• Title/Summary/Keyword: tricholoma matsutake

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Analysis of Environment and Production of Tricholoma matsutake in Matsutake-infected Pine Trees (송이 감염묘를 이용한 송이 발생 및 발생환경 분석)

  • Ka, Kang-Hyeon;Kim, Hee-Su;Hur, Tae-Chul;Park, Hyun;Jeon, Sung-Min;Ryoo, Rhim;Jang, Yeongseon
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2018
  • Tricholoma matsutake (Pine mushroom) is expensive, and its artificial cultivation has been tried in several countries. Until date, the only successful cultivation of artificial pine mushroom in pine forests uses matsutake-infected pine trees. The National Institute of Forest Science in Korea has been restudying this method since 2000. Success in fruit production and reproduction was achieved in 2010 and 2017, respectively, in the same locale. The successes proved that pine mushrooms could be cultivated artificially in the field using matsutake-infected pine trees. The fruiting of pine mushroom in October 2010 occurred 6 years, 6 months after the transplantation of matsutake-infected pine trees. Five pine mushrooms reoccurred in September 2017, 13 years, 5 months and 15 years, 5 months after the transplantation of the respective matsutake-infected pine trees. The distance between the matsutake-infected pine tree and the pine mushrooms was 12 cm at 6.6 years, 90~115 cm at 13.5 years, and 95 cm at 15.5 years. Fruiting bodies occurred 13~16 days after the underground temperature declined to below $19^{\circ}C$. In conclusion, the use of matsutake-infected pine trees remains the only way to artificially cultivate pine mushrooms. More knowledge of the environmental factors affecting matsutake fruiting would be beneficial.

Effects of Extracts from Mixed Culture with Tricholoma Matsutake Mycelium and Cordyceps Militaris Mycelium on Blood Glucose in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats (송이버섯과 동충하초 균사체 혼합배양 추출물의 투여가 Streptozotocin으로 유발한 당뇨 쥐의 혈당에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seong-Sam;Lim, Kyu-Sang;kim, Hae-Ja;Chong, Myong-Soo;Cho, Hwa-Eun;Choi, Yun-Hee;Lee, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate the influence of extracts from mixed culture with Tricholoma matsutake mycelium and Cordyceps militaris mycelium on hypoglycemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Experimental animals were divided into 7 groups : normal control group(NC), diabetes control group (DC), positive control group(PC), non-fermented OCM(oriental medicine & cereal medium) extracts group (UM), crude polysaccharide of non-fermented OCM extracts group (UME), fermented OCM extracts group (UF), crude polysaccharide of fermented OCM extracts group (UFE). NC, DC groups were orally administered saline, PC group was orally administered acarbose. UM, UME, UF, UFE groups were orally administered each extract once a day for 14days. Blood glucose level was lower in the all administering OCM extract groups (UM, UME, UF, UFE) than in the diabetes group(p<0.05), and specially UF, UFE groups were similar to tendency of PC group. ALT, ALP activity in OCM groups were not significantly lowered than PC group(p<0.05). AST activity was not different with PC group. The results of this study show that extracts from mixed culture with Tricholoma matsutake mycelium and Cordyceps militaris mycelium may have a beneficial effect on the hypoglycemia.

Studies on Polyphenol Oxidase of Tricholoma matsutake(S. Ito et Imai) Sing (송이(松?)버섯 [Tricholoma matsutake(S. Ito et Imai) Sing.]의 Polyphenol Oxidase에 관하여)

  • Yang, H.C.;Hong, J.S.;Lee, T.K.;Sohn, H.S.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1983
  • The characteristics of crude polyphenol oxidase extracted from mushroom[Tricholoma matsutake(S. Ito et Imai) Sing.] were investigated. The enzyme showed highest affinity to pyrogaroll among trihydroxyphenols. Except for o-diphenols the enzyme was inactive in di-and monophenols. The optimum pH was about 4 and the optimum temperature ranged from 45 to $55^{\circ}C$. The enzyme activity was completely inhibited by $70^{\circ}C$ heat treatment for 2 min. $Cu^{++}$, $Fe^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ activated the enzyme at low concentration($10^{-1}mM$), but inhibited at high concentration (1mM). The most potent inhibitors were Na-diethyldithiocarbamate, L-ascorbic acid, L-cysteine and NaCl. The Km value with pyrogaroll was 0.88mM.

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Studies on the Extraction Method and Polysaccharide of Tricholoma matsutake using the Supersonic wave and Microwave (초음파와 극초단파를 이용한 송이버섯의 추출법과 다당체에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Seung-Hyun;Chong, Myong-Soo;Kim, Hae-Ja;Lee, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1431-1436
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    • 2007
  • In order to optimize the extract condition and improve physiological activity of the extract form Tricholoma matsutake, experiments related to extraction methods, totale yield, content of total soluble polysaccharide, SOD-like activity, total polyphenol amount, and volatile flavor compound and the others were carried out, results were obtained as following: Compare with traditional hydrothermal extraction method (Hot water extraction : HWEW), it illustrates that the low temperature extraction method which combines a supersonic waves and microwave (Supersonic microwave extraction : SMEW) causes of increasing the total yield, total soluble polysaccharide. As to the anti-oxident effect, SMEW method leds to increasing of the SOD-like activity, total polyphenol amount as well. Also, cytotoxic effect and growth inhibitory effect against cancer cell line are much higher in SMEW method than HWEW method, especially SMEW5 extracts treated by supersonic 15 min. and microwave 120W, 3 min. and 2 times. The main volatile flavor compound and infinitesimal volatile flavor compound both increase significantly by SMEW method. It is concluded the main components of the volatile flavor compounds extracted from Tricholoma matsutake are 1-octen-3-0l, Methyl cinnamate, 2-octeno1 et al. alcohol typies. Consequently, SMEW5 method is considered as the most effective one for anti-oxidant and is prior to any other methods. And the optimun conditions of this method are : supersonic waves (supersonic, 25KHz, 50W) 15 minutes, microwave spectroscopy (microwave, 2,450MHz, 120W) 3 minutes, and every treatment is performed once followed twice repeats.

Characteristics of Extracellular $\beta$-Glucosidase in Tricholoma matsutake (송이의 세포외 분비 $\beta$-Glucosidase 효소의 특성)

  • 민응기;한영환
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2000
  • In order to determine the characteristics of $\beta$-glucosidase associated with cellulose degradation, the enzyme produced extracellularly by the mycelia of Tricholoma matsutake DGUM 26001 in culture broth was partially purified. The enzyme activity was maintained in the range of temperatures trom 55 to $70^{\circ}C$ and its optimum temperature was $65^{\circ}C$. The $\beta$-glucosidase enzyme showed relatively high activity in the range of pH 3.0-5.0 and its optimum pH was 4.0. Under the optimal conditions, the specific activity of $\beta$-glucosidase for salicin as a substrate was 18.7 unit/mg protein. After thermal treatment of the enzyme at $55^{\circ}C$ for 60 min, more than 90% of the enzyme activity was still sustained. Iron($Fe^{++}$) stimulated enzyme activity, whereas mercury($Hg^{++}$) and copper($Cu^{++}$) inhibited. Compared to salicin as a substrate, the relative activity for cellobiose was observed to be 48.6%. The apparent $K_m$ and $V_{max}$ of the enzyme with cellobiose were 0.12 mM and 0.02 umol/min, respectively.

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Diversity and cluster analysis of pine mushroom's endophytes using metagenome analysis

  • Seo, Jong Beom;Choi, Ah Hyeon;Rusaati, Butoto Imani wa;Kang, Jun Won
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2021
  • Tricholoma matsutake (Pinus mushroom, PM) is one of the most valued ectomycorrhizal fungi in Asia because it is an expensive forest product with a unique flavor and taste. Therefore, many studies have tried to successfully cultivate Tricholoma matsutake artificially in Korea and other countries. However, its physiological and ecological characteristics are still unknown. Thus, we need to understand the diversity and clusters of microorganisms related to Tricholoma matsutake and to identify their core microorganisms related to their growth and production. In this study, we obtained an average of 11,661 fragments from three pine mushrooms with metagenome (an assemblage of genes of all microorganisms in the natural world) analysis from a pine forest located in Pohang, Gyeongsang-Bukdo. Of these, the valid reads were on average 5,073 per sample available for analysis, and the average length of a read was 456 bp. There were an average of 33.3 phyla in the metagenome analysis. Firmicutes phylum made up on an average 46% of the phyla and was dominant among the phyla. The next dominant phylum was Proteobacteria at 27% followed by Bacteroidetes at 17%, Actinobacteria at 5% and Verrucomicrobia at 2%. The Proteobacteria phylum consisted of the γ-proteobacteria class at 54% followed by β-proteobacteria at 37%, α-proteobacteria at 6%, δ-proteobacteria at 2% and ζ-proteobacteria at 0%. The metagenome consisted of the Ruminococcaceae family at 17% followed by Pseudomonadaceae at 13%, Burkholderiaceae at 7%, Bacteroidaceae at 7%, Lachnospiraceae at 7% and Clostridiaceae at 6%.

Mycelial Growth and Fairy-Ring Formation of Tricholoma matsutake from Matsutake-Infected Pine Trees (송이 감염묘로부터 송이균의 생장과 균환 형성)

  • Ka, Kang-Hyeon;Hur, Tae-Chul;Park, Hyun;Kim, Hee-Su;Bak, Won-Chull
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2010
  • Transplantation of matsutake-infected pine tree into a pine forest has great potential as an artificial cultivation method of Tricholoma matsutake. Matsutake-infected pine trees had previously transplanted by this research group into the experimental area from 2001 to 2004 and its survival rate determined in 2006 was 20%. For the survived samples, the characteristics of mycelial growth and the development of fairy-ring formation of T. matsutake have been evaluated until 2009. It was found that size of the indeterminate ring showed significant differences among the individual trees and varied from $4\;cm\;{\times}\;4\;cm$ to $52\;cm\;{\times}\;35\;cm$. The variation was possibly resulted from the differences in production area of the matsutake-infected pine tree and those in site characteristics of the transplanted spots. For the characteristics of mycelial growth, it grew in the shape of a cudgel or an acute-angled 'V' in early stage, and then the shape became more wider and changed into an obtuse-angled 'V' as time passed. We expect that matsutake mushrooms may occur from the fairy-rings of some of these matsutake-infected pine trees in the autumn of 2010.

Effects of Culture Conditions on Mycelial Growth and Polysaccharide Production of Tricholoma matsutake in Bioreactor

  • Choe, Min-Gu;Kim, Seong-Su;Hong, Eok-Gi
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.149-152
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    • 2003
  • This experiment was carried out to obtain the optimal liquid culture conditions for the mycelial growth and the polysaccharide production of Tricholoma matsutake. For the mycelial growth and polysaccharide production, the synthetic medium was optimized with containing glucose 40 g/L, yeast extract 30 g/L, $KH_2PO_4$ 1.5 g/L and $MgSO_4.7H_2O$ 1 g/L. The effects of agitation and aeration were investigated for the cell growth and the polysaccharide production in batch culture. The biomass and polysaccharide concentrations were 21.87 g/L at 150 rpm and 8.86 g/L at 300 rpm, respectively. And the biomass concentration and the polysaccharide production were 20.85 g/L at 0.5 vvm and 8.83 g/L at 1.5 vvm, respectively.

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Discrimination of Geographical Origin of Mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (근적외선 분광광도법을 이용한 송이버섯의 원산지 판별)

  • Lee, Nam-Youn;Bae, Hey-Ree;Noh, Bong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.835-837
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    • 2006
  • The geographical origin of Tricholoma matsutake mushrooms was studied using near-infrared spectroscopy. Modified partial least-square regression analyses were used to discriminate geographical origin. Two-hundred fifty-six of 259 actual domestic Tricholoma matsutake were classified as domestic produce, Sixty of 81 actual imported mushrooms were correctly classified as imported, while the other 21 imported from North Korea were not clearly classified. The accuracy of geographical origin discrimination was 92.94% The correlation coefficient, standard error of calibration, and standard error of prediction from modified partial least-square regression analysis were 0.84, 15.10% and 18.30% respectively.

Determination of Differences in the Nonvolatile Metabolites of Pine-Mushrooms (Tricholoma matsutake Sing.) According to Different Parts and Heating Times Using $^1H$ NMR and Principal Component Analysis

  • Cho, In-Hee;Kim, Young-Suk;Lee, Ki-Won;Choi, Hyung-Kyoon
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.1682-1687
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    • 2007
  • The differences in the nonvolatile metabolites of pine-mushrooms (Tricholoma matsutake Sing.) according to different parts and heating times were analyzed by applying principal component analysis (PCA) to $^1H$ nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy data. The $^1H$ NMR spectra and PCA enabled the differences of nonvolatile metabolites among mushroom samples to be clearly observed. The two parts of mushrooms could be easily discriminated based on PC 1, and could be separated according to different heattreated times based on PC 3. The major peaks in the $^1H$ NMR spectra that contributed to differences among mushroom samples were assigned to trehalose, succinic acid, choline, leucine/isoleucine, and alanine. The content of trehalose was higher in the pileus than in the stipe of all mushroom samples, whereas succinic acid, choline, and leucine/isoleucine were the main components in the stipe. Heating resulted in significant losses of alanine and leucine/isoleucine, whereas succinic acid, choline, and trehalose were the most abundant components in mushrooms heat-treated for 3 min and 5 min, respectively.