• Title/Summary/Keyword: students with severe and multiple disabilities

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The Concept and Characteristics of Career and Vocational Education for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (중도·중복장애학생 진로·직업교육의 개념 및 특성에 대한 문헌 고찰)

  • Kim Kyungmi;Yang Sohyun;Lee Misuk
    • Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.119-144
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze research on career and vocational education for students with severe and multiple disabilities and to examine the concept and characteristics of career and vocational education for students with severe and multiple disabilities. A total of 16 related studies were selected. Researchers analyzed the related studies based on general and in contents characteristics. In the results, the amount of topic-related studies were not enough. Most of the research utilized literature review and had students with severe and multiple disabilities as major research participants. The career and vocational education for students with severe and multiple disabilities puts emphasis on the living areas of daily, personal, community, and leisure, and is practiced based on specific vocation-related skills and interpersonal communication-related skills. The career and vocational education for students with severe and multiple disabilities was not fully practiced based on the individual needs of the students, and they encountered challenges in having jobs after graduation. In discussion, the research proposed theoretical reform of the career and vocational education for students with severe and multiple disabilities, reorganization toward proper curriculum, improving professionality of teachers, the collaboration between schools and families, and the career and vocational education that is wired with local community service institutions.

A Study of Validation of ICF-CY based Diagnostic Inventory for Rehabilitation for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (중도·중복장애학생을 위한 ICF-CY 기반 재활능력 진단검사 타당화 연구)

  • 박재국;박수홍;최진혁;서보순;김은라;조영희;고혜정
    • The Journal of Special Children Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.27-51
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    • 2018
  • urpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the reliability and validity of an ICF-CY based rehabilitation ability test for students with severe or multiple disabilities. Method: For this purpose, 158 special education teachers developed test and the data of 400 students were collected based on the level of performance of one or five students with multiple disabilities in their classes. Cronbach's value was calculated using SPSS 22.0 to verify reliability and we explored the construct validity using AMOS 20.0 Results: First, ICF-CY based rehabilitation ability tests showed a high internal consistency of. 98 or higher in each area. Second, the 5 factors analysis model of the confirmatory factor analysis was appropriate and 5 factors of self-moving, self-sufficing, communication, psychological stability, and behavioral management respectively showed 0.835~0.985 in the standard regression weights Conclusion: Based on this, five areas and sub factors in each area of ICF-CY based test were expected to be used as tools to properly diagnose rehabilitation abilities of students with severe or multiple disabilities.