• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain classification

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Classification of Wind Sector in Pohang Region Using Similarity of Time-Series Wind Vectors (시계열 풍속벡터의 유사성을 이용한 포항지역 바람권역 분류)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Jinsol;Kang, Yong-Heack;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • The local wind systems in the Pohang region were categorized into wind sectors. Still, thorough knowledge of wind resource assessment, wind environment analysis, and atmospheric environmental impact assessment was required since the region has outstanding wind resources, it is located on the path of typhoon, and it has large-scale atmospheric pollution sources. To overcome the resolution limitation of meteorological dataset and problems of categorization criteria of the preceding studies, the high-resolution wind resource map of the Korea Institute of Energy Research was used as time-series meteorological data; the 2-step method of determining the clustering coefficient through hierarchical clustering analysis and subsequently categorizing the wind sectors through non-hierarchical K-means clustering analysis was adopted. The similarity of normalized time-series wind vector was proposed as the Euclidean distance. The meteor-statistical characteristics of the mean vector wind distribution and meteorological variables of each wind sector were compared. The comparison confirmed significant differences among wind sectors according to the terrain elevation, mean wind speed, Weibull shape parameter, etc.

Contamination Source Assessment of Groundwater Nitrate in a Complex Terrain (복잡한 지형에서 발생하는 지하수의 질산태 질소 오염원 평가)

  • Han, Gwang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2009
  • Classification of land uses and analysis of nitrogen isotope fractionation in groundwater nitrate were carried out to examine its contamination sources in Jeju province. ${\delta}^{15}N$ values of urea (hydrolyzed with urease), ammonium sulfate, compost, water from septic tank were -1.7, -5.8, +14.1, and +24.0‰, respectively. Urea, when it was directly distillated, showed -16.5‰. Based on these ${\delta}^{15}N$ values, sources of nitrate could be classified as originated from chemical fertilizers with ${\delta}^{15}N$ values below +5‰ and as from animal manure or municipal waste with ${\delta}^{15}N$ values over +10‰. Results of ${\delta}^{15}N$ analysis of 33 wells showed that most wells had the chemical fertilizers as their dominant contamination source. However, some wells were contaminated by other sources: animal wastes or municipal wastes. Some wells were also contaminated by the combined sources of nitrate. It was also demonstrated that ${\delta}^{15}N$ analysis could be a useful tool even in the case where no apparent contamination source is found.

Evaluation of Slope Stability of Taebaeksan National Park using Detailed Soil Map (정밀토양도를 이용한 태백산국립공원의 사면안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Jun, Byong-Hee;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2019
  • More than 64% of Korea's land is occupied by mountain regions, which have terrain characteristics that make it vulnerable to mountain disasters. The trails of Taebaeksan Mountain National Park-the region considered in this study-are located in the vicinity of steep slopes, and therefore, the region is vulnerable to landslides and debris flow during heavy storms. In this study, a slope stability model, which is a deterministic analysis method, was used to examine the potential occurrence of landslides. According to the soil classification of the detailed soil map, the specific weight of soil, effective cohesion, internal friction angle of soil, effective soil depth, and ground slope were used as the parameters of the model, and slope stability was evaluated based on the DEM of a 1 m grid. The results of the slope stability analysis showed that the more hazardous the area was, the closer the ratio of groundwater/effective soil depth is to 1.0. Further, many of the private houses and commercial facilities in the lower part of the national park were shown to be exposed to danger.

The Trend of Regional Geography in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s ($1920{\sim}1930$년대(年代) 독일(獨逸) 지지학(地誌學)의 연구(硏究) 동향(動向))

  • Kim, Jae-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.69-89
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    • 2000
  • The regional geography had been at the height of prosperity in the first half of the twentieth century since Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter. The geography remained stationary in the late 19th century had greatly developed around the regional geography in European countries since the early 20th century. Particularly, A. Hettner and O. $Schl{\ddot{u}}ter$ in Germany, Vidal de la Blache in France and A. J. Herbertson in Britain developed their own methods of regional studies and produced many results of empirical studies ; accordingly the regional geography had been at the height of prosperity in the 1920s and 1930s. This paper aims to study the regional concepts and the methods of regional studies of Germany geographers in the 1920s and 1930s. This study is useful to understand the current methods of classifications of regions and descripitive systems of regions. The noteworthy results of studies are summarized as follows : First, The regional geography of Germany had been developed by Hettner who regarded the geography as the chorological science of the earth's surface, $Schl{\ddot{u}}ter$ who did the geography as the study of cultural landscape and Penck's students, the morphologists of landscape (Landschaftsmorphologie). Hettner defined the geography as the chorological science, maintained that the earth's surface was classify according to its localized difference -continents, lands, districts and localities(Erdteile, $L{\ddot{a}}nder$, Landschaften und Ortlichkeiten) and emphasized on the total character of areas. He tried to classify downward from continents to localities based on the sizes of regions. He also gave the logic of causal relation to schematic approach(Das $L{\ddot{a}}nderkundliche$ Schema) and further developed it. $Schl{\ddot{u}}ter$ argued that The process of change on the landscape through time must be studied. And Passarge and Penck's pupils, morphologists of landscape, tried to classify the landscape synthetically. Thereafter, De Geer and $Gran{\ddot{o}}$ employed the creative methods of regional classification which used signs and simbols. Second, The regional geography of Germany differed from that of France on the next points ; 1. The former was analytic, but the latter was synthetic. 2. The former placed great emphasis on physical elements, terrain and climate etc., but the latter did great emphasis on both physical and human elements. 3. The former gave priority to the studies of large scale regions, but the latter did priority to the studies of small scale regions. In 1920s and 1930s the regional study of Germany geographers exerted direct influence on the development of geography of Japan. Especially, Tanaka Keiji, Japanese typical regional geographer, tried to classify Japan synthetically on the bases of terrain, climate, vegetation and human elements under the influence of European geographers. He exerted great influence on both Japanese and Korean geographers at that time.

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Analysis on the Spatial Characteristics Caused by the Cropland Increase Using Multitemporal Landsat Images in Lower Reach of Duman River, Northeast Korea (다시기 위성영상을 이용한 두만강 하류지역의 농경지 개간의 공간적 특성분석)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Han, Uk;Kim, Nam-Shin;Han, Ju-Youn;Shin, Keun-Ha;Kang, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.630-639
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to analysis the distribution and change of cropland and forest, the Onseong, Saebyeol, and Eundeok counties on the lower reach of Duman(Tumen) river, northeast Korea, using 1992 year Landsat TM data, 2000 year Landsat ETM data, and digital terrain elevation data(DTED). Land cover and land use of the study areas are classified into cropland, forest, village, and water body, using the supervised classification method including 1:50,000 DTED analysis, image band composition, and principal component analysis(PCA). Results of quantitative analysis present that each growth rate of cropland of Onseong and Eundeok are 22.8% and 14.7% corresponding to decreasing rates of forest, 8% and 13.6% during 8 years from 1992 to 2000. In Onseong, Saebyeol, and Eundeok, each values of mean elevations and slope gradients increased to 192m, 95m, and 91m from 157m, 85m, and 78m, and to 6.6$^{\circ}$, 3.0$^{\circ}$, and 4.4$^{\circ}$ from 5.2$^{\circ}$, 2.5$^{\circ}$, and 3.0$^{\circ}$. Especially, in case of newly developed cropland, the values of mean elevation and mean gradient have 225m, 122m, and 127m, and 9.4$^{\circ}$, 5.1$^{\circ}$, and 8.0$^{\circ}$, in above three regions. These new croplands were developing along to deeper valleys and toward lower hill and mountain slope up to knickpoint zone of gradient change. Deforested lands for cropland have formed irregular pattern of patch-type, and become sources for the sheet erosion, rilling and gulleying in mountain slope and sedimentation in local river channel. Though there were no field checking, analysis using landsat images and GIS mapping can help understand actual environmental problems relating to cropland development of mountain slope in North Korea.

Evaluation of Damaged Stand Volume in Burned Area of Mt. Weol-A using Remotely Sensed Data (위성자료를 이용한 산화지의 입목 손실량 평가)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Chung, Young-Gwan;Jung, Su-Young;Choi, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to estimate the area of damaged forest and the volume of stand tree in burned area, Mt. Weol-A in eastern Chinju, Korea using digital maps derived from supervised classification of Landsat thematic mapper(TM) imagery as reference data. Criterion laser estimator and WinDENDRO$^{tm}$(v. 6.3b) system as a computer-aided tree ring measuring system were used to measure a volume and age of sampled tree. The sample site had been chosen in unburned areas having the same terrain condition and forest type of burned areas. The tree age, diameter at breast height, tree height and volume of the sample tree selected from sample site in unburned area were 27years, 20.9cm, 9.7m and $0.1396m^3$ respectively. Total stand volume of sample site was estimated $2.9316m^3$/0.04ha, Damaged stand volume evaluated to about $16,007m^3$ in the burned area of 218.4ha.

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A Study of Mounding Classification Analysis & Scale Calculation in Waterside Parks and Green Areas (수변 공원녹지의 마운딩 유형 및 규모산정 연구)

  • An, Byung-Chul;Bahn, Gwon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated the physical form of planting foundation of the parks and green spaces in the waterside of Korea and classified them into groups showing common features. It was clssified into 7 kinds of parks and green spaces of 27 waterside parks in Korea including landscape, ecology, art, shields, site boundaries, windbreaks, and soundproofing. As a result, the study was carried out on the detailed type and size estimation through the sampling survey of planting foundation of landscape and ecological type mounding which can be statistically analyzed. Landscape and ecological mounding have the characteristics of securing the ecological stability of the waterside planting areas and the diversity of planting landscape. It is possible to create a green landscape through various terrain changes such as enclosing, focusing, and panoramic view. The physical characteristics of ecological and landscape type mounding can be expressed as height, width, and length And physical data can appear in various forms and sizes depending on the purpose and function of the buffer effect of the land use in the waterside planting areas, the landscape creation, the ecological buffer. In this study, the range of the physical scale for landscape and ecological mounding of waterside parks and green spaces was calculated. The range of the mounding height was analyzed to be less than 1.25m and more than 1.25m and the average height was 0.74~1.08m and 1.75~2.75m respectively. In addition, the range of width of mounding was less than 6.13m, 6.13~17.5m, and more than 17.5m, and the average width of each was 3.45~4.95m, 7.05~10.85m and 31.54~51.54m respectively. The range for the length of mounding was less than 50m, 50~500m, and more than 500m. The mean length of each mounding was 34.0m, 116.3m and 955.8m. It is difficult to distinguish the difference between the waterside planting areas and the urban greenery in the purpose and function of landscape and ecological mounding. However, considering the average distance of 60m from the waterside and the average height of 1.26m, we can conclud that opened planting foundation is prefered to high mounding designs in waterside planting areas. It is expected that the results presented for the improvement of the logical and spatial value of the waterside parks and green areas planting foundation design can be served as the basic data helpful for practical application in landscape architecture planning and design.

Floating Photovoltaic Plant Location Analysis using GIS (GIS를 활용한 수상 태양광 발전소 입지 분석)

  • Lee, Ki Rim;Lee, Won Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2016
  • Global consumption of fossil fuels continues to increase. As developing countries use fossil fuel as much as the existing fossil fuel using countries, the total amount of fossil fuel consumed has risen. The finite fossil energy depletion insecurity have become serious. In addition, fossil energy is caused by environmental pollution, economic and social problems remain in assignments that need to be addressed. Although solar power is clean and has many benefits, there are several problems in the process of installing a solar power plant. To solve these problems, floating photovoltaic plants has emerged as an alternative. This floating photovoltaic plants location analysis has not been made yet. In this study, the conditions of the floating photovoltaic plants location is analyzed with the Analytic Hierarchy Process using the terrain and climate factors. The score is assigned to the attribute information of each factor by the classification table. After multiplied by the weight the result is analyzed by visualization of the score. As the result, the score of the northen part of Gyeongsangbuk-do province is higher than the southern part of Gyeongsangbuk-do province. Especially Andongho lake in Andong City and the reservoir in Yeongyang-Gun are extracted as the optimal location. The score of the river boundary is low not the center of the river stream. It is expected that this study would be a more accurate floating solar power plant location analysis.

A study on automated soil moisture monitoring methods for the Korean peninsula based on Google Earth Engine (Google Earth Engine 기반의 한반도 토양수분 모니터링 자동화 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Chung, Jeehun;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Jinuk;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.615-626
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    • 2024
  • To accurately and efficiently monitor soil moisture (SM) across South Korea, this study developed a SM estimation model that integrates the cloud computing platform Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Various spatial information was utilized based on Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and the global precipitation observation satellite GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) to test optimal input data combinations. The results indicated that GPM-based accumulated dry-days, 5-day antecedent average precipitation, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the sum of LST (Land Surface Temperature) acquired during nighttime and daytime, soil properties (sand and clay content, bulk density), terrain data (elevation and slope), and seasonal classification had high feature importance. After setting the objective function (Determination of coefficient, R2 ; Root Mean Square Error, RMSE; Mean Absolute Percent Error, MAPE) using AutoML for the combination of the aforementioned data, a comparative evaluation of machine learning techniques was conducted. The results revealed that tree-based models exhibited high performance, with Random Forest demonstrating the best performance (R2 : 0.72, RMSE: 2.70 vol%, MAPE: 0.14).

Biotope Types and Mapping for Ecological Management of Tricholoma matsutake Production Area: The Case of Expressway in Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do (송이생산지의 생태적 관리를 위한 소나무비오톱 유형화 및 지도 작성: 강원도 양양군 동서고속도로 건설구간을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Choi, Song-Hyeon;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2012
  • This research is to suggest an ecological management methods by classification of biotope type and its mapping for Tricholoma matsutake. The target area was construction site of the East Hongchun - Yangyang Highway (Yangyang section) where massive production of Tricholoma matsutakes is in place. Specifically, the 700 m long range of area around the road route, Yangyang section, which is over a total area of $19,79km^2$. The flow of this research was as follows: first studied were the characteristics of the Yangyang Tricholoma matsutakes; second, reviews on previous studies on Tricholoma matsutakes; third, the formulation of standards and processes of biotope type considering Tricholoma matsutake production; and fourth, mapping of biotope considering the production area of Tricholoma matsutake. In 24.77% of the region, slope angle measured $30{\sim}40^{\circ}C$, which is suitable for Tricholoma matsutake production. Also, 17.44% of the region had southward vegetation structures, and as for the Pinus densiflora; 26.00% had average receipts; the tree ages was $38{\pm}8.34$ years; and the average density of canopy layer was $9.55{\pm}4.89/100m^2$. The soil acidity (pH) values of 5.0 to 5.6(47.96%) > 5.6 to 7.0(42.90%) > 4.0 to 5.0(9.14%) were slightly high for Tricholoma matsutake growth; but 57.10% of the area had a soil pH of 4.0-5.6. The organic horizon (A0 layer) was $3.39{\pm}2.14cm$, and the mean depths were 4-6cm(78.03%) > 0-2cm(18.10%) > 2-4cm(3.87%). Based on the results of previous studies and field researches on the presence of vegetation (the pine dominance ratio), the topographic structure (the terrain characteristics and slopes), the receipt, the soil structure (the soil acidity and the organic layers interposed between the depths), and the vegetation density, six clusters based on the identified types of biotopes are produced in this paper. Area of distribution according to the type of biotope was Tricholoma matsutake of the potential-production (II) biotope (32.86%) > Tricholoma matsutake of the inadequate-production biotope (22.17%) > Tricholoma matsutake of the adequate (II)-production biotope (17.79%) > Tricholoma matsutake of the adequate (I)-production biotope (14.86%) > Tricholoma matsutake of the potential-production (I) biotope (9.77%) > Tricholoma matsutake of the produced biotope (2.55%).

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