• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain modeling

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Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: Research Status and Challenges in Korea (기후변화에 따른 산림생태계 영향: 우리나라 연구현황과 과제)

  • Lim Jong-Hwan;Shin Joon-Hwan;Lee Don-Koo;Suh Seung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2006
  • Recent global warming seems to be dramatic and has influenced forest ecosystems. Changes in phonology of biota, species distribution range shift and catastrophic climatic disasters due to recent global warming have been observed during the last century. Korean forests located mainly in the temperate zone also have been experienced climatic change impacts including shifting of leafing and flowering phonology, changes in natural disasters and forest productivity, However, little research has been conducted on the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems in Korea which is essential to assess the impact and extent of adaptation. Also there is a shortage in basic long-term data of forest ecosystem processes. Careful data collection and ecological process modeling should be focused on characteristic Korean forest ecosystems which are largely complex terrain that might have hindered research activities. An integrative ecosystem study which covers forest dynamics, biological diversity, water and carbon flux and cycles in a forest ecosystem and spatial and temporal dynamics modeling is introduced. Global warming effects on Korean forest ecosystems are reviewed. Forestry activity and the importance of forest ecosystems as a dynamic carbon reservoir are discussed. Forest management options and challenges for future research, impact assessment, and preparation of mitigating measures in Korea are proposed.

Application of the weather radar-based quantitative precipitation estimations for flood runoff simulation in a dam watershed (기상레이더 강수량 추정 값의 댐 유역 홍수 유출모의 적용)

  • Cho, Yonghyun;Woo, Sumin;Noh, Joonwoo;Lee, Eulrae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we applied the Radar-AWS Rainrates (RAR), weather radar-based quantitative precipitation estimations (QPEs), to the Yongdam study watershed in order to perform the flood runoff simulation and calculate the inflow of the dam during flood events using hydrologic model. Since the Yongdam study watershed is a representative area of the mountainous terrain in South Korea and has a relatively large number of monitoring stations (water level/flow) and data compared to other dam watershed, an accurate analysis of the time and space variability of radar rainfall in the mountainous dam watershed can be examined in the flood modeling. HEC-HMS, which is a relatively simple model for adopting spatially distributed rainfall, was applied to the hydrological simulations using HEC-GeoHMS and ModClark method with a total of eight independent flood events that occurred during the last five years (2014 to 2018). In addition, two NCL and Python script programs are developed to process the radar-based precipitation data for the use of hydrological modeling. The results demonstrate that the RAR QPEs shows rather underestimate trends in larger values for validation against gauged observations (R2 0.86), but is an adequate input to apply flood runoff simulation efficiently for a dam watershed, showing relatively good model performance (ENS 0.86, R2 0.87, and PBIAS 7.49%) with less requirements for the calibration of transform and routing parameters than the spatially averaged model simulations in HEC-HMS.

Development and Application of a Scenario Analysis System for CBRN Hazard Prediction (화생방 오염확산 시나리오 분석 시스템 구축 및 활용)

  • Byungheon Lee;Jiyun Seo;Hyunwoo Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2024
  • The CBRN(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) hazard prediction model is a system that supports commanders in making better decisions by creating contamination distribution and damage prediction areas based on the weapons used, terrain, and weather information in the events of biochemical and radiological accidents. NBC_RAMS(Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reporting And Modeling S/W System) developed by ADD (Agency for Defense Development) is used not only supporting for decision making plan for various military operations and exercises but also for post analyzing CBRN related events. With the NBC_RAMS's core engine, we introduced a CBR hazard assessment scenario analysis system that can generate contaminant distribution prediction results reflecting various CBR scenarios, and described how to apply it in specific purposes in terms of input information, meteorological data, land data with land coverage and DEM, and building data with pologon form. As a practical use case, a technology development case is addressed that tracks the origin location of contaminant source with artificial intelligence and a technology that selects the optimal location of a CBR detection sensor with score data by analyzing large amounts of data generated using the CBRN scenario analysis system. Through this system, it is possible to generate AI-specialized CBRN related to training and analysis data and support planning of operation and exercise by predicting battle field.

Analyses on the Impact of Plastic Deformation on Change of the Road Surface Condition (소성변형 정도를 고려한 시간전개에 따른 노면상태 변화 분석)

  • SON, Young Tae;PARK, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2018
  • In this study analyzed the ponding changing of plastic deformation section follwed time development to apply weather, geometry and traffic data in additon to time development to improve road management service and safety of roads during or after rain. After We selected an 8.3km section of old national highway the Seongnam-Janghowon section and created a three-demensional surface of terrain through the numerical transformantion of design drawing data, with reflection the linear data of the same coordinate system in order to describe more realistic roads, we design additional structures with shading above roads. The altitude and azimuth of the sun were calculated and set based on the longitude and latitude data of the survey line for the analysis of the sun rate, and the daylight impact zone was visualized by setting the shaded time to an interval of 1 hour and the shade rate of the corresponding section. In addition, the evaporation volume calculated from weather data such as temperature, humidity, radiant energy, and road temperature analyzes together, it will use the way of a safer and more efficient road management as grasping the ponding changing more efficent in time development.

Development of Gravity Gradient Referenced Navigation and its Horizontal Accuracy Analysis (중력구배기반 항법 구현 및 수평위치 정확도 분석)

  • Lee, Jisun;Kwon, Jay Hyoun;Yu, Myeongjong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2014
  • Recently, researches on DBRN(DataBase Referenced Navigation) system are being carried out to replace GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System), as weaknesses of GNSS were found that are caused by the intentional interference and the jamming of the satellite signal. This paper describes the gravity gradient modeling and the construction of EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) based GGRN(Gravity Gradient Referenced Navigation). To analyze the performance of GGRN, fourteen flight trajectories were made for simulations over whole South Korea. During the simulations, we considered the errors in both DB(DataBase) and sensor as well as the flight altitudes. Accurate performances were found, when errors in the DB and the sensor are small and they located at lower altitude. For comparative evaluation, the traditional TRN(Terrain Referenced Navigation) was also developed and performances were analyzed relative to those from the GGRN. In fact, most of GGRN performed better in low altitude, but both of precise gravity gradient DB and gradiometer were required to obtain similar level of precisions at the high altitude. In the future, additional tests and evaluations on the GGRN need to be performed to investigate on more factors such as DB resolution, flight speed, and the update rate.

A Geomorphological Classification System to Chatacterize Ecological Processes over the Landscape (생태환경 특성 파악을 위한 지형분류기법의 개발)

  • Park Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.495-513
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    • 2004
  • The shape of land surface work as a cradle for various environmental processes and human activities. As spatially distributed process modelings become increasing important in current research communities, a classification system that delineates land surface into characteristic geomorphological units is a pre-requisite for sustainable land use planning and management. Existing classification systems are either morphometric or generic, which have limitations to characterize continuous ecological processes over the landscape. A new classification system was developed to delineate the land surface into different geomorphological units from Digital Elevation Models(DEMs). This model assumes that there are pedo-geomorphological units in which distinct sets of hydrological, pedological, and consequent ecological processes occur. The classification system first divides the whole landsurface into eight soil-landscape units. Possible energy and material nows over the land surface were interpreted using a continuity equation of mass flow along the hillslope, and subsequently implemented in terrain analysis procedures. The developed models were tested at a 12$\textrm{km}^2$ area in Yangpyeong-gun, Kyeongi-do, Korea. The method proposed effectively delineates land surface into distinct pedo-geomorphological units, which identify the geomorphological characteristics over a large area at a low cost. The delineated landscape units mal provide a basic information for natural resource survey and environmental modeling practices.

Geochemical Modeling of Groundwater in Granitic Terrain: the Yeongcheon Area (영천 화강암지역 지하수의 지화학적 모델링)

  • Koh, Yong-Kwon;Kim, Chun-Soo;Bae, Dae-Seok;Yun, Seong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 1998
  • We investigated the geochemistry and environmental isotopes of granite-bedrock groundwater in the Yeongcheon diversion tunnel which is located about 300 m below the land surface. The hydrochemistry of groundwaters belongs to the Ca-HCO$_3$type, and is controlled by flow systems and water-rock interaction in the flow conduits (fractures). The deuterium and oxygen-18 data are clustered along the meteoric water line, indicating that the groundwater are commonly of meteoric water origin and are not affected by secondary isotope effects such as evaporation and isotope exchange. Tritium data show that the groundwaters were mostly recharged before pre-thermonuclear period and have been mixed with younger surface water flowing down rapidly into the tunnel along fractured zones. Based on the mass balance and reaction simulation approaches, using both the hydrochemistry of groundwater and the secondary mineralogy of fracture-filling materials, we have modeled the low-temperature hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the area. The results of geochemical simulation show that the concentrations of Ca$\^$2+/, Na$\^$+/ and HCO$_3$and pH of waters increase progressively owing to the dissolution of reactive minerals in flow paths. The concentrations of Mg$\^$2+/ and K$\^$+/ frist increase with the dissolution, but later decrease when montmorillonite and illitic material are precipitated respectively. The continuous adding of reactive minerals, namely the progressively larger degrees of water/rock interaction, causes the formation of secondary minerals with the following sequence: first hematite, then gibbsite, then kaolinite, then montmorillonite, then illtic material, and finally microcline. During the simulation all the gibbsite is consumed, kaolinite precipitates and then the continuous reaction converts the kaolinite to montmorillonite and illitic material. The reaction simulation results agree well with the observed, water chemistry and secondary mineralogy, indicating the successful applicability of this simulation technique to delineate the complex hydrogeochemistry of bedrock groundwaters.

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Simulation and Analysis of Response Plans against Chemical and Biological Hazards (화학 생물 위험 대응 시뮬레이션 및 분석)

  • Han, Sangwoo;Seo, Jiyun;Shim, Woosup
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2021
  • M&S techniques are widely used as scientific means to systematically develop response plans to chemical and biological (CB) hazards. However, while the theoretical area of hazard dispersion modeling has achieved remarkable practical results, the operational analysis area to simulate CB hazard response plans is still in an early stage. This paper presents a model to simulate CB hazard response plans such as detection, protection, and decontamination. First, we present a possible way to display high-fidelity hazard dispersion in a combat simulation model, taking into account weather and terrain conditions. We then develop an improved vulnerability model of the combat simulation model, in order to simulate CB damage of combat simulation entities based on other casualty prediction techniques. In addition, we implement tactical behavior task models that simulate CB hazard response plans such as detection, reconnaissance, protection, and decontamination. Finally, we explore its feasibility by analyzing contamination detection effects by distributed CB detectors and decontamination effects according to the size of the {contaminated, decontamination} unit. We expect that the proposed model will be partially utilized in disaster prevention and simulation training area as well as analysis of combat effectiveness analysis of CB protection system and its operational concepts in the military area.

Analysis of the Damaged Range Caused by LPG Leakage and Vapor Clouds Considering the Cold Air Flow (찬공기 흐름을 고려한 LPG 누출 및 증기운에 의한 피해 영향 범위 분석)

  • Gu, Yun-Jeong;Song, Bonggeun;Lee, Wonhee;Song, Byunghun;Shin, Junho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2022
  • When LPG leaks from the storage tank, the gas try to sink to the ground because LPG is heavier than air. The gas easily creates vapor clouds causing aggressive accidents in no airflow. Therefore, It is important to prevent in advance by analyzing the damaged range caused from LPG leakage and vapor clouds. So, this study analyzed the range of damaged by LPG leakage and vapor clouds with consideration of the cold air flow which is generated by the topographical characteristics and the land use status at night time in the Jeju Hagari. As a result of the cold air flow using KLAM_21, about 2 m/s of cold air was introduced in from the southeast due to the influence of the terrain. The range of damaged by LPG leakage and vapor cloud was analyzed using ALOHA. When the leak hole size is 10 cm at the wind speed of 2 m/s, the range corresponding to LEL 60 % (12,600 ppm) was 61 m which range is expected to influence in nearby residential areas. These results of this study can be used as basic data to prepare preventive measures of accidents caused by vapor cloud. Forward, it is necessary to apply CFD modeling such as FLACS to check the vapor cloud formation due to LPG leakage in a relatively narrow area and to check the cause analysis.

Development of Hybrid Geoid using the Various Gravimetric Reduction Methods in Korea (다양한 중력학적 환산방법을 적용한 한국의 합성지오이드 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Ha;Lee, Suk-Bae;Kwon, Jae Hyoun;Yun, Hong-Sic
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5D
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    • pp.741-747
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, the accuracy of the geoid model has been improved through development of the combination model which was composed of traditional gravimetric geoid and geometric geoid by the GPS/leveling data in USA and Japan. It is a state of the art method in geoid modeling field that what so called hybrid geoid. In this paper, as a basic study to develop Korean hybrid geoid model, we studied gravimetric geoid solutions using three gravity reduction methods (Helmert's condensation method, RTM method and Airy-isostatic method) and evaluated the usefulness of each method in context of precise geoid. The gravimetric geoid model were determined by restoring the gravity anomalies (included TC) and the indirect effects were made from various reduction methods on the EIGEN-CG03C reference field. The results are compared with respect to the geometric geoid undulation determined from 498 GPS/leveling after LSC fitting. The results showed that hybrid geoid with RTM (Residual terrain model) reduction method was most accurate method and the value of the difference compared to geometric geoid was $0.001{\pm}0.053m$.