• Title/Summary/Keyword: tree map

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Painterly Rendering with Directional Stroke (영역 분할 및 병합을 이용한 방향성을 가지는 스트로크 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Jeong Seob;Lee, Hyo Keun;Park, Young Sup;Yoon, Kyung Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a brush stroke direction creation method to distill painterly expressions from picture images. In actual paintings, each brush stroke has the same directionality in one segmented area. but directionality changes in the area of image border edges. This study employed the following methods to implement the directionality of the brush stroke area by: (1) detecting edge in input images, (2) region splitting and merging based on quad-tree division method, and (3) composing a direction map to create brush strokes with the same directionality in the segmented area. The results of the implementation enabled the simulation of the directionality of the stroke area shown in actual paintings.

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Path Planning for Cleaning Robots: A Graph Model Approach

  • Yun, Sang-Hoon;Park, Se-Hun;Park, Byung-Jun;Lee, Yun-Jung
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.120.3-120
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    • 2001
  • We propose a new method of path planning for cleaning robots. Path planning problem for cleaning robots is different from conventional path planning problems in which finding a collision-free trajectory from a start point to a goal point is focused. In the case of cleaning robots, however, a planned path should cover all area to be cleaned. To resolve this problem in a systematic way, we propose a method based on a graph model as follows: at first, partition a given map into proper regions, then transform a divided region to a vertex and a connectivity between regions to an edge of a graph. Finally, a region is divided into sub-regions so that the graph has a unary tree which is the simplest Hamilton path. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by computer simulation results.

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A modelling methodology for robotic workcells through knowledge base

  • Kim, Dae-Won;Ko, Myoung-Sam;Lee, Bum-Hee
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1989.10a
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    • pp.583-588
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    • 1989
  • In this paper, a modelling methodology for a robotic workcell is proposed and compared with the conventional Petri nets model. Also, a method for managing the cell operation is described through the knowledge base. The knowledge bases for state transition and assembly job information are obtained from the state transition map(STM) and the assembly job tree(AJT), respectively. Using the knowledge base, the system structure is discussed in both managing the cell operation and evaluating the various performance. Finally, a simulation algorithm is presented with the simulation results to show the effectiveness of the proposed modelling approach.

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Design of A two-stage Compressor Supported by Air-lubricated Multi-leaf Foil Journal Bearings (공기윤활 다엽포일 제어널 베어링으로 지지된 이단 압축기의 설계)

  • 김태호;이용복;김창호;이남수;김한길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.936-941
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    • 2001
  • This paper deals with the design of oil-tree motor-driven two-stage centrifugal compressor supported by air-lubricated multi-leaf foil bearings. The design of this compressor is performed, based upon prediction of critical speeds, load capacity, and stability. It is demonstrated in this paper that multi-leaf foil bearings can be adopted to satisfactorily support this centrifugal compressor.

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  • Shin, Jung-Il;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.332-335
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    • 2008
  • Newly developing SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensors commonly include high resolution X-band those data are expected to contribute various applications. Recent few studies are presenting potential of X-band SAR data in forest related application. This study tried to investigate the relationship between forest stand parameters and multi-band SAR normalized backscattering. Multi-band SAR data was radiometric corrected to compare signal from different forest stand condition. Then correlation coefficients were estimated between attribute of forest stand map and normalized backscattering coefficients. Although overall correlation coefficients are not high, only X-band shows strong relationship with DBH class than other bands. The signal of C- and L-band is composed of a large number of discrete tree components such as leaves, stems, even background soil. In forest, strength of radar backscattering is affected by complex parameters. Further study might be considered more various forest stand parameters such as canopy density, stand height, volume, and biomass.

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Root Cause Analysis of the Information Industry Ecosystem Problems (정보산업 생태계 문제의 근본원인 분석)

  • Kim, Sung Kun;Ahn, Nam Gyu
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2017
  • Finding a root cause is an essential step to solving a complex problem. Some previous studies have used the Delphi method for gathering opinions about root causes from geographically dispersed experts. However, we assert that complicated problems such as an industry ecosystem would make a general type of the Delphi method less practical because of too much psychological burden on study participants. In this study we present a preliminary list-based Delphi study method for identifying a root cause. This method was used to identify a root cause and draw a causal map for the information industry ecosystem problems.

Qualitative Research Method in Mathematics Education (수학교육에서 질적(Qualitative) 연구 방법)

  • 이중권
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2003
  • This research discussed a general concept on the qualitative research methods in mathematics education. It provided a classification of research methods in mathematics education. It also described research trends in mathematics education. It addressed how research design facilitates formulating a research problem, selecting a research design, choosing who and what to study, deciding how to approach Participants, selecting means to collect data choosing how to analyzing data, and interpreting data and applying the analysis. This study addressed the issues involved in choosing relevant populations and in selecting and sampling qualitative data. It described how populations are conceptualized and distinguished between probability sampling and criterion based selection. It discussed not only data arrangement such as, cross-sectional and categorical indexing, non-cross- sectional data organization, but also diagram flow chart matrix, cognitive map, family tree to facilitate analyzing data.

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Analysis of Brokerage Commission Policy based on the Potential Customer Value (고객의 잠재가치에 기반한 증권사 수수료 정책 연구)

  • Shin, Hyung-Won;Sohn, So-Young
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.spc
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we use three cluster algorithms (K-means, Self-Organizing Map, and Fuzzy K-means) to find proper graded stock market brokerage commission rates based on the cumulative transactions on both stock exchange market and HTS (Home Trading System). Stock trading investors for both modes are classified in terms of the total transaction as well as the corresponding mode of investment, respectively. Empirical analysis results indicated that fuzzy K-means cluster analysis is the best fit for the segmentation of customers of both transaction modes in terms of robustness. We then propose the rules for three grouping of customers based on decision tree and apply different brokerage commission to be 0.4%, 0.45%, and 0.5% for exchange market while 0.06%, 0.1%, 0.18% for HTS.

Image Coding Using the Self-Organizing Map of Multiple Shell Hypercube Struture (다중쉘 하이퍼큐브 구조를 갖는 코드북을 이용한 벡터 양자화 기법)

  • 김영근;라정범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.32B no.11
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1995
  • When vector quantization is used in low rate image coding (e.g., R<0.5), the primary problem is the tremendous computational complexity which is required to search the whole codebook to find the closest codevector to an input vector. Since the number of code vectors in a vector quantizer is given by an exponential function of the dimension. i.e., L=2$^{nR}$ where Rn. To alleviate this problem, a multiple shell structure of hypercube feature maps (MSSHFM) is proposed. A binary HFM of k-dimension is composed of nodes at hypercube vertices and a multiple shell architecture is constructed by surrounding the k-dimensional hfm with a (k+1)-dimensional HFM. Such a multiple shell construction of nodes inherently has a complete tree structure in it and an efficient partial search scheme can be applied with drastically reduced computational complexity, computer simulations of still image coding were conducted and the validity of the proposed method has been verified.

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A new approach to the minimization of switching functions by the simple table method (Simple table 방법에 의한 논리함수 최소화의 신방법)

  • 황희융
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 1979
  • This paper is concerned with minimization process of the binary logic function. This paper describes an algorithm called the SIMPLE TABLE METHOD that well suited to minimization a switching function of any number of variables. For the Simple Table construction, a theorem based upon the numerical properties of the logic function is derived from the relationships governing minterms of the given function. Finally the minimal sum of products can be obtained in terms of the Direct Method or the Indirect Method from the table and table characteristics derived from the Simple Table. The properties and table characteristics used in this paper are described. All the minterms of a switching function are manipulated only by decimal numbers, not binary numbers. Some examples are used as a vehicle to guide the readers who are familiar with the Karnaugh map and Quine-McCluskey tabular method to this New method. These examples not only treat how to handle Don't Care miterms but also show the multiple output functions.

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