• Title/Summary/Keyword: text linguistics

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The Stream of Uncertainty in Scientific Knowledge using Topic Modeling (토픽 모델링 기반 과학적 지식의 불확실성의 흐름에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Go Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2019
  • The process of obtaining scientific knowledge is conducted through research. Researchers deal with the uncertainty of science and establish certainty of scientific knowledge. In other words, in order to obtain scientific knowledge, uncertainty is an essential step that must be performed. The existing studies were predominantly performed through a hedging study of linguistic approaches and constructed corpus with uncertainty word manually in computational linguistics. They have only been able to identify characteristics of uncertainty in a particular research field based on the simple frequency. Therefore, in this study, we examine pattern of scientific knowledge based on uncertainty word according to the passage of time in biomedical literature where biomedical claims in sentences play an important role. For this purpose, biomedical propositions are analyzed based on semantic predications provided by UMLS and DMR topic modeling which is useful method to identify patterns in disciplines is applied to understand the trend of entity based topic with uncertainty. As time goes by, the development of research has been confirmed that uncertainty in scientific knowledge is moving toward a decreasing pattern.

Understanding the semantic change of Hangeul using word embedding (단어 임베딩 기법을 이용한 한글의 의미 변화 파악)

  • Sun, Hyunseok;Lee, Yung-Seop;Lim, Changwon
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, as many people post their interests on social media or store documents in digital form due to the development of the internet and computer technologies, the amount of text data generated has exploded. Accordingly, the demand for technology to create valuable information from numerous document data is also increasing. In this study, through statistical techniques, we investigate how the meanings of Korean words change over time by using the presidential speech records and newspaper articles public data. Using this, we present a strategy that can be utilized in the study of the synchronic change of Hangeul. The purpose of this study is to deviate from the study of the theoretical language phenomenon of Hangeul, which was studied by the intuition of existing linguists or native speakers, to derive numerical values through public documents that can be used by anyone, and to explain the phenomenon of changes in the meaning of words.

"Say Hello to Vietnam!": A Multimodal Analysis of British Travel Blogs

  • Thuy T.H. Tran
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.91-129
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    • 2023
  • This paper reports the findings of a multimodal study conducted on 10 travel blog posts about Vietnam by seven British professional travel bloggers. The study takes a sociolinguistic view to tourism by seeing travel blogs as a source for linguistic and other semiotic materials while considering language as situated practice for the social construction of fundamental categories such as "human," "society," and "nation." It borrows concepts from Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics for interpersonal metafunction to develop an analytical framework to study how the co-occurrence of text and still images in these travel blog posts formulated the portrayal of Vietnam as a tourism destination and indicated the main sociolinguistic features of the blogs. The analysis of appreciation values and interactive qualities encoded in evaluative adjectives and still images show that Vietnam is generally portrayed as a country of identity and diversity. It provides tourists with positive experiences in terms of places of interest, food and local lifestyles and is cost-competitive. Strangerhood and authenticity are two outstanding sociolinguistic features exhibited in these travel blog posts. The findings of this study also underline the co-contribution of the linguistic sign, in this case evaluative adjectives, and the visual sign, in this case still images, as interpersonal meaning-making resources. To portray Vietnam, still images served as integral elements to evidence the credibility of verbal narrations. To unveil sociolinguistic characteristics of travel blogs, still images supported the linguistic realizations of authenticity and strangerhood on the posts, and in some case delivered an even stronger message than words. Not only does the study present a source of feedback from international travelers to tourism practice in Vietnam, but it also provides insights into multimodal analysis of tourism discourse which remains an under-researched area in Vietnam.

Archaismen im heutigen Deutsch (현대 독일어에 나타난 고어)

  • Kim Jong-Soo
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.2
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2000
  • Archaismen als sprachliches $Ph\"{a}nomen$, das zeitspezifischen Bewertungen unterliegt, sind bis jetzt in der Sprachwissenschaft wenig beachtet worden. In vorliegender Arbeit werden die $vielf\"{a}ltigen$ archaischen Formen behandelt, die noch heute in einem bestimmten Kontext gebraucht werden. Das Wort Archaismus starnmt von dem griechischen archaios 'altertumlich', und wird $haupts\"{a}chlich$ als Stilmittel der Rhetorik benutzt, um poetische, pathetische oder ironische Effekte hervorzurufen. Unter Archaismus wird em aus verschiedenen $Gr\"{u}nden$ veraltendes und veraltetes Wortgut verstanden, das aber noch im $Bewu{\ss}tsein\;der\;Sprachtr\"{a}ger$ lebt und im gegenwartssprachlichen Text verwendet wird. Ein Instrument zur deskriptiven Erfassung von Archaismen kann das $W\"{o}rterbuch\;sein.\;In\;W\"{o}rterb\"{u}chern$ der deutschen Gegenwartssprache werden Angaben $\"{u}ber$ zeitspezifische Markierungen eines Lexems gemacht: z.B. 'veraltet' , 'veraltend', $'fr\"{u}her'$, 'selten' 'historisch', 'nationalsozialistisch', , 'modern', , modisch , usw. Aber liber Art und Zahl der Markierung einerseits $\"{u}ber$ liber ihre Trennscharfe andererseits besteht noch keineswegs Klarheit. Der Vorgang des Veraltens - der Archaisierung - von Lexemen ist ein $Proze{\ss}$, der schwieriger festzustellen ist als das Aufkommen von neuen $W\"{o}rtern$. Hier sol1 nur eine von verschiedenen Ursachen genannt werden: $W\"{o}rter$ veralten mit ihren Denotaten. Wenn das Denotat aus dem gesellschaftlichen Leben verschwindet, ist auch die Benennung nicht mehr notwendig. Archaismen sind keineswegs auf den lexikalischen Bereich beschrankt, obwohl sie dort am meisten auffallen. Sie treten vielmehr auf allen Strukturebenen, vom Laut bis zum Text, auf: - auf der lautlichen Ebene: Kur/$K\"{u}r$, Melodie/Melodei, $g\"{u}lden$/golden - auf der morphologischen Ebene: gerne, am Tage, geschmecket/ geschmeckt - auf der graphematischen Ebene: That vs. Tat, Capital vs. Kapital - auf der lexikalischen Ebene: Oheim, Knabe, Kerker, Schulmeister - auf der Wortbildungsebene: Afterglauben, $Sch\"{o}ne$, kleineln - auf der syntaktischen Ebene: guten Mutes sein, einer Verbindung halber, $R\"{o}slein$ rot - auf der Textebene: Wollen der Herr unten speisen? Archaismen treten in unterschiedlichen Texten und Textsorten auf. Eine spezielle Funktion haben Archaismen im Sprachkunstwerk. Autoren nutzen sie, urn Zeitkolorit zu schaffen. Im Alltagsleben $k\"{o}nnen$ Archaismen Lebensumstande und -erfahrungen signalisieren. Altes Wortgut wird als kostbarer nationaler Besitz angesehen. Man kann heute immer wieder den $R\"{u}ckgriff\;auf\;\"{a}lteres$ Sprachgut beobachten, entweder urn Vergangenes und Vergessenes neu zu beleben oder urn die jeweilige Gegenwartssprache mit Hilfe yon Archaismen historisch zu vertiefen und gleichzeitig zu erweitern. Archaismen sind somit die sprachlichen Zeugen der Vergangenheit. Zugleich sind Sie auch Zeichen $f\"{u}r$ die 'Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen' in heutigen Sprachen, weil sie 'kommunikativ mehrere Generationen, kulturell viele Jahrhunderte oder sogar Jahrtausende $\"{u}berbr\"{u}cken\;k\"{o}nnen$'.

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A Case Study of a Text Mining Method for Discovering Evolutionary Patterns of Mobile Phone in Korea (국내 휴대폰의 진화패턴 규명을 위한 텍스트 마이닝 방안 제안 및 사례 연구)

  • On, Byung-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2015
  • Systematic theory, concepts, and methodology for the biological evolution have been developed while patterns and principles of the evolution have been actively studied in the past 200 years. Furthermore, they are applied to various fields such as evolutionary economics, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary linguistics, making significant progress in research. In addition, existing studies have applied main biological evolutionary models to artifacts although such methods do not fit to them. These models are also limited to generalize evolutionary patterns of artifacts because they are designed in terms of a subjective point of view of experts who know well about the artifacts. Unlike biological organisms, because artifacts are likely to reflect the imagination of the human will, it is known that the theory of biological evolution cannot be directly applied to artifacts. In this paper, beyond the individual's subjective, the aim of our research is to present evolutionary patterns of a given artifact based on peeping the idea of the public. For this, we propose a text mining approach that presents a systematic framework that can find out the evolutionary patterns of a given artifact and then visualize effectively. In particular, based on our proposal, we focus mainly on a case study of mobile phone that has emerged as an icon of innovation in recent years. We collect and analyze review posts on mobile phone available in the domestic market over the past decade, and discuss the detailed results about evolutionary patterns of the mobile phone. Moreover, this kind of task is a tedious work over a long period of time because a small number of experts carry out an extensive literature survey and summarize a huge number of materials to finally draw a diagram of evolutionary patterns of the mobile phone. However, in this work, to minimize the human efforts, we present a semi-automatic mining algorithm, and through this research we can understand how human creativity and imagination are implemented. In addition, it is a big help to predict the future trend of mobile phone in business and industries.

Das strategische Verstehen der Werbeanzeige (광고텍스트의 전략적 이해)

  • Oh Jang-Geun
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.1
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    • pp.287-311
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    • 1999
  • Das $verst\"{a}rkte$ Interesse der Sprachwissenschaft, sich mit expositorischen Gegenwartstexten zu befassen, fuhrte in den 60er Jahren zu einer intensiven Betrachtung lingualer Erscheinungen der Werbesprache. $Zun\"{a}chst$ widmete man sich der exemplarischen Erforschung lexikalischer, syntaktischer und stilistischer Erscheinungen, die als charakteristisch $f\"{u}r\;\"{o}konomisch$ oder ideologisch $gepr\"{a}gte\;Anpreisung\;eingesch\"{a}tzt$ wurden. Eine weitere Intention bestand darin, die Korrelation zwischen Werbe­sprache und Standardsprache zu definieren. Bald erkannte man, $da\ss$ eine werbliche Aussage nicht allein durch sprachliche, sondern auch durch visuelle und auditive $Ausdrucksmodalit\"{a}ten\;gepr\"{a}gt$ wurde. Die Erforschung dieser extralingualen Zeichensysteme ist bis heute nicht soweit ausgereift, $da\ss\;global\;g\"{u}ltige$ Aussagen gemacht werden $k\"{o}nnen$, denn eme umfassende Darstellung des visuellen Vokabulars fehlt. Neben den formal-gestalterischen Aspekten untersuchte man, welche Inhalte auf welche Weise vermittelt wurden und welchen psychologischen Effekt sie evozierten. Parallel dazu existierte die Intention, die vielschichtigen $\"{o}konomischen$, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bedingungen werblicher Kommunikation zu ergrtinden. In diesem Beitrag wurde davon ausgegangen, $da\ss$ Werbeanzeigen unter Verstehensaspekten systematisch untersucht werden sollen, wenn der Kommunikatonszweck der Werbeanzeigen darin besteht, den Text­rezipienten (den potentiellen Konsumenten) sie sich leicht $einpr\"{a}gen$ zu lassen und eine Kaufentscheidung $\"{u}ber$ das entsprechende Produkt $auszul\"{o}sen$. Dabei gelten Werbeanzeigen als multimediale Texte, in denen verbale und nonverbale Zeichen sich gegenseitig $erg\"{a}nzen$ und wechselseitig determinieren $k\"{o}nnen$. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden also das Zusammenwirken der verschiedenen Sinnsteuerungsfaktoren, die im $Verstehensproze\ss$ der Werbeanzeigen aktiviert werden $k\"{o}nnen$ und ihre Relevanzwerte zum Erfassen des Textsinns thematisiert. $Daf\"{u}r$ wird die Textsorte 'Werbeanzeige' $Zun\"{a}chst$ als Untersuchungsgegenstand definiert und eindeutig von anderen Textsorten abgegrenzt. Daran $schlie{\ss}en\;sich\;die\;Erkl\"{a}rung$ und die Kritik des strategischen Verarbei­tungsmodells von van Dijk/Kintsch an. Nach der Kritik des Strategiemodells von van Dijk/Kintsch wurde die Werbeanzeige 'Whisky-Chivas Regal' zur empirischen $Begr\"{u}ndung$ des strategischen Verstehensansatzes $ausgew\"{a}hlt$ und analysiert. Aus der funktional-strategischen Verstehensanalyse der Werbeanzeige 'Whisky­Chivas Regal' $l\"{a}{\ss}t\;sich\;folgern,\;da\ss$ neben der schematischen Strategie vier verschiedene Verarbeitungsstrategien, $n\"{a}mlich$ syntaktische, semantische, nonverbale und sozio-kulturelle Strategien, hier eingesetzt werden sollen, um das $vollst\"{a}ndige$ Verstehen der Werbeanzeige 'Whisky-Chivas Regal' zu erreichen. Ohnehin besteht ein Untersuchungsziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, die bisher meines Erachtens nicht intensiv und engagiert genug $gef\"{u}hrte$ Diskussion $\"{u}ber$ die hier behandelten verstehenstheoretischen Fragestellungen und ihren Anwendungen anzuregen. Falls sich diese $\"{U}berlegungen$ zu weit von dem, was man gemeinhin unter, Textverstehen' versteht, entfernen, und deshalb dazu beitragen $k\ddpt{o}nnten,\;konkrete\;Einw\"{a}nde\;und\;Gegenvorschl\"{a}ge$ zu provozieren, die durch eine fruchtbare Auseinandersetzung zu einem breiten Konsens $\"{u}ber$ eine Verstehenstheorie $f\"{u}hren,\;h\"{a}tte$ damit diese Untersuchung einen guten Dienst geleistet.

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A Study on Analysis of Research Data Repository in Humanities and Social Sciences (re3data를 기반으로 한 인문사회 RDR 연구)

  • Cho, Jane;Park, Jong-Do
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2019
  • As the discussions on sharing research data prevail by the chance of the inauguration of the International Open Data Charter, research support organizations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan are encouraging researchers to deposit their findings in a credible repository. Humanities and social sciences field, in which research data sharing culture and storage infrastructure are immature compared to life science and natural science, also needs to establish and operate a reliable storage infrastructure to guarantee the continuous access and utilization of data. This study analyzed the overall operational status of 305 subject repositories registered in re3data for the humanities and social sciences and clustered them according to the operational level using 5 indicators. As a result, 70% of the population were identified as universal clusters, and 20% of the excellent cluster was found to have the largest number of linguistic fields and the German-operated. In addition, this study confirmed through correspondence analysis that there is a relation between the sub-theme fields of humanities and social sciences and the types of data to be archived. The history and art domians are related to images, and social studies are related to statistical data. Linguistics has also been analyzed to be related to audio, plain text, and code.

A Case Study of Untact Lecture on Albert Camus' La Peste using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 『페스트』(알베르 카뮈) 비대면 문학 강의 운영 사례 연구)

  • MIN, Jinyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2021
  • This is a case study on the use of Albert Camus' La Peste, which has gained its popularity in today's generation of post-COVID as well as the use of big data analysis tools for major and elective classes. First, we asked students majoring in French to compare the use of vocabulary and the number of appearances for characters using big data analysis, for about 400 pages of the original text. As a result, we were able to confirm a similar relationship between Camus' Absurdism and the vocabulary used within La Peste, in addition to noting the heavy frequency of resistant characters. Students in elective classes were asked to read the literature in a Korean-translated version to determine the frequency of vocabulary and characters' appearances. Students were able to strongly relate to La Peste due to its commonality between COVID and the plague in the literature. We also received high levels of class satisfaction regarding the use of big data analysis tools. The students showed a positive response both towards choosing La Peste as the work of literature and using big data, the main tool in the Fourth Industrial Evolution. We were able to identify good results even in a non-contact environment, as long as the literature does not rely on traditional methods but rather lectures to reflect current situations.

Machine-learning-based out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) detection in emergency calls using speech recognition (119 응급신고에서 수보요원과 신고자의 통화분석을 활용한 머신 러닝 기반의 심정지 탐지 모델)

  • Jong In Kim;Joo Young Lee;Jio Chung;Dae Jin Shin;Dong Hyun Choi;Ki Hong Kim;Ki Jeong Hong;Sunhee Kim;Minhwa Chung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2023
  • Cardiac arrest is a critical medical emergency where immediate response is essential for patient survival. This is especially true for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA), for which the actions of emergency medical services in the early stages significantly impact outcomes. However, in Korea, a challenge arises due to a shortage of dispatcher who handle a large volume of emergency calls. In such situations, the implementation of a machine learning-based OHCA detection program can assist responders and improve patient survival rates. In this study, we address this challenge by developing a machine learning-based OHCA detection program. This program analyzes transcripts of conversations between responders and callers to identify instances of cardiac arrest. The proposed model includes an automatic transcription module for these conversations, a text-based cardiac arrest detection model, and the necessary server and client components for program deployment. Importantly, The experimental results demonstrate the model's effectiveness, achieving a performance score of 79.49% based on the F1 metric and reducing the time needed for cardiac arrest detection by 15 seconds compared to dispatcher. Despite working with a limited dataset, this research highlights the potential of a cardiac arrest detection program as a valuable tool for responders, ultimately enhancing cardiac arrest survival rates.