• Title/Summary/Keyword: sub-solution

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Fabrication and dielectric properties of $LaAlO_3-BaZrO_3$ perovskites ($LaAlO_3-BaZrO_3$계 perovskites의 제조 및 유전특성)

  • Lee, So-Hee;Kim, Shin;Shin, Hyun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.325-325
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    • 2007
  • The perovskites in the $LaAlO_3-BaZrO_3$ system (i.e., $(1-x)LaAlO_3-xBaZrO_3$ were fabricated by a solid state reaction and their dielectric properties were investigated. For the compositions of x=0.1~0.9, the mixture of $LaAlO_3$ with a rhombohedral structure and $BaZrO_3$ with a cubic was observed when the sintering was conducted at $1500^{\circ}C$, indicating that the solubility of constituent elements was very low and a narrow solid solution region might exist. The large difference of ionic radii between $La^{3+}$ ion (0.136nm, C.N.=12) and $Ba^{2+}$ ion (0.161nm) or $Al^{3+}$ ion (0.0535nm, C.N.=6) and $Zr^{4+}$ ion (0.072nm) might hinder the mutual substitution. Within the compositions of x=0~0.7, the dielectric constant of the mixture increased with the amount of $BaZrO_3$, i.e., x value, which was in good agreement with the logarithmic mixing rule (In $_{r,i}={\Sigma}v_iln\;_{r,i}$). The increase in $BaZrO_3$ doping decreased $Q{\times}f$ value significantly due to the low $Q{\times}f$ value of $BaZrO_3$ itself, a poor microstructure of the mixture with an increased grain boundary area per volume, and defects in the cation and oxygen sub-lattices which were respectively caused by the evaporation of barium during the sintering process and the substitution of Ba on La-site or Al on Zr-site.

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Heat Resistant Electromagnetic Noise Absorber Films Using Poly(amide imide)/Soft Magnet Composite (내열성 전자기 노이즈 흡수 폴리(아미드-이미드)/연자성체 복합체 필름)

  • Han, Ji-Eun;Jeon, Byung-Kuk;Goo, Bon-Jae;Cho, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Park, Yun-Heum;Lee, Jun-Young
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2009
  • We fabricated the electromagnetic (EM) noise absorber films for high temperature use by blending a soft magnetic powder with poly(amide imide) (PAI). The EM noise absorber films of PAI/soft magnet composite were prepared by casting the solution of poly(amide amic acid)/soft magnet powder into glass substrate with casting applicator device and then thermal imidization. The obtained films were fully characterized and their physical properties including thermal behavior, thermal stability and mechanical properties were studied. The EM noise absorption ability was also investigated using micro-strip line method. At 1 GHz, the power loss of composite film with 150 ${\mu}m$ thickness was about 25%.

Dose Dependent Effects of Epimedii Herba on the Reproductive Function in the Mice (농도별(濃度別) 음양곽(淫羊藿) 투약(投藥)이 수컷 생쥐의 생식능력(生殖能力)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Chang Hoon;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.142-155
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    • 2005
  • Objective: This study was undertaken to evaluate the dose dependent effects of Epimedii Herba extract solution on the spermatogenic abilities such as concentration, motility and morphological normality of sperm from the testis, and the activities of spermhyaluronidase and antioxidants. Materials and Method: We choose the 2-month-old mice, and administered the extract powder of Epimedii Herba in the different concentration once in a day for 60 days. The control group was administerde to normal water in the isolated testis tissue. Also we observed changes of isolated testis at the before and after administration of Epimedii Herba extracts in the mice. And we compared to the testicular tissue especially seminiferous tubules between control and treated group by histochemical methods. Results: The significant dose dependent differences were observed in the concentration of total sperm, the motility and normality of spermatozoa of the Epimedii Herba extract administered groups compared than that of control group, respectively. In the histological analysis of the testicular lobes were observed in the Epimedii Herbaextract administered groups than control group, respectively. Also, the activity hyluronidase was significantly increased in the Epimedii Herba extract administered groups than that of the control group. In case of antioxidant activity analysis, the activity of peroxidase and catalase were significantly increased in the Epimedii Herba extract administered groups than that of control group, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows that Epimedii Herba can effect the count and motility of sperm, the important ractor in male fertility and also promote the activity of antioxidants, catalase and peroxidase, which is the important factor in spermatogenesis.

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Selection and Genetic Relationship of Salt Tolerant Rice Mutants by in vitro Mutagenesis

  • Song, Jae Young;Kim, Dong Sub;Lee, Myung-Chul;Lee, Kyung Jun;Kim, Jin-Baek;Kim, Sang Hoon;Yun, Song Joong;Kang, Si-Yong
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2010
  • Plants have evolved physiological, biochemical and metabolic mechanisms to increase their survival under the adverse conditions. This present study has been performed to select salt-tolerant rice mutant lines through in vivo and in vitro mutagenesis with gamma-rays. For the selection of the salt-tolerant rice mutants, we conducted three times of selection procedure using 1,500 gamma ray mutant lines resulted from an embryo culture of the original rice cv. Dongan (wild-type, WT): first, selection in the a nutrient solution with 171 mM NaCl; second, selection under in vitro condition with 171 mM NaCl; and third, selection in a reclaimed saline land. Based on a growth comparison of the entries, out of the mutant lines, two putative 2 salt tolerant (ST) rice mutant lines, ST-87 and ST-301, were finally selected. The survival rate of the WT, ST-87 and ST-301 were 36.6%, 60% and 66.3% after 7 days in 171 mM NaCl treatment, respectively. The WT and two salt tolerant mutant lines were used to analyze their genetic variations. A total of 21 EcoRI and Msel primer combinations were used to analyze the genetic relationship of among the two salt-tolerant lines and the WT using the ABI3130 capillary electrophoresis system. In the AFLP analysis, a total of 1469 bands were produced by the 21 primer combinations, and 700 (47.6%) of them were identified as having polymorphism. The genetic similarity coefficients were ranged from 0.52 between the ST-87 and WT to 0.24 between the ST-301 and the WT. These rice mutant lines will be used as a control plot for physiological analysis and genetic research on salt tolerance.

Comparison of Learning Performance by Reinforcement Learning Agent Visibility Information Difference (강화학습 에이전트 시야 정보 차이에 의한 학습 성능 비교)

  • Kim, Chan Sub;Jang, Si-Hwan;Yang, Seong-Il;Kang, Shin Jin
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2021
  • Reinforcement learning, in which artificial intelligence develops itself to find the best solution to problems, is a technology that is highly valuable in many fields. In particular, the game field has the advantage of providing a virtual environment for problem-solving to reinforcement learning artificial intelligence, and reinforcement learning agents solve problems about their environment by identifying information about their situation and environment using observations. In this experiment, the instant dungeon environment of the RPG game was simplified and produced and various observation variables related to the field of view were set to the agent. As a result of the experiment, it was possible to figure out how much each set variable affects the learning speed, and these results can be referred to in the study of game RPG reinforcement learning.

Effects of Bisphenol S on Viability and Reactive Oxygen Species of the Sperm and Ovarian Granulosa Cells in Pigs (Bisphenol S가 돼지정자와 난소내 과립막세포의 생존성과 활성산소에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yu-Sub;Lee, Seunghyung;Yang, Boo-Keun
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2018
  • The effect of bisphenol S (BPS) on the viability and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was studied in boar sperm and ovarian granulosa cells. Boar semen was incubated in Beltsville thawing solution with either 0 or $5{\mu}M$ BPS for 3 and 6 h. The viability of sperm was analyzed by SYBR14/PI doubling staining, and production of ROS was detected. Ovarian granulosa cells were also treated with BPS for 24, 48, and 72 h. Then, cell viability (0, 5, 10, and $20{\mu}M$) and ROS production (only 0 and $5{\mu}M$ BPS) were assessed. The results showed that, BPS decreased sperm viability at 3 and 6 h, and that BPS increased ROS production (p<0.05). Also, BPS reduced the viability of ovarian granulosa cells (p<0.05), and stimulated ROS production (p<0.05). These results suggest that BPS damages sperm activation and ovarian granulosa cells in the reproductive system.

A Design of the IMM Filter for Improving Position Error of the INS / GPS Integrated System (INS/GPS 통합 항법 시스템의 위치 오차 개선을 위한 IMM 필터 설계)

  • Baek, Seung-jun
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, interacting multiple model (IMM) filter was designed that guarantees a stable navigation performance even in the unstable satellite navigation position. In order to design IMM filter in INS / GPS integrated navigation system, sub filter of the IMM filter is defined as Kalman filter. In the IMM filter configuration, two subfilters are determined. Each Kalman filter defines the six-teenth state composed of position, velocity, attitude, and sensor error from the INS error equation and the states additionally derived in case of the coloured measurement noise. In order to verify the performance of the proposed filter, we compared the performance how the filter works in the presence of arbitrary error in GPS navigation solution. The Monte Carlo simulation was performed 100 times and the results were compared with the root mean square(RMS). The results show that the proposed method is stable against errors and show fast convergence.

Smoothing DRR: A fair scheduler and a regulator at the same time (Smoothing DRR: 스케줄링과 레귤레이션을 동시에 수행하는 서버)

  • Joung, Jinoo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2019
  • Emerging applications such as Smart factory, in-car network, wide area power network require strict bounds on the end-to-end network delays. Flow-based scheduler in traditional Integrated Services (IntServ) architecture could be possible solution, yet its complexity prohibits practical implementation. Sub-optimal class-based scheduler cannot provide guaranteed delay since the burst increases rapidly as nodes are passed by. Therefore a leaky-bucket type regulator placed next to the scheduler is being considered widely. This paper proposes a simple server that achieves both fair scheduling and traffic regulation at the same time. The performance of the proposed server is investigated, and it is shown that a few msec delay bound can be achieved even in large scale networks.

Evolutionary Computation-based Hybird Clustring Technique for Manufacuring Time Series Data (제조 시계열 데이터를 위한 진화 연산 기반의 하이브리드 클러스터링 기법)

  • Oh, Sanghoun;Ahn, Chang Wook
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2021
  • Although the manufacturing time series data clustering technique is an important grouping solution in the field of detecting and improving manufacturing large data-based equipment and process defects, it has a disadvantage of low accuracy when applying the existing static data target clustering technique to time series data. In this paper, an evolutionary computation-based time series cluster analysis approach is presented to improve the coherence of existing clustering techniques. To this end, first, the image shape resulting from the manufacturing process is converted into one-dimensional time series data using linear scanning, and the optimal sub-clusters for hierarchical cluster analysis and split cluster analysis are derived based on the Pearson distance metric as the target of the transformation data. Finally, by using a genetic algorithm, an optimal cluster combination with minimal similarity is derived for the two cluster analysis results. And the performance superiority of the proposed clustering is verified by comparing the performance with the existing clustering technique for the actual manufacturing process image.

Preparation and Refinement Behavior of (Hf-Ti-Ta-Zr-Nb)C High-Entropy Carbide Powders by Ultra High Energy Ball Milling Process (초고에너지 볼 밀링공정에 의한 (Hf-Ti-Ta-Zr-Nb)C 고엔트로피 카바이드 분말 제조 및 미세화 거동)

  • Song, Junwoo;Han, Junhee;Kim, Song-Yi;Seok, Jinwoo;Kim, Hyoseop
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2022
  • Recently, high-entropy carbides have attracted considerable attention owing to their excellent physical and chemical properties such as high hardness, fracture toughness, and conductivity. However, as an emerging class of novel materials, the synthesis methods, performance, and applications of high-entropy carbides have ample scope for further development. In this study, equiatomic (Hf-Ti-Ta-Zr-Nb)C high-entropy carbide powders have been prepared by an ultrahigh-energy ball-milling (UHEBM) process with different milling times (1, 5, 15, 30, and 60 min). Further, their refinement behavior and high-entropy synthesis potential have been investigated. With an increase in the milling time, the particle size rapidly reduces (under sub-micrometer size) and homogeneous mixing of the prepared powder is observed. The distortions in the crystal lattice, which occur as a result of the refinement process and the multicomponent effect, are found to improve the sintering, thereby notably enhancing the formation of a single-phase solid solution (high-entropy). Herein, we present a procedure for the bulk synthesis of highly pure, dense, and uniform FCC single-phase (Fm3m crystal structure) (Hf-Ti-Ta-Zr-Nb)C high-entropy carbide using a milling time of 60 min and a sintering temperature of 1,600℃.