• Title/Summary/Keyword: three-dimensional mesh

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Non-self-intersecting Multiresolution Deformable Model (자체교차방지 다해상도 변형 모델)

  • Park, Ju-Yeong;Kim, Myeong-Hui
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2000
  • This paper proposes a non-self-intersecting multiresolution deformable model to extract and reconstruct three-dimensional boundaries of objects from volumetric data. Deformable models offer an attractive method for extracting and reconstructing the boundary surfaces. However, convensional deformable models have three limitations- sensitivity to model initialization, difficulties in dealing with severe object concavities, and model self-intersections. We address the initialization problem by multiresolution model representation, which progressively refines the deformable model based on multiresolution volumetric data in order to extract the boundaries of the objects in a coarse-to-fine fashion. The concavity problem is addressed by mesh size regularization, which matches its size to the unit voxel of the volumetric data. We solve the model self-intersection problem by including a non-self-intersecting force among the customary internal and external forces in the physics-based formulation. This paper presents results of applying our new deformable model to extracting a sphere surface with concavities from a computer-generated volume data and a brain cortical surface from a MR volume data.

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Integrity Evaluation for 3D Cracked Structures(II) (3차원 균열을 갖는 구조물에 대한 건전성 평가(II))

  • Lee, Joon-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2013
  • Three Surface cracks are among the more common flaws in aircraft and pressure vessel components. Accurate stress intensity analyses and crack growth rate data of surface-cracked components are needed for reliable prediction of their fatigue life and fracture strengths. Three Dimensional finite element method (FEM) was used to obtain the stress intensity factor for surface cracks existing in structures. A geometry model, i.e. a solid containing one or several 3D cracks is defined. Nodes are generated by bucket method, and quadratic tetrahedral solid elements are generated by the Delaunay triangulation techniques. To examine accuracy and efficiency of the present system, the stress intensity factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack in cylindrical structures subjected to pressure is calculated. Analysis results by present system showed good agreement with those by ASME equation and Raju-Newman's equation.

Aerodynamic analysis on the step types of a railway tunnel with non-uniform cross-section

  • Li, Wenhui;Liu, Tanghong;Huo, Xiaoshuai;Guo, Zijian;Xia, Yutao
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.269-285
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    • 2022
  • The pressure-mitigating effects of a high-speed train passing through a tunnel with a partially reduced cross-section are investigated via the numerical approach. A compressible, three-dimensional RNG k-ε turbulence model and a hybrid mesh strategy are adopted to reproduce that event, which is validated by the moving model test. Three step-like tunnel forms and two additional transitions at the tunnel junction are proposed and their aerodynamic performance is compared and scrutinized with a constant cross-sectional tunnel as the benchmark. The results show that the tunnel step is unrelated to the pressure mitigation effects since the case of a double-step tunnel has no advantage in comparison to a single-step tunnel, but the excavated volume is an essential matter. The pressure peaks are reduced at different levels along with the increase of the excavated earth volume and the peaks are either fitted with power or logarithmic function relationships. In addition, the Arc and Oblique-transitions have very limited gaps, and their pressure curves are identical to each other, whereas the Rec-transition leads to relatively lower pressure peaks in CPmax, CPmin, and ΔCP, with 5.2%, 4.0%, and 4.1% relieved compared with Oblique-transition. This study could provide guidance for the design of the novel railway tunnel.

Mapping Man-Made Levee Line Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Orthoimage (라이다 데이터와 항공 정사영상을 활용한 인공 제방선 지도화)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyen-Cheol;Chung, Youn-In;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2011
  • Levee line mapping is critical to the protection of environments in river zones, the prevention of river flood and the development of river zones. Use of the remote sensing data such as LiDAR and aerial orthoimage is efficient for river mapping due to their accessibility and higher accuracy in horizontal and vertical direction. Airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) has been used for river zone mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Use of image source is also efficient for extraction of features by analysis of its image source. Therefore, aerial orthoimage also have been used for river zone mapping tasks due to its image source and its higher accuracy in horizontal direction. Due to these advantages, in this paper, research on three dimensional levee line mapping is implemented using LiDAR and aerial orthoimage separately. Accuracy measurement is implemented for both extracted lines generated by each data using the ground truths and statistical comparison is implemented between two measurement results. Statistical results show that the generated 3D levee line using LiDAR data has higher accuracy than the generated 3D levee line using aerial orthoimage in horizontal direction and vertical direction.

Effects of occlusal load on the stress distribution of four cavity configurations of noncarious cervical lesions: A three-dimensional finite element analysis study (네 가지 형태의 비우식성 치경부 병소의 3차원 유한요소법적 응력분석)

  • Jeon, Sang-Je;Park, Jeong-Kil;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Woo, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Son, Kwon;Hur, Bock
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.359-370
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of excessive occlusal loading on stress distribution on four type of cervical lesion, using a three dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA). The extracted maxillary second premolar was scanned serially with Micro-CT. The 3D images were processed by 3D-DOCTOR. ANSYS was used to mesh and analyze 3D FE model. Four different lesion configurations representative of the various types observed clinically for teeth were studied. A static point load of 500N was applied to the buccal and lingual cusp (Load A and B). The principal stresses in lesion apex, and vertical sectioned margin of cervical wall were analyzed. The results were as follows 1. The patterns of stress distribution were similar but the magnitude was different in four types of lesion 2. The peak stress was observed at mesial corner and also stresses concentrated at lesion apex. 3. The compressive stress under load A and the tensile stress under load B were dominant stress. 4. Under the load, lesion can be increased and harmful to tooth structure unless restored.

FEM Electrical Resistivity Modeling in Cylindrical Coordinates (원통 좌표계에서의 전기비저항 유한요소 모델링)

  • Choi Wonseok;Kim Jung-Ho;Park KwonGyu;Kim Hak-Soo;Suh Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2002
  • The finite element method (FEM), a powerful numerical modeling tool for solving various engineering problems, is frequently applied to three-dimensional (3-D) modeling thanks to its capability of discretizing and simulating the shape of model with finite number of elements. Considering the accuracy of the solution and computing time in modeling of engineering problems, it is preferable to construct physical continuity and simplify mesh system. Although there exist systematic mesh generation systems for arbitrary shaped model, it is hard to model a simple cylinder in terms of 3-D coordinate system especially in the vicinity of the central axis. In this study I adopt cylindrical coordinate system for modeling the 3-D model space and define the origin of the coordinates with mathematically clear coordinate transformation. Since we can simulate the whole space with hexahedral elements, the cylindrical coordinate system is effective in handling the 3-D model structure. The 3-D do resistivity modeling scheme developed in this study provides basie principle for borehole-to-surface resistivity survey, which can be a useful tool for the application to environmental problem.

Object-Based Integral Imaging Depth Extraction Using Segmentation (영상 분할을 이용한 객체 기반 집적영상 깊이 추출)

  • Kang, Jin-Mo;Jung, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Byoung-Ho;Park, Jae-Hyeung
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2009
  • A novel method for the reconstruction of 3D shape and texture from elemental images has been proposed. Using this method, we can estimate a full 3D polygonal model of objects with seamless triangulation. But in the triangulation process, all the objects are stitched. This generates phantom surfaces that bridge depth discontinuities between different objects. To solve this problem we need to connect points only within a single object. We adopt a segmentation process to this end. The entire process of the proposed method is as follows. First, the central pixel of each elemental image is computed to extract spatial position of objects by correspondence analysis. Second, the object points of central pixels from neighboring elemental images are projected onto a specific elemental image. Then, the center sub-image is segmented and each object is labeled. We used the normalized cut algorithm for segmentation of the center sub-image. To enhance the speed of segmentation we applied the watershed algorithm before the normalized cut. Using the segmentation results, the subdivision process is applied to pixels only within the same objects. The refined grid is filtered with median and Gaussian filters to improve reconstruction quality. Finally, each vertex is connected and an object-based triangular mesh is formed. We conducted experiments using real objects and verified our proposed method.

Construction of a artificial levee line in river zones using LiDAR Data (라이다 자료를 이용한 하천지역 인공 제방선 추출)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.185-185
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    • 2011
  • Mapping of artificial levee lines, one of major tasks in river zone mapping, is critical to prevention of river flood, protection of environments and eco systems in river zones. Thus, mapping of artificial levee lines is essential for management and development of river zones. Coastal mapping including river zone mapping has been historically carried out using surveying technologies. Photogrammetry, one of the surveying technologies, is recently used technology for national river zone mapping in Korea. Airborne laser scanning has been used in most advanced countries for coastal mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Due to these advantages, use of LiDAR data in coastal mapping is efficient for monitoring and predicting significant topographic change in river zones. This paper introduces a method for construction of a 3D artificial levee line using a set of LiDAR points that uses normal vectors. Multiple steps are involved in this method. First, a 2.5-dimensional Delaunay triangle mesh is generated based on three nearest-neighbor points in the LiDAR data. Second, a median filtering is applied to minimize noise. Third, edge selection algorithms are applied to extract break edges from a Delaunay triangle mesh using two normal vectors. In this research, two methods for edge selection algorithms using hypothesis testing are used to extract break edges. Fourth, intersection edges which are extracted using both methods at the same range are selected as the intersection edge group. Fifth, among intersection edge group, some linear feature edges which are not suitable to compose a levee line are removed as much as possible considering vertical distance, slope and connectivity of an edge. Sixth, with all line segments which are suitable to constitute a levee line, one river levee line segment is connected to another river levee line segment with the end points of both river levee line segments located nearest horizontally and vertically to each other. After linkage of all the river levee line segments, the initial river levee line is generated. Since the initial river levee line consists of the LiDAR points, the pattern of the initial river levee line is being zigzag along the river levee. Thus, for the last step, a algorithm for smoothing the initial river levee line is applied to fit the initial river levee line into the reference line, and the final 3D river levee line is constructed. After the algorithm is completed, the proposed algorithm is applied to construct the 3D river levee line in Zng-San levee nearby Ham-Ahn Bo in Nak-Dong river. Statistical results show that the constructed river levee line generated using a proposed method has high accuracy in comparison to the ground truth. This paper shows that use of LiDAR data for construction of the 3D river levee line for river zone mapping is useful and efficient; and, as a result, it can be replaced with ground surveying method for construction of the 3D river levee line.

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Development of Radiation Shielding Analysis Program Using Discrete Elements Method in X-Y Geometry (2차원 직각좌표계에서 DEM을 이용한 방사선차폐해석 프로그램개발)

  • Park, Ho-Sin;Kim, Jong-Kyung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1993
  • A computational program [TDET] of the particle transport equation is developed on radiation shielding problem in two-dimensional cartesian geometry based on the discrete element method. Not like the ordinary discrete ordinates method, the quadrature set of angles is not fixed but steered by the spatially dependent angular fluxes. The angular dependence of the scattering source term in the particle transport equation is described by series expansion in spherical harmonics, and the energy dependence of the particles is considered as well. Three different benchmark tests are made for verification of TDET : For the ray effect analysis on a square absorber with a flat isotropic source, the results of TDET calculation are quite well conformed to those of MORSE-CG calculation while TDET ameliorates the ray effect more effectively than S$_{N}$ calculation. In the analysis of the streaming leakage through a narrow vacuum duct in a shield, TDET shows conspicuous and remarkable results of streaming leakage through the duct as well as MORSE-CG does, and quite better than S$_{N}$ calculation. In a realistic reactor shielding situation which treats in two cases of the isotropic scattering and of linearly anisotropic scattering with two groups of energy, TDET calculations show local ray effect between neighboring meshes compared with S$_{N}$ calculations in which the ray effect extends broadly over several meshes.eshes.

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Development of Helmholtz Solver for Thermo-Acoustic Instability within Combustion Devices (연소시스템의 열음향 불안정 예측을 위한 Helmholtz Solver 개발)

  • Kim, Seong-Ku;Choi, Hwan-Seok;Cha, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.445-455
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    • 2010
  • In order to effectively predict thermo-acoustic instability within real combustors of rocket engines and gas turbines, in the present study, the Helmholtz equation in conjunction with the time lag hypothesis is discretized by the finite element method on three-dimensional hybrid unstructured mesh. Numerical nonlinearity caused by the combustion response term is linearized by an iterative method, and the large-scale eigenvalue problem is solved by the Arnoldi method available in the ARPACK. As a consequence, the final solution of complex valued eigenfrequency and acoustic pressure field can be interpreted as resonant frequency, growth rate, and modal shape for acoustic modes of interest. The predictive capabilities of the present method have been validated against two academic problems with complex impedance boundary and premixed flame, as well as an ambient acoustic test for liquid rocket combustion chamber with/without baffle.