• 제목/요약/키워드: structured product

검색결과 174건 처리시간 0.024초

Exploring Opportunities of IoT for Product-Service System Conceptualization and Implementation

  • Mohammad R. Basirati;Jorg Weking;Sebastian Hermes;Markus Bohm;Helmut Krcmar
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.524-546
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    • 2019
  • Product-service systems (PSS), integrating physical products and services, currently play a crucial role in sustainable economies. In addition to the highly competitive global economy, the emergence of new digital paradigms is supporting the shift toward servitization. Although the great potential of such paradigms is recognized by both practice and research, their implications for PSS are not yet clear. In particular, features of Internet of Things (IoT), such as total connectedness and ubiquity of smart sensors and actuators, provide various new opportunities for PSS. This study explores such opportunities by conducting structured literature review and 13 interviews. We organize the findings in two folds: First, we introduce four degrees of IoT involvement in PSS business models and elaborate the opportunities that they create for different types of PSS. Second, we present the key technologies and approaches that IoT provides concerning PSS lifecycle management.

Multilingual Product Retrieval Agent through Semantic Web and Semantic Networks (Semantic Web과 Semantic Network을 활용한 다국어 상품검색 에이전트)

  • Moon Yoo-Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a method for the multilingual product retrieval agent through XML and the semantic networks in e-commerce. Retrieval for products is an important process, since it represents interfaces of the customer contact to the e-commerce. Keyword-based retrieval is efficient as long as the product information is structured and organized. But when the product information is expressed across many online shopping malls, especially when it is expressed in different languages with cultural backgrounds, buyers' product retrieval needs language translation with ambiguities resolved in a specific context. This paper presents a RDF modeling case that resolves semantic problems in the representation of product information and across the boundaries of language domains. With adoption of UNSPSC code system, this paper designs and implements an architecture for the multilingual product retrieval agents. The architecture is based on the central repository model of product catalog management with distributed updating processes. It also includes the perspectives of buyers and suppliers. And the consistency and version management of product information are controlled by UNSPSC code system. The multilingual product names are resolved by semantic networks, thesaurus and ontology dictionary for product names.

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A Study on Online Apparel Buying Behavior (온라인 의류구매행동에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee, Young-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between online apparel impulse buying behavior and product category/price of apparel items. The data were collected using an online survey with a structured questionnaire and a total of 731 responses were retained. Two hypotheses were put forward to test the relationships among the variables. Test of H1 showed that some product categories purchased by the respondents in the impulse purchase group were significantly different from those bought by the non-impulse purchase group. Categories such as shirt/blouse and belt were bought more frequently by the respondents in the impulse purchase group whereas shoes were bought more frequently by those in the non-impulse purchase group. The respondents in the impulse purchase group bought more items that cost less than $25 than those in the non-impulse purchase group. Based on the results, H1 and H2 were supported. From the results of the study, it is concluded that product categories and product price are closely related to the online apparel impulse buying behavior.

The Effect of TV Drama Clothing Interest, Fashion Involvement, Self-consciousness Level on PPL (TV드라마 의상관심도, 유행관여도, 자의식 수준이 PPL(Product Placement)효과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Gyoung-A;Lee, Jin-Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how clothing interest, fashion involvement, and self-consciousness affect brand recall, brand attitude and buying intension of the product placed on TV drama. The data were collected using a self-administered and structured questionnaire on subject of 270 middle school students and 260 high school students in Pusan. Frequency analysis, $X^2$-test, t-test, and multiple regression were used to conduct the data analysis on 524 out of 530 questionnaires. Clothing interest and the level of self-consciousness had significant influence on brand recall and emotional brand attitude of the product placed on TV drama. Self-consciousness affected cognitional brand attitude. Moreover, TV drama clothing interest and fashion involvement had a significant influence on buying intension. Therefore, TV drama clothing interest was the main factor which affected brand recall, brand attitude and buying intension of the product placed on TV drama.

What do you Think Creativity is and Where can We Find it?

  • Baccarani, Claudio
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2005
  • Creativity can be defined as an art, the art of finding new solutions to old and emerging problems. Creativity's driving force may be a structured or a non structured process, though in either case intuition plays a major role. This particular art in this field is the product of employees' thought processes. By its nature, hinking is a free process. In the world of business, creativity is best able to express itself where people do their work with pleasure. Everybody is capable of being creative but organisations can stem the tide of creativity by putting various obstacles in its path. Creative organisations are characterised by particular values, oranisational forms and a conducive internal atmosphere.

Multi-rate Non-recursive Architecture for Cascaded Integrator-Comb Decimation Filters with an Arbitrary Factor (임의의 인수를 갖는 cascaded Integrator-Comb 데시메이션 필터의 Multi-rte Non-recursive 아키텍처)

  • 장영범
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제25권10B호
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    • pp.1785-1792
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    • 2000
  • In this paper multi-rate non-recursive architecture for CIC(Cascaded Integrator-Comb) decimation filters with an arbitrary factor is proposed. The CIC filters are widely used in high speed wireless communication systems since they have multiplier-less and multi-rate low-power structure. Even conventional non-recursive CIC structure is multi-rate this architecture can be structured only in case of M-th power-of-two decimation factor. This paper proposes that muli-rate non-recursive CIC architecture can be structured with an any decimation factor of product form. Power consumption of the proposed architecture is compared with that of the conventional non-recursion architecture.

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A Study on Integrated Logistic Support (통합병참지원에 관한 연구)

  • 나명환;김종걸;이낙영;권영일;홍연웅;전영록
    • Proceedings of the Korean Reliability Society Conference
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    • 한국신뢰성학회 2001년도 정기학술대회
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    • pp.277-278
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    • 2001
  • The successful operation of a product In service depends upon the effective provision of logistic support in order to achieve and maintain the required levels of performance and customer satisfaction. Logistic support encompasses the activities and facilities required to maintain a product (hardware and software) in service. Logistic support covers maintenance, manpower and personnel, training, spares, technical documentation and packaging handling, storage and transportation and support facilities.The cost of logistic support is often a major contributor to the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of a product and increasingly customers are making purchase decisions based on lifecycle cost rather than initial purchase price alone. Logistic support considerations can therefore have a major impact on product sales by ensuring that the product can be easily maintained at a reasonable cost and that all the necessary facilities have been provided to fully support the product in the field so that it meets the required availability. Quantification of support costs allows the manufacturer to estimate the support cost elements and evaluate possible warranty costs. This reduces risk and allows support costs to be set at competitive rates.Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) is a management method by which all the logistic support services required by a customer can be brought together in a structured way and In harmony with a product. In essence the application of ILS:- causes logistic support considerations to be integrated into product design;- develops logistic support arrangements that are consistently related to the design and to each other;- provides the necessary logistic support at the beginning and during customer use at optimum cost.The method by which ILS achieves much of the above is through the application of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). This is a series of support analysis tasks that are performed throughout the design process in order to ensure that the product can be supported efficiently In accordance with the requirements of the customer.The successful application of ILS will result in a number of customer and supplier benefits. These should include some or all of the following:- greater product uptime;- fewer product modifications due to supportability deficiencies and hence less supplier rework;- better adherence to production schedules in process plants through reduced maintenance, better support;- lower supplier product costs;- Bower customer support costs;- better visibility of support costs;- reduced product LCC;- a better and more saleable product;- Improved safety;- increased overall customer satisfaction;- increased product purchases;- potential for purchase or upgrade of the product sooner through customer savings on support of current product.ILS should be an integral part of the total management process with an on-going improvement activity using monitoring of achieved performance to tailor existing support and influence future design activities. For many years, ILS was predominantly applied to military procurement, primarily using standards generated by the US Government Department of Defense (DoD). The military standards refer to specialized government infrastructures and are too complex for commercial application. The methods and benefits of ILS, however, have potential for much wider application in commercial and civilian use. The concept of ILS is simple and depends on a structured procedure that assures that logistic aspects are fully considered throughout the design and development phases of a product, in close cooperation with the designers. The ability to effectively support the product is given equal weight to performance and is fully considered in relation to its cost.The application of ILS provides improvements in availability, maintenance support and longterm 3ogistic cost savings. Logistic costs are significant through the life of a system and can often amount to many times the initial purchase cost of the system.This study provides guidance on the minimum activities necessary to Implement effective ILS for a wide range of commercial suppliers. The guide supplements IEC60106-4, Guide on maintainability of equipment Part 4: Section Eight maintenance and maintenance support planning, which emphasizes the maintenance aspects of the support requirements and refers to other existing standards where appropriate. The use of Reliability and Maintainability studies is also mentioned in this study, as R&M is an important interface area to ILS.

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A Case Study of Retail Fashion Buying through B2B (B2B를 이용한 유통업체의 의류상품구매 사례연구)

  • 윤혜영;고은주
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the current situation of B2B fashion buying behavior (i.e., buying motives, product characteristics, buying processes), and to analyze the buying performance, buying problems and buying strategies. In depth, face-to-face interviews with structured questionnaire were conducted with three buyers and three vendors related to 18 buying items of C Company. Results of this research were as following:1. Buying motives were mainly reduction of buying costs, improvement of profits, and increased efficiency in buying process for retail buyers, while the selling motive was mainly improvement of market share for suppliers. Suitable items for B2B buying were basic items or bulk items. The B2B buying process included the following steps: selecting auction items, target prices, and suppliers ; setting the product specification and bidding niles; training the suppliers for preparing the auction; proceeding the auction by internet. 2. The perceived B2B benefits for buyers were profit improvement and cost reduction while those for suppliers were time saving and market share improvement. The indicated buying problems were as poor product quality, low product image, and difficulty in partnership. For B2B buying strategies, a quality management system, various auction tactics based on items, and a supplier management system were recommended.

Case Study for Fingerprint ID Doorlock Design Development (지문인식도어락 디자인 개발 사례연구)

  • 서수웅
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2004
  • This study suggests the output of the fingerprint doorlock design development through the structured methodology of concept selection in the process of design development, after characterizing the doorlock product itself. All of the early phases of product development are very important on eventual product success. Concept selection is the process of evaluating concepts with respect to customer needs and other criteria, comparing the relative strength and weaknesses of the concepts, and selecting one or more concepts for further investigation or development. To obtain the ideal concept o( new product, this work used a two-stage concept selection methodology which consist of concept screening and concept scoring. As a result, this study represents the fixed design rendering for mass production.

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A Functional Review and Prototype for Ship PDM implementation (조선 PDM구축을 위한 기능 연구 및 시험 구현 사례)

  • Lee, Jang-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Gyun;Oh, Dae-Kyun;Shin, Jong-Gye
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.686-697
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    • 2005
  • The current challenge with which most shipyards are faced is to reduce the design time and the time-to-delivery benefits of new information technologies such as ERP, APS, and SCM system. These technologies should integrate the information that flows in the enterprise wide activities. First of all we should maintain control of ship design and product data such as bill of material, product structure, drawing, 30 modeling and manufacturing information for the integration. The product data management (POM) system copes with these requirements. All the product data is stored in POM database and vaults in a structured manner and all the changes of product data are monitored, controlled and recorded. This study discusses how POM system can be implemented in shipyard. The procedure is surveyed to apply a POM system for the ship design data management. This study also presents several examples in order to make a practical guidance for ship POM implementation. Proposed studies can be useful for shipyards planning to adopt POM systems in enterprise wide manner.