• Title/Summary/Keyword: survey based method

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Strategies for Activating BIM-data Sharing in Construction - Based on cases of defining practical data and a survey of practitioners - (건설분야 BIM 데이터 공유 활성화 전략 - 건설 실무분야의 데이터 연계방법과 실무자 설문을 기반으로-)

  • Kim, Do-Young;Lee, Sung-Woo;Nam, Ju-Hyun;Kim, Bum-Soo;Kim, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2022
  • It has become mandatory to designs by BIM in construction. It is urgent to make accurate decisions through the linkage between complex and various types of data in projects. In particular, block-chain based data sharing process (using BIM files, general construction submitted files) is essential to support reliable decision making in complex data flood systems. Prior to developing data sharing system based on block-chain, in this paper, a data linkage method is proposed so that practitioners can simultaneously utilize existing construction information and BIM data. Examples are shown based on the construction classification system and file expression, and incentive strategies are explored through a survey so that heterogeneous information can be used at the same time in overall projects.

The Development of the Engineering Leadership Program for Engineering Students

  • Kim, In-Sook
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the engineering students leadership program and evaluate the pilot test. To this end, literature reviews covering various leadership programs were studied and a needs analysis survey was conducted. The needs analysis survey found that student subjects believe leadership to be an important quality, but that the current availability of leadership training programs is lacking. Furthermore, results of the study are as follows, with respective results listed in descending order. The majority of students selected on-line learning as their preferred training method, followed by blended learning and in-person learning. Students also indicated their preferred instructional method to be through on-line courses. Based on these results, a preliminary pilot program was experimentally launched for only 1 class's use. This process of the development for the Engineering Leadership Program consists of 4 stages. The first stage is a needs analysis survey, followed by the design of the program based on results from the needs analysis survey. Afterwards comes the development stage, followed by the implementation stage, comprised of two parts; the pilot test and the distribution. The final stage is the overall evaluation step. We are currently in the first step of the third stage (the pilot test) and only the overall evaluation stage remains. After the distribution, a follow-up study will be conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented program.

A Sample Design for the Statistical Survey of E-commerce (전자상거래 통계조사 표본설계)

  • 이기성;홍기학;손창균
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2004
  • We suggest a summary of sample design for the statistical survey of E-commerce to estimate the general trend as well as the market size and investment scale of e-commerce based on the Census on Basic Characteristic of Establishments(CBCE). The sample design of this survey is composed of systematic sampling and modified cut-off method.

Correlations between Spatial Distribution of Alien Plants and Land Cover - Focused on National Ecosystem Survey - (외래식물의 공간분포와 토지피복간의 상관성 연구 - 전국자연환경조사 자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Tae-Jun;Shin, Hyun-Chul;Shin, Young-Kyu;Kim, Myung-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.455-466
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to seek application plans of National Ecosystem Survey database based on comparison and examination of feasible analysis methods for distribution characteristics of alien plants. In order to set up a correlation analysis method between alien plants and environmental factors, we had reviewed the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey guide book and consequently, two kinds of analysis method were tested. One was 1/25,000 scale map boundary based analysis and the other was representative mountain area based analysis. In this study we restricted the research area to select reliable surveyed database from whole "2011 National Ecosystem Survey flora database" according to two major criteria. First, an area defined by 1/25,000 scale map boundary and representative mountain area where the number of surveyed flora records should be within top 20%. Second, land cover map should also be built up inside that area. As a result, 25 map boundaries and 25 representative mountain areas were extracted to be analyzed. To limit a boundary for every representative mountain area we had analyzed distribution of environmental factors around that area by manual inspection with SPOT-5 remote sensed satellite image then designated 3km buffer zone from each alien plant location in that area. After then, naturalized index (NI) and urbanized index (UI) was calculated and correlations analysis was carried out. With the result of correlation analysis by map boundary only agricultural land area showed significant value of r (0.4~0.6, correlated) and the rest of factors did not. In the case of representative mountain area, the result showed that agricultural land, road and forest area showed significant value of r (0.6~0.8, highly correlated) which was corresponding to existing researches. Therefore, representative mountain area based method is preferable when using the alien plants database of National Ecosystem Survey for species distribution analysis. And also, considering the way of database utilization is strongly suggested at the first stage of survey planning for promoting active use of national ecosystem survey database.

Research on The Method of Encoding Geography Information Based on XML

  • Wang, JianChao;Qin, XuWen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1386-1388
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    • 2003
  • This paper analyzes the advantage of the XML, and studies the simple feature object model and Geography Markup Language that proposed by the Open GIS Consortium (OGC). We discussed the means of encoding the geographical data based on XML.

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An Analysis of Fuzzy Survey Data Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle (최대 엔트로피 분포를 이용한 퍼지 관측데이터의 분석법에 관한 연구)

  • 유재휘;유동일
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1998
  • In usual statistical data analysis, we describe statistical data by exact values. However, in modem complex and large-scale systems, it is difficult to treat the systems using only exact data. In this paper, we define these data as fuzzy data(ie. Linguistic variable applied to make the member-ship function.) and Propose a new method to get an analysis of fuzzy survey data based on the maximum entropy Principle. Also, we propose a new method of discrimination by measuring distance between a distribution of the stable state and estimated distribution of the present state using the Kullback - Leibler information. Furthermore, we investigate the validity of our method by computer simulations under realistic situations.

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Survey on Energy Management Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles (연료전지 하이브리드 자동차의 에너지 운용전략에 관한 기술조사)

  • Lee, Nam-Su;Jeong, Gu-Min;Ahn, Hyun-Sik;Kim, Do-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.511-513
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    • 2005
  • The fuel cell system has inherent limitation such as slow response time and low fuel economy especially at the low power region, and thus, the battery system has come to be used to compensate for the fuel cell system. This type of hybrid configuration has many advantages, however, the energy management strategy is essentially required. The work in this paper presents survey on recent power management strategies for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles. For three power management strategies: basic control method. object function-based control method, and fuzzy logic-based control method. each strategy is reviewed and discussed with other strategy.

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Influence of Adjacent Structures on Surface-Wave Dispersion Characteristics and 2-D Resistivity Structure (표면파 분산특성과 전기비저항 분포특성에 대한 인접구조물의 영향)

  • Joh, Sung-Ho;Kim, Bong-Chan;Cho, Mi-Ra;Kim, Suhk-Chol;Youn, Dae-Hee;Hong, Jae-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1318-1327
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    • 2008
  • Geotechnical sites in urban areas may have embedded structures such as utility lines and underground concrete structures, which cause difficulties in site investigation. This study is a preliminary research to establish knowledge base for developing an optimal technique for site investigation in urban areas. Surface-wave method and resistivity survey, which are frequently adopted for non-destructive site-investigation for geotechnical sites, were investigated to characterize effects of adjacent structures. In case of surface wave method, patterns of wave propagation were investigated for typical sets of multi-layered geotechnical profiles by numerical simulation based on forward modeling theory and field experiments for small-size model tests and real-scale tests in the field. In case of resistivity survey, 3-D finite element analyses and field tests were performed to investigate effects of adjacent concrete structures. These theoretical and experimental researches for surface-wave method and resistivity survey resulted in establishing physical criteria to cause interference of adjacent structures in site investigation at urban areas.

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Analysis of Sensibility Image According to Preference of Woman′s Golfwear (여성 골프웨어의 선호도에 따른 이미지 분석)

  • 구희경
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.87-106
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    • 2001
  • This study is to measure and evaluate the sensibility image for textile color and pattern design of woman's golfwear. Four-group colors and four patterns classified by a pracical survey on the market are presented. A questionnaire has 14 sensibility related words scaled by 7 point semantic differential method. The practical research is performed for 150 women screened by sensibility test for individual preference analysis based on the ages. Each subject is answered by a face-to-face interview method to improve survey's accuracy. For statistical results there are significant differences in treatment means of sensibility measurements according to the ages. Sensibility image for textile color and pattern design is significantly different according to individual character based on ages. In summary, this paper has proposed the sensibility image scale for textile color and pattern design of women's golfwears to satisfy individual sensibility according to ages. The results of this study can be effectively applied to develop textile color and pattern design based on human sensibility.

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Application Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution using Delphi Survey Method (전문가 델파이 방법을 이용한 농업 비점오염 저감 기술의 현장 적용성 조사)

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Jung, Goo-Bok;Kim, Min-Young;Kim, Myung-Hyun;Cho, Kwang-Jin;Choi, Soon-Kun;Hong, Seong-Chang;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.144-147
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND: It is essential to prioritize the exact and clear understanding of agricultural nonpoint source pollution (NPS) controls. The realistic policies and systems should also be developed based on this understanding. Therefore, this study aimed to present agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) applicable for the fields based on the Delphi survey result. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study deduced the evaluation items to assess each BMP for agricultural NPS control and conducted the surveying using the Delphi method based on agricultural BMP experts. In addition, its on-the-spot application were evaluated. Considering its importance, technical, social and economic proprieties showed that political support was ranked first and followed by cost investment, labor investment, reduction effect and resident participation. The survey findings by agricultural BMP experts showed the good performance of on-the-spot application can be achieved from fertilization by soil testing, residue and green manure application and contour plowing which are applicable within a field. Agricultural BMPs, highly applicable for the fields, were the countermeasures that farmers who are the principal bodies of agricultural NPS control could be participated directly. CONCLUSION: The active participation of farmers is essential for effective control of agricultural NPS. It is necessary to establish various incentive systems.