• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain image matching

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3D Stereoscopic Terrain Extraction of Road Cut Failure Slope Using Unmanned Helicopter Photography System (무인 헬리콥터 사진촬영시스템을 이용한 도로 절개지 붕괴사면 3차원 입체 지형 추출)

  • Jang, Ho-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.485-491
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    • 2010
  • Acquisition of information on failure slope, which may cause apprehension of second hand damage, requires acquisition of fast and accurate topographical data and efficient expression in indirect surveying method without accessing as needed. Therefore, in this study, the images on the intended area were photographed through hovering in the air by approaching collapsed road cut slope with the use of unmanned helicopter photography system. As a result of comparing the points observed by no prism total station and the 10 coordinate points analyzed through image analysis, the averages of absolute values were shown to be 0.056m in X axis direction, 0.082m in Y axis direction and 0.066m Z axis direction. In addition, the RMSE of the error for 10 points of test points were 0.015636m in X axis direction, 0.021319m in Y axis direction and 0.018734m in Z axis direction. Therefore, this method can determine the range of slope and longitudinal and cross sections of each slope in dangerous area that cannot be approached in relational image matching method for the terrains of such collapsed cut slope.

Ortho-image Generation using 3D Flight Route of Drone (드론의 3D 촬영 경로를 이용한 정사영상 제작)

  • Jonghyeon Yoon;Gihong Kim;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • Drone images are being used more and more actively in the fields of surveying and spatial information, and are rapidly replacing existing aerial and satellite images. The technology of quickly acquiring real-time data at low cost and processing it is now being applied to actual industries beyond research. However, there are also problems encountered as this progresses. When high-resolution spatial information is acquired using a general 2D flight plan for a terrain with sever undulations, problems arise due to the difference in resolution of the data. In particular, when a low-altitude high-resolution image is taken using a drone in a mountainous or steep terrain, there may be a problem in image matching due to a resolution difference caused by terrain undulations. This problem occurs because a drone acquires data while flying on a 2D plane at a fixed altitude, just like conventional aerial photography. In order to acquire high-quality 3D data using a drone, the scale difference for the shooting distance should be considered. In addition, in order to obtain facade images of large structures, it is necessary to take images in 3D space. In this study, in order to improve the disadvantages of the 2D flight method, a 3D flight plan was established for the study area, and it was confirmed that high-quality 3D spatial information could be obtained in this way.

Quality Analysis of GCP Chip Using Google Map (Google Map을 이용한 GCP 칩의 품질 분석)

  • Park, Hyeongjun;Son, Jong-Hwan;Shin, Jung-Il;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_1
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    • pp.907-917
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the demand for high-resolution satellite images increases in many fields such as land monitoring and terrain analysis. Therefore, the need for geometric correction is increasing. As an automatic precision geometric correction method, there is a method of automatically extracting the GCP by matching between the GCP Chip and the satellite image. For automatic precision geometric correction, the success rate of matching GCP Chip and satellite image is important. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the matching performance of the manufactured GCP Chip. In order to evaluate the matching performance of GCP Chips, a total of 3,812 GCP Chips in South Korea were used as experimental data. The GCP Chip matching results of KOMPSAT-3A and Google Map showed similar matching results. Therefore, we determined that Google Map satellite imagery could replace high-resolution satellite imagery. Also, presented a method using center point and error radius of Google Map to reduce the time required to verify matching performance. As a result, it is best to set the optimum error radius to 8.5m. Evaluated the matching performance of GCP Chips in South Korea using Google Maps. And verified matching result using presented method. As a result, the GCP Chip s in South Korea had a matching success rate of about 94%. Also, the main matching failure factors were analyzed by matching failure GCP Chips. As a result, Except for GCP Chips that need to be remanufactured, the remaining GCP Chips can be used for the automatic geometric correction of satellite images.

A Study on the Technology Development and Application Plan for Making an Integrated Digital Map of an Electronical Navigational Chart and a Digital Terrain Map (육.해도 통합수치도 제작 기술 개발과 응용 방안)

  • 이기철;박창호;서상현;김정희;정희균
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2000
  • This study is to develop the technology and the ways of the practical use of the integrated digital map of and Electronical Navigational Chart(ENC) and Digital Terrain Map(DTM) for the effective and scientific based conservation, development and management. In this study, as preliminary studies to make eventual integrated maps, the concept of coastal areas are defined and the characteristics of digital maps developed by Korean Geography Institute and National Marine Investigation Institute are carefully analyzed. A test coastal map was developed based on the integrated digital map, a high resolution satellite image and Global Positioning System. Results from the edge matching analysis of coastal lines shows 8 meters difference in maximum. The problems, causes and solutions for the edge matched differences are described. Furthermore, the practical value of utilization, future use and various field of application are described based on the integrated digital map data base of coastal area.

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A Study on the Technology Development and Application Plan for making an Integrated Digital Map of an Electronical Navigational Chart and a Digital Terrain Map (육.해도 통합수치도 제작 기술 개발과 응용 방안+)

  • 이기철;정희균;박창호;서상현;김정희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.347-356
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    • 1999
  • This study is to develop the technology and the ways of the practical use of the integrated digital map of and Electronical Navigational Chart(ENC) and Digital Terrain Map(DTM) for the effective and scientific based conservation, development and management. In this study, as preliminary studies to make eventual integrated maps, the concept of coastal areas are defined and the characteristics of digital maps developed by Korean Geography Institute and National Marine Investigation Institute are carefully analyzed. A test coastal map was developed based on the integrated digital map, a high resolution satellite image and Global Positioning System. Results from the edge matching analysis of coastal lines shows 8 meters difference in maximum. The problems, causes and solutions for the edge matched differences are described. Furthermore, the practical value of utilization, future use and various field of application are described based on the integrated digital map data base of coast area.

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The Construction Method of Precise DTM of UAV Images Using Sobel-median Filtering (소벨-메디언 필터링을 이용한 UAV 영상의 정밀 DTM 구축 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Young-Woo
    • Journal of Urban Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2023
  • UAV have the disadvantage that are weak from rainfall or winds due to the light platform, so use Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) method which extrude keypoints in image matching process. To find the efficient filtering method for the construction of precise Digital Terrain Model (DTM) using UAV images, comparatively analyzed sobel and Differential of Gaussian (DoG) and found sobel is more efficient way to extrude buildings, trees, and so on. And edges are extruded more clearly when applying median additionally which have the merit of preserving edge and eliminating noise. In this study, applied sobel-median filtering which plus median to sobel and constructed the 1st filtered DTM that extrude building and trees and 2nd filtered DTM that extrude cars by threshold of gradient, Analysis of the degree of accuracy improvement showed that standard deviations of 1st filtered DTM and 2nd filtered DTM are 0.32m, 0.287m respectively, and both are acceptable for the tolerance of 0.33m for elevation points of 1/1,000 digital map, and the accuracy was increased about 10% by filtering automobiles. Plus, moving things are changed those position and direction in every image, and these are not target to filter because of the characteristic that is excluded from SIFT method.

A Modeling Process of Equivalent Terrains for Reduced Simulation Complexity in Radar Scene Matching Applications

  • Byun, Gangil;Hwang, Kyu-Young;Park, Hyeon-Gyu;Kim, Sunwoo;Choo, Hosung
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2017
  • This study proposes a modeling process of equivalent terrains to reduce the computational load and time of a full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation. To verify the suitability of the proposed process, an original terrain model with a size of $3m{\times}3m$ is equivalently quantized based on the minimum range resolution of a radar, and the radar image of the quantized model is compared with that of the original model. The results confirm that the simulation time can be reduced from 407 hours to 162 hours without a significant distortion of the radar images, and an average estimation error of the quantized model (20.4 mm) is similar to that of the original model (20.3 mm).

A Base Study of Intergrated Map for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (연안통합관리를 위한 통합수치도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Gi-Chul;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Jeong, Hui-Gyun;Park, Chang-Ho;Yeo, Ki-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.425-436
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    • 2003
  • Integrated approach is presented by developing the technology and the ways of the practical use of the integrated digital map of and Electronical Navigational Chart (ENC) and Digital Terrain Map (DTM) for the effective and scientific based conservation, development and management of coastal area in this study. At first as preliminary studies to make eventual integrated maps, the necessity of the integrated map is described with the concept of coastal areas. Then, the characteristics of digital maps developed by Korean Geography Institute and National Marine Investigation Institute are carefully analyzed and integrated to a digital map as a test for edge matching in coastal line. Developed test coastal map was overlayed with a high-resolution satellite image (KVR-1000). The ground survey using Global Positioning System was conducted for the analysis of edge matching along the coastal line. Results from the edge matching analysis of coastal lines showed about 14 meters mean difference in artificial terrain and 4 meters mean difference in natural terrain. The problems, causes and solutions for the edge-matched differences are described. Furthermore, the value of utilization, the future use and various fields of application produced by the integrated digital map database are suggested as a basis for ICZM implementation in South Korea.

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Vertical Accuracy Assessment of SRTM Ver 3.0 and ASTER GDEM Ver 2 over Korea (한국에서의 SRTM(Ver 3.0)과 ASTER(Ver 2) 전 세계 수치표고모델 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Junku;Kim, Jungsub;Lee, Giha;Yang, Jae E.
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the accuracy of SRTM Ver 3.0 and ASTER GDEM Ver 2 over Korea. To enable this, accuracy analysis was performed by using precise DEM which was made with multiple aerial image matching and national base map benchmark. The result of this study identified both SRTM and ASTER have different features. The height of the SRTM was found to be higher (3.8 m on average) at lower elevation and lower (8.4 m on average) at higher elevation. In contrast, the ASTER was found to be lower than the actual height at both lower and higher elevation (2.92 m, 4.51 m on average). The cause of this height bias according to the elevation is due to the differences in data acquisition and processing methods of DEM. It was identified however that both SRTM and ASTER were within allowable limits of error. In addition, RMSE of the SRTM was smaller than the ASTER in comparison to benchmark, and also the bias trend both at higher and lower terrain were similar to the precise DEM which was made with multiple aerial image matching. Therefore, the reliability of SRTM can be considered to be higher.

Target Detection Technique in a DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) Image (DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) 영상에서 표적 탐지 방안)

  • Kong, Young-Joo;Kwon, Jun-Beom;Kim, Hong-Rak;Woo, Seon-Keol
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2017
  • DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) algorithm is a way to improve azimuth resolution performance in radar. Since DBS image includes the is information about the search area of radar, various clutter components exist besides the target to be detected. To detect and track the desired target in a DBS image, it must be able to identify a target and the clutter components. In this paper, we describe how to use image size and terrain information(DTED) to identify the target in a DBS image. By using morphological filter and chain code, it acquires image size and excludes the clutter components. By matching with DTED, we determine target.