• Title/Summary/Keyword: tailoring component

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Cloning, Sequencing, and Characterization of the Pradimicin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster of Actinomadura hibisca P157-2

  • Kim, Byung-Chul;Lee, Jung-Min;Ahn, Jong-Seog;Kim, Beom-Seok
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.830-839
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    • 2007
  • Pradimicins are potent antifungal antibiotics having an unusual dihydrobenzo[$\alpha$]naphthacenequinone aglycone substituted with D-alanine and sugars. Pradimicins are polyketide antibiotics produced by Actinomadura hibisca P157-2. The gene cluster involved in the biosynthesis of pradimicins was cloned and sequenced. The pradimicin gene cluster was localized to a 39-kb DNA segment and its involvement in the biosynthesis of pradimicin was proven by gene inactivation of prmA and prmB(ketosynthases $\alpha\;and\;\beta$). The pradimicin gene cluster consists of 28 open reading frames(ORFs), encoding a type II polyketide synthase(PKS), the enzymes involved in sugar biosynthesis and tailoring enzymes as well as two resistance proteins. The deduced proteins showed strong similarities to the previously validated gene clusters of angucyclic polyketides such as rubromycin, griseorhodin, and fredericamycin. From the pradimicin gene cluster, prmP3 encoding a component of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex was disrupted. The production levels of pradimicins of the resulting mutants decreased to 62% of the level produced by the wild-type strain, which indicate that the acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene would have a significant role in the production of pradimicins through supplying the extender unit precursor, malonyl-CoA.

A Method to Design Components using Commonality and Variability Analysis (공통성 및 가변성 분석을 활용한 컴포넌트 설계 기법)

  • 장수호;김수동
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.716-727
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    • 2004
  • Component-based software development (CBD) technology has been widely accepted as a new effective paradigm for building software systems with reusable components, consequently reducing efforts and shortening time-to-market. Hence, components should provide standard or common functionalities in a domain, yielding a higher level of reusability. Especially, micro-level variability within the commonality should also be modeled so that a product member-specific business logic or requirement can be supported through component tailoring or customization The importance of commonality and variability (C&V) analysis has been emphasized in several CBD methods, but they lack of well-defined systematic process, detailed instructions, and standard artifact templates. As the result, the development of components has been carried out in ad-hoc fashion, depending on developer's experience. In this paper, we propose a systematic process and work instructions to design components. The process consists of phases and their activities and each activity is specified with detailed instructions and artifact templates in order to facilitate effective development of components. To verify a feasibility of the propose method, a case study in a banking domain and comparison and assessment between the proposed method and other methods are additionally provided. With proposed processes and instructions, reusability and efficiency of developing components can be better supported.

A Study on the Values of MBS of Various Security Designs (주택저당증권(MBS)의 발행구조에 관한 연구 : 다양한 MBS 구조설계를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.165-191
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    • 2006
  • I examine the relationship between values and security designs of MBS(mortgage-backed securities), using four different types of them. To this end I consider a pass-through and three different kinds of CMOs(collateralized mortgage obligations). It turns out that the pass-through has the lowest value and that, among CMOs, that of a senior-mezzanine-subordinate design has the highest value. This implies that CMOs of a simple and extreme design, like that of a senior-subordinate design, are not likely to be the best CMOs for risk averse buyers. Another critical finding is that the optimal security design of CMOs or MBS does exist in the form of an interior solution. This indicates that MBS issuers could charge higher prices of MBS given their underlying mortgages by tailoring MBS security designs to the needs or utilities of MBS buyers, usually by removing and combining risks of component tranches of MBS. Accordingly a thorough study of realistic utility functions of MBA buyers could enhance the values or prices of MBS to be issued.

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A Development of the Customer based On-premise ERP Implementation Process Framework

  • Oh, Deok-Soo;Kim, Hyeong-Soo;Kim, Seung-Hee
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.257-278
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    • 2021
  • As the definition of the vendor-oriented implementation method, which was utilized in adopting an ERP system, has been centered around the project construction business, it was difficult for the EPR adopting organization to systematically prepare ERP projects and have enough deliberative opportunities to change-related policies. Furthermore, this method does not have a fully standardized construction process. Accordingly, by defining an organization that wants to adopt an ERP system as a customer, this paper develops the customer-based ERP construction process framework that assists both customers and developers who construct the system. For this purpose, this paper reviews the previous research and collects the construction processes of the commercial ERP SW vendor and ERP construction cases while proposing the three-layer process framework to construct ERP through the KJ method. The ERP process framework consists of 7 processes, 32 activities, 141 tasks while providing definitions for concepts of each component. Furthermore, the proposed processes and phases were set in order of the recommended execution, while the activities were suggested as an open-ended type so that the application and usability can be increased and polished by reflecting experts' opinions. The contribution of this study is to standardize the ERP project process by transforming the previous supplier-based ERP construction method into the customer-based one while providing important procedure and activity frameworks that apply to diverse ERP solutions per vendor. At the same time, this study provides an theoretical foundation to develop the construction process for the customer -based Cloud ERP. In practice, At the beginning of the ERP system construction project, it provides communication or process tailoring tools for the stakeholder.