• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographic map

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Topographic Brain Map of Multi-Channel EEG by Spectrum Analysis Method (스펙트럼 해석방법에 의한 다중찬넬 뇌파의 Topographic Brain Map)

  • 유선국;고한우
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1988
  • A personal computer-based brain map is described which will display a gray scale maps showing the distribution of signals derived from the electrical activity of the brain such as EEG or EP This topographic brain mapping system has a flexibility which describe the electrode number and placement mapping onto any shaped space and generate a brain maps by incoorporated the data acquisition and processing software with conventional EEG machine.

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A Study on the Data Model of Topographic-Cadastral Map (지형.지번도의 데이터모델에 관한 연구)

  • 최윤수;고준환;서용운;이석용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2001
  • Digital mapping project of topographic map was conducted according to the master plan for the development of the National Geographic Information System, to manage national geo-spatial information efficiently in rapidly changing information technology society. It needed to correct and supplement digital map because of time pressure, sudden urbanization and users'need. In this study, after the framework data of thematic map was given a definition based on data model of National Base Map, data model of topographic-cadastral map was presented. Also data format and meta data suited to presented data model of topographic-cadastral map were presented so that they could be used in various fields.

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A Study on Construction of Digital Cadastral Map for the GIS (GIS활용을 위한 지적도 전산화 방안 연구 -지적도 도형자료 제작 지침을 중심으로-)

  • 강영옥;안재영;조태영
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.201-216
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    • 1998
  • The :Ministry of Transportation and Construction has a plan to finish up the construction of digital topographic map which is based. on airphoto intepretation method by the end of 1998 as a part of NQS (National Geogaphic Information System) Project. The digital topographic map, especially 1:1,000 scale, is used as a basemap of many local government's GIS projects. The digital topographic map, however, does not include property information such as cadastral and urbanplan data that are essential for the GIS database of many local governments. This study aims to develop a set of technical guidelines for the construction of digital cadastral map, which can be used together with the 1:1,000 scale digital topographic map, through 1) analysis of the inconsistency between topographic map and cadastral map, 2) comparison of technical methods for the integration of GIS data that have different accuracy, and 3) requirement analysis of the departments related to urban planning of Seoul Metropolitan Govemment. For this research, edited digital cadastral map has been experimentally produced in pilot study area, a part of Hwanghak-dong, Shindang-dong, and Soongin-dong in Seoul.

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The Map Generalization Methodology for Korean Cadastral Map using Topographic Map (수치지형도를 이용한 연속지적도의 지도 일반화 기법 연구)

  • Park, Woo-Jin;Lee, Jae-Eun;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2011
  • Recently, demand for the use of cadastral map is increasing in both public and private area. To use cadastral map in web or mobile environment, construction of the multi-representation database(MRDB) that is the compressed into multiple scale from the original map data is recommended. In this study, the map generalization methodology for the cadastral map by applying overlay with topographic map and polygon generalization technique is suggested. This process is composed of three steps, re-constructing the network data of topographic map, polygon merging of parcel lines according to network degree, and applying line simplification techniques. Proposed methodologies are applied to the cadastral map in Suwon area. The result map was generalized into 1:5,000, 1:20,000, 1:100,000 scale, and data compression ratio was shown in 15% 8% 1% level respectively.

Production of Topographic-Cadastral Map Using Digital Topographic Map (수치지형도를 활용한 지형.지번도 제작방안)

  • 최윤수;이석용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2000
  • The Government confirmed the action planning of digital mapping project for major thematic maps based on‘Revised Plan for The Development of the National Geographic Information System’(NGIS). Mapping for major thematic maps will selectively have produced the essential digital thematic maps according to the frequency of usage by the year of 2000. The models of topographic-cadastral maps around Suwon were produced in accordance with the presented draft. We presented specification for production of the most appropriate topographic-cadastral maps through the analysis of the process of production, discussion and error check, and correction of the produced topographic-cadastral maps. And we could make it easier to develop digital mapping project of topographic-cadastral maps effectively by presenting the strategy for data input and maintenance, the cost model for carrying out the digital thematic map production, digital topographic maps, and the supplement of data model and data format.

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Integrated Management of Digital Topographic Map and Digital Nautical Chart Using Analysis of Control Points in Precise DGPS Surveying (정밀 DGPS측량의 기준점 분석에 따른 수치지형도와 수치해도의 통합관리)

  • Jang Yong-Gu;Kim Sang-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2005
  • Geodetic surveying using precise GPS equipment are used without analysis with a statistical verification of GPS observed value and it was preformed by necessity to integration projection of digital topographic map and nautical Chart for integration geographic information system construction. The purpose of this study proposes method that improve accuracy of GPS observed value and direction that integrally manage digital topographic map and electronic nautical chart in analyzing the boundary line error between digital topographic map and nautical Chart. For improvement of the precision of GPS observed value, the author studied precision-analysis of GPS observed value by geometric strength and variance factor in 3 control points used in GPS network adjustment. And like this, produce EDM measurement using this GPS observation results and compare the whole boundary point error when set digital topographic map and nautical chart by these boundary.

Investigation of the Collapsed Lands Under the Sea Based on Cadastral and Topographic Survey

  • Lee, Chang-Kyung;Han, Sang-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2002
  • Lands along the coast may be submerged in high water because of erosion by sea water, collapsing by itself, excavation by animals, and by tidal movement. From a cadastral point of view, some mistakes in registering a parcel located along the coast may cause the parcel to seem to be collapsed. Therefore, geological, physical oceanographic, and cadastral and topographic investigation are necessary to verify that the submerged land in high water collapsed after it was registered. This paper presents a cadastral and topographic investigation for proving a parcel has collapsed under the sea after registered. In this study, cadastral records and the boundary on cadastral maps were examined carefully to find any errors in them. If the topographic maps were drawn when the parcel was registered, it is good proof of topography of the land at that time. Topographic maps drawn recently were compared to those in the 1900s and in 1970s. In conclusion, cadastral records and maps as well as topographic maps play an important role in proving whether lands along the coast were collapsed or not.

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A Study on Effective Flood Map Generation using NGIS Digital Topographic Maps (효율적인 홍수지도 구축을 위한 NGIS 수치지형도 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 송용철;권오준;김계현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, flood hazard maps have been generated to minimize the loss of human lives due to flooding domestically. To generate the flood hazard maps, LiDAR data have mainly been used to provide topographic data. The LiDAR data requires, however, relatively higher cost and processing time. Therefore, the needs of validating possible use of topographic maps as an alternative source of LiDAR, which have been already existed from the NGIS project over the nation, has been raised. In this background, this study has generated a DEM over City of Kuri as a pilot study using conventional 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 topographic maps emphasizing the linkage of river profile with breakline processing algorithm to build the essential topographic data as accurate as possible. The results showed that the RMSE from topographic maps and LiDAR were 3.49 and 2.282 meter, respectively. Further study needs to be made to decide possible use of topographic maps instead of LiDAR including more easier updating of topographic maps to support flood map generation. In addition, 1:1,000 topographic mapping, which is limited to the urban areas so far, needs to be extended to the river areas.

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Analysis of Overlay Accuracy in Digital Topographic Map and Cadastral Information Using Ortho Image map (정사투영 영상지도에 의한 수치지형도와 지적정보의 중첩정확도 분석)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Choi, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1999
  • In case of topographic information construction it is most important as basemap determines the success or failure of GIS It is argument that digitizing works of basemap are divided by NGIS and PBLIS. So, it have to accompany the combination and application of cadastral information for constructing a usful basemap. In this study, we generated ortho image map using 1:5,000 aerial-photography image, present the comparative analysis for the overlay accuracy and map revision of topographic and cadastral information using ortho image map to base map. So, we present application schemes for land use, environment, and city planning field as well as union database by overlaying of image map and cadastral information.

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Linking Toponym Database with Digital Map Database (지명 활용을 위한 지명 DB와 수치지도 DB의 연계 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Jinmu;Kim, Min Jun;Choi, Don Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.310-319
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was building a new method for map making with a toponym by connecting a toponym DB with a digital topographic map DB. First, the table of toponym history in the toponym DB was revised. Second, a table linking the toponym DB and the digital topographic map DB was added. To integrate the toponym DB and the digital topographic map DB, a loose-coupling method was suggested and the combination of legal Dong and a toponym could be used as ID for liking those two databases. Thus, the method presented in this study would be used for effective map making using a toponym. Through the improvement of a toponym DB, it is expected the active use of the toponym DB such as map making.

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