• 제목/요약/키워드: territorial sea

검색결과 94건 처리시간 0.022초

Information System of Anti-Crisis Management in the Context of Ensuring National Security

  • Kryshtanovych, Myroslav;Antonova, Liudmyla;Pohrishchuk, Borys;Mironova, Yulia;Storozhev, Roman
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권12spc호
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    • pp.719-725
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    • 2021
  • The main purpose of the study is to determine the main aspects of information support for anti-crisis management in the context of ensuring national security. In modern conditions, under the influence of COVID-19, it becomes important to develop a modern paradigm for the transformation of anti-crisis management, based on the determination of the laws of state development on the basis of the imperative of national interests and territorial integrity. These are, firstly, the patterns of development of the state system of public administration, secondly, the patterns of development of a complex of state interests, and thirdly, patterns of development of the modern model of the country's territorial integrity. As a result of the study, the key aspects of the anti-crisis management system were identified in the context of ensuring the security of national interests.

북한 공역의 통일 후 지위 (The Status of North Korean Airspace after Reunification)

  • 권창영
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.287-325
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    • 2017
  • 20세기 이후 항공우주 군사과학기술의 발달과정에 비추어 보면, 국가의 존립과 번영을 위해서 하늘은 매우 중요하다. "하늘을 지배하는 자, 세계를 지배한다!"는 격언이 제공권(制空權)의 필요성을 강조하고 있다. 이 글은 남북의 통일 과정과 통일 이후 공역(空域, airspace)의 지위에 관한 최초의 연구로서, 이를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영공(領空)은 영토와 영해의 상공으로 국경선과 영해선에 의하여 그 수평적 범위가 결정된다. 국경문제에 관하여 역사적 진실규명을 통한 재조정의 시도보다는 현질서의 수용이 가장 합리적이고, 통일전후과정에서 인접 국가의 지지를 받을 수 있으며, 동북아 평화를 위해서 통일한국은 북한과 중국 러시아 사이의 기존 국경협정을 그대로 존중할 필요가 있다. 그러나 현재 북한이 동해 황해에 설정한 직선기선은 국제법상 직선기선이 적용될 수 있는 사정을 갖추지 못하였기 때문에 이를 폐기하고, 통일한국은 국제법에 부합하는 기선을 다시 정하여 그 바깥쪽 12해리의 선까지에 이르는 수역을 영해로 결정하는 것이 바람직하다. 둘째, 비행정보구역(Flight Information Region)은 항공기의 안전하고 효율적인 비행과 항공기의 수색 구조에 필요한 정보를 제공하기 위하여 국제민간항공기구(ICAO)에서 획정한 구역이므로 국제법상 효력이 있다. 현재 한반도 일대에는 남한이 관할하는 인천 FIR과 북한이 관할하는 평양 FIR로 나누어져 있다. 급변사태가 발생하여 북한에서 일시적으로 평양 FIR의 관제권을 행사할 수 없는 경우에는 원칙적으로 남한이 평양 FIR의 관제권을 행사하고, 부득이한 경우에는 ICAO가 일시적으로 이를 행사하는 것이 바람직하다. 통일한국에서는 FIR의 체계적 관리와 통제, 항로개설 관리의 효율성 등을 감안하여, ICAO의 승인을 얻어 평양 FIR을 폐지하고 인천 FIR로 통합하여 운용하는 것이 바람직하다. 셋째, 방공식별구역(Air Defense Identification Zone)은 국가안전보장 목적상항공기의 용이한 식별, 위치 확인 및 통제가 요구되는 공역으로서, 해당 국가가 일방적으로 설정한다. 미국은 1951. 3. 22. 전시포고령에 의하여 한국방공식별구역(KADIZ)을 일방적으로 설정하였는데, 국방부는 2013. 12. 8. 이어도 상공을 포함하는 지역까지 확장한 새로운 KADIZ를 선포하였다. 현재 북한의 군사경계수역은 동해 황해 등 해상경계선으로만 설정되어 있는 점, 중국 러시아와의 관계에서 ADIZ로서 기능을 수행하기에 부족한 점에 비추어 보면, 통일한국이 이를 승계할 의무는 없다. 한반도의 경우에는 종심(縱深)이 짧기 때문에 영공보다 외곽에 ADIZ 경계선을 설정하여야 ADIZ 본래 목적을 달성할 수 있으므로, 통일한국의 인천 FIR과 일치하는 경계선으로 통일한국의 KADIZ를 새로 설정하여 이를 선포하는 것이 타당하다. 다만, 인접국가의 ADIZ와 중첩되거나 경계선을 같이하여 완충지역이 존재하지 않는 경우에는 군사적 긴장감이 고조될 수 있으므로, 동북아 평화를 위해서는 상호간 협상을 통하여 해상에서는 인접국가의 ADIZ 사이에 완충공간을 설정하는 것이 바람직하다.

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동북아 해양경찰 증강 동향 (Strengthening Trend of Coast Guards in Northeast Asia)

  • 윤성순
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권43호
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2018
  • Recent marine territorial disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea have come to us as a great threat. China, which has recently established the China Coast Guard and has rapidly developed maritime security forces, is trying to overcome the various conflict countries with its power. Japan is also strengthening intensively its maritime security forces. Since Korea, China, and Japan are geographically neighboring and sharing maritime space in Northeast Asia, there is no conflict between maritime jurisdiction and territorial rights among the countries. The struggle for initiative in the ocean is fierce among the three coastal nations in Northeast Asia. therefore, Korea needs more thorough preparation and response to protect the marine sovereignty. As the superpowers of China and Japan are confronted and the United States is involved in the balance of power in strategic purposes, the East Asian sea area is a place where tension and conflict environment exist. China's illegal fishing boats are constantly invading our waters, and they even threaten the lives of our police officers. The issue of delimiting maritime boundaries between Korea and China has yet to be solved, and is underway in both countries, and there is a possibility that the exploration activities of the continental shelf resources may collide as the agreement on the continental shelf will expire between Korea and Japan. On the other hand, conflicts in the maritime jurisdictions of the three countries in Korea, China and Japan are leading to the enhancement of maritime security forces to secure deterrence rather than military confrontation. In the situation where the unresolved sovereignty and jurisdiction conflicts of Korea, China and Japan continue, and the competition for the strengthening of the maritime powers of China and Japan becomes fierce, there is a urgent need for stabilization and enhancement of the maritime forces in our country. It is necessary to establish a new long-term strategy for enhancing the maritime security force and to carry out it. It is expected that the Korean Coast Guard, which once said that it was a model for the establishment of China's Coast Guard as a powerful force for the enforcement of the maritime law, firmly establishes itself as a key force to protect our oceans with the Navy and keeps our maritime sovereignty firmly.

분쟁소지가 있는 공해상에서 Digital Forensic을 이용한 해결 방안 (Resolution of Complication in Territorial Sea by Using Digital Forensic)

  • 이규안;박대우;신용태
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2007
  • 대한민국은 중국 일본과 같이 바다로 인접하여, 항해를 하거나 조업을 위한 배타적 경제수역(EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone) 때문에 분재의 소지를 담고 있다. 특히 해상 사고에서 어선의 경우 조업일지와 항해장비의 부실 등으로 국가 간 분쟁 시 증거자료 채택할 수 있는 경우는 드물다. 해상에서 컴퓨터 등의 디지털 증거는 무결성이 훼손된다면 결정적인 증거가 재판정에서 기각당하거나 국제적으로 분쟁 시 증거로 채택되지 않는다. 본 논문에서는 이 문제점을 해결하는 방안으로 해상 디지털 포렌식을 제안하면서, 공해상 선박에서 디지털 포렌식 자료를 위한 주요내용, 요구사항, 적용사항 및 선박 디스크, 선박 네트워크, 선박 무선 포렌식 자료를 추출하고 이를 입증하는 방법을 제시한다. 그리고 실제 공해상에서 해상 디지털 포렌식의 사례에 관한 실증연구를 하여, 분쟁소지가 많은 선박에서 과학수사의 일환으로 활용될 것이며, 디지털 포렌식의 증거가 채택되는 국제간의 공해상 분쟁해결의 중요한 열쇠가 될 것이다.

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중국 어선의 불법조업에 대한 우리나라 수산자원의 보호방안 (A Study on the Protection Plan of Fisheries Resources against Illegal Fishing of Chinese Fishing Vessel)

  • 정봉규
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.1549-1560
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    • 2016
  • Today, all the countries of the world newly recognize importance of sea, which are focused on efforts for security of marine territory and fishes resources. Many of the coastal state, to strengthen the rights of their own country EEZ, marine survey and continental shelf development, travels through such maritime jurisdiction in the territorial sovereignty and the EEZ overlaps, deepening complex interests between neighboring countries cooperation activities of the fierce competition, the domestic and foreign been has been carried out. Under such circumstances, is devastated coastal of China, our territorial waters and EEZ has been violated more and more, in spite of the powerful crackdown maritime public power, illegal fishing more resistance intensified. They tend to be gradually organization, collectivization and atrocities. Currently, illegal fishing of Chinese fishing boats in the West Sea of Korea, including the waters near Yeonpyeong Island is prevalent as operating in the coast of the country. Furthermore regrettable one is illegal on a scale and the situation where South Korea of scale of damage caused by it have not been accurately grasp of the operation, but that there is damage of Korea official duty enforcement to crack down the increase to illegal operations year after year have occurred. Violent, illegal fishing of Chinese fishing boats, in order to eradicate the operations of insane at our sea, we investigated to the infringement situations of fisheries resources by multiple fields. each of problems presenting a specific preservation plan in accordance with the function and role of the maritime enforcement organization and other government organization the point. at the same time we will try to seek measures such as a scheme that it is possible to increase the capacity.

필리핀 vs. 중국 간 남중국해 사건 중재판정의 동아시아 역내 함의 (PCA Ruling on South China Sea : Implications for Region)

  • 박영길
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권40호
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2016
  • On 12 July 2016, China's maritime claim to most of the South China Sea (SCS) based on the so-called nine-dash line was rejected by the Arbitral Tribunal, constituted under Annex VII to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) concerning issues in the South China Sea including the legality of the so-called "nine-dashed line", the status of certain maritime features and their corresponding maritime entitlements, together with the lawfulness of certain actions by China which the Philppines, in a case brought in 2013, alleged were violations. As having the Tribunal determined that China's claim had no legal grounds in UNCLOS, thus undermining China's claims, and establishing that China has no exclusive legal rights to control the area roughly the size of India. There are some major implications from the Tribunal's ruling in the Arbitration award. These include implications on: how to delimit the maritime boundary in disputed waters, how to promote maritime confidence-building measures, how to safeguard maritime safety and security, and how to promote the rule of law in the SCS. Since its application of UNCLOS in East Asia, it has been obvious that the only way to resolve maritime disputes in the region is to build strong maritime cooperative partnerships under the auspices of the rule of law.

황해(黃海)와 동중국해어장(東中國海漁場)의 수산자원(水産資源) 보존관리(保存管理)에 관한 해양법문제(海洋法問題) (Law of the Sea Problems on Fishery Resources Conservation and Management in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea)

  • 이병기;최종화
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1994
  • The Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are the most important fishing grounds for the fishing industry of Korea, China and Japan which are major coastal states of these Seas. But the fishery resources in these fishing grounds are almost exhausted and also the sea region is seriously polluted. Accordingly an international joint countermeasure is necessary to recover the fishery resources and to keep the fishery a continuous industry. The authors inspected the existing fishery policies and international fishery relationship of the three coastal states, and suggested rational conservation and management regime of the fishery resources in these sea regions. 1. At present the legal status of the sea region beyond territorial sea is the high sea, for that reason the international cooperation is urgently needed to establish common regime for conservation and management of the fishery resources. 2. A series of scientific research on ecological system of fishery resources must be carried out in the sea region first of all for that purpose. 3. The existing Korea-Japanese Fishery Agreement and Sino-Japanese Fishery Agreement should be reformed to coincide with the new legal order of the UNLOS Convention, and the Sino-Korean Fishery Agreement should be concluded newly on the identical line. 4. As a conclusion, a joint conservation and management regime through a regional fishery organization or a individual conservation and management regime through the promulgation of exclusive economic zone by each state can be suggested to resolve the fishery resources conservation problem in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.

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해상적하보험에서 통지의무의 문제점에 관한 고찰 (A study on the problems about the obligation to notify in marine cargo insurance)

  • 김희길
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.211-235
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    • 2010
  • According to the commercial law in Korea, a marine cargo insurance contractor (policyholder, insured person, agent) has the duty to disclose risks before establishing an insurance contract and the obligation to notify changes in risks after before establishing the contract. Marine cargo insurance policy clauses include one about the obligation to notify changes in risks. This clause assumes that an insurance contract should be implemented according to what has been answered to the important questions asked by the insurer in connection with the insurant's duty to disclose before establishing an insurance contract, and it stipulates that, if any change in what has been disclosed should be notified to the insurer since it is regarded as a change in risks. Neglecting the obligation to notify may lead to the termination of the appropriate insurance contract by the insurer. The problems here concern the clauses about changes in risks and about the obligation to notify. The problems are like these. Can it be that the circumstances which might be seen in the past as changes in risks according to the territorial sea laws and institute cargo clauses stipulated long ago are considered as such still today? And a marine cargo insurance policy till valid when changes in risks have not been properly notified by the original discloser of risks to the insured who currently holds the marine cargo insurance policy, which, unlike other insurance policies, is a marketable security? In Korea, the commercial law has a clause the obligation to notify changes in risks established based on the territorial sea laws and institute cargo clauses. In this regard, this study aims to consider if the clause still valid today or not and, if not, to propose alternatives to the clauses.

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한국에서 해저지명 부여를 위한 활동 (Activities on Naming Undersea Features in Korea)

  • 성효현
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.600-622
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    • 2006
  • 해저지형에 대해 일관성 있고, 체계적인 지명을 부여하는 것은 해양학과 관련된 학문을 연구하는 사람들끼리 의사소통을 원활이 하며 그 연구결과의 활용이나 해도 사용에 혼동을 초래하는 것을 막기 위해 필수적인 작업이다. 따라서 각 국가나 국제기구에서는 일관성 있고 체계적인 해저지명사업을 활발히 진행하고 있다. 대한민국도 영해 범위 내에서나 EEZ 또는 공해상에 해저지명을 부여하기 위한 여러 활동을 전개하여 왔다. 본 연구는 최근 대한민국에서 해저지형에 지명을 부여하기 위한 다양한 활동을 소개하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 구체적 연구 내용은 첫째, 한국에서 해저지명을 부여하는 활동들을 역사적으로 조명하고, 둘째 해양지명 표준화를 위한 지침개발 내용을 소개하며, 셋째, 그 동안 과학적 탐사가 종료되어 SCUFN(국제수로국 산하 해저지명 소위원회)에 제안할 동해에 위치하고 있는 14개의 해저지형의 특색을 밝히고, 마지막으로 체계적 해저지명 활동을 지속하기 위한 미래계획을 제시하는 것으로 구성되었다.

인도-태평양(FOIP) 전략과 전력분산의 치명성에 관한 연구 (A Study on US Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy and Distributed Lethality)

  • 김태성
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권44호
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    • pp.28-53
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    • 2018
  • The U.S. has recently developed Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy and Distributed Lethality strategy based on a common perception that they are responding to China's threats. In the future, it is anticipated the following. Strengthen cooperation of the U.S.-India-Vietnam navy, Maximizing the combined combat power between the U.S. and regional navies, Improving its ability to restore damage control, Economic cooperation between the Pacific and Indian countries. The meanings given to the Korean navy are as follows. First, South Korea should pursue cooperation with the Indian Navy, which will grow into a regional balance on China's growth. The growth of the Indian navy is expected to increase cooperation with other Pacific countries. The government should seek ways to promote cooperation with india navy in various fields. Secondly, it is a joint drill between the U.S. Navy and the Korean Navy. Recently, the Korea-U.S. joint drill has not been conducted and many changes are expected to be made regarding the implementation of the joint drill in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to possible changes in the naval relationship between Korea navy and the U.S. navy Also, due to distributed lethality strategy, preparations for operations and training with U.S.navy will be necessary. Lastly, it should contribute to cooperation among regional countries in preparation for maritime territorial disputes. The growth of the Chinese navy and the territorial disputes in the East and South China sea has raised the possibility of accidental military clashes at sea. Therefore, the government should make efforts to create multilateral security cooperation systems that can continue to promote the prevention of armed conflict.