verified hypotheses established using the SPSS 25.0 statistical package and structural equation model using AMOS. Findings The results showed that NTIS users' business activities had a positive(+) effect on task-technology fit and task-technology fit had a positive(+) effect on performance expectation, effort expectation, and continuous intention-to-use intention. In addition, the performance expectation, effort expectation, and promotion conditions presented in research model had a positive(+) effect on the continuous intention-to-use. The research results derived through this study are expected to contribute substantially to subsequent research in the field related to information sharing platforms.