• Title/Summary/Keyword: super-solution

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Influence of Control Pressure and Concentration of Water Solution at Continuous Ice Making in a Tube (제어압력 및 수용액의 농도가 관내 연속제빙에 미치는 영향)

  • ;;Hideo Inaba;Akihiko Horibe;Naoto haruki;Hidetoshi Miura
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.1236-1244
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    • 2001
  • In the present study, the possibility of continuous slurry ice making using flowing water solution in a cooled tube has been investigated. The experiments were carried out at various concentration and velocity of water solution, temperature of cooled tube wall, and control pressure in a tube. As a result, four types of operating conditions, that is super-cooling, continuous ice making, intermittent ice making and ice blockage, were classified. And it was found that the critical condition for the continuous ice making was acquired as a function of these experimental parameters.

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A selective sparse coding based fast super-resolution method for a side-scan sonar image (선택적 sparse coding 기반 측면주사 소나 영상의 고속 초해상도 복원 알고리즘)

  • Park, Jaihyun;Yang, Cheoljong;Ku, Bonwha;Lee, Seungho;Kim, Seongil;Ko, Hanseok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2018
  • Efforts have been made to reconstruct low-resolution underwater images to high-resolution ones by using the image SR (Super-Resolution) method, all to improve efficiency when acquiring side-scan sonar images. As side-scan sonar images are similar with the optical images with respect to exploiting 2-dimensional signals, conventional image restoration methods for optical images can be considered as a solution. One of the most typical super-resolution methods for optical image is a sparse coding and there are studies for verifying applicability of sparse coding method for underwater images by analyzing sparsity of underwater images. Sparse coding is a method that obtains recovered signal from input signal by linear combination of dictionary and sparse coefficients. However, it requires huge computational load to accurately estimate sparse coefficients. In this study, a sparse coding based underwater image super-resolution method is applied while a selective reconstruction method for object region is suggested to reduce the processing time. For this method, this paper proposes an edge detection and object and non object region classification method for underwater images and combine it with sparse coding based image super-resolution method. Effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by reducing the processing time for image reconstruction over 32 % while preserving same level of PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) compared with conventional method.

Study of seismic performance of super long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridges

  • Zhang, Xin-Jun;Yu, Cong;Zhao, Jun-Jie
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.1
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2019
  • To investigate the seismic performance of long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridge, a super long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridge scheme with main span of 1400m is taken as example, structural response of the bridge under E1 seismic action is investigated numerically by the multimode seismic response spectrum and time-history analysis, seismic behavior and also the effect of structural geometric nonlinearity on the seismic responses of super long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridges are revealed. The seismic responses are also compared to those of a fully self-anchored cable-stayed bridge with the same main span. The effects of structural parameters including the earth-anchored girder length, the girder width, the girder depth, the tower height to span ratio, the inclination of earth-anchored cables, the installation of auxiliary piers in the side spans and the connection between tower and girder on the seismic responses of partially ground-anchored cable-stayed bridges are investigated, and their reasonable values are also discussed in combination with static performance and structural stability. The results show that the horizontal seismic excitation produces significant seismic responses of the girder and tower, the seismic responses of the towers are greater than those of the girder, and thus the tower becomes the key structural member of seismic design, and more attentions should be paid to seismic design of these sections including the tower bottom, the tower and girder at the junction of tower and girder, the girder at the auxiliary piers in side spans; structural geometric nonlinearity has significant influence on the seismic responses of the bridge, and thus the nonlinear time history analysis is proposed to predict the seismic responses of super long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridges; as compared to the fully self-anchored cable-stayed bridge with the same main span, several stay cables in the side spans are changed to be earth-anchored, structural stiffness and natural frequency are both increased, the seismic responses of the towers and the longitudinal displacement of the girder are significantly reduced, structural seismic performance is improved, and therefore the partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridge provides an ideal structural solution for super long-span cable-stayed bridges with kilometer-scale main span; under the case that the ratio of earth-anchored girder length to span is about 0.3, the wider and higher girder is employed, the tower height-to-span ratio is about 0.2, the larger inclination is set for the earth-anchored cables, 1 to 2 auxiliary piers are installed in each of the side spans and the fully floating system is employed, better overall structural performance is achieved for long-span partially earth-anchored cable-stayed bridges.

Water repellency of glass surface coated with fluorosilane coating solutions containing nanosilica (나노실리카를 함유한 불소실란으로 코팅된 유리 표면의 발수 특성)

  • Lee, Soo;Kim, Keun Min
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 2019
  • Hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanosilica and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) as a coupling agent was used to form a coarse spike structure as well as an excellent reactive hydroxyl groups on the glass surface. Then, a second treatment was carried out using a trichloro-(1H,1H,2H,2H)perfluorooctylsilane(TPFOS) solution for ultimate water repellent glass surface formation. The formation of hydrophobic coating layer on glass surface using silica aerosol, which is hydrophobic nanosilica, was not able to form a durable hydrophobic coating layer due to the absence of reactive -OH groups on the surface of nanosilica. On the other hand, a glass surface was first coated with a coating liquid prepared with hydrophilic hydroxyl group-containing nanosilica and hydrolyzed TEOS, and then coated with a TPFOS solution to introduce a hydrophobic surface on glass having a water contact angle of $150^{\circ}$ or more. The sliding angle of the coated glass was less than $1^{\circ}$, which meant the surface had a super water-repellent property. In addition, as the content of hydrophilic nanosilica increased, the optical transmittance decreased and the optical transmittance also decreased after 2nd coating with the TPFOS solution. The super-hydrophobic property of the coated glass was remained up to 50 times of rubbing durability test, but only hydrophobic property was shown after 200 times of rubbing durability test. Conclusively, the optimal coating conditions was double 1st coatings with the HP3 coating solution having a hydrophilic nanosilica content of 0.3 g, and subsequent 2nd coating with the TPFOS solution. It is believed that the coating solution thus prepared can be used as a surface treatment agent for solar cells where light transmittance is also important.

Preparation and Solution Properties of Hydrophobically Modified PVA (소수성기로 개질된 PVA의 제조와 용액의 성질)

  • 이광화;조창기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2003
  • 완전히 가수분해 된 폴리비닐알콜(PVA)은 에멜전 안정화와 계면활성이 약하다. $^{1)}$ 하지만 hydrophobically modified PVA는 높은 계면활성을 가지고 있을뿐더러 수용액에서 micelle을 형성할 수 있고 게다가 그의 수용액은 높은 viscosity, shear thinning, thixotropic, less salt sensitive 성질을 가지고 있어 enhanced oil recovery operations, drag reduction, flocculation, super absorbency, latex paints, hydraulic fluids, surface coatings등에 사용될 수 있다. $^{2.3)}$ (중략)

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A Boundary Element Method for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

  • Park, Yunbeom;Kim, P.S.
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 1994
  • We consider a numerical scheme for solving a nonlinear boundary integral equation (BIE) obtained by reformulation the nonlinear boundary value problem (BVP). We give a simple alternative to the standard collocation method for the nonlinear BIE. This method consists of one conventional linear system and another coupled linear system resulting from an auxiliary BIE which is obtained by differentiating both side of the nonlinear interior integral equations. We obtain an analogue BIE through the perturbation of the fundamental solution of Laplace's equation. We procure the super-convergence of approximate solutions.

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Torsional flexural steady state response of monosymmetric thin-walled beams under harmonic loads

  • Hjaji, Mohammed A.;Mohareb, Magdi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.787-813
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    • 2014
  • Starting with Hamilton's variational principle, the governing field equations for the steady state response of thin-walled beams under harmonic forces are derived. The formulation captures shear deformation effects due to bending and warping, translational and rotary inertia effects and as well as torsional flexural coupling effects due to the cross section mono-symmetry. The equations of motion consist of four coupled differential equations in the unknown displacement field variables. A general closed form solution is then developed for the coupled system of equations. The solution is subsequently used to develop a family of shape functions which exactly satisfy the homogeneous form of the governing field equations. A super-convergent finite element is then formulated based on the exact shape functions. Key features of the element developed include its ability to (a) isolate the steady state response component of the response to make the solution amenable to fatigue design, (b) capture coupling effects arising as a result of section mono-symmetry, (c) eliminate spatial discretization arising in commonly used finite elements, (d) avoiding shear locking phenomena, and (e) eliminate the need for time discretization. The results based on the present solution are found to be in excellent agreement with those based on finite element solutions at a small fraction of the computational and modelling cost involved.

Measurement of Crystal Formation in Supersaturated Solution

  • Kim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Young-Han
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1196-1200
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    • 2003
  • The degree of supersaturation is an important measure for the operation of crystallization processes, because it is directly related to the control of crystal size distribution and shape. A conventional technique utilizing solution composition and temperature has a variety of problems caused from the measurement error and the handling of analyzing samples. A monitoring system of the supersaturation using a quartz crystal sensor is proposed here, and its performance is examined applying different manipulations of coolant temperature. The experimental outcome and photographic examination indicate that the measurements of resonant frequency and resistance of the sensor can be used for the prediction of the formation and growth of solid crystal from the crystallization process. The monitoring system eliminates the intrinsic error source of the conventional system to give the improved measurement and on-line application availability.

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인산염을 이용한 납오염 토양 고정화 반응의 가속화

  • 이의상;이상봉;이인원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 2004
  • Immobilization is seen as a promising technology for lead remediation. In a laboratory experiment, immobilization of lead with soluble P was tested as a function of reaction time and P concentration. The P treated with an acidic solution to enhance heavy metal immobilization was worked into the soil, and within 7 days, lead was stabilized. Different molar ratios of soluble phosphates (super-phosphate and KH$_2$PO$_4$) would be considerably effective to accelerate the formation of highly insoluble minerals due to the lack of leachable Pb in the contaminated soil. Although it was demonstrated that the addition of soluble phosphates with an acidic solution significantly reduced available lead in soil up to over 95%, remaining phosphorus in soil matrix might cause a possible groundwater eutrophication in the near future.

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각종 치과용 합착 Cement의 색소침투에 관한 실험적 연구

  • Chin, Yong-Whan;Kim, Sang-Se;Lee, Eun-Ho;Kim, Sung-Il;Ahn, Sang-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.613-617
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    • 1974
  • The authors have studied the marginal leakage of various dental cements; Fynal cement (Caulk), Zinc cement (S.S. White) Carbo cement (Shofu, Poly-carboxylate cement), EBA cement (Opotow alumina cement), Propac (G-C's zinc oxide euginol cement), and Super cement (Shofu oxyphosphate zinc cement), by means of penetration of 2% methylene blue solution between orden crown restorations and human teeth in 150 cases. The result revealed as follow 1. None of the cements tested were free from dye penetration. 2. There was a wide difference in dye penetration among the trade brands of dental cement when immersed in dye solution before setting of cements. 3. EBA cement and Carbo cement showed comparatively low grade of dye penetration at the restorative margins.

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