• 제목/요약/키워드: tourism products

검색결과 419건 처리시간 0.023초

Investigation of the Effect of Blockchain-based Cryptocurrencies on Tourism Industry

  • Rashideh, Waleed;Alkhathami, Mohammed;Obidallah, Waeal J.;Alduraywish, Yousef;Alshammari, Abdulaziz;Alsahli, Abdulaziz
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.234-244
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    • 2022
  • Tourism products involve the transfer of money that is flowing to countries with partners or borders, which do not possess any relations surrounding their business environment. Suitable platforms must be generated by the tourism industry, which are beneficial to users when their demands are satisfied based on financial, technology, knowledge, and industry matters. Intermediaries are applied to alleviate different problems that are related to the non-fulfilment of contracts of existing users and service providers who are offering their services and represent a reliable third party. However, it is significant that intermediaries must be reliable when charges are incurred for any possible commission. Cryptocurrencies rely on blockchain technology to provide smoothness in money interchange without the need for reliable third parties. This interchange allows an increasing number of different new forms, which are related to different customer-to-customer transactions. The study attempts to provide an appropriate answer to the main research question, which is: 'Will the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies bring new types of customer-to-customer markets from a technological, organizational, and environmental perspective?'.

Assessing Tourist Perceived Attributes of Overtourism

  • Margherita Puzoni;Ju Hyoung Han
    • 아태비즈니스연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived importance and satisfaction of domestic tourists who visited Venice, Italy, regarding the attributes of overtourism. Design/methodology/approach - An online survey was conducted to measure the tourist perceived attributes of overtourism from November 8th to 22nd, 2023. Convenience sampling was employed to target study participants who are domestic tourists in Venice, Italy. A total of 127 responses were used for analysis, including frequency analysis, paired-sample t-tests, and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Findings - First, the results of the IPA showed that attributes related to urban facilities and spaces directly associated with travel behavior were highly rated in both importance and satisfaction by tourists. Second, attributes related to carrying capacity were perceived as highly important but had lower satisfaction level. Third, tourists evaluated the management of affordable prices for tourism products as both less important and less satisfying. Lastly, attributes related to the protection of local businesses showed higher satisfaction levels compared to their perceived importance. Research implications or Originality - This study contributes to an extended understanding of overtourism by examining the phenomenon from the tourists' perspective.

베이커리 제품의 영양학적 정보가 지각된 위험과 소비자 평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on Perceived Risk and Consumers' Evaluation Based on the Nutritional Information of Bakery Products)

  • 박은아;하동현;장병주
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2007
  • Consumers purchase bakery products and evaluate them with various wants and needs when they need them. It shows that there are changes and improvements in quality factors like nutritional consideration rather than simply eating for survival. The purpose of this study was to research how well the consumers perceive necessary nutritional information, how nutritional information on bakery products affects the consumers' perceived risk and evaluation, and how consumers' perceived risk on bakery products affects their evaluation on them. The research was done through surveys for the people in the Busan Metropolitan area. 200 out of 250 answers were used in analyzing frequency, factor, and simple regression through SPSS Win 10. The findings were as follows; first, the more nutritional information consumers have, the less perceived risk they feel, i.e., positive nutritional information affects reducing the consumers' perceived risk. Second, as perceived risk gets reduced, consumers' evaluation on bakery products has meaningful influence on their perceived risk level. Third, these consumers' perceived risk affects their evaluation on bakery products meaningfully. The results of this study can be the meaningful base of information sources in establishing marketing strategies in bakery industry.

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고령친화산업 대중국진출방안 연구 (The Study on the China Advance Plan of Senior Products Industrial)

  • 박근수;김소진
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구의 목적은 우리나라의 고령친화산업의 대중국 진출 방안을 모색하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 우리나라의 고령친화산업 현황과 특성, 활성화 및 한계를 살펴보고, 중국의 고령친화산업 수요와 산업배경을 검토하였다. 그리고 이를 토대로 우리나라 고령친화산업이 중국에 진출하기 위한 구체적인 방안을 논의하였다. 그 결과 중국 고령친화 산업 진출 시장으로는 노인 의료기기 제품과 노인여가관련 관광산업, 그리고 연금보험이 대표적이었다. 이에 대한 우리나라 기업의 진출 전략으로는 중국의 사회의료보장 등의 제도 변화에 따른 접근과 고령친화 상품시장의 특성 파악이 선행되어야 한다는 것이다. 또한 중국 도 농지역의 큰 편차로 지역 특성을 고려하여 소득수준이 높은 대도시 경제발달 지역이 우선적으로 고려되어져야 한다는 전략들이 모색되었다.

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Factors Influencing the Preference for German farm Tourism: A Path Model Approach

  • Sidali, Katia Laura;Spiller, A.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to analyse the preference for German farm tourism among the German population. For this reason, we conducted an empirical study in Germany during summer 2007 and we applieda structural equation model based on partial leasts quares(PLS) to analyse the data. In the following chapters we will introduce the literature review and our conceptual frame work. We will then outline the procedures we adopted and the results of the empirical analysis. In the final part so me conclusions will be presented and a discussion will follow in order to draw the future directions of our research. According to our hypotheses, the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked set of an individual is higher: H1: The higher the information degree about it. H2: The lower the influence of the social stimuli. H3: The higher the physical exposure to it (experience). H4: The higher the wellness image of agri-tourism. H5: The higher the traditional image of agri-tourism. H6: The higher the exciting image of agri-tourism. H7: The higher the perceived value for money. Our further hypotheses affirm that the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked set of an individual is higher: H8: The lower the perceived risk. H9: The higher the motive to enjoy a holiday in the nature. H10: The higher the motive to enjoy a sport holiday. H11: The lower the motive to have an organized holiday. H12: The lower the motive to have a holiday abroad. H13: The lower the motive of action and night life. H14: The higher the motive to spend a holiday with the family. H15: The lower the motive to spend a city holiday. Finally, our model has some socio-demographics data. As we mentioned before, German agri-tourism has traditionally been the travel destination of large-size families, with low-to-middle income. For that reason, our final hypothesises are the following: the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked-set of an individual is higher: H16: The higher the number of family members. H17: The lower the family income. Since in this study we use a path model with a PLS approach, we are able to state some interrelations among the exogenous latent variables: H18: The motive of sport holiday has a positive influence towards nature motives. H19: The physical exposition to agri-tourism has a positive influence toward information. H20: The motive of family holiday has a negative influence toward the motive of action and night life. H21: Social stimuli have a positive influence towards individuals risk perceptions. H22: Social stimuli have negative influence towards experience. Data for this study were gathered via administrated questionnaires during the summer 2007 within the frame of an academic "marketing research" course. The corresponding t-values are assessed using the bootstrapping method with 500 re-samples. In our model 61% of the degree of appreciation of German agri-tourism (evoked set) is explained by five independent variables: value for money ($0.335^{{\ast}{\ast}{\ast}}$) (H7) experience ($0.267^{{\ast}{\ast}}$) (H3), exciting image ($0.204^{\ast}$) (H6) organisation ($-0.162^{\ast}$) (H11) and holiday abroad ($-0.156^{\ast}$) (H12). The variance explained ($R^2$) for the other endogenous variables are the following: nature 24.3%, information 14.1%, action holiday 13.8%, risk perception 5.8% and experience 2.4%. An overview can be inferred from table 5. The results also allow us to test each of the proposed hypotheses. With exception of organization and abroad, none of the others travel style factors (H9 to H15) seem to have any significant impact towards evoked set which leads to the rejection of the respective hypotheses. As expected, social stimuli have a significant influence on individuals' risk perception (H21 accepted), however neither the former nor the latter have a valuable impact on evoked set (rejection of H2 and H8). Besides, since the influence of social stimuli towards experience is not significant, also H22 has to be rejected. Experience influences information (H19 accepted) but the latter does not affect significantly the evoked set (H1 rejected). Both H4 as well as H5, referring respectively to the perceived images of German agri-tourism as a wellness destination and the traditional image of the German farm tourism have to be rejected. Finally, none of the demographic data included in the model explains significantly the variance of the factor evoked set. Therefore neither H16 nor H17 has been accepted. As far as the interrelation between sport and nature (H18) and family and action (H20) are concerned, the stated relationship among these variables has been statistically confirmed. Our path model based on partial least squares shows the factors influencing the preference for farm tourism in Germany. Among others value for money and experience are the most significant ones. Practical implications are discussed.

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The current state and prospects of travel business development under the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Tkachenko, Tetiana;Pryhara, Olha;Zatsepina, Nataly;Bryk, Stepan;Holubets, Iryna;Havryliuk, Alla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권12spc호
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    • pp.664-674
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of this scientific research is determined by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current trends and dynamics of world tourism development. This article aims to identify patterns of development of the modern tourist market, analysis of problems and prospects of development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. General scientific methods and methods of research are used in the work: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analysis of statistical data. The analysis of the viewpoints of foreign and domestic authors on the research of the international tourist market allowed us to substantiate the actual directions of tourism development due to the influence of negative factors connected with the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and economic-mathematical methods of research were used during the process of study and data processing. Results. The analysis of the current state of the tourist market by world regions was carried out. It was found that tourism is one of the most affected sectors from COVID-19, as, by the end of 2020, the total number of tourist arrivals in the world decreased by 74% compared to the same period in 2019. The consequence of this decline was a loss of total global tourism revenues by the end of 2020, which equaled $1.3 trillion. 27% of all destinations are completely closed to international tourism. At the end of 2020, the economy of international tourism has shrunk by about 80%. In 2020 the world traveled 98 million fewer people (-83%) relative to the same period last year. Tourism was hit hardest by the pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region, where travel restrictions are as strict as possible. International arrivals in this region fell by 84% (300 million). The Middle East and Africa recorded declines of 75 and 70 percent. Despite a small and short-lived recovery in the summer of 2020, Europe lost 71% of the tourist flow, with the European continent recording the largest drop in absolute terms compared with 2019, 500 million. In North and South America, foreign arrivals declined. It is revealed that a significant decrease in tourist flows leads to a massive loss of jobs, a sharp decline in foreign exchange earnings and taxes, which limits the ability of states to support the tourism industry. Three possible scenarios of exit of the tourist industry from the crisis, reflecting the most probable changes of monthly tourist flows, are considered. The characteristics of respondents from Ukraine, Germany, and the USA and their attitude to travel depending on gender, age, education level, professional status, and monthly income are presented. About 57% of respondents from Ukraine, Poland, and the United States were planning a tourist trip in 2021. Note that people with higher or secondary education were more willing to plan such a trip. The results of the empirical study confirm that interest in domestic tourism has increased significantly in 2021. The regression model of dependence of the number of domestic tourist trips on the example of Ukraine with time tendency (t) and seasonal variations (Turˆt = 7288,498 - 20,58t - 410,88∑5) it forecast for 2020, which allows stabilizing the process of tourist trips after the pandemic to use this model to forecast for any country. Discussion. We should emphasize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many experts and scientists believe in the long-term recovery of the tourism industry. In our opinion, the governments of the countries need to refocus on domestic tourism and deal with infrastructure development, search for new niches, formats, formation of new package deals in new - domestic - segment (new products' development (tourist routes, exhibitions, sightseeing programs, special rehabilitation programs after COVID) -19 in sanatoriums, etc.); creation of individual offers for different target audiences). Conclusions. Thus, the identified trends are associated with a decrease in the number of tourist flows, the negative impact of the pandemic on employment and income from tourism activities. International tourism needs two to four years before it returns to the level of 2019.

문화관광용 주얼리 Set 디자인 개발 연구 (A Study of jewelry Design Development of Tourism and Culture)

  • 김세환;김판채
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2003
  • 주얼리 상품의 디자인을 개발하려고 산학협동하여 수출상품을 개발하였다. 문화상품 전문제조업체인 (주)현대공방과 협약을 체결하여 한국의 특징적, 문화적 이미지를 표현하는 차별화된 디자인으로서 기업에 부가가치이익을 줄 수 있는 경쟁력 있는 상품이 되는데 디자인 방향을 정하였다. 국내의 첨단장비인 주얼 캐드와 R/P 시스템을 활용한 디자인의 고급화와 분업화, 전문성 확보, 아웃소싱의 제도적 정착을 기하고자 하였으며, 이러한 시도를 업계에 확산시킴으로서 경비절감과 협업화, 계열화, 조직화의 목적을 달성하여 수출산업에 기여하고자 하였다.

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Impact of Destination Image and Satisfaction on Tourist Loyalty: Mountain Destinations in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam

  • LE, Hoang Ba Huyen;LE, Thi Binh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to assess the impact of destination image, satisfaction and loyalty of tourists at mountain destinations in Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. The study involves questionnaire surveys and multivariate data analysis methods (Cronbach Alpha test, EFA, CFA, SEM). Research results from 500 tourists in the mountain destinations of Thanh Hoa province demonstrate that all factors have imposed a positive impact on tourist satisfaction, specifically: The most influential factor is Natural features, followed by Human factors while the least influential factor is Infrastructure; On the other hand, research results also demonstrate that satisfaction has a substantial impact on tourist loyalty. Based on the research results, we also proposed some key solutions to enhance the destination image, thereby contributing to increased satisfaction and loyalty of tourists, including: (i) Promoting Natural Tourism Resources. (ii) Raising Awareness of Environmental Protection. (iii) Building Local Cultural Identity. (iv) Building Exclusive Tourist Products. (5) Strengthening the Support of Local Authorities for Tourism Activities. (vi) Developing a Price Policy.

녹차밭 방문객의 지각된 가치가 만족과 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Perceived Value on Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Green Tea Farm Visitors)

  • 여호근;박경태
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of perceived value on the satisfaction and revisit intention of green tea farm visitors. The sample was obtained during the three month period from May 19th, 2006 to May 21st, 2006, and out of 800 copies of questionnaire, 597 copies responded with sincerity were analyzed. First, the perceived value of visitors in green tea farms seemed to have effective relations with satisfaction. Second, the perceived value of visitors in green tea farms seemed to have effective relations with revisit intention. Empirical evidence is obtained for both regional economy and industry and the development of tourism products. Specially, findings from this study suggest that perceived value are strong predictors of revisit intention to green tea farms in Hadong-gun. Several implications for the research result and actual application practices are discussed.

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혼례음식에 대한 인식도 조사 및 이용실태에 관한 연구 - 서울.경기지역 중심으로 - (A Study on the Cognition and Usage of Traditional Wedding Food in Seoul & Gyeonggi Area)

  • 김준희;진양호
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2008
  • This study is to investigate the cognition and usage of traditional wedding food in Seoul & Gyeonggi area. It provides the basic suggestions for developing the best wedding culture, upholding the great wedding tradition. People usually prepared traditional wedding food only because they had to do since they thought it was a formal way to do it at a wedding ceremony. However, there should be more important things to be considered. Firstly, to understand the real meaning of traditional wedding food, we need to inform its meaning by starting campaigns on wedding culture or making booklets of traditional wedding food. Secondly, to prepare the right selections of traditional food, we need to simplify traditional wedding food and consider the modern sense of the products. Thirdly, to improve traditional wedding food, we need to develop diverse menu. By doing it, we can efficiently reduce the cost of wedding food.

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