• 제목/요약/키워드: the cost of map production

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Economic Analysis Program Development for Assessment of Hydrogen Production, Storage/Delivery, and Utilization Technologies (수소 전주기 경제성 분석 프로그램 개발)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.607-615
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    • 2022
  • In this study, economic analysis program was developed for economic evaluation of hydrogen production, storage/delivery, and utilization technologies as well as overseas import of hydrogen. Economic analysis program can be used for the estimation of the levelized cost of hydrogen for hydrogen supply chain technologies. This program include five hydrogen production technology on steam methane reforming and water electrolysis, two hydrogen storage technologies (high compressed gas and liquid hydrogen storage), three hydrogen delivery technologies (compressed gas delivery using tube trailer, liquid hydrogen, and pipeline transportation) and six hydrogen utilization technologies on hydrogen refueling station and stationary fuel cell system. In the case of overseas import hydrogen, it was considered to be imported from five countries (Austraila, Chile, India, Morocco, and UAE), and the transportation methods was based on liquid hydrogen, ammonia, and liquid organic hydrogen carrier. Economic analysis program that was developed in this study can be expected to utilize for planning a detailed implementation methods and hydrogen supply strategies for the hydrogen economy road map of government.

Development of Computer Program for the Arrangement of the Forest-road Network to Maximize the Investment Effect on the Forest-road Construction (임도개설(林道開設)에 있어서 투자효과(投資效果)를 최대(最大)로 하는 임도배치(林道配置)프로그램 개발(開發))

  • Park, Sang-Jun;Son, Doo-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2001
  • The object of this study is to develop a computer program for the arrangement of the forest-road network maximizing the investment effect in forest-road construction with factors such as terrains, forest physiognomy, management plan, logging system, cost of forest-road construction, capacity of inputted labour, capacity of timber production and so on. The operating system developed by this study is Korean Windows 95/98 and Microsoft Visual Basic ver. 5.0. User interface was designed as systematic structure, it is presented as a kind of GUI(graphic user interface). The developed program has result of the most suitable forest-road arrangement, has suitable forest-road density calculated with cost of logging, cost of forest-road construction, diversion ratio of forest-road, cost of walking in forest. And the most suitable forest-road arrangement was designed for forest-road arrangement network which maximized investment effect through minimizing the sum of cost of logging and cost of forest-road construction. Input data were divided into map data and control data. Digital terrain model, division of forest-road layout plan, division of forest function and the existing road network are obtained from map data. on the other hand, cost of logging related terrain division, diversion ratio of forest-road and working road, cost of forest-road construction, cost of walking, cost of labor, walking speed, capacity of inputted labor, capacity of timber production and total distance of forest-road are inputted from control data. And map data was designed to be inputted by mesh method for common matrix. This program can be used to construct a new forest-road or vice forest-road which compensate already existing forest-road for the functional forestry.

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A Study on the Impact Analysis of Introducing Emission Trading System on CBP Market and Policy Implications (배출권거래제도 실시가 CBP 시장에 미치는 영향분석 및 대응방안 수립연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Soo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.5
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    • pp.667-679
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    • 2015
  • The bearer of the power sector's ETS compliance cost is power consumer for the following reasons. Firstly, power companies are constrained in establishing appropriate strategies to comply with ETS regulations due to the structural differences between the domestic power market and emission trading system. In other words, because power companies do not have a right to determine price and production of electricity, they have to compete with other companies under disadvantaged conditions in the emission trading market. Secondly, because ETS compliance cost is part of power production costs as it is also clearly written in the national greenhouse gas reduction road-map and the second energy supply plan, the cost should be included in power price following the power market operation rule. Thirdly, the most effective method to reduce carbon emissions in power sector is to reduce power demand, which is efficiently achieved through raising power price to a realistic level. Low power price in Korea is the major cause of rising power demand which is also the major cause of rising GHG emission. Therefore, power sector's ETS compliance cost should be included in power price to encourage power consumers' actions on reducing power consumption. Fourthly, when externality cost occurs in the process of delivering public services, usually beneficiary pay principle is applied to identify the cost bearer. Since electricity is one representative public good, the bearer of power sector's ETS compliance cost is power consumer.

A Strategy for Production of Digital Elevation Models in Korea

  • Lee, Chung-Kyung;CHO, Kyu-Jon;RYU, Joong-Hi
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2004
  • The National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) in korea, through the National Geographic Information System (NGIS) Program, has prepared to generate and disseminate digital elevation data for Korea. This is a pilot research to propose a policy for production, maintenance, and supply of Korea Digital Elevation Data(KDED). Customer demands for accuracy and resolution of DEM was surveyed through a questionnaire. In order to investigate the quality, the technical efficiency and the production cost, a tentative DEM in a small test site was generated based on digital topographic maps (original paper map scale 1:5,000), analytical plotter, and LIDAR. The Accuracy standard for KDED was derived based on source data generation methods. As a result of this research, a uniformly spaced grid model was recommended for KDED. Its preferable grid space is 5m in urban areas and its vicinity, and 10m in field and mountainous area. LIDAR has been valuated as a proper KDED generation method fulfilling customers' demands for the accuracy.

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Image Map Generation using the Airship Photogrammetric System (비행선촬영시스템을 이용한 영상지도 제작)

  • 유환희;제정형;김성삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2002
  • Recently, much demand of vector data have increased rapidly such as a digital map instead of traditional a paper map and the raster data such as a high-resolution orthoimage have been used for many GIS application with the advent of industrial high-resolution satellites and development of aerial optical sensor technologies. Aerial photogrammetric technologies using an airship can offer cost-effective and high-resolution color images as well as real time images, different from conventional remote sensing measurements. Also, it can acquire images easily and its processing procedure is short and simple relatively. On the other hand, it has often been used for the production of a small-scale land use map not required high accuracy, monitoring of linear infrastructure features through mosaicking strip images and construction of GIS data. Through this study, the developed aerial photogrammetric system using the airship expects to be applied to not only producing of scale 1:5, 000 digital map but also verifying, editing, and updating the digital map which was need to be reproduced. Further more, providing the various type of video-images, it expects to use many other GIS applications such as facilities management, scenery management and construction of GIS data for Urban area.

Block Adjustment with GPS/INS in Aerial Photogrammetry (GPS/INS에 의한 항공사진측량의 블럭조정)

  • 송연경;박운용;이재원;김정희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2004
  • In this thesis, two test flights were conducted in Gwacheon and Suwon area to evaluate the performance of accuracy and efficiency through the analysis of results among the three photogrammetric methods, that is, traditional photogrammetry, GPS -Photogrammetry and GPS/INS-Photogrammetry. Test results shows that a large variety of advantages of GPS-Photogrammetry and GPS/INS-Photogrammetry against traditional photogrammetry is to be verified. Especially, the number of ground control points for the exterior orientation could be saved more than 70-80%, and the cost for map production 30-50%, respectively. In addition, it was convinced that the large reduction of control points has not any effect on the block accuracy. It was also proved that the number of required ground control points for GPS/INS-Photogrammetry, is similar to that of GPS-Photogrammetry. Therefore it should be noted that GPS -Photogrammetry is more efficient in the aspect of reduction of mapping cost against GPS/INS-Photogrammetry, installing only an existing GPS receiver on survey aircraft to avoid high economic burden of procurement for integrated GPS/INS equipment.

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A Design and Implementation of HTML5 Vector Map for Individual Purpose Service (개인화 지도 서비스를 위한 HTML5 벡터지도 설계 및 구현)

  • Kwon, Jin-Young;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • At these day, owing to functional limitations and cost issues, used image map in web service have a problem which can not make exactly meet the user needs. This study aims to create an individual map for user suitable purposes using HTML5 technology that implement the vector map creation and its functions with services. The results of this study, the invisible problems of the tilting and rotation functions in image-based map utilizing the existing web environment were solved in HTML5 vector map. And to access the map information, by implementing the function of expressing the background and name data to selectively derive, various results were expressed in the map. Also, as a result of a comparison of performance the time required was measured at 0.88sec which comes in the range of the first loading time between 0.78sec and 7.56sec in a commercial map service, which showed the possibility of its commercialization. compared to 180GB of image maps for the production of a national map index system, the volume to produce a vector map was 2.5GB, a decrease by over 90%, which solved the issue of costs for a storage space. As a result, this study of HTML5 vector map design and implementation presented a plan for providing information suitable for the requirements of the users who use spatial information through utilizing a variety of information and expanding functions.

Problems and Countermeasures in Applying of Toyota Production System (도요타 생산방식의 도입적용상 문제점과 대응방안)

  • Park, Jin-Je;Lee, Dong-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2015
  • Until a recent date, Toyota Production System (called TPS) was introduced by many domestic companies to remove waste and reduce manufacturing cost. However, cases of substantial and effective improvement after the introduction are not much. Even though many companies have actively conducted TPS during that time, the outcome is not satisfactory. In this paper, we show the problems and core contents to consider in applying of TPS as follows. First, the innovative organizational culture formed by active participation of employees and leadership of the CEO is very important for a successful introduction of TPS above all. Second, it is necessary to prepare various training programs optimized for the field in order to continuously improve the competency of employees in each class, and to train skilled personnel through that programs. Third, it is necessary to improve the maturity level of TPS application through the construction of correct evaluation system on accomplishment of the production system. In addition, the problems that occur should be solved through the continuous improvement activities. These results will help to TPS introduction of the domestic small-medium companies. Therefore, this study will contribute to strengthen and improve the global competitiveness in the related industries.

Building Matching Analysis and New Building Update for the Integrated Use of the Digital Map and the Road Name Address Map (수치지도와 도로명주소지도의 통합 활용을 위한 건물 매칭 분석과 신규 건물 갱신)

  • Yeom, Jun Ho;Huh, Yong;Lee, Jeabin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2014
  • The importance of fusion and association using established spatial information has increased gradually with the production and supply of various spatial data by public institutions. The generation of necessary spatial information without field investigation and additional surveying can reduce time, labor, and financial costs. However, the study of the integration of the newly introduced road name address map with the digital map is very insufficient. Even though the use of the road name address map is encouraged for public works related to spatial information, the digital map is still widely used because it is the national basic map. Therefore, in this study, building matching and update were performed to associate the digital map with the road name address map. After geometric calibration using the block-based ICP (Iterative Closest Point) method, multi-scale corresponding pair searching with hierarchical clustering was applied to detect the multi-type match. The accuracy assessment showed that the proposed method is more than 95% accurate and the matched building layer of the two maps is useful for the integrated application and fusion. In addition, the use of the road name address map, which carries the latest and most frequently renewed data, enables cost-effective updating of new buildings.

A Study on the Role of Input Stabilization for Successful Settle down of TRM in Production Process : A Case of Display Industry (생산공정에서 TRM의 성공적 정착을 위한 Input 안정화의 역할에 관한 연구 : 디스플레이 산업 중심으로)

  • Cho, Myong Ho;Cho, Jin Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.140-152
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    • 2016
  • It is very important for the competitiveness and sustainable management of enterprises that the rapid changes in the managerial environments quickly and accurately are responded. For example, the large-scale investment accompanied by bad alternatives in accordance with misunderstanding of the managerial environments yields the huge cost and effort to modify and improve. In firm management, the quality of products and the productivity are influenced by changes of the endogenous factors yielded in manufacturing process and the exogenous factors as market, etc. These changes include not only changes in 4M (man, machine, material, method) but also those in the market, competitors, and technologies in the process of commodification, i.e., first, such disturbances make dispersion of the process big and odd. By Shewhart chart it can be checked that the process monitored is control-in or out. Business administration executes activities for input stabilization by monitoring changes in 4Ms, comparing with the standards, and taking measures for any abnormality. Second, TRM (technology road map) is to prospect product deployment and technological trend by predicting technologies in the competitive environment as the market, and to suggest the future directions of business. So, TRM must be modified and improved according to DR (design review) stages and changes in mass-production like input material change. Therefore, a role of TRM in input stabilization for reducing cost and man-hour is important. This study purposed to suggest that the environment changes are classified into endogenous factors and exogenous factors in production process, and then, quality and productivity should be stabilized efficiently through connection between TRM and input stabilization, and to prove that it is more effective for the display industry to connect TRM with input stabilization rather than to use TRM separately.