• Title/Summary/Keyword: time to germination

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Changes in Development and Nutrient Composition of Pod after Flowering in Cowpea 〔Vigna unguiculata(L) Walp〕 (동부(Vigna unguiculatal(L) Walp)의 개화후 일수경과에 따른 협실비대 및 품질의 변화)

  • 김수동;차영훈;조진태;권규칠;손삼곤;박상일
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 1986
  • In order to identify the physiological maturity and to determine the proper time of harvesting as fresh seed for cooking with rice and germination ability according to the harvesting time in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp), this experiment was conducted. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The length and width of pods became maximum size on 10 days after flowering(DAF) and thickness of them increased to 14 DAF and then decreased to 18 DAF. 2. The weight of pod wall reached the maximum on 14 DAF, the thickness of them increased to 8 DAF and decreased to 18 DAF and it was stabilized. 3. The length and thickness of the seeds became larger to 10 DAF, were not changed from 10 DAF to 16 DAF and then decreased after 16 DAF. 4. The seeds coloured 2 days earlier than the pod wall on 8 DAF and the grade increased by degrees to 16 DAF. 5. The moisture content of seeds and pod wall started to decrease on 8 DAF and the moisture content of pod wall was higher than that of seeds in the middle stage but the condition changed after 18 DAF. 6. When the weight of seeds reached the maximum on 16 DAF, the moisture content of them was 54.5%. 7. The content of total nitrogen, phosphate and oil decreased but the carbohydrate increased by degrees along the passing of DAF. The silicic acid did not exist and K2O, CaO, MgO, protein etc. existed but did not show regular tendency. 8. The physiological maturity was 16 DAF and the proper time of harvesting as fresh seed for cooking with rice was 12 DAF to 16 DAF. 9. Germination was possible after 10 DAF but we could get the normal roots from the seeds harvested after 14 DAF.

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Effects of Seed Size Variation on Germination and Seeding Vigour of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) (수수의 종자크기가 종자활력과 출아에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Ki-Yuol;Yun, Eul-Soo;Park, Chang-Young;Choi, Young-Dae;Hwang, Jae-Bok;Jeon, Seung-Ho
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2012
  • Seed size has been considered as an effective criteria for selection of the most vigorous seeds in sorghum [(Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. The smaller seeds were inferior to the larger sizes in emergence and grain yield. This study was conducted to determine germination rate, field emergence and vigor of sorghum for selection of high quality seed by different seed size. Sorghum cultivar of two (Hwanggeumchal and Tojong) were separated into five seed size proportion (<2.36, 2.80, 3.15, 3.35 and >3.55 mm diam.) according to seed size. The larger seed was more higher 1,000 seeds weight, seed density, carbohydrates and protein content. Total seed germination performing varied 92% at the largest size (>3.55 mm diam.) frequently inferior to slightly 67% at smaller seed (2.36 to 2.80 mm diam.) in the standard germination test. Seed size did have a significant effect on mean emergence time (MET) and maximum emergence rate index (ERI) and percentage of emergence. It should be noted that the results refer to MET of sorghum seeds ranging from 4.26 to 4.74 days. The relationship of seed size was not only to stand establishment but to grain yield. Yield was most affected by seed size and large seeds were superior to the smaller seed in 25~37% of the cases. Especially, yield was significant under 3.15 mm the beginning.

Analysis of factors on the asymbiotic germination of white lady's slipper orchid(Cypripedium macranthos Sw. albiflorum) (멸종위기 흰복주머니란 종자발아에 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Joung Kwan;Kwon, Young Hee;Kim, Hee Kyu;Kim, Kyung Ok;Park, Jae Seong;Jeong, Mi Jin;Son, Sung Won;Suh, Gang Uk
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.53-53
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    • 2019
  • Cypripediums, popularly called lady's slippers or moccasin flowers, are the showiest and most sought after hardy terrestrial orchids, collected and grown by orchid and alpine plant enthusiasts alike. In Korea, 4 species of cypripedium are reported as Cypripedium japonicum, C. macranthos, C. guttatum, and C. calceolus. We had already reported the feasibilities of C. macranthos and C. guttatum with in vitro germination methods from immature seeds. The seeds of white lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium macranthos Sw. alba) were collected 65 days after pollination in 2018. The green pods were sterilized with flame and sowed immediately on the POM(Phytomax orchid maintenance media(R), Sigma) supplemented with BAP 0, 0.5, 1.0 mg/L and NAA 0, 1, 2mg/L. The germination of seed was observed 90 days after sowing, and the plantlets were subcultured to the same media according to the size of the protocorm with 1~2, 2~3, 3~4, 5~6, 7~8mm. The time of the subculture to the new media seems to be critical factors of forming rhizoids which is the hairy root of the cypripediums. As a results, the protorms of the white lady's slipper orchid was successfully germinated in the POM media supplemented BAP 0.5 and NAA 1.0 mg/L. The roots and rhizoids were formed in 5~6mm protocorms subculture over 95% survival ratio. We also tried to subculture to liquid medium without activated charcoal, however the browning or malformation of the roots was observed in the root. The formation of shoots from the protocorm was effectively enhanced in the POM media with non-additives of plant growth regulators. These results indicate the possibility of high and stable production and practical industrialization of endangered white lady's slipper orchids.

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Germanition, Shade Toarance and Community Characteristics on \emphErigeronannuus L.in Cheju (濟州 地域에서 개망초의 發芽 習性 및 耐陰性과 群落特性)

  • Lee, Ho-Joon;Kim, Tae-Sung;Byun, Doo-Weon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 1992
  • This dissertation, which has been prepared in the region of cheju(33o31'N, 126o32'E) from may,1987 to appril, 1989, is to elucidate the dominant characteristics of early stages in secondary succession, by examining the life history of erigeron annuus for the seeding depth of a seed was dependent upon the degree of shading. That is, on the area of ocm,the more tense the shading was, the more germination percentage was increased, while, in the case of 1.5cm, it was somewhat increased, when shading bwcame ess and less tense. The rosette of e. annuus, through its relative light intensity was decreased by shading, up to 5% of natural light, showed some strong shade tolerance, which had no difficulty in matter production. The species diversity of mixed-species community was the highest in the middle of April, the lowest in the last of may. The dominance index was the highest in the late may, the lowest in the middle of April. Toward the end of may, the occupation rate of dominance species was the highest. There was a neutral relationship between intraspecific and interspecific, owing to the differentiation of its niche, temporally and spatially. Productive structure of the community revealed a narrow leaf type which was concentratively distributed in the mid part of community height. The relative light intensity of community ground surface was 6.1%, the leaf inclination 60o,the extinction coefficient(k) 0.4, biomass of community 1,045.6 g.d.w./m2,T/Rratio 9.3, C/Frate 7.0 and sumgermanition, shade toarance and community characteristics on erigeron annuus l.in chejumed leaf area index 3.88. through the various life cycles o e.annuus, we can say that it decreases mortality of seeding caused by some stress and disturbance, for germination lasts for a long time at any opportunity available, and it promotes population growth. The strong shade tolerance of a rosette and the variableness of a life from differentiate the niche between intraspecific and interspecific within the community, and avoid the direct competition between them, thus poromoting community growth.

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Biocontrol Characteristics of Bacillus Species in Suppressing Stem Rot of Grafted Cactus Caused by Bipolaris cactivora

  • Bae, Sooil;Kim, Sang Gyu;Kim, Young Ho
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2013
  • One of the most important limiting factors for the production of the grafted cactus in Korea is the qualitative and quantitative yield loss derived from stem rots especially caused by Bipolaris cactivora. This study is aimed to develop microbial control agents useful for the control of the bipolaris stem rot. Two bacteria (GA1-23 and GA4-4) selected out of 943 microbial isolates because of their strong antibiotic activity against B. cactivora were identified as Bacillus subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens, respectively, by the cultural characteristics, Biolog program and 16S rRNA sequencing analyses. Both bacterial isolates significantly inhibited the conidial germination and mycelial growth of the pathogen with no significant difference between the two, of which the inhibitory efficacies varied depending on the cultural conditions such as temperature, nutritional compositions and concentrations. Light and electron microscopy of the pathogen treated with the bacterial isolates showed the inhibition of spore germination with initial malformation of germ tubes and later formation of circle-like vesicles with no hyphal growth and hyphal disruption sometimes accompanied by hyphal swellings and shrinkages adjacent to the bacteria, suggesting their antibiotic mode of antagonistic activity. Control efficacy of B. subtilis GA1-23 and B. amyloliquefaciens GA4-4 on the cactus stem rot were not as high as but comparable to that of fungicide difenoconazole when they were treated simultaneously at the time of pathogen inoculation. All of these results suggest the two bacterial isolates have a good potential to be developed as biocontrol agents for the bipolaris stem rot of the grafted cactus.

Studies on a Technique of the Generation Shortening for a Breeding Efficiency Promotion of Rape Oil Improvement -II. Influence of Different Maturing Stages to Seed Germination power and Dormancy in Brassica napus L.- (유채 성분육종 효율을 증진키 위한 세대단축 기술개발에 관한 연구 -제II보. 유채의 등숙차이가 종자발아능력 및 휴면에 미치는 영향-)

  • Lee, J.I.;Min, K.S.;Choo, G.P.
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    • v.20
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 1975
  • Germinating ability of green seed in maturing period was investigated to develop the technics on generation shortening. Rapeseed did not germinate until 40 days after flowering (=DAF) in green seed and 50 DAF in dried seed. Effective germination to be utilized for generation shortening came on 55 DAF for dried seed by heating and on 75 DAF for green seed. The periodic time of seed dormancy in maturing period had two cycles and rest period was considered that it was different according to the ecological types of early, middle and late maturity.

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Growth Responses at Different Growth Stage of Pinus densiflora Seedlings to Enhanced Uv-B Radiation (자외선-B 증가에 따른 소나무 유묘의 생장 단계별 생장 반응)

  • 김종진
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to investigate the growth responses of Pinus densiflora seedlings to enhanced UV-B environment for 16 weeks in the field condition. The seedlings were treated with one of three levels of UV-B dosages - ambient UV-B, ambient + 3.2, and ambient + 5.2 KJ m2day1 and the irradiation was performed at the stage before the germination, the fully expanded cotyledon, and the primary needles grown more than 0.8cm in length of the seedlings, respectively. Enhanced UV-B irradiation reduced the height and the root collar diameter growth, and dry mass production of the seedling, and T/R ratio was increased by the UV-B treatment. Difference in seedling growth was observed by difference in time of the UV-B treatment. Among the seedlings which were treated with ambient - 3.2 KJ m2day1, height and root collar diameter growth was relatively high in the seedling received the UV-B treatment at the stage before the germination. The lowest dry mass production was observed in the seedlings received the UV-B at stage of cotyledon both in two levels of enhanced UV-B treatment. Chlorophyll concentration was reduced by enhanced UV-B irradiation, and chlorophyll a/b ratio was increased by the UV-B treatment.

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Foliar Application of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Increases Antifungal Compounds in Pea (pisum sativum) Against Erysiphe pisi

  • Bahadur, A.;Singh, U. P.;Sarma, B. K.;Singh, D. P.;Singh, K. P.;Singh, A.
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2007
  • Systemic effect of two plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (PGPR) strains, viz., Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf4) and P. aeruginosa (Pag), was evaluated on pea (Pisum sativum) against the powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe pisi. Foliar spray of the two PGPR strains was done on specific nodal leaves of pea and conidial germination of E. pisi was observed on other nodal leaves, distal to the treated ones. Conidial germination was reduced on distant leaves and at the same time, specific as well as total phenolic compounds increased in the leaves distal to those applied with PGPR strains, thereby indicating a positive correlation. The strains induced accumulation of phenolic compounds in pea leaves and the amount increased when such leaves were get inoculated with E. pisi conidia. Between the two strains, Pag was found to be more effective than Pf4 as its effect was more persistent in pea leaves. Foliar application of PGPR strains for the control of powdery mildew of pea is demonstrated in vitro while correlating it with the increased accumulation of plant phenolics.

Studies on the Physiological Chemistry of Spring Habits in Naked Barley III. Variation of Free Amino acids during the Differentiation and Development of Young Spkie with Different Spring Habits (과맥의 파성에 대한 생리화학적 연구 III. 파성심도에 따른 유수분화 및 발육과정에 있어서의 유이아미노산의 소장)

  • 최선영
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1977
  • In order to investigate the changes of free amino acids during the differentiation and development of young spike in naked barley, a typical spring grain, Wanju, and two winter grains, Sedohadaka and Nonsankwa No. 1-6 differing in their spring habits, were analyzed at different growth stages by thin layer chromatography. In all the varieties 22 ninhydrin positive components were detected at the sowing time of March 5 and 20 components in the sowing plots of March 30. In case of the latter plot, β-alanine was identified only in both Wanju and Sedohadaka, whereas pipecolic acid was detected only in Nonsankwa No. 1-6. Particularly, it is interesting that β-alanine was observed only in the case showing the normal heading independent of the varieties and sowing times. Whether these components are directly related to the physiology of spring habits in barley or not is also a question to be answered. Of the major amino acids, alanine and γ-aminobutyric acid were always detected in appreciably large spots, and serine, leucine, aspartic acid, valine and asparagine were somewhat larger. In the plot of march 30, glutamic acid was also detected in very large spot in both Wanju and Sedohadaka at the stage of spikelet differentiation and in Nonsankwa No. 1-6 at the stage of bract differentiation. Histidine, which showed the only qualitative difference among the varieties during seed germination, cannot be observed at all. Proline observed considerably large spot during seed germination was always detected but very small except that it was observed in large spot at the stage of floret differentiation in Nonsankwa No. 1-6 in the plot of March 5.

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Transcriptomic Profile Analysis of Jeju Buckwheat using RNA-Seq Data (NA-Seq를 이용한 제주산 메밀의 발아초기 전사체 프로파일 분석)

  • Han, Song-I;Chung, Sung Jin;Oh, Dae-Ju;Jung, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Chan-Shick;Kim, Jae-hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.537-545
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    • 2018
  • In this study, transcriptome analysis was conducted to collect various information from Fagopyrum esculentum and Fagopyrum tataricum during the early germination stage. Total RNA was extracted from the seeds and at 12, 24, and 36 hrs after germination of Jeju native Fagopyrum esculentum and Fagopyrum tataricum and sequenced using the Illumina Hiseq 2000 platform. Raw data analysis was conducted using the Dynamic Trim and Lengths ORT programs in the SolexaQA package, and assembly and annotation were performed. Based on RNA-seq raw data, we obtained 16.5 Gb and 16.2 Gb of transcriptome data corresponding to about 84.2% and 81.5% of raw data, respectively. De novo assembly and annotation revealed 43,494 representative transcripts corresponding to 47.5Mb. Among them, 23,165 sequences were shown to have similar sequences with annotation DB. Moreover, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of buckwheat representative transcripts confirmed that the gene is involved in metabolic processes (49.49%) of biological processes, as well as cell function (46.12%) in metabolic process, and catalytic activity (80.43%) in molecular function In the case of gibberellin receptor GID1C, which is related to germination of seeds, the expression levels increased with time after germination in both F. esculentum and F. tataricum. The expression levels of gibberellin 20-oxidase 1 were increased within 12 hrs of gemination in F. esculentum but continuously until 36 hrs in F. tataricum. This buckwheat transcriptome profile analysis of the early germination stage will help to identify the mechanism causing functional and morphological differences between species.