• Title/Summary/Keyword: surface-ocean productivity

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Estimation of Benthic Microalgae Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Mudflat Surfaces of Geunso Bay Using Ground-based Hyperspectral Data (지상 초분광자료를 이용한 근소만 갯벌표층에서 저서성 미세조류의 엽록소-a 공간분포 추정)

  • Koh, Sooyoon;Noh, Jaehoon;Baek, Seungil;Lee, Howon;Won, Jongseok;Kim, Wonkook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1111-1124
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    • 2021
  • Mudflats are crucial for understanding the ecological structure and biological function of coastal ecosystem because of its high primary production by microalgae. There have been many studies on measuring primary productivity of tidal flats for the estimation of organic carbon abundance, but it is relatively recent that optical remote sensing technique, particularly hyperspectral sensing, was used for it. This study investigates hyperspectral sensing of chlorophyll concentration on a tidal flat surface, which is a key variable in deriving primary productivity. The study site is a mudflat in Geunso bay, South Korea and field campaigns were conducted at ebb tide in April and June 2021. Hyperspectral reflectance of the mudflat surfaces was measured with two types of hyperspectral sensors; TriOS RAMSES (directionalsensor) and the Specim-IQ (camera sensor), and Normal Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Contiuum Removal Depth (CRD) were used to estimate Chl-a from the optical measurements. The validation performed against independent field measurements of Chl-a showed that both CRD and NDVI can retrieve surface Chl-a with R2 around 0.7 for the Chl-a range of 0~150 mg/m2 tested in this study.

The Distributions of Nutrients, Chlorophyll-a, and Primary Productivity in the South Pacific Ocean (남태평양의 영양염, 엽록소, 일차생산성 분포)

  • Kim, Dong-Yup;Shim, Jung-Hee;Song, Hwan-Seok;Kang, Young-Chul;Kim, Dong-Seon
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2001
  • The vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, and primary production were investigated within the top 200m water depth in the south Pacific Ocean in February,2000. The study area ($24^{\circ}-41^{\circ}S,\;81^{\circ}-168^{\circ}W$) can be hydrologically divided into two regions. Upwelling was actively occurring in the eastern region of the $110^{\circ}S$ line, meanwhile it was not active in the western region. Accordingly, chemical properties in the surface waters were different between the two regions; nitrate+nitrite and phosphate concentrations were much higher in the eastern region than in the western region due to the active upwelling, but silicate concentration was higher in the western region. Among the nutrients, the major element influencing primary production was also different between the two regions; silicon would be a major element influencing primary production in the eastern region, but nitrogen may act as a major element for primary production in the western region. Primary production showed similar values in the two regions in spite of the large differences of nutrient concentrations in the surface waters, but the total chlorophyll integrated within the 200 m water depth was almost twice as much as in the western region than that in the eastern legion.

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Evaluation on Sensitivity and Approximate Modeling of Fire-Resistance Performance for A60 Class Deck Penetration Piece Using Heat-Transfer Analysis and Fire Test

  • Park, Woo Chang;Song, Chang Yong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2021
  • The A60 class deck penetration piece is a fire-resistance apparatus installed on the deck compartment to protect lives and to prevent flame diffusion in the case of a fire accident in a ship or offshore plant. In this study, the sensitivity of the fire-resistance performance and approximation characteristics for the A60 class penetration piece was evaluated by conducting a transient heat-transfer analysis and fire test. The transient heat-transfer analysis was conducted to evaluate the fire-resistance design of the A60 class deck penetration piece, and the analysis results were verified via the fire test. The penetration-piece length, diameter, material type, and insulation density were used as the design factors (DFs), and the output responses were the weight, temperature, cost, and productivity. The quantitative effects of each DF on the output responses were evaluated using the design-of-experiments method. Additionally, an optimum design case was identified to minimize the weight of the A60 class deck penetration piece while satisfying the allowable limits of the output responses. According to the design-of-experiments results, various approximate models, e.g., a Kriging model, the response surface method, and a radial basis function-based neural network (RBFN), were generated. The design-of-experiments results were verified by the approximation results. It was concluded that among the approximate models, the RBFN was able to explore the design space of the A60 class deck penetration piece with the highest accuracy.

Chemical Imprints of the Upwelled Waters off the Coast of the Southern East Sea of Korea

  • Lee, Tong-Sup;Kim, Il-Nam
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2003
  • We made intensive observations on the coastal upwelling off the coast of the southern East Sea from June to August in 2001. The upwelling exhibited a weekly waxing and waning. The coastal upwelling of the year 2001 was characterized by abrupt outbreaks and the small local scale. Upwelling occurred more frequently off the coast of Ulsan and Gampo as reported by the earlier observers. The spread of freshly upwelled colder water was varied by each upwelling event. Generally cold waters were carried away northeastward off Pohang province. The upwelled cold waters were saltier than the resident surface waters. The pH and salinity-normalized alkalinity support the idea that the upwelled waters originate from the interior of the East Sea. The extraordinarily high concentration of dissolved oxygen suggests that the upwelled waters are closely connected to the southward flowing North Korea Cold Current. Although a lower primary productivity was reported for the upwelling region, underway surface fluorescence measurement revealed that the recently upwelled waters supported up to an order of magnitude higher algal biomass than the ambient waters. Because thermohaline circulation of the East Sea is so vigorous, with an estimated time scale of less than one hundred years, that the coastal upwelling should be considered not as an anomaly but as a regular component of a circulatory system. A quantitative understanding of upwelling seems to be a key to elucidate material cycling and the associated biological production in the East Sea.

Origin of Manganese Nodules and Their Distribution in the KODOS-89 Area, Northeastern Equatorial Pacific. (KODOS-89 지역 망간단괴의 성인과 분포)

  • 정회수;정갑식
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 1990
  • In the KODOS (Korea Deep Ocean Study)-89 area, western part of clarion-Clipperton fracture zones in the northeastern equatorial Pacific, magnate nodules and sediments were sampled during the 'Farnella' cruise in Oct., 1989. Bulk chemical and mineralogical analyses have been made on a suit of ferromanganese nodules and sediments to study the origin and distribution pattern of the nodules. The nodules are classified into three groups based on their origin: diagenetic nodules with high Mn/Fe ratio, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mg, todorokite contents and rough surface texture; hydrogenetic nodules with high Fe, Co, vernadite contents and smooth surface texture; and transitional nodules with intermediate characters between diagenetic and hydrogenetic nodules. Study area is divided into four zones according to the origin and abundance of nodules: far north area where nodules are hydrogenetic and intermediate in abundance; north area where nodules are diagenetic and low in abundance; south area where nodules are diagenetic and intermediate in abundance; seamount area where nodules are hydrogenetic and high in abundance. distribution pattern of manganese nodules in the KODOS-89 area seems to be controlled by latitudinal variation of productivity in water column and sea bottom morphology.

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Analysis of Long-Term Monitoring Data From the Geum River Estuary (금강 하구의 장기 관측 자료 분석)

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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2005
  • To investigate the long-term variation of water qualities, we have daily monitored physio-chemical characteristics of surface water in the Geum River estuary from June 1996 to April 2004. We found that the water qualities were determined by three dominant factors : 1. fluvial input from Geum River ($28.3\%$), 2. chemical processes such as nitrification and phosphate addition originated from sediment resuspension and domestic sew- age input ($18.6\%$), 3. biological processes such as nutrient consumption by primary producers ($13.5\%$). The factor 1 (fluvial input) effectively affected the water quality of the estuary particularly during the normal or low river discharge. The factor 2 (chemical processes) and the factor 3 (biological processes) showed distinct seasonal differences due to their relative strengths of biological activities. The factor 3 was a governing parameter during the period of spring algal bloom in 2004. For the spring period, an empirical equation derived from the multi-regression analyses showed that the in-situ chlorophyll-a distributions in the estuarine water were successfully simulated by the phosphate concentrations and N/P ratios. Therefore we suggest that phosphate functions as a limiting factor for the primary productivity in the Geum River estuary for the dry season, especially during spring.

Analysis of Thermal Degradation Mechanism by Infrared High-speed Heating of CF-PEKK Composites in Hot Press Forming (핫프레스 공정 기반 CF-PEKK 복합재의 근적외선 고속가열에 의한 열적 열화 반응의 메커니즘 분석)

  • Lee, Kyo-Moon;Park, Soo-Jeong;Park, Ye-Rim;Park, Seong-Jae;Kim, Yun-Hae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.93-97
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    • 2022
  • The application of infrared heating in the hot press forming of the thermoplastic composites is conducive to productivity with high-speed heating. However, high energy, high forming temperature, and high-speed heating derived from infrared heating can cause material degradation and deteriorate properties such as re-melting performance. Therefore, this study was conducted to optimize the process conditions of the hot press forming suitable for carbon fiber reinforced polyetherketoneketone(CF/PEKK) composites that are actively researched and developed as high-performance aviation materials. Specifically, the degradation mechanisms and properties that may occur in infrared high-speed heating were evaluated through morphological and thermal characteristics analysis and mechanical performance tests. The degradation mechanism was analyzed through morphological investigation of the crystal structure of PEKK. As a result, the size of the spherulite decreased as the degradation progressed, and finally, the spherulite disappeared. In thermal characteristics, the melting temperature, crystallization temperature and heat of crystallization tend to decrease as degradation progresses, and the crystal structure disappeared under long-term exposure at 460℃. In addition, the low bonding strength was observed on the degraded surface, and the bonding surfaces of PEKK did not melt intermittently. In conclusion, it was confirmed that the CF/PEKK composite material degraded at 420℃ in the infrared high-speed heating. Furthermore, the spherulite experienced morphological changes and the re-melting properties of thermoplastic materials were degraded.

Monitoring on the Marine Environment and Phytoplankton of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Arctic (북극 스발바드섬 Kongsfjorden의 해양 환경 및 식물플랑크톤 모니터링 연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Ho;Kim, Yea-Dong;Kang, Jae-Shin;Yoo, Kyu-Cheul;Yoon, Ho-Il;Lee, Won-Cheol
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 2003
  • Kongsfjorden near Korean Arctic Station, Dasan, is a glacial fjord in the Svalbard archipelago, Arctic that is influenced by both Atlantic and Arctic water masses. During the Arctic field season August 2002, surface temperature, salinity, density, and phytoplankton biomass (chi a) was measured in Kongsfjorden. A total of 15 surface samples were collected for the phytoplankton related measurements. Chl a values ranged from 0.08 to 1.4mg chi a $m^{-3}$ (mean of 0.53mg chl a $m^{-3}$) in the overall surface stations. The highest values of the chi a concentrations (> 1.0mg chi a $m^{-3}$) were found near glacier in the northeastern part of Kongsfjorden. Nanoplanktonic (< $20{\mu}m$) phytoflagellates were important contributors for the increase of the chi a. The nano-sized phytoflagellates accounted for more than 90% of the total chi a biomass in the study area. Surface temperatures and salinities ranged from 2.5 to $7.18^{\circ}C$ (mean of $4.65^{\circ}C$) and from 22.55 to 32.97 psu (mean of 30.16 psu), respectively. The physical factors were not highly correlated with phytoplankton distribution. The character of surface water due to down-fjord wind was highly similar to phytoplankton distribution. Drifting ice, freshwater, and semdiment inputs from large tidal glaciers located in the inner part of Konsfjorden create steep physico- and biogeochemical environmental gradients along the length of this ford. The glacial inputs cause reduced biodiversity biomass and productivity in the pelagic community in the inner fjord. Primary production of benthic and pelagic microalgae is reduced due to the limited light levels in the turbid and mixed inner waters. The magnitude of glacial effects diminishes towards the outer fjord. Kongsfjorden is an important feeding ground fer marine mammals and seabirds. Especially, seabirds play the largest energy intake and also export nutrients for primary production of the marine microalgae. Kongsfjorden has received a lot of research attention as a site for exploring the impacts of climate changes. Dasan Station in Kongsfjorden will be an important Arctic site for monitoring and detecting future environmental changes.

Formation and Characteristics of Ocean Fronts at the East China Sea in Southwestern Sea Area from Jeju Island, Summer (제주도 서남방 동중국해역에서 하계 해양전선 형성과 수질특성)

  • Heo M. Y.;Choi Y. C.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2004
  • The results of analyzing the hydrographic observations in the southwestern sea of Jeju Island in the last 10 days of August 1999 to investigate the characteristics of oceanic front area appeared in the East China Sea in August from is summarized as follows: In Line A, a front appears at Station A5 of 124°E and 31°30'N, showing relatively uniform density of 21.4 to 22.1 in the surface layer of 50m depth, which is distinguished from 22.0 shown in the sides of China and open ocean. In Line B, a front also appears at Station B6 of 124°E and 33°N, of which density is distinguished from 20.0 shown in the sides of China and open ocean as In Line A. As a result, the front area caused by fresh water runoffs from the Yangtze River in the East China Sea is formed at 124°E and 124°30'in the direction of east and northeast from Yangtze River, respectively. Nutrient concentrations in the study area are characterized by higher density in the side of China and by clear density difference between the upper and the lower layers in the side of open ocean, while by uniformly lower density concentration between the upper and the lower layers in the front area. Chlorophyll-α concentrations is high in the sides of China and open ocean, while low in the front area. Judging from the above results, the productivity in the front area is lower according to the inactivity of phytoplankton due to increased flow from vertical mixing between the upper layer and the lower layer. Also, the front area in the East China Sea in summer may be moved towards the adjacent sea of Jeju Island by increasing fresh water runoffs from the Yangtze River in summer.

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Optimization of Shark (Squatina oculata) Cartilage Hydrolysis for the Preparation of Chondroitin Sulfate

  • Jo, Jin-Ho;Do, Jeong-Ryong;Kim, Young-Moung;Kim, Dong-Soo;Lee, Taek-Kyun;Kim, Seon-Bong;Cho, Seung-Mock;Kang, Suk-Nam;Park, Douck-Choun
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.651-655
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    • 2005
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis of shark (Squatina oculata) cartilage (SC) was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM) for chondroitin sulfate (CS) preparation. Among 11 commercial proteases, Maxazyme NNP showed highest productivity (CS yield per enzyme cost) of CS. Optimal hydrolysis conditions determined by RSM were 1.63% and 2.87 hr for enzyme concentration and hydrolysis time ($r^2\;=\;0.9527$, p<0.0l), respectively and highest yield of hydrolysate under the conditions was 42.3%. The yield ($43.1{\pm}2.1%$) and CS content ($24.8{\pm}0.1%$) of hydrolysate at optimal condition verified statistical optimization of SC enzymatic hydrolysis was valid.