• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographic map

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Estimation of the Topographic Factor of Wind Speed Using GIS Information (GIS 정보를 이용한 풍속지형계수 산정)

  • Seong, Min-Ho;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2011
  • Recently damage scale by local winds and typhoon has dramatically increased. Korea has the terrain over 70% of the land and the planning of the wind load is necessary to estimate reflecting appropriately the change of the wind-speed according to the characteristic of the terrain and in the Korean Building Code(2009), this is stated and it reflects to the design process. However, in order to estimate the topographic factor of the wind speed considering the topographic characteristics in the structure design actually, it has many difficult points including the local topographic survey, etc. In this paper, the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) is created using TIN interpolation method in the form of the digital map and then the interface was designed and implemented which can automatically estimate the topographic factor of wind speed by using ESRI(R)ArcObjectTM and the Visual Basic programing language. By applying it to the terrain which positioned in the downtown area, the practicality of the topographic factor of wind speed estimation interface was checked.

A Study on the correcting and updating the Digital Map using Remotely Sensed Data (위성영상을 이용한 수치지도 수정/갱신 방안 연구)

  • 윤여상;김준철;박수영;최종현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2003
  • The digital map expresses natural topography and artificial things with 3D position coordinates in the computer such as the road, railway, building, river, mountain, paddy and dryland. Therefore, those should contribute to the information-oriented society by maintaining information and providing it to users quickly. However it is difficult to maintain the most recent topographic information all the time because of restricted budget and time. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the updating area of the digital map using remotely sensed data, and to furnish the useful information reducing cost and time. To predict updating area of the digital map, we applied the urban changes analysis method to Landsat TM images from produced date of the digital map to up-to-date. Classification method for urban change analysis applied single band process algorithm. This study presents that updating area of the digital map is predicted by only the rate of 40% on total research area.

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Fractal Dimension of Stream Networks and Main Stream Length with Map Scale (지형도(地形圖) 축척(縮尺)에 따르는 하천 수로망(水路網)과 본류(本流) 하천길이에 관한 Fractal Dimension)

  • Jeon, Min Woo;Cho, Won Cheol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.4_1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 1992
  • Total length of stream networks and main stream length vary with topographic map scales, and the stream length of drainage basin on topographic map can be viewed as a fractal. Total length of stream network and main stream length are represented as only stream area ratio($R_a$) based on Horton's laws, thereafter the fractal dimensions of stream network and main stream length are derived as a simple function of stream length($R_L$) and stream area ratios($R_a$) respectively. The derived equations of fractal dimension are applied to Sansung basin in Kum River and compared with the equations already existed. The stream network appeared as space filling with fractal dimension near 2 as map scale increases, while main stream length shows near 1. The results of this study are expected to be helpful in the quantitative analysis of drainage network composition with map scale.

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    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.314-317
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility from landslides in the Lai Chau region of Vietnam, using Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing data, focusing on the relationship between tectonic fractures and landslides. Landslide locations were identified from an interpretation of aerial photographs and field surveys. Topographic and geological data and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database using GIS data and image processing techniques, and a scheme of the tectonic fracturing of the crust in the Lai Chau region was established. In this scheme, Lai Chau was identified as a region with low crustal fractures, with the grade of tectonic fracture having a close relationship with landslide occurrence. The factors found to influence landslide occurrence were: topographic slope, topographic aspect, topographic curvature, distance from drainage, lithology, distance from a tectonic fracture and land cover. Landslide prone areas were analyzed and mapped using the landslide occurrence factors employing the probability-likelihood ratio method. The results of the analysis were verified using landslide location data, and these showed a satisfactory agreement between the hazard map and existing landslide location data.

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A Study on the Integration of Airborne LiDAR and UAV Data for High-resolution Topographic Information Construction of Tidal Flat (갯벌지역 고해상도 지형정보 구축을 위한 항공 라이다와 UAV 데이터 통합 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jae Bin;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2020
  • To preserve and restore tidal flats and prevent safety accidents, it is necessary to construct tidal flat topographic information including the exact location and shape of tidal creeks. In the tidal flats where the field surveying is difficult to apply, airborne LiDAR surveying can provide accurate terrain data for a wide area. On the other hand, we can economically obtain relatively high-resolution data from UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) surveying. In this study, we proposed the methodology to generate high-resolution topographic information of tidal flats effectively by integrating airborne LiDAR and UAV point clouds. For the purpose, automatic ICP (Iterative Closest Points) registration between two different datasets was conducted and tidal creeks were extracted by applying CSF (Cloth Simulation Filtering) algorithm. Then, we integrated high-density UAV data for tidal creeks and airborne LiDAR data for flat grounds. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and tidal flat area and depth were generated from the integrated data to construct high-resolution topographic information for large-scale tidal flat map creation. As a result, UAV data was registered without GCP (Ground Control Point), and integrated data including detailed topographic information of tidal creeks with a relatively small data size was generated.

Manufacturing Digital Map Version 2.0 Increased Visual Information (시각적 정보력이 향상된 수치지도 Ver. 2.0제작)

  • Park Kyeong Sik;Lee Jae Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2005
  • Though Digital Map Ver. 2.0 is adequate to GIS, the possibility to gain information from its external form and the ease of producing paper map had retrogressed. In this research, concerned with the problems, we plan to make Digital Map Ver. 2.0, which satisfies the conditions of GIS. It will have geometrical and logical data structure, and also possess informative ability as much as that of Ver. 1.0. For the study, the process to analyze the topographic code, color, code priority order, etc. of paper relief map, digital map Ver. 1.0, and digital map Ver. 2.0 was taken. For the topographical feature with diverse expression, we changed the portrayal of digital map Ver. 2.0 to make it fit the regulations of map portrayal. At the point of topographic code priority order, the rule is to arrange them in the same order as the real territory. However, we made a special code in the case of any change of the locational order. According to the property of this study, we observe the regulations of map portrayal, for the elements related to subjective sense, such as colors. And we give priority on the data construction when the portrayal of topographical feature and the schema of GIS database system are contradictory.

ROC Analysis of Topographic Factors in Flood Vulnerable Area considering Surface Runoff Characteristics (지표 유출 특성을 고려한 홍수취약지역 지형학적 인자의 ROC 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Yeong;Kim, Ji-Sung
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2020
  • The method of selecting an existing flood hazard area via a numerical model requires considerable time and effort. In this regard, this study proposes a method for selecting flood vulnerable areas through topographic analysis based on a surface runoff mechanism to reduce the time and effort required. Flood vulnerable areas based on runoff mechanisms refer to those areas that are advantageous in terms of the flow accumulation characteristics of rainfall-runoff water at the surface, and they generally include lowlands, mild slopes, and rivers. For the analysis, a digital topographic map of the target area (Seoul) was employed. In addition, in the topographic analysis, eight topographic factors were considered, namely, the elevation, slope, profile and plan curvature, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index, and the distances from rivers and manholes. Moreover, receiver operating characteristic analysis was conducted between the topographic factors and actual inundation trace data. The results revealed that four topographic factors, namely, elevation, slope, TWI, and distance from manholes, explained the flooded area well. Thus, when a flood vulnerable area is selected, the prioritization method for various factors as proposed in this study can simplify the topographical analytical factors that contribute to flooding.

Analysis of Landslide in Inje Region Using Aerial Photograph and GIS (항공사진과 GIS를 이용한 인제지역 산사태 분석)

  • Son, Jung-Woo;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2009
  • In mid-July, 2006 the torrential rainfall across Gangwon-do region caused 48 casualties and 1,248 houses submerged, resulting in damages with the restoration costs of 3 trillion and 512.5 billion won. This was because the topographic characteristics of Gangwon-do region for which mountainous areas mostly account increased the effects of landslide. In this study, the landslide region was shot using the PKNU No.4 system immediately after the occurrence of landslide in order to analyze it as objectively, exactly, and rapidly as possible. 1,054 areas with landslide occurrence were extracted by digitizing the shot images through visual reading after orthometric correction using ERDAS 9.1. Using the Arc GIS 9.2, a GIS program, hydrologic, topographic, clinical, geologic, pedologic aspects and characteristics of the landslide region were established in database through overlay analysis of digital map, vegetation map, geologic map, and soil map, and the status and characteristics of the occurrence of the landslide were analyzed.

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Actual Condition of Inconsistency at the Boundary Areas of Administrative Districts (행정구역 경계지역에서의 지적불부합지 실태분석)

  • Hong, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2008
  • This research is aimed at offering a fundamental data for the adjustment of cadastral inconsistency of administrative boundary areas from this time onward by analyzing actual conditions of cadastral inconsistency at the study areas by the use of digital topographic map and digital cadastral map of si-gun-gu boundary area. As a result of examining the actual condition of cadastral inconsistency at the surveyed areas, the extent of cadastral inconsistency of the neighboring administrative boundary areas was assessed as ${\pm}3.15m$ of RMSE on X coordinates and also assessed as ${\pm}2.85\;m$ of RMSE on Y coordinates; in addition, RMSE of the neighboring district of the administrative boundary areas on X coordinates was assessed as ${\pm}1.33\;m$, and ${\pm}0.75\;m$ of RMSE on Y coordinates respectively-thus, this research could suggest the fact that there has arisen a lot of cadastral inconsistency areas at administrative boundary areas.

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Assessment of Possibility of Adopting the Error Tolerance of Geometric Correction on Producing 1/5,000 Digital Topographic Map for Unaccessible Area Using the PLEIADES Images and TerraSAR Control Point (PLEIADES 영상과 TerraSAR 기준점을 활용한 비접근지역의 1/5,000 수치지형도 제작을 위한 기하보정의 허용오차 만족 가능성 평가)

  • Jin Kyu, Shin;Young Jin, Lee;Gyung Jong, Kim;Jun Hyuk, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the necessity of spatial data in unaccessible area was challenged to set up various plans and policies for preparing the unification and the cooperative projects between South-North Korea. Therefore, this paper planned to evaluate the possibility of adopting the error tolerance in Geometric correction for 1/5,000 digital topographic mapping, using the PLEIADES images and the TerraSAR GCPs (Ground Control Points). The geometric correction was performed by changing the number and placement of GCPs by GPS (Global Positioning System) surveying, as the optimal placement of 5 GCPs were selected considering the geometric stability and steady rate. The positional accuracy evaluated by the TerraSAR GCPs, which were selected by optimal placement of GCPs. The RMSE in control points were X=±0.64m, Y=±0.46m, Z=±0.28m. While the result of geometric correction for PLEIADES images confirmed that the RMSE in control points were X=±0.34m, Y=±0.27m, Z=±0.11m, the RMSE in check points were X=±0.50m, Y=±0.30m, Z=±0.66m. Through this study, we believe if spatial data can integrate with the PLEIADES images and the optimal TerraSAR GCPs, it will be able to obtain the high-precision spatial data for adopting the regulation of 1/5,000 digital topographic map, which adjusts the computation as well as the error bound.