• 제목/요약/키워드: two new records

검색결과 421건 처리시간 0.031초

기록 검색도구의 발전과 전망 (A Study on Development and Prospects of Archival Finding Aids)

  • 설문원
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제23호
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    • pp.3-43
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    • 2010
  • 검색도구는 기록을 찾고 이해할 수 있도록 지원하는 도구이다. 검색도구는 크게 수직형 검색도구와 수평형 검색도구로 구분할 수 있는데, 수직형 검색도구는 우리가 보통 '보존기록 기술(archival description)'이라 부르는, 출처 기반의 계층형 검색도구를 말하며, 수평형 검색도구는 목록이나 색인 등과 같은 주제 기반의 검색도구로서, 주로 수직형 검색도구로 안내해주는 역할을 수행했다. 그러나 이러한 검색도구들은 인터넷 환경에 맞추어 진화하고 있으며, 가령 수직형 검색도구의 경우, ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF), ISDF와 같은 국제표준기술규칙의 개발에 발맞추어, 출처와 원질서 존중의 원칙을 견지하되 다중 엔티티 구조로 변화해가는 경향을 살펴볼 수 있다. 그러나 이용자 입장에서 기록관리 원칙을 적용한 수직형 검색도구는 어렵고 복잡하며, 구체성과 접근성이 떨어진다는 비판을 받는다. 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위하여 각국에서는 기록에 대한 다양한 접근경로를 제공하는 다양한 디지털 콘텐츠를 개발하여 제공하고 있는데, 이것들이 이른바 새로운 유형의 주제 기반 검색도구라고 볼 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 보존기록을 위한 수직형 검색도구의 변화와 그 한계를 조사하였고, 이를 보완하기 위하여 인터넷 환경에서 새롭게 출현하는 검색도구 및 관련 연구들을 전반적으로 살펴 본 결과 복합화, 통합화, 개방화라는 3가지 경향으로 유형화할 수 있었다. 즉, 주제 해설과 검색도구를 연계시킨 복합적 형태의 검색도구, 여러 기관이 소장한 기록을 한꺼번에 검색할 수 있도록 하는 통합 검색도구, 이용자 참여가 보장되는 개방적 형태의 검색도구는 향후 검색도구의 개발 전망을 보여주는 대표적 유형으로 볼 수 있다. 새로운 검색도구의 출현에 따라 우려되는 문제로는 탈 맥락화, 편견과 객관성 유지, 이용자 참여방식과 질적 통제 등으로 보았다. 앞으로 새로운 흐름을 적극적으로 수용하되 오히려 수직형 검색도구 기반을 지속적으로 강화해 나아가고 이용자를 적극 참여시키는 전략을 개발할 것을 제안하였다. 이 연구가 앞으로 국가기록원을 비롯한 영구기록물 관리기관들이 검색도구 개발 전략을 수립할 때 시사점을 제공할 수 있기를 기대한다.

국립중앙박물관 소장 유리건판과 기록자료로 본 황해도 성불사(成佛寺)의 불교조각 (Buddhist Sculptures from Seongbulsa Temple in Hwanghae-do Province as Seen through Gelatin Dry Plates and Archival Materials from the Collection of the National Museum of Korea)

  • 허형욱
    • 박물관과 연구
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    • 제1권
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    • pp.278-305
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    • 2024
  • 국립중앙박물관이 소장한 일제강점기의 유리건판 사진과 조선총독부박물관 공문서는 1950년 한국전쟁으로 북한 지역 소재 문화유산이 큰 피해를 입기 전의 모습을 알려주는 자료로서 가치가 있다. 이에 최근 유리건판과 총독부박물관 문서를 활용한 북한 지역 불교조각 연구가 증가하고 있으며, 본고에서는 황해도의 대표적 사찰 중 하나인 황주 성불사의 불교조각에 대해 기존 성과를 바탕으로 몇 가지 새로운 의견을 개진하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 문헌기록을 토대로 성불사의 연혁을 정리하고 현황을 짚어본 후, 유리건판 속 존상별 제작시기와 조성배경 등을 자세히 살펴봄으로써 성불사 불교조각을 종합적으로 이해하고자 했다. 1945년 해방 이전 성불사의 불교조각은 보살상 2건, 여래상 4건, 삼존상 1건의 총 7건이 확인된다. 제작시기에서는 고려 전기 2건, 고려 후기 1건, 조선 전기 3건, 조선 후기 1건의 분포를 보인다. 이 가운데 오늘날 실물이 남아있는 2건이 주목된다. 먼저 성불사 응진전에서 촬영되었다는 고려 전기 석조약사여래좌상이다. 이 상의 당시 대좌 실측도를 면밀히 검토한 결과, 현재 정방산 내금강 골짜기의 옛 상원암 터에 전하는 머리없는 석조약사여래좌상 및 대좌 부재와 일치함을 알 수 있었다. 이 판단이 맞다면 북한 지역에 전하는 고려 전기 불교조각의 작례를 새롭게 확보하는 것으로서 의의가 크다. 다른 하나는 성불사 극락전에서 발견된 조선 1454년(단종2) 작 금동아미타여래삼존좌상이다. 이 상은 현재 사리원력사박물관에 보관 중이며 조선 전기 이북 지역에서 확인되는 소형 금동불의 기년작으로서 중요하다. 본고는 성불사라는 단일 사찰에 초점을 맞추어 북한 지역 불교조각을 고찰한 사례 연구이다. 앞으로 국립중앙박물관 유리건판 자료가 더욱 다양한 방식으로 활용된다면 우리나라 불교조각사의 연구에 적지 않은 기여를 할 것으로 기대된다.

국립중앙박물관 소장 도사 미쓰요시(土佐光芳) 필(筆) <무라사키노 자일 놀이(紫野子日遊圖)·오이강 유람도 병풍(大井川遊覽圖屛風)> 시론 (Tosa Mitsuyoshi's Screen Paintings Gathering on the Year's First "Day of the Rat" and Boating on the Oi River from the National Museum of Korea)

  • 정미연
    • 미술자료
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    • 제98권
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    • pp.176-199
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    • 2020
  • 국립중앙박물관 소장 <무라사키노 자일 놀이(紫野子日遊圖)·오이강 유람도 병풍(大井川遊覽圖屛風)>(이하 국박본으로 지칭)은 일본 교토 궁정의 화사(畫事)를 전담한 직책인 에도코로아즈카리(繪所預)였던 도사 미쓰요시(土佐光芳, 1700~1772)의 묵서와 인장을 지닌 김병풍(金屛風) 한 쌍이다. 이 병풍은 국립중앙박물관이 2018년 미국 뉴욕에서 구입한 것으로, 판매자에 따르면 20세기 초 어느 시점에 일본에서 미국으로 건너왔으나 그 자세한 시점은 불명이라고 한다. 여섯 면의 두 폭 한 쌍으로 이루어진 이 병풍은 오른쪽 병풍에 새해 정월 자일(子日)에 야외로 나가 어린 소나무 묘목을 채집하는 궁중 행사인 '자일 놀이(子日遊)'의 장면을, 왼쪽 병풍에 교토 오이강(大井川)에 한시(漢詩), 와카(和歌), 관현(管弦)을 의미하는 세 척의 배를 띄워 유람했다는 '세 척의 배(三船の才)' 고사 장면을 그렸다. 이 작품은 훗코야마토에(復古やまと繪) 장르를 대표하는 화가인 우키타 잇케이(浮田一蕙, 1795~1859)가 고메이 천황(孝明天皇, 1831~1867)의 명으로 제작한 교토 센뉴사(泉涌寺) 소장 <무라사키노 자일 놀이(紫野子日遊圖)·오이강 유람도 병풍(大井川遊覽圖屛風)>(이하 센뉴사본으로 지칭)과 화제와 도상이 일치한다. 단독 작품으로 제작된 사례는 다수 찾을 수 있는 '자일 놀이'와 '오이강 유람' 화제가 서로 짝을 이루어 한 작품으로 제작된 작례는 현재까지 국박본과 센뉴사본뿐이다. 부케덴소(武家傳奏) 히로하시 가네타네(廣橋兼胤, 1715~1781)의 일기인 『히로하시가네타네코부고요닛키(廣橋兼胤公武御用日記)』에 따르면 1760년, 미쓰요시는 1709년(보영도(寶永度))에 건축된 교토 고쇼(御所)의 전각인 쓰네고텐(常御殿) 내부의 낡은 후스마에(襖繪)를 새 것으로 교체하는 임무를 맡았다. 미쓰요시는 이때 국박본의 주제와 도상을 구상할 기본 자료를 얻었다고 생각된다. 당시 쓰네고텐 내부에는 가노파 화가가 그린 '봄날의 야외 행차(春日野行幸)'와 '오이강을 떠다니는 세 척의 배(大井川逍遙三艘)'라는 화제의 후스마에가 연속되어 배치되어 있었다. 미쓰요시는 1760년 쓰네고텐 후스마에 교체 작업을 통해 '오이강 유람' 화제의 도상을 학습하고 '자일 놀이'와 '오이강 유람' 화제를 서로 짝을 지어 한 쌍의 병풍으로 제작한다는 구상을 하게 된 것으로 보인다. 새해 정월 첫 자일에 어린 소나무를 채집하는 행위는 장수(長壽)를 기원하는 길상적인 의미를 가진다. 오이강에 각각 한시, 와카, 관현을 의미하는 세 척의 배를 띄워 유람했다는 '세 척의 배' 고사는 교토 궁정의 필수 교양인 한시, 와카, 관현의 삼재에 모두 능통한 인재를 뜻한다. 이처럼 길한 주제의 병풍이 소용되는 자리로는 천황의 즉위식을 제일 먼저 고려할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 교토 궁정 관련 화사를 전담했던 도사 미쓰요시가 천황 즉위식이나 연중행사 등 궁정 의례에서 사용할 목적으로 국박본을 제작했을 가능성을 제시해보고자 한다.

한국응용곤충학회의 첫 50년 역사 (History of the Korean Society of Applied Entomology for its First Fifty Years)

  • 부경생
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 2012
  • The Korean Society of Applied Entomology (KSAE) celebrates its First 50 years history this year, 2011. It began in the year 1962, as the Korean Society of Plant Protection (KSPP) to discuss all aspects of plant protection including entomology and plant pathology. At that time it was one of the earliest scientific ones among agricultural societies in Korea. Before liberation from the Japanese colonial rule there were a few scientific societies for Japanese scientists only in the Korean Peninsula. It seemed that there was a single exception, in medical field, formed by and operated for Korean ethnics. Right after the liberation, Korean scientists rushed to form new scientific societies in the fields of mechanical engineering, architecture, textile, internal medicine, biology, etc. in 1945, mathematics, chemistry, metallurgy, etc. in 1946, and so on. But agricultural scientists had to wait for more time before setting up their own scientific society, Korean Agricultural Society(韓國農學會), comprising all agricultural subfields, in 1954. They had annual meetings and published their own journal every year until 1962. Then those working in the plant protection field established their own KSPP, right after their section meeting in 1962. At that time the total number of participants for KSPP were only around 50. KSPP scientists were interested in plant pathology, agricultural chemicals, weed science, or bioclimate, besides entomology. They had annual meetings once or twice a year until 1987 and published their own journal, Korean Journal of Plant Protection (KJPP), once a year at the earlier years but soon gradually increasing the frequency to four times a year later. Articles on entomology and plant pathology occupied about 40% each, but the number of oral or posters were a little bit higher on plant pathology than entomology, with the rest on nematology, agricultural chemicals, or soil microarthropods. There also had a number of symposia and special lectures. The presidentship lasted for two years and most of president served only one term, except for the first two. The current president should be $28^{th}$. In the year 1988, KSPP had to be transformed into the applied entomology society, Korean Society of Applied Entomology (KSAE), because most of plant pathologists participating left the society to set up their own one, Korean Society of Plant Pathology in 1984. Since that time the Society concentrates on entomology, basic and applied, with some notes on nematology, acarology, soil microarthropods, agricultural chemicals, etc. The Society has been hosting annual meetings at least twice a year with special lectures and symposia, from time to time, on various topics. It also hosted international symposia including binational scientific meetings twice with two different Japanese (applied entomology in 2003 and acarology in 2009) societies and the Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology in 2005. The regular society meeting of this year, 2011, turns out to be the 43rd and this autumn non-regular meeting would be the 42nd. It has been publishing two different scientific journals, Korean Journal of Applied Entomology (KJAE) since 1988 and the Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology (JAPE) since 1998. Both journals are published 4 times a year, with articles written in Korean or English in the first, but those in English only in the latter with cooperation from the Taiwan Entomological Society and the Malaysian Plant Protection Society since 2008. It is now enlisted as one of those SCI(science citation index) extended. The highest number of topics discussed at their annual meetings was on ecology, behavior, and host resistance. But at the annual meetings jointly with the Korean Society of Entomology, members were more interested in basic aspects, instead of applied aspects, such as physiology and molecular biology fields. Among those societies related to entomology and plant protection, plant pathology, pesticide, and applied entomology societies are almost similar in membership, but entomology and plant pathology societies are publishing more number of articles than any others. The Society is running beautifully, but there are a few points to be made for further improvement. First, the articles or posters should be correctly categorized on the journals or proceedings. It may be a good idea to ask members to give their own version of correct category for their submissions, either oral or poster or written publication. The category should be classified detailed as much as possible (one kind of example would be systematics, morphology, evolution, ecology, behavior, host preference or resistance, physiology, anatomy, chemical ecology, molecular biology, pathology, chemical control, insecticides, insecticide resistance, biocontrol, biorational control, natural enemies, agricultural pest, forest pest, medical pest, etc.) and such scheme should be given to members beforehand. The members should give one or two, first and second, choices when submitting, if they want. Then the categories might be combined or grouped during editing for optimal arrangement for journals or proceedings. Secondly the journals should carry complete content of the particular year and author index at the last issue of that year. I would also like to have other information, such as awards and awardees in handy way. I could not find any document for listing awards. Such information or article categorization may be assigned to one of the vice presidents. I would rather strongly recommend that the society should give more time and energy on archive management to keep better and more correct history records.

부비동 단순 X선 촬영으로 확인한 소아 환자의 비염(鼻炎)과 부비동염(副鼻洞炎) 비교 (Comparison Between Rhinitis and Sinusitis in Young Patients Diagnosed by PNS Plain Radiograph)

  • 김진명;김윤범;남혜정
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.140-149
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    • 2008
  • Objective : This study was performed to find out the difference of symptoms between rhinitis and sinusitis in young patients who were diagnosed by PNS plain radiograph( PNS series), Methods: We did statistical analysis about 147 new outpatients under 12 year-old who had visited the department of ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dermatology in Kyung Hee Oriental Medicine Center from March 2, 2006 to February 29, 2008. All of the patients were diagnosed by PNS series and we divided the patients with two groups; rhinitis group and sinusitis group. We checked the OPD records and explore the distribution on sex, experience of past western therapy, age and duration. Then we divided symptoms into nine; 'nasal obstruction', 'purulent rhinorrhea', 'cough & sneezing', 'watery rhinorrhea', postnasal drip', 'sputum', 'head problem', 'snoring & throat discomfort' and 'epistaxis'. We also divided age into 2 groups: $0\sim7$ years old and $8{\sim}12$ years old. We carried out chi-square test as a statistical method. Results : The results were as follows. 1. Sinusitis group were 102(69.5%); 62 have only sinusitis. 40 have both sinusitis and adenoidal hypertrophy. Rhinitis group were 45(30.5%); 13 have adenoidal hypertrophy and 32 were negative. 2. Male were 98(sinusitis 65, rhinitis 33), female were 49(sinusitis 37, rhinitis 12). 3. Patients who had experienced past western therapy were 120(sinusitis 81, rhinitis 39), no experienced patients were 27(sinusitis 21, rhinitis 6). 4. Distribution on age of sinusitis was 1(1 yr), 2(2 yrs), 3(3 yrs), 15(4 yrs), 15(5 yrs), 23(6 yrs), 13(7 yrs), 12(8 yrs), 8(9 yrs), 5(10 yrs), 1(11 yrs), 4(12 yrs). Distribution on age of rhinitis was 1(1 yr), 0(2 yrs), 1(3 yrs), 1(4 yrs), 9(5 yrs), 5(6 yrs), 3(7 yrs), 5(8 yrs), 1(9 yrs), 8(10 yrs), 6(11 yrs), 5(12 yrs), 5. Duration of sinusitis was 20(<2 months), 6($2{\sim}3$ months), 11($3\sim6$ months), 34($6\sim12$ months), 31(>12 months) and of Rhinitis was 11(<2 months), 0($2\sim3$ months), 5($3\sim6$ months), 18($6\sim12$ months), 11(>12 months) 6. Distribution on symptoms, sinusitis patients were 86(nasal obstruction), 52(purulent rhinorrhea), 46(cough & sneezing), 38(watery rhinorrhea), 41(postnasal drip), 23(sputum), 18(head problem), 15(snoring & throat discomfort), 6(epistaxis). The each symptom and sinusitis have no relation by chi-square test. 7. The number of patients who were 0 $\sim$ 7 years old was 92: sinusitis 72(49%), non-sinusitis 20(13.6%). The number of patients who were 8 $\sim$ 12 years old was 58: sinusitis 30(20.4%), non-sinusitis 25(l7%). By chi-square test(confidence level 95%), sinusitis and age under 7 have a significant relation(p=0.003). Conclusions : There is no relation between rhinologic symptoms and sinusitis. Patients under 7 years old with rhinologic symptoms tend to have sinusitis.

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진학소양평가 게임 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on Game Development for Enter Literacy Evaluation)

  • 전중양;권두순
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2014
  • 최근 사회적으로 문제가 되고 있는 것이 내신등급 및 수능의 불합리한 난이도 때문에 학생들이 시험에 대한 부정이 높아지고 심지어는 진학 실패로 인해 자살에까지 이르고 있다. 그만큼 수능 난이도 조정 실패와 교육 제도 불안으로 인한 사회적 문제로 인해 진학에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이러한 사회적 환경을 고려해, 본 교육용 게임을 착안하게 되었다. 즉, 진학소양평가 게임 서비스를 통해 온라인 모바일 게임을 하면서 대학에 진학을 할 수 있다. 진학소양평가 게임 서비스는 실제 대학에서 원하는 시험 즉, 수학, 영어, 과학, 논술 등의 다양한 시험을 온라인 게임, 모바일 게임을 통해 미리 접할 수 있다. 이를 위해 진학소양평가 게임 서비스에 대한 전반적인 개념과 특성 확립과 기존 연구의 한계점을 이해하고, 인간 본연의 심리욕구를 다룬 대표적인 이론인 자기결정성 이론과 진학소양평가 게임 서비스에 대한 관계를 알아보고자 한다. 따라서 진학소양평가 기능성 게임의 개발은 대학의 경쟁력 확보와 우수 인재 확보라는 두 마리 우위를 잡을 수 있는 새로운 기회요인으로 볼 수 있으며, 기능성 게임의 발전을 위한 한 분야의 도전이라고 할 수 있다.

미래학교 수학교실의 교육 방법론에 대한 탐색:비구조화된 문제에서 학생들의 질문 만들기를 중심으로 (Teaching Methodology for Future Mathematics Classroom:Focusing on Students' Generative Question in Ill-Structured Problem)

  • 나미영;조형미;권오남
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제56권3호
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    • pp.301-318
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    • 2017
  • This paper explores students' question generation process and their study in small group discussion. The research is based on Anthropological Theory of the Didactic developed by Chevallard. He argues that the savior (knowledge) we are dealing with at school is based on a paradigm that we prevail over whether we 'learn' or 'study' socially. In other words, we haven't provided students with autonomous research and learning opportunities under 'the dominant paradigm of visiting works'. As an alternative, he suggests that we should move on to a new didactic paradigm for 'questioning the world a question', and proposes the Study and Research Courses (SRC) as its pedagogical structure. This study explores the SRC structure of small group activities in solving ill-structured problems. In order to explore the SRC structure generated in the small group discussion, one middle school teacher and 7 middle school students participated in this study. The students were divided into two groups with 4 students and 3 students. The teacher conducted the lesson with ill-structured problems provided by researchers. We collected students' presentation materials and classroom video records, and then analyzed based on SRC structure. As a result, we have identified that students were able to focus on the valuable information they needed to explore. We found that the nature of the questions generated by students focused on details more than the whole of the problem. In the SRC course, we also found pattern of a small group discussion. In other words, they generated questions relatively personally, but sought answer cooperatively. This study identified the possibility of SRC as a tool to provide a holistic learning mode of small group discussions in small class, which bring about future mathematics classrooms. This study is meaningful to investigate how students develop their own mathematical inquiry process through self-directed learning, learner-specific curriculum are emphasized and the paradigm shift is required.

'요추 수술 후 급성기 통증 환자의 예비 표준임상경로지 내용타당도 설문' 조사 보고 (The Survey on Contents Validity of 'Preliminary Critical Pathway for Acute Postoperative Pain after Back Surgery')

  • 임경태;허인;김병준;신병철;손동욱;김찬영;박수아;황의형
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • Objectives The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of making Korean Medicine-Western Medicine collaboration Critical Pathway for Acute Postoperative Pain after Back Surgery. Methods This preliminary Critical Pathway (CP) was composed of 9 Index of vertical axis (assesment, treatment, patient movements, consultation, diet, other, administration, examination, education) and 5 hospitalization periods of horizontal axis through a review of the literature and reference data of medical records. This preliminary CP's Content Validity Index (CVI) survey was carried out by 20 personnel of two different medical institutions from 06, June, 2016 to 15, June, 2016. All data were double-cross checked and analyzed. Results Of those questioned, there were 13 males and 7 females in age, 6 professors, 7 medical residents, 7 nurses in position of 20 personnel. According to the survey, among the 62 contents, 32 contents are above 80 percent agreements, 12 contents were between 70 to 80 percent and 18 contents below 70 percent agreements. Especially, Most contents in treatment index were below fixed validity. Overall Contents Validity in Index, Treatments (72.7%), Diet (100.0%), Other (100.0%), Administration (75.0%) and Examination (100.0%) were in high validity. On the other hands, Assessments (29.4%), Patient movements (0.0%), Consultation (30.0%) and Education (33.3%) were in low position. Conclusions This survey results can be evidence of possibility to develop New Korean Medicine-Western Medicine Collaboration Critical Pathway for Acute Postoperative Pain after Back Surgery.

진사탁(陳士鐸) 임상 이론의 특징에 관한 연구 (A Study on Characteristics of Jinsatak(陳士鐸)'s Clinic Theory)

  • 정경호;김기욱;박현국
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.31-51
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    • 2009
  • The characteristics of Jin's ideas on clinic theory can be arranged as follows. 1. Jin emphasized warming and tonifying[溫補] in treatment and the part that shows this the best is the taking care of[調理] the Vital gate[命門], kidney, liver, and spleen. His ideas were based on his understanding of a human life's origin, and was influenced by Seolgi(薛己), Joheon-ga(趙獻可) and Janggaebin(張介賓)'s Vital gate and source Gi theory(元氣說) so scholastically, he has that in common with them but was later criticized by later doctors such as Oksamjon(玉三尊) as an 'literary doctor(文字醫)' who followed the ideas of "Uigwan(醫貫)". 2. The warming and tonifying school[溫補學派], who were influenced by Taoism, said in their theory of disease outbreak[發病學說] that since one must not hurt one's Yin essence and Yang fire [陰精陽火] there is more deficiency than excess, so that was why they used tonifying methods. Jin was also like them and this point of view is universal in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatric medicine and surgery and so on. 3. Jin, who saw the negative form of pulse diagnosis[診脈] emphasized following symptoms over pulse diagnosis using the spirit of ‘finding truth based on truth[實事求是]' in "Maekgyeolcheonmi(脈訣闡微)", but emphasized 'the combination of pulse and symptoms[脈證合參]'. He understood pulse diagnosis as a defining tool for symptoms, and in "Seoksilbirok(石室秘錄)" simplified pulse diagnosis into 10 methods : floating/sunken(浮沉), slow/fast(遲數), large/fine(大小), vacuous/replete(虛實) and slippery/rough(滑澀). 4. Jin used 'large formulas(大方)' a lot that usually featured a large dose, and in " Bonchosinpyeon(本草新編)" he thought of the seven formulas(七方) and ten preparations(十劑) as the standard when using medicine. He did away with old customs and presented a 'new(新)' and 'extra(奇)' point of view. He especially used a lot of Insam(人蔘) when tonifying Gi and Geumeunhwa(金銀花) when treating sores and ulcers. 5. In the area of surgery Jin gave priority to the early finding and treatment of disease with internal treatment[內治] and was against the overuse of acupuncture. However records of surgical measures in a special situation like lung abscesses(肺癰) and liver abscesses(肝癰), and anesthetic measures using 'Manghyeongju(忘形酒)' and 'Singoiyak(神膏異藥)' and opening the abdomen or skull, and organ transplants using a dog's tongue are important data. 6. Jin stated the diseases of Gi and blood broadly. Especially in the principles of treating blood, blood diseases had to be forwarded[順] and Gi regulation[理氣] was the number one priority and stated the following two treatments. First, in "Jeonggiinhyeolpyeon(精氣引血篇)" of volume 6 of "Oegyeongmieon(外經微言)", for the rules for treating blood he stated the pattern identification of finding Gi in blood and blood in Gi. Second, he emphasized Gi regulation(理氣) in blood diseases and stated that the Gi must be tonifyed after finding the source of the loss of blood.

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Shoes from Pinet to the Present

  • June, Swann
    • 한국복식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복식학회 2001년도 19th International Costume Association Congress
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    • pp.11-13
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    • 2001
  • For those unfamiliar with the shoe world, Pinet (1817-1897) was a contemporary of Worth, the great Parisian couturier. So I look at the glamour shoes and the world of haute couture, and indeed the development of the named designer. That is a concept we are all familiar with now. So it is not easy to comprehend the lack of names for the exquisite work before 1850. Straightway I have to say that the number of noted shoe designers is far fewer than famous dress designers, but I will introduce you to some of them, against the background of contemporary shoe fashions. Franc;ois Pinet was born in the provinces (probably Touraine) in 1817, two years after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. His father, an ex-soldier, settled to shoemaking, a comparatively clean and quiet trade. It had a tradition of literacy, interest in politics, and was known as the gentle craft, which attracted intelligent people. We should presume father would be helped by the family. It was usual for a child to begin by the age of 5-6, tying knots, sweeping up, running errands and gradually learning the job. His mother died 1827, and father 1830 when he was 13, and at the time when exports of French shoes were flooding world markets. He went to live with a master shoemaker, was not well treated, and three years later set out on the tour-de- France. He worked with masters in Tours and Nantes, where he was received as Compagnon Cordonnier Bottier du Devoir as Tourangeau-Ia rose dAmour (a name to prove most appropriate). He went on to Bordeaux, where at 19 he became president of the local branch. In 1841 he went to Paris, and in 1848, revolution year, as delegate for his corporation, he managed to persuade them not to go on strike. By now the shoemakers either ran or worked for huge warehouses, and boots had replaced shoes as the main fashion. In 1855 Pinet at the age of 38 set up his own factory, as the first machines (for sewing just the uppers) were appearing. In 1863 he moved to new ateliers and shop at Rue ParadisPoissoniere 44, employing 120 people on the premises and 700 outworkers. The English Womans Domestic Magazine in 1867 records changes in the boots: the soles are now wider, so that it is no longer necessary to walk on the uppers. There is interest in eastern Europe, the Polonaise boots with rosette of cord and tassels and Bottines Hongroises withtwo rows of buttons, much ornamented. It comments on short dresses, and recommends that the chaussure should correspond to the rest of the toilet. This could already be seen in Pinets boots: tassels and superb flower embroidery on the higher bootleg, which he showed in the Paris Exposition that year. I think his more slender and elegant Pinet heel was also patented then or 1868. I found little evidence for colour-matching: an English fashion plate of 1860 shows emerald green boots with a violetcoloured dress.

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