• Title/Summary/Keyword: tianming

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Design for Hybrid Circular Bragg Gratings for a Highly Efficient Quantum-Dot Single-Photon Source

  • Yao, Beimeng;Su, Rongbin;Wei, Yuming;Liu, Zhuojun;Zhao, Tianming;Liu, Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Physical Society
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    • v.73 no.10
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    • pp.1502-1505
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    • 2018
  • We present a design for hybrid circular Bragg gratings (hCBGs) for efficiently extracting single-photons emitted by InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in GaAs. Finite-difference time-domain simulations show that a very high photon collection efficiency (PCE) up to 96% over a 50 nm bandwidth and pronounced Purcell factors up to 19 at cavity resonance are obtained. We also systematically investigate the geometry parameters, including the $SiO_2$ thickness, grating period, gap width and the central disk radius, to improve the device performances. Finally, the PCEs and the Purcell factors of QDs located at different positions of the hCBG are studied, and the results show great robustness against uncertainties in the location of the QD.

Corrosion release behavior of alloy 690 and its application in high-temperature water with Zn injection

  • Liao, Jiapeng;Hu, Yousen;Li, Jinggang;Jin, Desheng;Meng, Shuqi;Ruan, Tianming;Hu, Yisong;Zhang, Ziyu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.984-990
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    • 2022
  • Corrosion release behavior of Alloy 690 in high-temperature water was investigated under the conditions of injected Zn concentrations of 0 ppb, 10 ppb and 50 ppb. A protective oxide film composed of Zn(FexCr1-x)2O4 and Cr2O3 was formed with Zn injection, resulting in a better corrosion resistance. In comparison with the Zn-free condition, the corrosion release rate under the Zn-injection conditions was smaller. The corrosion release inhibiting factors were 1.7 and 1.9 under the conditions of 10 ppb and 50 ppb Zn-injection respectively. A foreseen application of the corrosion and corrosion release rates has been proposed and discussed.

The Formation of the Ruling Ideology of the Han Dynasty and the Meaning of the Thoughts of Dongzhongshu - Focused on the relationship between the history of thought and the religious characteristic - (한조(漢朝) 통치이념의 형성과 동중서(董仲舒) 사상의 의미 - 사상사적 상호연관성과 종교성에 주목하여 -)

  • Jung, Hae-wang
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.142
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    • pp.265-294
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    • 2017
  • In the early days of human history, the governing groups of rulers needed to justify their rule. The cause of rule became the ruling ideology. In China, the backbone of the ruling ideology was originally referred to as 'Di(帝)' or 'Shangdi(上帝)', who was later replaced by 'Tian(天)', Heaven. So there was a claim that Heaven gave the cause of the rule. This idea is the 'Tianming (天命)' idea. When the Zhou(周) Dynasty took control of the central government, the 'Tianming' idea had had a relatively sophisticated form. It was the 'Zhouli(周禮)' that organized the systematic order of the Zhou Dynasty. After this system collapsed, those who recognized 'Zhouli' as a desirable social system considered the collapse of 'Zhouli' as a situation of turbulent age. It was Qin(秦) State that unified all of the states of the period. However, after the unification, the Qin Dynasty fell sharply. The next dynasty was the Han(漢) Dynasty. The new ruling powers of the Han Dynasty needed to justify their regime. That means that it was necessary to establish the ruling ideology of the Han Dynasty. The representative of the ruling ideology of the Han Dynasty was Dongzhongshu, whose thought was based on Confucianism. His thought was related to "Chunqiugongyangzhuan(春秋公羊傳)", an interpretation of "Chunqiu(春秋)". This interpretation perspective is based on the idea of religious Heaven. Dongzhongshu thought that there were co-communions between Heaven and humans. His thought has the meaning of political theology in which rulers hold the basis of the rulers' sovereignty.

Optimization for Scenedesmus obliquus Cultivation: the Effects of Temperature, Light Intensity and pH on Growth and Biochemical Composition

  • Zhang, Yonggang;Ren, Li;Chu, Huaqiang;Zhou, Xuefei;Yao, Tianming;Zhang, Yalei
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2019
  • Microalgae have been explored as potential host species for biofuel production. Environmental factors affect algal growth and cellular composition. The effects of several key environmental factors, such as temperature, light, and pH of the medium on the growth and biochemical composition of Scenedesmus obliquus were investigated in this study. The highest growth rate of microalgae was observed at an optimal temperature of 25℃, 150 μmol/(m2·s) light intensity, and pH 10.0. The biochemical composition analysis revealed that the carbohydrate content decreased at lower (20℃) or higher temperature (35℃), whereas the protein and lipid contents increase at these temperatures. The fluctuation of light intensity significantly affected the contents of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid. The protein levels varied greatly when the pH of the medium was below 7.0. The carbohydrate and lipid contents significantly increased at pH above 7.0.

An improved fuzzy c-means method based on multivariate skew-normal distribution for brain MR image segmentation

  • Guiyuan Zhu;Shengyang Liao;Tianming Zhan;Yunjie Chen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2082-2102
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    • 2024
  • Accurate segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) images is crucial for providing doctors with effective quantitative information for diagnosis. However, the presence of weak boundaries, intensity inhomogeneity, and noise in the images poses challenges for segmentation models to achieve optimal results. While deep learning models can offer relatively accurate results, the scarcity of labeled medical imaging data increases the risk of overfitting. To tackle this issue, this paper proposes a novel fuzzy c-means (FCM) model that integrates a deep learning approach. To address the limited accuracy of traditional FCM models, which employ Euclidean distance as a distance measure, we introduce a measurement function based on the skewed normal distribution. This function enables us to capture more precise information about the distribution of the image. Additionally, we construct a regularization term based on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of high-confidence deep learning results. This regularization term helps enhance the final segmentation accuracy of the model. Moreover, we incorporate orthogonal basis functions to estimate the bias field and integrate it into the improved FCM method. This integration allows our method to simultaneously segment the image and estimate the bias field. The experimental results on both simulated and real brain MR images demonstrate the robustness of our method, highlighting its superiority over other advanced segmentation algorithms.

A study on the meaning of 'de'德 in The Book of Document(書經) (『서경』의 덕(德) 개념에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, taik yong
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.57
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    • pp.169-200
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    • 2014
  • This paper is aimed at defining the meaning of 'de' in The Book of Document on the basis of it's various example of use and the relation between it and tian(天) ming(命). The conclusion is that 'de' in this book means a special quality of fulfill a ideal role required to a specific being. By the way the role in the case of man is determined by his position. Therefore 'de' is redefined as a special quality of fulfill a ideal role required to a specific position. In short, de can be defined as 'appropriation to a specific being'. The ideal role which is the basis of de is determined first-hand by tianming (天命) and a king's order according to it, and is determined basically by mores. The meaning of 'de' in this book as 'appropriation' defines 'de' monistically and also connotes easily it's various example of use. De in the case of things is interpreted as appropriation to it's nature and in the case of man to his position. And the meaning of 'de' like this gives the basis to interpret 'governing with de'(德治) in the Analects of Confucius as zhenming(正名).

Combination of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and 11C-Methionine Positron Emission Tomography for the Accurate Diagnosis of Non-Enhancing Supratentorial Glioma

  • Nijiati Kudulaiti;Tianming Qiu;Junfeng Lu;Huiwei Zhang;Zhengwei Zhang;Yihui Guan;Dongxiao Zhuang;Jinsong Wu
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.967-975
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    • 2019
  • Objective: To evaluate whether the combination of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and 11C-methionine positron emission tomography (11C-MET PET) could increase accurate diagnostic sensitivity for non-enhancing supratentorial gliomas. Materials and Methods: Between February 2012 and December 2017, 109 patients with non-enhanced supratentorial lesions on contrast-enhanced MRI were enrolled. Each patient underwent MRS and 11C-MET PET before treatment. A lesion was considered to be a glioma when either the MRS or 11C-MET PET results reached the diagnostic threshold. The radiological diagnosis was compared with the pathological diagnosis or medical diagnostic criteria. Results: The sensitivity and specificity were 60.0% and 50.0% for MRS and 75.8% and 50.0% for 11C-MET PET, respectively. Upon combining the two modalities, the sensitivity and specificity of the imaging-based diagnosis prior to surgery reached 89.5% and 42.9%, respectively. Statistically significant differences in the sensitivities were observed between the combined and individual approaches (MRS alone, 89.5% vs. 60.0%, p < 0.001; 11C-MET PET alone, 89.5% vs. 75.8%, p = 0.001). However, no significant differences in specificity were observed between the combined and individual modalities. Conclusion: The combination of MRS and 11C-MET PET findings significantly increases accurate diagnostic sensitivity for non-enhancing supratentorial gliomas without significantly lowering the specificity. This finding suggests the potential of the combined MRS and 11C-MET PET approach in clinical applications.

The logic of zhàn-shì(占筮) in Zhōuyì(『周易』) - focused on the basis on which zhàn-shì can be available - (『주역』에 있어서 점서(占筮)의 논리 - 점서의 가능근거를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Suk-hyun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.141
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    • pp.225-261
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    • 2017
  • Zhàn-shì is divided into the process of getting $gu{\grave{a}}$(64卦) by doing dié-shī and the process of predicting the future by interpreting it. And zhàn-shì is implicitly presupposed before these two courses that there is some kind of information about the future in $gu{\grave{a}}$ which is obtained by doing dié-shī. Otherwise, Interpretation of the $gu{\grave{a}}$ becomes fundamentally invalid. Therefore in this paper the writer tried to clarify how some kind of information about the future can be embedded in $gu{\grave{a}}$ which is obtained by doing dié-shī in zhàn-shì, that is, the basis on which Zhàn-shì can be available. And this study in relation to this subject approaches in a way that it keeps track of what 'tiānmìng(天命)' in Zhōuyì means which can be the only clue. So this paper reveals that 'tiānmìng' becomes '$gu{\grave{a}}$ which is obtained by doing dié-shī', and this again becomes 'a sign or indication related to the future which someone wants to know'. 'To know tiānmìng'[zhīmìng(知命)] is to know signs or indications related to the future which someone wants to know. These three are in mutual equivalence relation. And this paper basically requires that someone should concentrate his consciousness on the desirous thing but should not intend it in the process of doing dié-shī in order 'to receive tiānmìng'[shòumìng(受命)]. Therefore, it is clarified that there is some kind of information about the future in $gu{\grave{a}}$ which is obtained by doing $di{\acute{e}}-sh$. 'some kind of information about the future' is 'signs or indications related to the future which someone wants to know'.