• Title/Summary/Keyword: uGIS

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Classification of Urban Green Space Using Airborne LiDAR and RGB Ortho Imagery Based on Deep Learning (항공 LiDAR 및 RGB 정사 영상을 이용한 딥러닝 기반의 도시녹지 분류)

  • SON, Bokyung;LEE, Yeonsu;IM, Jungho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2021
  • Urban green space is an important component for enhancing urban ecosystem health. Thus, identifying the spatial structure of urban green space is required to manage a healthy urban ecosystem. The Ministry of Environment has provided the level 3 land cover map(the highest (1m) spatial resolution map) with a total of 41 classes since 2010. However, specific urban green information such as street trees was identified just as grassland or even not classified them as a vegetated area in the map. Therefore, this study classified detailed urban green information(i.e., tree, shrub, and grass), not included in the existing level 3 land cover map, using two types of high-resolution(<1m) remote sensing data(i.e., airborne LiDAR and RGB ortho imagery) in Suwon, South Korea. U-Net, one of image segmentation deep learning approaches, was adopted to classify detailed urban green space. A total of three classification models(i.e., LRGB10, LRGB5, and RGB5) were proposed depending on the target number of classes and the types of input data. The average overall accuracies for test sites were 83.40% (LRGB10), 89.44%(LRGB5), and 74.76%(RGB5). Among three models, LRGB5, which uses both airborne LiDAR and RGB ortho imagery with 5 target classes(i.e., tree, shrub, grass, building, and the others), resulted in the best performance. The area ratio of total urban green space(based on trees, shrub, and grass information) for the entire Suwon was 45.61%(LRGB10), 43.47%(LRGB5), and 44.22%(RGB5). All models were able to provide additional 13.40% of urban tree information on average when compared to the existing level 3 land cover map. Moreover, these urban green classification results are expected to be utilized in various urban green studies or decision making processes, as it provides detailed information on urban green space.

Techniques for Acquisition of Moving Object Location in LBS (위치기반 서비스(LBS)를 위한 이동체 위치획득 기법)

  • Min, Gyeong-Uk;Jo, Dae-Su
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.6
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    • pp.885-896
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    • 2003
  • The typws of service using location Information are being various and extending their domain as wireless internet tochnology is developing and its application par is widespread, so it is prospected that LBS(Location-Based Services) will be killer application in wireless internet services. This location information is basic and high value-added information, and this information services make prior GIS(Geographic Information System) to be useful to anybody. The acquisition of this location information from moving object is very important part in LBS. Also the interfacing of acquisition of moving object between MODB and telecommunication network is being very important function in LBS. After this, when LBS are familiar to everybody, we can predict that LBS system load is so heavy for the acquisition of so many subscribers and vehicles. That is to say, LBS platform performance is fallen off because of overhead increment of acquiring moving object between MODB and wireless telecommunication network. So, to make stable of LBS platform, in this MODB system, acquisition of moving object location par as reducing the number of acquisition of unneccessary moving object location. We study problems in acquiring a huge number of moving objects location and design some acquisition model using past moving patternof each object to reduce telecommunication overhead. And after implementation these models, we estimate performance of each model.

Using Google Earth for a Dynamic Display of Future Climate Change and Its Potential Impacts in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 기후변화의 시각적 표현을 위한 Google Earth 활용)

  • Yoon, Kyung-Dahm;Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.275-278
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    • 2006
  • Google Earth enables people to easily find information linked to geographical locations. Google Earth consists of a collection of zoomable satellite images laid over a 3-D Earth model and any geographically referenced information can be uploaded to the Web and then downloaded directly into Google Earth. This can be achieved by encoding in Google's open file format, KML (Keyhole Markup Language), where it is visible as a new layer superimposed on the satellite images. We used KML to create and share fine resolution gridded temperature data projected to 3 climatological normal years between 2011-2100 to visualize the site-specific warming and the resultant earlier blooming of spring flowers over the Korean Peninsula. Gridded temperature and phonology data were initially prepared in ArcGIS GRID format and converted to image files (.png), which can be loaded as new layers on Google Earth. We used a high resolution LCD monitor with a 2,560 by 1,600 resolution driven by a dual link DVI card to facilitate visual effects during the demonstration.

Hand Held the distance measurement of platform on GPS (GPS기반 Hand Held Type 거리 측정기)

  • 박지훈;김영길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.864-867
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    • 2003
  • GPS (Global Positioning System) made by the Department of Defense in U.S.A is positioning system to use satellite and initially it has been used only for the military forces but open to civilian in about 1987. This system has widely been used for not only surveying land, but also car navigation on the street and means to build up the data of the GIS. With GPS, recently our country is accelerating to make imbeded system and also the study on imbeded system is well under way. For example, Car navigation and the construction of the Seokang bridge between Willson Arch at Han river by using DGPS were evaluated as successful model to lead accurate location with the precision of the cm. The examples of the project performance with GPS has gradually been extended to the each department organization of the local and central government. for the example, It is true that BIS(Bus Information System) is widely spreading out. In addition, the study on the Distribution Maintenance System is expected to be well in progress to take advantage of GPS based on the data base of the NGIS(National Geography Institute System) of the NGI(National Geography Institute). This paper shows that we embodied not only the large imbeded system for car and finding the location in Korean Land Corporation but also the protype of the kinematics Wrist Held which is easily portable to pedestrian, climber and marathon runner.

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Evaluation of an Applicability of HEC-RAS 5.0 for 2-D Flood Inundation Analysis (2차원 홍수범람해석을 위한 HEC-RAS 5.0 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Choon-Ho;Lee, Tae-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.726-733
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the flood frequency and magnitude have increased due to heavy rainfall. Considering the present condition, a flood risk map has been published in many countries to raise awareness about flood damage to people. A flood inundation analysis model, which is used to publish the flood risk map, can be classified as river and inland inundation models according to the inundation cause. Although a variety of flood inundation analysis models are utilized both domestically and overseas, their usability is limited by the expensive price, except for the HEC-RAS model developed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In the situation, the USACE has developed a 2-D HEC-RAS model that can be linked to the existing 1-D model. This model has been released as a beta version under the name, HEC-RAS 5.0. In this study, the HEC-RAS 5.0 model's features, usability, applicability, and accuracy were evaluated by comparing the performances on Gokgyo-cheon with the FLUMEN model, which is used for domestic flood risk mapping. The results of this study will contribute to river inundation analysis in many different ways after the HEC-RAS 5.0 model is stabilized.

A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Flows and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Distributions in an Urban Area Using a Multi-scale Model: Part I - Analysis of Detailed Flows (다중규모 모델을 이용한 도시 지역 흐름과 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 분포 특성 연구: Part I - 상세 흐름 분석)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Choi, Wonsik;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_3
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    • pp.1643-1652
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the characteristics of detailed flows in a building-congested district, we coupled a computation fluid dynamics (CFD) model to the local data assimilation and prediction system (LDAPS), a current operational numerical weather prediction model of the Korea Meteorological Administration. For realistic numerical simulations, we used the meteorological variables such as wind speeds and directions and potential temperatures predicted by LDAPS as the initial and boundary conditions of the CFD model. We trilinearly interpolated the horizontal wind components of LDAPS to provide the initial and boudnary wind velocities to the CFD model. The trilinearly interpolated potential temperatures of LDAPS is converted to temperatures at each grid point of the CFD model. We linearly interpolated the horizontal wind components of LDAPS to provide the initial and boundary wind velocities to the CFD model. The linearly interpolated potential temperatures of LDAPS are converted to temperatures at each grid point of the CFD model. We validated the simulated wind speeds and directions against those measured at the PKNU-SONIC station. The LDAPS-CFD model reproduced similar wind directions and wind speeds measured at the PKNU-SONIC station. At 07 LST on 22 June 2020, the inflow was east-north-easterly. Flow distortion by buildings resulted in the east-south-easterly at the PKNU-SONIC station, which was the similar wind direction to the measured one. At 19 LST when the inflow was southeasterly, the LDAPS-CFD model simulated southeasterly (similar to the measured wind direction) at the PKNU-SONIC station.

Environmental Equity Analysis of the Accessibility of Urban Neighborhood Parks in Daegu City (대구시 도시근린공원의 접근성에 따른 환경적 형평성 분석)

  • Seo, Hyun-Jin;Jun, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to investigate the environmental equity of the accessibility to urban neighborhood parks in the city of Daegu. The spatial distribution of urban neighborhood parks was explored by spatial statistics and the spatial accessibility to them was then evaluated by both minimum distance and coverage approaches. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as proximity ratio, Mann Whitney U test, and logistic regression were used for comparing the socioeconomic characteristics over different accessibilities to the neighborhood parks and then testing the distributional inequity hypothesis. The results from the minimum distance method indicated that Dalseo-gu had the best accessibility to the neighborhood parks while Dong-gu had the worst accessibility. It was apparent with the coverage method that Dalseo-gu had the best accessibility whereas Dong-gu and Nam-gu had the worst accessibility to the neighborhood parks at 500m and 1,000m buffer distances. There existed the spatial pattern of environmental inequity in old towns with respect to population density and the percentage of people under the age of 18. The spatial pattern of environmental inequity in new towns was explored on the basis of the percentage of people over the age of 65, the percentage of people below the poverty level, and the percentage of free of charge rental housing. These results were closely related to the development process of urban parks in Daegu stimulated by the quantitative urban park policy, urban development process, and residential location pattern such as permanent rental housing and free of charge rental housing. This study further extends the existing research topics of environmental justice related to the distributional inequity of environmental disamenities and hazards by focusing on environmental amenities such as urban neighborhood parks. The results from this study can be used in making the decisions for urban park management and setting up urban park policy with considering the social geography of Daegu.

A Study of Improvement for the Prediction of Groundwater Pollution in Rural Area: Application in Keumsan, Korea (농촌지역 지하수의 오염 예측 방법 개선방안 연구: 충남 금산 지역에의 적용)

  • Cheong, Beom-Keun;Chae, Gi-Tak;Koh, Dong-Chan;Ko, Kyung-Seok;Koo, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2008
  • Groundwater pollution prediction methods have been developed to plan the sustainable groundwater usage and protection from potential pollution in many countries. DRASTIC established by US EPA is the most widely used groundwater vulnerability mapping method. However, the DRASTIC showed limitation in predicting the groundwater contamination because the DRASTIC method is designed to embrace only hydrogeologic factors. Therefore, in this study, three different methods were applied to improve a groundwater pollution prediction method: US EPA DRASTIC, Modified-DRASTIC suggested by Panagopoulos et al. (2006), and LSDG (Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, Geology) proposed by Rupert (1999). The Modified-DRASTIC is the modified version of the DRASTIC in terms of the rating scales and the weighting coefficients. The rating scales of each factor were calculated by the statistical comparison of nitrate concentrations in each class using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test; while the weighting coefficients were modified by the statistical correlation of each parameter to nitrate concentrations using the Spearman's rho test. The LSDG is a simple rating method using four factors such as Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, and Geology. Classes in each factor are compared by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test which gives a different rating to each class if the nitrate concentration in the class is significantly different. A database of nitrate concentrations in groundwaters from 149 wells was built in Keumsan area. Application of three different methods for assessing the groundwater pollution potential resulted that the prediction which was represented by a correlation (r) between each index and nitrate was improved from the EPA DRASTIC (r = 0.058) to the modified rating (r = 0.245), to the modified rating and weights (r = 0.400), and to the LSDG (r = 0.415), respectively. The LSDG seemed appropriate to predict the groundwater pollution in that it contained land use as a factor of the groundwater pollution sources and the rating of each class was defined by a real pollution nitrate concentration.

A Spatial Statistical Approach to Migration Studies: Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity in Place-Specific Distance Parameters (인구이동 연구에 대한 공간통계학적 접근: 장소특수적 거리 패러미터의 추출과 공간적 패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2001
  • This study is concerned with providing a reliable procedure of calibrating a set of places specific distance parameters and with applying it to U.S. inter-State migration flows between 1985 and 1900. It attempts to conform to recent advances in quantitative geography that are characterized by an integration of ESDA(exploratory spatial data analysis) and local statistics. ESDA aims to detect the spatial clustering and heterogeneity by visualizing and exploring spatial patterns. A local statistic is defined as a statistically processed value given to each location as opposed to a global statistic that only captures an average trend across a whole study region. Whereas a global distance parameter estimates an averaged level of the friction of distance, place-specific distance parameters calibrate spatially varying effects of distance. It is presented that a poisson regression with an adequately specified design matrix yields a set of either origin-or destination-specific distance parameters. A case study demonstrates that the proposed model is a reliable device of measuring a spatial dimension of migration, and that place-specific distance parameters are spatially heterogeneous as well as spatially clustered.

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