• 제목/요약/키워드: total bacterial number

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대청호에서 계절에 따른 세균 군집 및 환경요인의 변화 (Seasonal Variation of Total Bacterial Number and Environmental Factors in Daechung Reservoir)

  • 빙선혜;이상욱;황순진;오인혜
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제35권2호통권98호
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2002
  • Seasonal change of total bacterial numbers were estimated in Daechung Reservoir from September, 1998 to August, 1999 and environmental factors which affects total bacterial numbers were estimated. Total bacterial numbers ranged between 1.2 and $19.0{\times}10^6\;cells/ml$ and averaged $6.9{\times}10^6\;cells/ml$. Bacterial numbers changed dynamically with season. The bacterial numbers were highest in July and showed peaks in April and July in sites studied except for the HOE (Hoenam site), In the HOE (Hoenam site), total bacterial numbers increased eve the period of March${\sim}$August. The correlation coefficient between bacterial number and chlorophyll a (<$200\;{\mu}m$) was r = 0.72(p< 0.05) at the MAN (man site). Total bacterial numbers in Daechung Reservoir was diversely changed by the seasonal variation of several environmental quality parameters.

이온화칼슘이 도계과정 중 도체표면의 미생물 교차오염에 미치는 영향 (Effects of ionized calcium on microbial cross-contamination in surface of carcass via slaughter process of chickens)

  • 박병성;진지영
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.813-823
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ionized calcium treatment on total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface in the slaughtering process. The growth of Escherichia coli was strongly inhibited in a medium prepared by using a 0.5% ionized calcium solution. The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface and the scalding water was significantly increased as the number of scalding was increased (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface reached a plateau without a further increase as scalding was performed consecutively for 10 or more times. The total bacterial cross-contamination of the scalding water was significantly increased as the number of scalding was increased (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface of the chickens raised on a floor type farm was significantly higher than that of the chickens raised in a battery cages (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface of the chickens raised on a floor type farm was significantly lower in the 0.5% ionized calcium solution treatment group than in the control group (p<0.05).

경안천과 팔당호에서 총세균수의 분포 및 동태 (Distribution and Dynamics of the Total Bacterial Number in the Kyongan Stream and Paltang Reservoir)

  • 박경미;황순진;조경제;신재기
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제34권2호통권94호
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2001
  • 경안천과 팔당호 주요 유입부에서 2000년 9월부터 2001년 2월까지 수중 총세균수의 분포 및 변동을 조사하였다. 경안천 본류에서 총세균수는 하수처리장 배출수가 유입될 때 뚜렷이 증가하였다. 경안천 본류에서 유하거리 (km)당 총세균의 소멸량은 0.13${\times}10^{6}$cells/ml로서 하류로 이송되면서 하상에 침강 소멸되는 양이 상당하였다. 총세균수의 변동은 9${\sim}$10월, 11월 및 12${\sim}$2월에 평균값이 각각 1.74${\sim}$3.10${\times}10^{6}$cells/ml, 1.86${\sim}$7.30${\times}10^{6}$cells/ml 및 4.56${\sim}$8.75${\times}10^{6}$cells/ml 범위로서 세균의 생물량은 고수온기에 적었고 저수온기에 오히려 증가하였다. 총세균수는 수온이 >$10^{\circ}C$인 시기(9${\sim}$10월)보다 <$10^{\circ}C$인 저수온기(12${\sim}$2월)에 2.1${\sim}$3.0배 풍부하였다. 총세균수로 평가하였을 때 수질은 부영양상태였고 하수처리장 배출수는 경안천과 팔당호의 미생물 오염에 대한 가장 큰 source로 평가되었다. 경안천 뿐만 아니라 팔당호의 상수원 수질을 보호하기 위해서는 하수처리장 배출수 관리에 대한 대책 마련이 매우 시급한 것으로 판단되었다.

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경기만의 종속영양 세균군집의 분포 및 활성 (Distribution and Activity of Heterotrophic Bacterial Communities in Kyeonggi Bay, Korea)

  • 강찬수;이기승;김명운;권개경;김용학;박성주;이건형;김상종
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.324-330
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    • 1990
  • The distribution of physicochemical environmental factors and microbiological factors was studied at 6 sampling sites in Kyeongge Bay of Yellow Sea from October 1989 to October 1990. The total bacterial number, saprophytic bacterial number, petroleum-degrading bacterial number, bacterial biomass, and bacterial secondary production were measured in the range of 0.09~1.24*10$^{7}$ cells/ml, 7~60000 CFUs/ml, 0~240 cells/ml, 14.16~301 .$\mu$g-C/l, and 0.13~11.82 mg-C/m$^{3}$/hr, respectively. The turnover times of $^{3}$H-glucose and $^{3}$H-acetate were in range of 6.5~6984 and 41~24897 hours, respectively. The spatial distribution of heterotrophic bacterial communities were hightly affected by influx of organic pollutants from the coastal area and the seawater exchange with offshore.

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소양호 수중 생태계에서의 세균 생체물질량의 분포 (Distribution of bacterial biomass in the water column of Soyang lake)

  • 김명운;강찬수;김상종
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 1989
  • 소양호에서 측정된 세균 체적, 세균 생물량 및 세균 생산량 등의 미생물학적인 요인의 변화에 미치는 물리화학적 환경요인의 영향을 통계학적 방법으로 분석을 하였다. 상관관계 분석과 중회귀 분석 결과 수온은 대부분의 미생물학적 요인에 폭넓은 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다. 총 세균수, 세균 체적, 세균 생물 량 및 saprophyte 수외 변화는 엽록소 a와 pheophytin a의 존재와 높은 상관관계를, $^{3}H$-thymidine incorporation rate에 의해 측정된 세균 생산량은 seston의 농도에 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 분석되었다. 소양호 수중생태계에서의 세균 체적 및 세균 생물량의 미생물학적 요인은 미생물 군집에게 탄소와 에너지원으로 작용하는 유기물질의 제공원인 식물성 플랑크톤의 분포와 seston의 농도에 의해 조절되고 있음을 시사하여 준다.

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대청호에서 세균의 수직적 분포에 관한 연구 (Vertical Variation of Total Bacterial number in Daechung Reservoir)

  • 빙선혜;오인혜
    • 자연과학논문집
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2005
  • 대청호에서 세균군집의 생태학적 역할을 조사하기 위하여 대청호 본 댐과 대전 취수탑의 중간 지점인 대청호의 만입부 지점에서 1998년 9월~1999년 8월까지 DAPI 염색법으로 수심에 따른 총 세균수를 조사하였다. 조사지점의 수표면, 수심 5m, 10m, 15m, 및 25m에서 각각 채수하여 총 세균수를 측정하고 이화학적 수질요인과 총 엽록소 $\alpha$의 농도를 측정하였다. 총 세균수는 표층수에서 $1.6-1.7.0x10^6$ cells/ml, 수심 5m에서는 $2.3-11.0x10^6$ cells/ml, 수심 10m에서는 $1.2-1.4.0x10^6$ cells/ml, 수심 15m에서는$1.4-15.0x10^6$ cells/ml, 그리고 수심 25m에서는 $1.4-1.3.0x10^6$ cells/ml이었으며, 본 조사에서는 4월경부터 수온 증가에 따라 표층수의 총세균수는 증가하기 시작하여 7월경에 최대에 도달하였고, 이때 수심이 깊어질수록 총세균수는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 각 수심에서 총세균수와 총엽록소 $\alpha$ 량 및 이화학적 수질요인과의 관계를 논의하였다.

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인공 수초재배섬에서 세균의 활성과 세균 군집 구조 (The Activity and Structure of Bacterial Community within Artificial Vegetation Island (AVI))

  • 전남희;박혜경;변명섭;최명재
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.676-682
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    • 2007
  • The bacterial number, extracellular enzyme activities and structure of bacterial community which are major constituent of aquatic ecosystem within the artificial vegetation island (AVI) were compared to those of the nearby pelagic lake waters in order to evaluate the possibility of the AVI as a eco-technological measure for water quality improvement and restoration of littoral zone in man-made reservoirs. There was not a significant difference in the total number of bacteria, but the number of active (viable) bacteria within the AVI was about 0.7 to 4.1 times higher than nearby pelagic lake water. The ratio of the number of active bacteria versus the total number of bacteria was also higher in the AVI than nearby pelagic lake water. The activities of ${\beta}$-glucosidase and phosphatase were 1.0 to 13.1 and 0.8 to 7.3 times higher respectively in the AVI than nearby pelagic lake water, showing that microorganisms were more active within the AVI. The bacterial communities of the two waters, examined by FISH method, did not indicate a clear difference in the springtime when the growth of macrophytes was immature, but during summer and fall it showed a clear difference indicating the formation of distinct bacterial community within the AVI compared to nearby lake water. From the results of this study, we conclude that AVI can contribute to make up the littoral ecosystem which show rapid cycling of matters through active detritus food chain in the dam reservoirs which have unstable aquatic ecosystem due to short hydraulic residence time and to strengthen the self-purification capacity of the lake.

순창 전통 고추장의 주요 미생물 조성 및 맛과의 상관성 (Major Microbial Composition and Its Correlation to the Taste of Sunchang Traditional Kochujang)

  • 진효상;김종범;이경자
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2007
  • Traditional kochujang samples were collected from the folk village in Sunchang to find the major microbial composition and correlation between the taste and the microbial properties. Among the 29 samples, 17 samples showed Bacillus licheniformis as dominant strain with 11 samples Bacillus subtilis and 1 sample Staphylococcus pasteuri. Subdominant strain of 17 samples was Bacillus licheniformis with 12 samples Bacillus subtilis. Dominant strain numbers varied in rage of $6.60{\sim}8.38$ logCFU/g with subdominant strain number $5.90{\sim}7.86$ logCFU/g and total microbial number $6.64{\sim}8.56$ logCFU/g respectively. Bacterial type number varied in range of $6{\sim}18$ with the average 10.5 types. Fungi were found only in 2 samples and identified all to be Aspergillus oryzae. Yeasts were found in 25 samples. The dominant yeast strain of 23 samples was identified to be Zygosaccharomyces pseudorouxii and that of 2 samples Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. Yeast type variety showed that only single type was found in 15 samples, 2 types in 8 samples, 3 types in 1 sample and 4 types in 1 sample. Fungal number was 3.90 and 4.08 logCFU/g and yeast numbers varied in range of $3.90{\sim}6.43$ logCFU/g. The sensory scores of kochujang showed positive correlation with type numbers, but no significant correlation with the other microbial properties like total bacterial number, dominant bacterial number, subdominant bacterial number and dominant yeast number.

Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of bacteria from odontogenic maxillofacial abscesses

  • Kang, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Moon-Key
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제45권6호
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study investigated the types and antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria in odontogenic abscesses. Materials and Methods: Pus specimens from 1,772 patients were collected from affected areas during incision and drainage, and bacterial cultures and antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed. The number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria was analyzed relative to the total number of bacteria that were tested for antibiotic susceptibility. Results: Bacterial cultures from 1,772 patients showed a total of 2,489 bacterial species, 2,101 gram-positive and 388 gram-negative. For penicillin G susceptibility tests, 2 out of 31 Staphylococcus aureus strains tested showed sensitivity and 29 showed resistance. For ampicillin susceptibility tests, all 11 S. aureus strains tested showed resistance. In ampicillin susceptibility tests, 46 out of 50 Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae strains tested showed resistance. Conclusion: When treating odontogenic maxillofacial abscesses, it is appropriate to use antibiotics other than penicillin G and ampicillin as the first-line treatment.

FISH 기법을 이용한 생물활성탄 공정에서의 운전기간별 부착 박테리아 군집변화 분석 (Analysis of Attached Bacterial Community of Biological Activated Carbon Process Using FISH)

  • 손형식;손희종;박근태;이상준
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2013
  • The concentration of organic compounds was analyzed at each step of BAC process though $BDOC_{total/rapid/slow}$. Further, bacteria communities and biomass concentrations measured FISH and ATP methods were analyzed. The bed volume (BV) of steady state is different from that of based on assessment of organic compounds removal. Bed volumes in DOC, $BDOC_{rapid}$ and $BDOC_{total/slow}$ removal at steady state were around 27,500 (185.8 day), 15,000 (101.4 day) and 32,000 (216.2 day), respectively. A biomass didn't change after the bed volume reached 22,500 (152.0 day) according to analyzing ATP concentration of bacteria. The concentration of ATP was 2.14 ${\mu}g/g$ in BV 22,500 (152.0 day). The total bacterial number was $4.01{\pm}0.4{\times}10^7$ cells/g at the bed volume 1,150 (7.8 day) (the initial operation) and the number of bacteria was $9.27{\pm}0.2{\times}10^9$ at the bed volume 58,560 395.7 day) that increased more than 200 times. Bacterial uptrend was reduced and bacterial communities were stabilized since BV 18,720 (126.5 day). When BV were 1,150 (7.8 day), 8,916 (60.2 day), 18,720 (126.5 day), 31,005 (209.5 day), 49,632 (335.3 day), 58,560 (395.7 day), a proportion of total bacteria for the Eubacteria were 60.1%, 66.0%, 78.4%, 82.0%, 81.3% respectively. ${\gamma}$-Proteobacteria group was the most population throughout the entire range. The correlation coefficient ($r^2$) between Eubacteria biomass and ATP concentration was 0.9448.