• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain classification

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Classification of Wind Sector for Assessment of Wind Resource in South Korea (남한지역 풍력자원 평가를 위한 바람권역 분류)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Jong-Kil;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Choi, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2008
  • We classified wind sectors according to the wind features in South Korea. In order to get the information of wind speed and wind direction, we used and improved on the atmospheric numerical model. We made use of detailed topographical data such as terrain height data of an interval of 3 seconds and landuse data produced at ministry of environment, Republic of Korea. The result of simulated wind field was improved. We carried out the cluster analysis to classify the wind sectors using the K-means clustering. South Korea was classified as 10 wind sectors which have a clear wind features.

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Prediction of Landslide around Stone Relics of Jinjeon-saji Area (진전사지 석조문화재 주변의 산사태예측)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Lee, Choon-Oh;Song, Young-Suk;Cho, Yong-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.1378-1385
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    • 2008
  • The probability of landslide hazards was predicted to natural terrain around the stone relics of Jinjeon-saji area, which is located in Yangyang, Kangwon Province. As the analysis results of field investigation, laboratory test and geology and geomorphology data, the effect factors of landslides occurrence were evaluated, and then the landslides prediction map was made up by use of prediction model considering the effect factors. The susceptibility of stone relics induced by landslides was investigated as the grading classification of occurrence probability using the landslides prediction map. In the landslides prediction map, the high probability area of landslides over 70% of occurrence probability was 3,489m3, which was 10.1% of total prediction area. If landslides are occurred at the high elevation area, the three stories stone pagoda of Jinjeon-saji (National treasure No.122) and the stone lantern of Jinjeon-saji (Treasure No.439) will be collapsed by debris flow.

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A Hierarchical Graph Structure and Operations for Real-time A* Path finding and Dynamic Graph Problem (실시간 A* 길 찾기와 동적 그래프 문제를 위한 계층적 그래프 구조와 연산자)

  • Kim, Tae-Won;Cho, Kyung-Eun;Um, Ky-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2004
  • A dynamic graph is suitable for representing and managing dynamic changable obstacles or terrain information in 2D/3D games such as RPG and Strategy Simulation Games. We propose a dynamic hierarchical graph model with fixed level to perform a quick A* path finding. We divide a graph into subgraphs by using space classification and space model, and construct a hierarchical graph. And then we perform a quick path fading on the graph by using our dynamic graph operators. With our experiments we show that this graph model has efficient properties for finding path in a dynamic game environment.

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A Simulation Study on Future Climate Change Considering Potential Forest Distribution Change in Landcover (잠재 산림분포 변화를 고려한 토지이용도가 장래 기후변화에 미치는 영향 모사)

  • Kim, Jea-Chul;Lee, Chong Bum;Choi, Sungho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2012
  • Future climate according to land-use change was simulated by regional climate model. The goal of study was to predict the distribution of meteorological elements using the Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF). The KME (Korea Ministry of Environment) medium-category land-use classification was used as dominant vegetation types. Meteorological modeling requires higher and more sophisticated land-use and initialization data. The WRF model simulations with HyTAG land-use indicated certain change in potential vegetation distribution in the future (2086-2088). Compared to the past (1986-1988) distribution, coniferous forest area was decreased in metropolitan and areas with complex terrain. The research shows a possibility to simulate regional climate with high resolution. As a result, the future climate was predicted to $4.5^{\circ}$ which was $0.5^{\circ}$ higher than prediction by Meteorological Administration. To improve future prediction of regional area, regional climate model with HyTAG as well as high resolution initial values such as urban growth and CO2 flux simulation would be desirable.

Direction of Arrival Estimation under Aliasing Conditions (앨리아싱 조건에서의 광대역 음향신호의 방위각 추정)

  • 윤병우
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2003
  • It is difficult to detect and to track the moving targets like tanks and diesel vehicles due to the variety of terrain and moving of targets. It is possible to be happened the aliasing conditions as the difficulty of antenna deployment in the complex environment like the battle fields. In this paper, we study the problem of detecting and tracking of moving targets which are emitting wideband signals under severe spatial aliasing conditions because of the sparse arrays. We developed a direction of arrival(DOA) estimation algorithm based on subband MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification) method which produces high-resolution estimation. In this algorithm, the true bearings are invariant regardless of changes of frequency bands while the aliased false bearings vary. As a result, the proposed algorithm overcomes the aliasing effects and improves the localization performance in sparse passive arrays.

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Characteristics of Zonda wind in South American Andes

  • Loredo-Souza, Acir M.;Wittwer, Adrian R.;Castro, Hugo G.;Vallis, Matthew B.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.657-677
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    • 2017
  • This paper discusses some features and conditions that characterize the Zonda wind, focusing particularly on the implications for wind engineering applications. This kind of wind, typical of mountainous regions, is far from being adequately characterized for computational simulations and proper modeling in experimental facilities such as boundary layer wind tunnels. The objective of this article is to report the research works that are being developed on this kind of wind, describing the main obtained results, and also to establish some general guidelines for the proper analysis of the Zonda in the wind engineering context. A classification for the Zonda wind is indicated and different cases of structural and environmental effects are described. Available meteorological data is analyzed from the wind engineering point of view to obtain the Zonda wind gust factors, as well as basic wind speeds relevant for structural design. Some considerations and possible directions for the Zonda wind-tunnel and computational modeling are provided. Gust factor values larger than those used for open terrain were obtained, nevertheless, the basic wind speed values obtained are similar to values presented by the Argentinian Wind Code for three-second gust, principally at Mendoza airport.

Monitoring of the Drought in the Upstream Area of Soyang River, Inje-Gun, Kangwon-do Using KOMPSAT-2/3 Satellite (KOMPSAT-2/3 위성을 활용한 강원도 인제군 소양강 상류지역의 가뭄 모니터링)

  • Park, Sung-Jae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1319-1327
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    • 2018
  • Korea has a terrain vulnerable to drought due to the concentration of precipitation in summer and the large amount of groundwater discharge. Quantified drought indices are used to determine these droughts. Among these, drought index is mainly used for analysis of precipitation, and recently, researches have been conducted to monitor drought using satellite images. In this study, we used the KOMPSAT-2/3 image to calculate the water surface area and compare with the drought index in order to monitor the drought in the Upper Soyang River. As a result, it was confirmed that the tendency of the water surface area change and the trend of the drought index were similar in the satellite images. Future research could be used as a basis for judging drought.

A Study on the Status and Spatial Autocorrelation of Vacant Houses in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

  • Kim, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2024
  • Many houses have been left vacant in cities worldwide due to changes in the economy, society, and urban composition. The increase in vacant houses causes social problems and decrease in the value of real estate. Considering the cost of preparing a new residence because the existing residence no longer functions, it is an important problem to solve empty houses in the existing residence. Accordingly, policy attempts and studies to reduce and utilize vacant houses are in progress in various countries. In South Korea, the ratio of vacant houses was 6.4% of all houses as of 2021, and in Jeolla-buk-do, it was 11.6%, which is higher than the national average. Jeollabuk-do conducted a fact-finding survey on countermeasures against vacant houses; 17,732 vacant houses (2.4%) were surveyed. The urbanization, population, and terrain of Jeollabuk-do, consisting of 14 cities and counties, were considered. The ratios, types, grades, and spatial autocorrelations of vacant houses were analyzed after classification into city areas (focus, small, and medium) and county areas (plains and mountains) areas to derive policies according to the distribution of vacant houses. The average difference in ratio, type, grade, and spatial autocorrelation of vacant houses was used to analyze the characteristics of the distribution of vacant houses according to these classifications. There were significant differences in the averages of the ratios, grades, and spatial autocorrelations between city and county areas. The autocorrelation of vacant house distribution exhibited differences between urban and county areas.

Accuracy Assessment of Forest Degradation Detection in Semantic Segmentation based Deep Learning Models with Time-series Satellite Imagery

  • Woo-Dam Sim;Jung-Soo Lee
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2024
  • This research aimed to assess the possibility of detecting forest degradation using time-series satellite imagery and three different deep learning-based change detection techniques. The dataset used for the deep learning models was composed of two sets, one based on surface reflectance (SR) spectral information from satellite imagery, combined with Texture Information (GLCM; Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and terrain information. The deep learning models employed for land cover change detection included image differencing using the Unet semantic segmentation model, multi-encoder Unet model, and multi-encoder Unet++ model. The study found that there was no significant difference in accuracy between the deep learning models for forest degradation detection. Both training and validation accuracies were approx-imately 89% and 92%, respectively. Among the three deep learning models, the multi-encoder Unet model showed the most efficient analysis time and comparable accuracy. Moreover, models that incorporated both texture and gradient information in addition to spectral information were found to have a higher classification accuracy compared to models that used only spectral information. Overall, the accuracy of forest degradation extraction was outstanding, achieving 98%.

Data Preprocessing and ML Analysis Method for Abnormal Situation Detection during Approach using Domestic Aircraft Safety Data (국내 항공기 위치 데이터를 활용한 이착륙 접근 단계에서의 항공 위험상황 탐지를 위한 데이터 전처리 및 머신 러닝 분석 기법)

  • Sang Ho Lee;Ilrak Son;Kyuho Jeong;Nohsam Park
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.110-125
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we utilize time-series aircraft location data measured based on 2019 domestic airports to analyze Go-Around and UOC_D situations during the approach phase of domestic airports. Various clustering-based machine learning techniques are applied to determine the most appropriate analysis method for domestic aviation data through experimentation. The ADS-B sensor is solely employed to measure aircraft positions. We designed a model using clustering algorithms such as K-Means, GMM, and DBSCAN to classify abnormal situations. Among them, the RF model showed the best performance overseas, but through experiments, it was confirmed that the GMM showed the highest classification performance for domestic aviation data by reflecting the aspects specialized in domestic terrain.

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