• Title/Summary/Keyword: the Operation Schedule

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Design of Integrated Process-Based Model for Large Assembly Blocks Considering Resource Constraints in Shipbuilding (자원제약을 고려한 조선 대조립 공정의 통합 프로세스 기반 모델 설계)

  • Jeong, Eunsun;Jeong, Dongsu;Seo, Yoonho
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2019
  • Because shipbuilding is single-product production with limited resources, production management technology is essential to manage the resources effectively and maximize the productivity of ship-process. Therefore, many shipbuilding companies are conducting research on ship production plan and process considering various constraints in the field by applying modeling and simulation. However, it is difficult to provide accurate production plan on sudden schedule and process changes, and to understand the interconnectivity between the processes that produce blocks in existing research. In addition, there are many differences between the production planning and field planning because detailed processes and quantity of blocks can not be considered. In this research, we propose the integrated process-based modeling method considering process-operation sequences, BOM(Bill of materials) and resource constraints of all the scheduled blocks in the indoor system. Through the integrated process-based model, it is easy for the user to grasp the assembly relationship, workspace and preliminary relationship of assembly process between the blocks in indoor system. Also, it is possible to obtain the overall production plan that maximizes resource efficiency without the separate simulation and resource modeling procedures because resource balancing that considers the amount of resource quantity shared in the indoor system is carried out.

RFID-Based Integrated Decision Making Framework for Resource Planning and Process Scheduling for a Pharmaceutical Intermediates Manufacturing Plant (의약품 중간체 생산 공정의 전사적 자원 관리 및 생산 계획 수립을 위한 최적 의사결정 시스템)

  • Jeong, Changjoo;Cho, Seolhee;Kim, Jiyong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.346-355
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    • 2020
  • This study proposed a new optimization-based decision model for an enterprise resource planning and production scheduling of a pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturing plant. To do this work, we first define the inflow and outflow information as well as the model structure, and develop an optimization model to minimize the production time (i.e., makespan) using a mixed integer linear programing (MILP). The unique feature of the proposed model is that the optimal process scheduling is established based on real-time resource logistics information using a radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, thereby theoretically requiring no material inventories. essential information for process operation, such as the required amount of raw materials and estimated arrival timing to manufacturing plant, is used as logistics constraints in the optimization model to yield the optimal manufacturing scheduling to satisfy final production demands. We illustrated the capability of the proposed decision model by applying the optimization model to two scheduling problems in a real pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturing process. As a result, the optimal production schedule and raw materials order timing were identified to minimize the makespan while satisfying all the product demands.

Evaluation method for interoperability of weapon systems applying natural language processing techniques (자연어처리 기법을 적용한 무기체계의 상호운용성 평가방법)

  • Yong-Gyun Kim;Dong-Hyen Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Institute of Defense Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2023
  • The current weapon system is operated as a complex weapon system with various standards and protocols applied, so there is a risk of failure in smooth information exchange during combined and joint operations on the battlefield. The interoperability of weapon systems to carry out precise strikes on key targets through rapid situational judgment between weapon systems is a key element in the conduct of war. Since the Korean military went into service, there has been a need to change the configuration and improve performance of a large number of software and hardware, but there is no verification system for the impact on interoperability, and there are no related test tools and facilities. In addition, during combined and joint training, errors frequently occur during use after arbitrarily changing the detailed operation method and software of the weapon/power support system. Therefore, periodic verification of interoperability between weapon systems is necessary. To solve this problem, rather than having people schedule an evaluation period and conduct the evaluation once, AI should continuously evaluate the interoperability between weapons and power support systems 24 hours a day to advance warfighting capabilities. To solve these problems, To this end, preliminary research was conducted to improve defense interoperability capabilities by applying natural language processing techniques (①Word2Vec model, ②FastText model, ③Swivel model) (using published algorithms and source code). Based on the results of this experiment, we would like to present a methodology (automated evaluation of interoperability requirements evaluation / level measurement through natural language processing model) to implement an automated defense interoperability evaluation tool without relying on humans.

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Multi-Channel MAC Protocol Based on V2I/V2V Collaboration in VANET (VANET에서 V2I/V2V 협력 기반 멀티채널 MAC 프로토콜)

  • Heo, Sung-Man;Yoo, Sang-Jo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2015
  • VANET technologies provide real-time traffic information for mitigating traffic jam and preventing traffic accidents, as well as in-vehicle infotainment service through Telematics/Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Due to the rapid increasement of various requirements, the vehicle communication with a limited resource and the fixed frame architecture of the conventional techniques is limited to provide an efficient communication service. Therefore, a new flexible operation depending on the surrounding situation information is required that needs an adaptive design of the network architecture and protocol for efficiently predicting, distributing and sharing the context-aware information. In this paper, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) based on communication between vehicle and a Road Side Units (RSU) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) based on communication between vehicles are effectively combined in a new MAC architecture and V2I and V2V vehicles collaborate in management. As a result, many vehicles and RSU can use more efficiently the resource and send data rapidly. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve high resource utilization in accordance. Also we can find out the optimal transmission relay time and 2nd relay vehicle selection probability value to spread out V2V/V2I collaborative schedule message rapidly.

The consideration of a input KTX in airport railroad (공항철도 구간 KTX투입 방안 고찰)

  • Kim, Do-Heon;Jung, Byung-Ryul;Rha, Sang-Ju
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.1681-1698
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    • 2011
  • According to the demands of the times, Inchon international airport railroad opened up step by step but It is situation that much government subsidies are paid because It does not competitive power with road traffic by decline of schedule speed. Inchon international airport railroad users will convert by other transportation and minimize damage their time as travel time is prolonged. Therefore, need high speedization of airport railroad, this may act big role competitive power security as well as airport railroad activation with another public transportation. Thus, this paper suggests that a high speedization possibility section in the sections of airport railroad and train speed elevation effect analysis by roadbed, railroad, system improvement and the most efficient operation intervals analyzing each vehicles (AREX (120km/h), KTX (230km/h), EMU(Electric Multiple Unit, 180km/h) train running pattern.

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Analysis of Local Government Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinances and Preparation of Consultation Guidelinesfor EIA - A Case of Incheon Metropolitan City - (지방자치단체 환경영향평가 조례 현황 분석과 협의 지침서 작성 방안 - 인천광역시 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jongook;Cho, Kyeong Doo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.226-240
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    • 2022
  • Local governments over a certain size in Republic of Korea may conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) considering regional characteristics if it is necessary, in accordance with Article 42 of the 「Environmental Impact Assessment Act」. However, it was investigated that the number of local government EIA operation in many local governments was less than initial expectations. In order to improve it, the status of ordinances and consultation guidelines which are different for each local government need to be compared, and the institutional issues forthe relevant local governments must be found considering regional characteristics. Furthermore, detailed regulation and guidance on the local government EIA procedure should be included in the consultation guidelines and related information need to be provided. In this study, focusing on the case of Incheon Metropolitan City, the status of local government EIA ordinances in metropolitan cities and provinces with a similar condition was investigated, and the types and scope of target projects were compared and analyzed. In addition, consultation guidelines forIncheon Metropolitan City were written, and improvements on the procedure flow and overall schedule designation derived from the process were presented. In the case of Incheon Metropolitan City, there were no detailed information officially announced regarding the regulations of the local government EIA ordinance and follow-up management, so the administrative system of the local government needed to be reinforced in this field. Meanwhile, considering the status of local environment and geography, some target project types were deemed necessary to be added: port construction projects, water resource development projects, railroad construction projects, and military facilities installation projects. The results of this study will provide useful information to local governments which want to improve their operation effectiveness by reorganizing the local government EIA system and preparing specific guidelines.

A Basie Health Survey of the Yonsei Community Health Service Area, Seoul (연세지역(延世地域)에 대(對)한 보건기초조사(保健基礎調査))

  • Yang, Jae-Mo;Kim, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 1968
  • Introduction In order to improve medical education through the introduction of a concept of comprehensive health care of a community, an area surrounding the University Campus was chosen for the Community Health Service Project. It has been on operation for last 4 years with its major emphasis on family planning services, and maternal and child health care. The major objectives of this survey at the area are to obtain: 1) The demographic data, 2) The health need and trend of medical care, 3) The attitude and practice in maternity care to be used for further improvement of the planning and the services of the project. Population and Survey Method Out of three Dongs of the Community Health Service Area, only two Dongs namely Changchun and Yonhee were selected for the survey. Total number of households and population in the area studied was 3,683 and 21,857 respectively. An interview was performed with questionnaire schedule which was recorded by interviewers. This includes the degree of utilization of health services provided by the Community Health Service Program such as family planning, prenatal care during their last pregnancy, delivery history and complications of the delivery as well as the incidence of illnesses in general. Prior to the interview, all interviewers were trained for interviewing technique for two days. The survey was carried out during the period from October December 1967. Results 1) Demographic Data : 41.3% of the population studied were children under age 15 and only 3.5% were over 60 years of age. Crude birth rate and crude death rate of this area studied during the period of November 1966-October 1967 were 20.5 and 7.7 respectively. Infant mortality rate during the same period was 35.9. 50.4% of the 2,832 households fell into the category of middle class, 39.8% to the lower class and 9.5% to the upper class in economic condition. 19.8% of 2,832 householders had no formal education, 22.7% primary school, and 57.5% middle or higher school education. 2) Health Status and Utilization of the Community Health Service: Those who suffered from many illnesses during the month of October, 1967 were 690(4.6% of 14,891 persons). Classification of these patients into the type of disease shown respiratory diseases 27.4%, gastrointestinal diseases 18.1%, tuberculosis 10.9%, skin and genitourethral diseases 4.5% and gynecologic patients 4.5%. Only 55.9% of the patients received medical care at hospital or doctor's clinic. But among TB and gynecologic patients, 70.7% and 72.4% were treated at medical facilities. 10.6% of 2,832 householders interviewed has ever utilized the Community Health Service Program provided by the Yonsei Medical School, Classifying these clients into the type of service, 35.9% utilized the wellbaby clinic, 31.0% the family planning clinic, 14.7% the home delivery care, and the rest utilized other services such as the premarital guidance cinlic and the sanitary inspection service. 3) Maternity Care: 23.6% of 2,151 deliveries were done at medical facilities such as hospital, private clinic, while 76.4% were done at home. Acceptance rate of prenatal care was 32.6% as whole, but 49.6 of 774 women who had the prenatal care service had their deliveries at medical facility. 45.1% of total deliveries were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 75.8% of the deliveries of those received prenatal care were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel while only 27.8% of the deliveries of those who did not have prenatal care attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 49.8% of deliveries of the upper class, 29.8% of the middle class and 9.9% of the lower class were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 6.2, 3.3% and 24.8% of mothers reported about their xeperience of edema, coma and fever during the period of trimester of pregnancy and puerperium. 4) Family Planning: The rate of practice of family planning was 27.9%. 31.7% of them were by IUD, 2.9% by oral pill, 15.2% by sterilization and the rest by traditional methods. Those women who had 3 to 4 children had highest(30.2%). Practice rate among the various methods of family planning, oral pill was the most popular method to whom had 2 or less children. In relation between the practicing rate of family planning and living standard, the upper, middle and lower class practiced 37.5, 29.4 and 19.9% respectively.

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Diagnosis and Improvements Plan Study of CIPP Model-based Vocational Competency Development Training Teacher Qualification Training (Training Course) (CIPP 모형 기반 직업능력개발훈련교사 자격연수(양성과정) 진단 및 개선 방안 연구)

  • Bae, Gwang-Min;Woo, Hye-Jung;Choi, Myung-Ran;Yoon, Gwan-Sik
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.95-121
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    • 2017
  • The vocational competency development training teacher must complete the training course for the training of vocational competency development training instructor and get the qualification of the vocational competency development training teacher from the Ministry of Employment & Labor with the criteria set by the Presidential Decree. Therefore, it can be said that H_university 's educational performance, which is the only vocational competency development training teacher in Korea and that plays a role of mass production in the labor market, has a great influence on vocational competency development training. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems through the analysis of actual condition of vocational competency development training education based on CIPP model, Furthermore, it was aimed to suggest improvement plan of qualification training education. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, the present situation of the training course for the vocational competency development training teacher training students was grasped. And We conducted a survey to draw out the improvement plan and utilized the results of 173 copies. We conducted interviews by selecting eight subjects for in-depth analysis and Understand the details of the results of the surveys conducted. As a result of the study, positive responses were obtained from the educational objectives and educational resources in the context factors. On the other hand, there were negative opinions about the curriculum reflecting the learner and social needs. In the input factors, positive opinions were derived from the educational objectives and training requirements. However, there were many negative opinions about the achievement of the learner's educational goals. In addition, there were many negative opinions of online contents education. In the process factors, positive evaluation was high in class related part, learner attendance management, and institutional support. However, negative opinions were drawn on the comprehensive evaluation of qualification training period, and the learner's burden due to lack of learning period appeared to be the main reason. In the factor of calculation, Positive opinions were derived from the applicability of the business curriculum for training courses for training teachers who are in charge of education and training in industry occupations. However, there were negative opinions such as learning time, concentration of learning, and communication of instructors. Based on the results of the study, suggestions for improving the operation of vocational competency training teacher qualification training are as follows. First, it is necessary to flexibly manage the training schedule for the weekly training course for vocational competency development training teachers. Second, it is necessary to seek to improve the online education curriculum centered on consumers. Third, it is necessary to seek access to qualification training for local residents. Fourth, pre - education support for qualified applicants is required. Finally, follow-up care of qualified trainees is necessary.

Treatment of Malodorous Waste Air Containing Ammonia Using Hybrid System Composed of Photocatalytic Reactor and Biofilter (암모니아 함유 악취폐가스의 광촉매반응공정과 바이오필터로 구성된 하이브리드시스템 처리)

  • Lee, Eun Ju;Lim, Kwang-Hee
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.272-278
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    • 2013
  • The hybrid system composed of a photocatalytic reactor and a biofilter was operated under various operating conditions in order to treat malodorous waste air containing ammonia which is a major air pollutant emitted from composting factories and many publicly owned treatment works. Total ammonia removal efficiency of the hybrid system was maintained to be ca. 80% even though its inlet loads were increased at a higher operating stage according to an operating schedule of the hybrid system. The ammonia removal efficiency of photocatalytic reactor was decreased from 65% to 22% as ammonia inlet loads to photocatalytic reactor were increased. In spite of same inlet loads of ammonia to the photocatalytic reactor, the ammonia removal efficiency of photocatalytic reactor with lower ammonia concentration of fed-waste air was higher than that with higher ammonia concentration of fed-waste air. To the contrary, during the first half of the hybrid system operation the ammonia removal efficiency of a biofilter was quite suppressed while, despite of increased ammonia inlet loads, the ammonia removal efficiency of the biofilter was continuously increased to 78% and reached the ammonia removal efficiency similar to what Lee et al. attained. The maximum ammonia elimination capacity of the photocatalytic reactor was observed to be ca. 16 g-N/$m^3$/h. In an incipient stage of hybrid system run, the ammonia elimination capacity of the biofilter showed little sensitivity against ammonia inlet loads to the hybrid system. However, in the 2nd half of its run, the ammonia elimination capacity of the biofilter was increased abruptly in case of high ammonia inlet loads to the hybrid system. In 6th stage of hybrid system run, total ammonia inlet load attained at ca. 80 g-N/$m^3$/h corresponding to 16 g-N/$m^3$/h of ammonia elimination capacity of the photocatalytic reactor. Then, the remaining ammonia inlet load to the 2nd and main process of the biofilter and its elimination capacity was expected and shown to be ca 64 g-N/$m^3$/h and ca 48 g-N/$m^3$/h, respectively. The ammonia elimination capacity of the biofilter was close to 1,200 g-N/$m^3$/day of the maximum elimination capacity of the investigation performed by Kim et al.

A Validation Study of the Korean Version of Social Communication Questionnaire (한국어판 사회적 의사소통 설문지 타당화 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyun;Sunwoo, Hyun-Jung;Park, Su-Bin;Noh, Dong-Hyun;Jung, Yeon Kyung;Cho, In-Hee;Cho, Soo-Churl;Kim, Bung-Nyun;Shin, Min-Sup;Kim, Jae-Won;Park, Tae-Won;Son, Jung-Woo;Chung, Un-Sun;Yoo, Hee Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purposes of this study were to examine the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Social Communication Questionnaire (K-SCQ) and to determine cut-off scores for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods : A total of 166 subjects with ASD and their 186 unaffected siblings were recruited through child psychiatry clinics of university hospitals. Board certified child psychiatrists screened all probands suspected to have ASD based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition. To confirm the diagnoses, the Korean versions of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (K-ADI-R) were administered to all the subjects. All parents completed the K-SCQ and Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). The non-ASD siblings were evaluated with the same instruments as the probands with ASD. We performed a factor analysis to examine the structure of K-SCQ. For testing the validity of K-SCQ, we compared the difference in Lifetime and Current scores of probands with ASD and their non-ASD siblings using t-test and analysis of covariance. Correlations between the K-SCQ and other measurements of ASD symptomatology, including K-ADI-R totals and domain scores and SRS, were examined. Receiver operation characteristic curve analysis was performed to extract cutoff scores discriminating affection status. Results : Four factors were extracted through factor analysis of K-SCQ ; 1) social relation and play, 2) stereotyped behavior, 3) social behavior, and 4) abnormal language. Cronbach's internal consistency was .95 in K-SCQ Lifetime, and .93 in K-SCQ Current. There were significant differences in total score of K-SCQ, both in Lifetime and Current between the ASD group and non-ASD siblings group (p<.05). K-SCQ scores were significantly correlated with K-ADI-R subdomain scores and SRS total scores (p<.05). The best-estimate cut-off scores of K-SCQ for diagnosis of ASD were 12 for 48 months and over, and 10 for below 47 months. Conclusion : Our findings suggest that the K-SCQ is a reliable and valid instrument for screening autistic symptoms in the Korean population. Lower cut-off scores than the original English version might be considered when using it as a screening instrument of ASD.