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The Effect of Creeping Bentgrass Growth on Greenspeed (그린잔디의 생육이 그린스피드에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Il-Woo;Lee, Dong-Hee;Choi, Byuong-Man;Tae, Hyun-Sook;Shin, Dong-Hyun
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2011
  • This research was performed to investigate change of green speed according to growth of grass, for this, the method of effective green management for improvement of green speed was searched by investigating green density, soil moisture, surface hardness, and mowing height every day for 6 months. As the result of the study, reliability between, green density, soil moisture, surface hardness, mowing height and green speed were measured to be respectively 0.4742, 0.5690, 0.4632, 0.2806, i.e. soil moisture is considered as the factor which affects green speed the most. Therefore, it will be an advantageous environment to maintain soil moisture a little bit low to improve green speed within the range that does not disrupt the growth of green. In case of green density, it is considered to be effective to get a fast green speed when obtaining enough density during May~June, the most vigorous growth period and at the same time green up period. Surface hardness was confirmed that management work as rolling is a considerably effective method to increase hardness. However, rolling gives high stress to the green, combining another management work as regular hilling could be a good alternative. Reliability of green preview and green speed was 0.2806, lower than soil moisture or surface hardness. Through the results, it was confirmed that management of mowing height to be low less than 3.00 mm is helpful to improve green speed, timely, and it is advantageous to manage green speed when adjusting mowing height during the vigorous growth period of bent grass. However, considering the range of mowing height was not various, being 2.9~3.4 mm, henceforth research on investigation of green speed at more various mowing heights would be necessary. Consequently, except mowing height, other three factors, i.e. green density, soil moisture and surface hardness were investigated to have considerable level of reliability on green speed, and it is considered that each factor affects green speed respectively according to green condition and time. Accordingly, in order for the manager to maintain high speed all year round, intensive care for each factor per time unit considering green growth condition is considered to be necessary.

Comparison of Production Performances between Early- and Late-feathering Chickens in Parent Stocks of Korean Native Chicken (토종종계에 있어 조우성 개체와 만우성 개체간 생산능력 비교 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki Gon;Cho, Eun Jung;Choi, Eun Sik;Kwon, Jae Hyun;Jung, Hyun Chul;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • Currently, feather-sexing, which is based on differences in feather development at hatching, is a widely used chick sexing method in the poultry industry. For effective chicken feather-sexing, paternal early-feathering (EF) chickens and maternal late-feathering (LF) chickens must be bred. Therefore, it is critical to identify the effect of EF and LF patterns on production traits in chickens. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the production performances between 522 EF and 232 LF chickens in order to establish the Korean native chicken feather-sexing lines. The results showed that the survival rate of the LF group was significantly higher than that of the EF group from hatching to 52 weeks of age (P<0.05). Body weight, however, was not significantly different between the two groups at all ages. LF and EF groups did not significantly differ in age at first egg laying. However, the hen-day and hen-housed egg production of the LF group were significantly higher than those of EF group (P<0.01). No significant differences were found between the EF and LF groups in all egg quality indicators such as egg weight, eggshell color, albumin height and Haugh unit. Because the breeding target of Korean native commercial chicken is meat-type chicken, feather-sexing strains of Korean native chicken should be established using weighing-based paternal EF lines and laying-based maternal LF lines. Therefore, these results are critical for establishing desirable and effective feather-sexing strains.

A Study on Optimum Tree Planting Density for Apartment Complex (아파트단지 조경수 적정식재밀도 연구)

  • Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Jeong, Wook-Ju;Lee, Im-Kyu;Kim, Min-Kyung;Park, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate optimum planting density for apartment complex. The validity of Landscape Architecture Criteria of Korea was checked for it. We compared our field data with Landscape Architecture Criteria. In this step, the tree density of urban forest was regarded as standard. Field study was examined in 3 apartment complexes located in capital area, especially completed during these 10 years. 10 sites in each complex were selected and tree density per unit area were calculated. This field study data was divided standard size and large size which received weight. And, it was compared and analyzed. And crown projected area(CPA) was calculated considering proper growth of low vegetation and sufficient shade. The outcome shows that minimum size of Landscape Architecture Criteria is rational. But, in the case of planting large size tree received weight, tree density was short comparing with the tree density of urban forest and CPA was less than 50%. By the result of field study in 3 apartment complex, the tree density of apartment complex satisfied or exceeded Landscape Architecture Criteria. But, in the case of planting large size tree, tree density and CPA show high density due to addition planting for deficient landscape. Therefore, the revision of the Landscape Architecture Criteria was required such as deletion or minimization of the weighted clause about the large size tree and regulate the limit CPA not less than 50% and not more than 100%.

A Study on the Amendment Scheme of Nutrient Standard Regulations for Infant Formula in Korea (우리나라 영.유아용 조제식의 영양소 규격기준 개선방안 연구)

  • Om, Ae-Son;Lee, Heon-Ok;Moon, Ji-Hea;Shim, Jae-Young;Kim, In-Hye;Won, Sun-Im;Rha, Young-Ah;Choi, Yun-Ju;Lee, Hye-Young;Park, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Myung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the present study was to propose some amendments on nutrient standard regulations of infant formula in Korea. For this purpose, we compared and analyzed the nutrient regulations of Korea, CODEX, U.S.A, Japan, EU, Australia and New Zealand. Some developing aspects of Korea's nutrient standard regulations for infant formula need to be examined as follows: firstly, both milk-based formula and soy-based formula standards would be unified into an infant formula, and the user of infant formula would be categorized for babies less than 6 month old. Secondly, nitrogen conversion factor of milk protein in the infant formula would be 6.38, which is the same as that of CODEX Revised Standard. Protein quantities could be differentiated by protein sources, and essential amino acids in human milk would be standardized according to protein contents. Thirdly, $\alpha$-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as essential fatty acids and trans fatty acid would be standardized in terms of the contents. Fourthly, it is recommended that the unit of vitamins and minerals would be changed from g/100 g to g/100 kcal, and individual vitamins and mineral would have their maximum values. Finally, 5 nucleotides (cytidine, uridine, adenosine, guanosine, inosine 5'-monophosphate) and fluoride would be required for the strengthening the immunity and the development of teeth, respectively. In conclusion, the scientific studies on amendment scheme of nutrient standard regulations of infant formula is very important to fortify nutritional completeness for Korean infants and young children.

Fluconazole prophylaxis in high-risk, very low birth weight infants (고위험 극소저체중 출생아에서 fluconazole 예방요법)

  • Kim, Soo Young;Lee, Soon Joo;Kim, Mi Jeong;Song, Eun Song;Choi, Young Youn
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.636-642
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Fluconazole prophylaxis for very low birth weight (VLBW) infants has been shown to reduce invasive fungal infection and its mortality. This study aims to evaluate the effect of fluconazole prophylaxis in VLBW infants on the incidence and mortality of fungal infection. Methods : VLBW infants with endotracheal intubation and central vascular access admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Chonnam University Hospital were enrolled. Twenty eight infants of 7-month baseline period from January to July 2005 ('non-fluconazole group') were compared with 29 infants of a 7-month fluconazole period from January to July 2006 ('fluconazole group'). Results : Gestational age, birth weight, sex, mode of delivery, frequency of twin pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, antenatal steroid and rupture of membranes were similar between the fluconazole and non-fluconazole groups. The rate of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants, frequency and duration of prophylactic antibiotics, total parenteral nutrition and umbilical catheters, duration of intralipid, mechanical ventilation and nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were also not significant. However, frequency of percutaneous central venous catheterization (PCVC) and intralipid administration, and duration of PCVC were significant between the two groups. The overall incidence and mortality of fungal infection were not different between the two groups. Although the Malassezia infection was increased in the fluconazole group (P<0.05), candida was significantly decreased compared to the non-fluconazole group (P<0.05). Conclusion : Fluconazole prophylaxis in high risk VLBW infants decreased the candida infection significantly. Antifungal prophylaxis is recommended in terms of cost effectiveness, but further study is needed to clarify the reason for the increase of Malassezia infection.

Tuberculosis in Infants (영아의 결핵)

  • Kim, Ee-Kyung;Nah, Song-Yi;Park, Jin-Young;Choi, Eun-Hwa;Lee, Hoan-Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : The risk of severe tuberculous disease such as meningitis or miliary tuberculosis increases as younger is the child at the time of infection. Therefore, the early diagnosis and prompt treatment is mandatory for infants with tuberculosis. This study was undertaken to describe the epidemiology, clinical and radiographic manifestations, and response to therapy in infants with tuberculous disease. Methods : Medical records of 29 infants with tuberculosis diagnosed at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital from July, 1985, to April, 1997, were reviewed, retrospectively. A case of tuberculosis was confirmed if M. tuberculosis was isolated from any body site or if there was histologic proof of tuberculosis. Otherwise, the diagnoses were individualized considering history of contact with contagious adult case, clinical manifestations, chest X-ray findings, result of a Mantoux test reaction with 5 tuberculin unit of PPD, and the response to therapy. Results : The mean age at diagnosis was $7.00{\pm}2.65$ months (range, 3 to 12 months). Twelve cases had isolated pulmonary diseases, and the rest had pulmonary disease and meningitis, 5 cases; pulmonary disease and cervical lymphadenitis, 3; isolated meningitis, 3; and miliary tuberculosis, 6. Source case was identified in 19 cases, 7 of which were detected with retrograde manner. Twenty seven of 29 were symptomatic at their initial visit. The presenting symptoms were mainly respiratory or neurologic, and respiratory difficulty was accompanied in 7 cases. Physical examination revealed wheezing in 7 cases and decreased breath sounds in 9. Hepatomegaly or hepatosplenomegaly were frequent. Chest radiographs showed lung parenchymal disease with hilar lymphadenopathy in 18 cases, and focal or generalized emphysematous change in 7 cases. Conclusion : Most of the infants with tuberculosis are symptomatic at diagnosis, and many of infants with intrathoracic tuberculosis presented with symptoms of bronchial obstruction. When tuberculosis is suspected in an infant, the adult source case should be vigorously investigated to aid in diagnosis and for the prevention of further transmission of tuberculous disease. Almost half of infant tuberculosis are preventable if prophylaxis were given when adult cases were diagnosed.

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A Retrospective Analysis of Characteristics of Probiotics Associated with Invasive Bacterial Infections in Children (소아청소년에서 발생한 유산균 제제에 포함된 균주에 의한 침습성 감염증의 후향적 분석)

  • Koh, June Young;Seo, Euri;Lee, Jina
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical features and risk factors of invasive infections caused by Lactobacillus spp. and Saccharomyces spp., components of commercially available probiotics. Methods: We analyzed demographic and clinical data from children ${\leq}18$ years of age with an invasive infection caused by Lactobacillus spp. or Saccharomyces spp. at the Asan Medical Center Children's Hospital from January 1998 to June 2016. Probiotic consumption data were also analyzed. Results: During the study period, a total of 24 episodes of invasive infections were caused by Lactobacillus spp. (n=16) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (n=8). Along with the increase of probiotic use (755,594 [days/1,000 patient-admission days] in 2001 to 2005, 1,444,066 in 2006 to 2010, and 6,904,736 in 2011 to 2016), the incidence of probiotic-associated invasive infection increased ($R^2=0.70$). The median age of the patients was 1.8 years (range, 2 months to 17 years), and most of them had underlying medical conditions. The 30-day mortality rate was 20.8% (5/24), and 11 (45.8%) of these patients resulted from a severe invasive infection. We determined the risk factors for invasive infection to be: previous intensive care unit stay (odds ratio [OR], 3.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.5 to 6.1] and the presence of a central venous catheter (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.2 to 4.3). Conclusions: Although the probiotic-associated invasive infections rarely occurred in children, the incidence has increased along with probiotic pressure. Judicious use of probiotics is mandatory, especially in young children with underlying medical conditions and continuous surveillance will be needed to minimize the safety concerns.

Comparison of Outcomes According to the Hospitals of Antenatal Care in Very Low Birth Weight Infants (극소 저체중 출생아에서 산전 관리 기관에 따른 임상 경과 및 예후 비교)

  • Lee, Byoung-Kook;Lee, Heun-Ji;Min, Sung-Joo;Kim, Do-Hyun;Kim, Hee-Sup
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences according to the hospitals of antenatal care in premature infants. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of premature infants with gestational ages <37 weeks and very low birth weights who were admitted immediately after birth to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at the Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital between March 2007 and February 2009. The hospitals of antenatal care were divided into two levels (primary antenatal care hospital: hospitals with less than a level 2 NICU, secondary antenatal care hospital: hospitals with a level 3 NICU) based on the level of NICU in hospitals. In addition, total infants were divided into two groups (Immediate group: infants born within 24 hours of maternal admission, Delayed group: infants born after 24 hours of maternal admission). The differences between maternal and neonatal variables in each groups were studied. Results: Neonates in secondary antenatal care hospitals comprised 11.0% of the study neonates (10 of 91). We compared with two groups (primary antenatal care hospital and secondary antenatal care hospital), but there were no differences in all subjects. However, the 1 minute Apgar score ($\leq3$) was lower in the immediate group than the delayed group. Conclusion: Shorter duration of maternal admission to delivery was associated with a lower 1 minute Apgar score of neonates. These findings suggest that if maintenance of pregnancy is difficult when high-risk gravidas are transferred, clinicians must prepare for emergencies of neonates.

Current Situation on Signing Advance Medical Directives and Actual Life-sustaining Treatment Given at a University Hospital (일개 대학병원의 연명치료 선택 및 사전의료의향서 작성 현황)

  • Yoon, Ho-Min;Choi, Youn-Seon;Hyun, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was performed to investigate patients' preferences on receiving life-sustaining treatments (LST) and to analyze the relationship between patients' characteristics and LST selection. We also examined any discrepancy between LST patients' choices regarding medical intervention and actual medical intervention given/not given within 48 hours before death. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed from March 1, 2008 to August 31, 2008 in the Palliative Care Unit of Korea University Hospital. Electric medical records (EMR) of 102 hospice cancer patients were reviewed, and 74 patients with Glasgow coma scale (GCS) ${\geq}$10 at the time of signing the advance medical directives (AMD) were selected for the first analysis. Then, patients alive at the end of this study, transferred to other hospitals or dead within 48 hours were excluded, and the remaining 42 patients were selected for the second analysis. Results: Preferred LST included antibiotics, total parenteral nutrition, tube feeding, transfusion, and laboratory and imaging studies. The relationship between patients' characteristics and LST could not be analyzed due to skewed preferences. LST chosen at the time of signing the AMD and actual medical intervention given/not given in the last 48 hours showed discrepancy in most cases. Conclusion: When making AMD in hospice cancer patients, it is important to consider the time and possibility of changing the choices. Above all, patients must fully understand the AMD. Thus, LST should always be provided with careful consideration of all possibilities, because legal and social aspects of AMD have not been established yet.

Materialistic Characterization of Waste Egg Shell and Fundamental Studies for Its Application to Wastewater Treatment (폐달걀껍질의 활용을 위한 물성조사 및 폐수처리 응용에의 기초연구)

  • Kuh, Sung-Eun;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.733-742
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    • 2000
  • Fundamental materialistic characterization and adsorption/neutralization behavior of waste egg shell for heavy metal ion have been studied for its application to wastewater treatment. To investigate the structural change and thermal decomposition characteristics of egg shell. X-ray diffraction and FT-IR analysis were conducted for egg shell treated at $105^{\circ}C$ and $700^{\circ}C$, respectively. For the result of FT-IR analysis, the sample treated at $700^{\circ}C$ showed a reduced C-O absorption band compared with that of egg shell treated at $105^{\circ}C$, which may be due to the $CO_2$ release. Unlike to the result of FT-IR analysis, the XRD patterns of egg shell were almost similar for the cases of $105^{\circ}C$ and $700^{\circ}C$ treatment. however, characteristic diffraction pattern of CaO was observed for $850^{\circ}C$ treatment, at which $CaCO_3$ is known to be completely converted to CaO. TGA/DTA analysis showed a slow decline in weight loss up to $600^{\circ}C$ and, for $600{\sim}800^{\circ}C$ range, the weight loss became drastic by reason of $CO_2$ discharge, which was accompanied by an appearance of major endothermic peak. The ratio of practical breakthrough time to ideal one, total transfer unit, and mass transfer coefficient were observed to be increased as the adsorption was progressed in a multiple-column fixed-bed reactor using egg shell as an adsorbent, which signified the distribution effect of mass transfer for continuous adsorption reaction. The neutralization effect of egg shell for several types of acidic wastewater made of different mineral acids was not much different from each other except for the case of $H_2SO_4$, for which the neutralization reaction was thought to be retarded by the formation of gypsum.

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