• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural detail

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A Study on the Spatial Characteristics from the "The Holy Trinity" Fresco Painted by Masaccio (마사치오의 "삼위일체" 벽화에서 나타난 공간적인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Man
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to study on the spatial characteristics from the "The Holy Trinity" fresco painted by Masaccio in the early Renaissance paintings. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The elevation composition of the "The Holy Trinity" fresco is divided into the upper and lower structure through horizontal axis on horizontal line around vanishing point. The upper structure is composed of vertical axis formed through the disposition of the "Trinity" elements and horizontal axis on horizontal line. The lower structure is composed of the sarcophagus and skeleton in such inside and the altar supported through circular columns of left and right. 2. The section composition of the "The Holy Trinity" fresco is composed of the ceiling structure of cylindrical-shaped vault on upper part around basic square floor plan that is interior space and upper structure. The exterior space and lower structure is placed with sarcophagus in inner part that altar and step is projected as same height and width in the outside direction. 3. The basic floor composition of the "The Holy Trinity" fresco is planned by square shape around structural columns that is placed at corners as symmetry through transverse, longitudinal and diagonal axis. The whole floor composition planned through the altar and step that is in exterior space at front, the apse of round form at rear part and the structure of the middle story concept at interior. 4. The visual aspect of the "The Holy Trinity" fresco is composed of the stable balance in relation with distance and height because the interior and exterior space as well as the upper structure and lower structure is formed by regular proportion system. The elevation angle of visual range was planned to view in detail generally or partially the architectural composition system and element, characters through proper visual distance, center and position.

Flip Chip Assembly Using Anisotropic Conductive Adhesives with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity

  • Yim, Myung-Jin;Kim, Hyoung-Joon;Paik, Kyung-Wook
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.12 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the development of new anisotropic conductive adhesives with enhanced thermal conductivity for the wide use of adhesive flip chip technology with improved reliability under high current density condition. The continuing downscaling of structural profiles and increase in inter-connection density in flip chip packaging using ACAs has given rise to reliability problem under high current density. In detail, as the bump size is reduced, the current density through bump is also increased. This increased current density also causes new failure mechanism such as interface degradation due to inter-metallic compound formation and adhesive swelling due to high current stressing, especially in high current density interconnection, in which high junction temperature enhances such failure mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary for the ACA to become thermal transfer medium to improve the lifetime of ACA flip chip joint under high current stressing condition. We developed thermally conductive ACA of 0.63 W/m$\cdot$K thermal conductivity using the formulation incorporating $5 {\mu}m$ Ni and $0.2{\mu}m$ SiC-filled epoxy-bated binder system to achieve acceptable viscosity, curing property, and other thermo-mechanical properties such as low CTE and high modulus. The current carrying capability of ACA flip chip joints was improved up to 6.7 A by use of thermally conductive ACA compared to conventional ACA. Electrical reliability of thermally conductive ACA flip chip joint under current stressing condition was also improved showing stable electrical conductivity of flip chip joints. The high current carrying capability and improved electrical reliability of thermally conductive ACA flip chip joint under current stressing test is mainly due to the effective heat dissipation by thermally conductive adhesive around Au stud bumps/ACA/PCB pads structure.

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Hinge rotation of a morphing rib using FBG strain sensors

  • Ciminello, Monica;Ameduri, Salvatore;Concilio, Antonio;Flauto, Domenico;Mennella, Fabio
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1393-1410
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    • 2015
  • An original sensor system based on Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) for the strain monitoring of an adaptive wing element is presented in this paper. One of the main aims of the SARISTU project is in fact to measure the shape of a deformable wing for performance optimization. In detail, an Adaptive Trailing Edge (ATE) is monitored chord- and span-wise in order to estimate the deviation between the actual and the desired shape and, then, to allow attaining a prediction of the real aerodynamic behavior with respect to the expected one. The integration of a sensor system is not trivial: it has to fit inside the available room and to comply with the primary issue of the FBG protection. Moreover, dealing with morphing structures, large deformations are expected and a certain modulation is necessary to keep the measured strain inside the permissible measure range. In what follows, the mathematical model of an original FBG-based structural sensor system is presented, designed to evaluate the chord-wise strain of an Adaptive Trailing Edge device. Numerical and experimental results are compared, using a proof-of-concept setup. Further investigations aimed at improving the sensor capabilities, were finally addressed. The elasticity of the sensor structure was exploited to enlarge both the measurement and the linearity range. An optimisation process was then implemented to find out an optimal thickness distribution of the sensor system in order to alleviate the strain level within the referred component.

The Effect of Anchorage of Reinforcement in Slab-Column Connection (슬래브-기둥 접합부에서 전단보강체에 정창성능에 따른 영향)

  • Choi, Huyn-Ki;Kim, Jun-Seo;Lee, Moon-Sung;Choi, Chang-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.185-188
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    • 2008
  • Flat plate system has structural weakness such as punching shear. Punching shear resistance can be increase by using a lager column section and effective depth, higer concrete compressive strength, and more flexural reinforcement ratio. But using a shear reinforcement is most economical, enable, workable solution in flat plate. The slab with thickness smaller than 250mm can not perform effectively due to insufficient development length of shear reinforcement in the slab. In case of proposed reinforcements, since the shear reinforcements were installed between the top bar and the bottom bar, shear elements generated slip failure before they reached yield. strength. effect of anchorage strength were effective anchorage length, concrete strength, diameter of shear element and anchorage detail. considering effect of slab thickness and concrete strength, formula of K factor propose in thin flat plate slab. by considering effect of anchorage length and concrete strength, strength of shear reinforcement will be computed correctly in thin flat plate slab.

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Seismic Performance of Precast Infill Walls with Strain-Hardening Cement Composite (변형경화형 시멘트 복합체를 사용한 프리캐스트 끼움벽판의 내진성능)

  • Kim, Sun-Woo;Jeon, Esther;Kim, Yun-Su;Ji, Sang-Kyu;Jang, Gwang-Soo;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2008
  • The seismic behavior of the lightly reinforced concrete frames (LRCFs) was controlled by the nonductile behavior of the critical regions. These critical regions require retrofit to improve the seismic behavior of the lightly reinforced concrete frames. Critical column end regions must be retrofit to increase the global ductility capacity. The objective of this research is to evaluate structural strengthening performance of lightly reinforced concrete frame with Strain hardening cement composite(SHCC) experimentally. The experimental investigation consisted of a cyclic load tests on 1/3-scale models of precast infill walls. Reinforcement detail of infill wall was variables in the experiment. The experimental results, as expected, show that the multiple crack pattern, strength, ductility and energy dissipation capacity are superior for specimen with SHCC infill wall due to bridging of fibers and stress redistribution in cement matrix.

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Determination of Lipid A Profile of Gram-Negative Bacteria from Arctic Soils Using Mass Spectrometric Approaches (질량분석 시스템을 이용한 극지 토양 유래 신규 미생물의 지질 A 화학적 구조 분석)

  • Hwang, Cheol-hwan;Park, Han-Gyu;Kim, Yun-Gon
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2016
  • For decades, the microorganisms in arctic soils have been newly discovered according to the climate change and global warming. In this study, the chemical structure of a lipid A molecule from Pseudomonas sp. strain PAMC 28615 which was newly discovered from arctic soils was characterized by mass spectrometric approaches such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) and MALDI multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MS). First, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Pseudomonas sp. strain PAMC 28615 was extracted and subsequently hydrolyzed to obtain the lipid A. The parent ion peak at m/z 1632 was determined by MALDI-TOF MS, which also can validate our lipid A purification method. For detailed structural determination, we performed the multiple-stage tandem mass analysis ($MS^4$) of the parent ion, and subsequently the abundant fragment ions in each MS stage are tested. The fragment ions in each MS stage were produced from the loss of phosphate groups and fatty acyl groups, which could be used to confirm the composition or the position of the lipid A components. Consequently, the mass spectrometry-based lipid A profiling method could provide the detail chemical structure of lipid A from the Pseudomonas sp. strain PAMC 28615 as an arctic bacterium from the frozen arctic soil.

High Quality Free-Standing GaN Substrate by Using Self-Separation Method (Self-Separation 방법을 적용한 고품질 Free-Standing GaN)

  • Son, Ho Ki;Lee, Young Jin;Kim, Jin-Ho;Hwang, Jonghee;Jeon, Dae-Woo;Lee, Hae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.702-706
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    • 2016
  • We demonstrated that self-separation FS-GaN (freestanding-GaN) was grown on MELO (maskless epitaxially lateral overgrowth) GaN template by horizontal HVPE (hydride vapor phase epitaxy). Before thick GaN grwoth, MELO GaN template was grown on patterned GaN template by MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition). The laterally overgrown GaN would consist of a continuous well coalesced layer. The mixed TDD (threading dislocation density) of seed and wing region were $8{\times}10^8cm^{-2}$ and $7{\times}10^7cm^{-2}$, respectively. After thick GaN grown by HVPE, the self-separation between thick GaN and sapphire substrate was generated at seed region. The regions of self-separation for FS-GaN and sapphire were observed by FE-SEM. Moreover, Raman results indicated that the compressive strain of seed and wing regions at FS-GaN substrate were slightly released compared to that of thick GaN grown on conventional GaN template. The optical properties of the FS-GaN substrate were examined by using PL (photoluminescence). The PL exhibited that donor bound exciton and donor acceptor pair were observed at low temperature. The effects on optical and structural properties of FS-GaN substrate have been discussed in detail.

[${\gamma}-Mangostin$ and Rubraxanthone, Two Potential Lead Compounds for Anti-cancer Activity against CEM-SS Cell Line

  • Ee, G.C.L.;Izzaddin, S.A.;Rahmani, M.;Sukari, M.A.;Lee, H.L.
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.138-143
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    • 2006
  • Our continuing interest on Garcinia and Mesua species has led us to carry out a detail study on the chemistry of the root bark of Garcinia mangostana (Guttiferae) since this part of the plant has not been investigated before, and the strm bark of Mesua corneri (Guttiferae) an uninvestigated species. This study has yielded six xanthones, ${\alpha}-mangostin$ (1), ${\beta}-mangostin$ (2), ${\gamma}-mangostin$ (3), garcinone-D (4), mangostanol (5) and gartanin (6) from Garcinia mangostana and two xanthones rubraxanthone (7) and inophyllin B (8) from Mesua corneri. Structural elucidations were achieved using $^1H,\;^{13}C$ NMR and MS data. The crude hexane and chloroform extracts of the root bark of Garcinia mangostana and the hexane extract of the stem bark of Mesua corneri were found to be active against CEM-SS cell lines with $IC_{50}$ values less than $30\;{mu}g/ml$. Moreover, ${\gamma}-mangostin$ gave a very low $LC_{50}$ value of $4.7\;{mu}g/ml$ while rubraxanthone gave an $LC_{50}$ value of $5.0\;{mu}g/ml$ indicating these two compounds to be potential lead compounds for anti-cancer activity against the CEM-SS cell line. This paper reports the isolation and identification of these compounds as well as bioassay data for the crude extracts, ${\gamma}-mangostin$ and rubraxanthone.

Aerodynamic flutter analysis of a new suspension bridge with double main spans

  • Zhang, W.M.;Ge, Y.J.;Levitan, M.L.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.187-208
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    • 2011
  • Based on the ANSYS, an approach of full-mode aerodynamic flutter analysis for long-span suspension bridges has been presented in this paper, in which the nonlinearities of structure, aerostatic and aerodynamic force due to the deformation under the static wind loading are fully considered. Aerostatic analysis is conducted to predict the equilibrium position of a bridge structure in the beginning, and then flutter analysis of such a deformed bridge structure is performed. A corresponding computer program is developed and used to predict the critical flutter wind velocity and the corresponding flutter frequency of a long-span suspension bridge with double main span. A time-domain analysis of the bridge is also carried out to verify the frequency-domain computational results and the effectiveness of the approach proposed in this paper. Then, the nonlinear effects on aerodynamic behaviors due to aerostatic action are discussed in detail. Finally, the results are compared with those of traditional suspension bridges with single main span. The results show that the aerostatic action has an important influence on the flutter stability of long-span suspension bridges. As for a suspension bridge with double main spans, the flutter mode is the first anti-symmetrical torsional vibration mode, which is also the first torsional vibration mode in natural mode list. Furthermore, a double main-span suspension bridge is better in structural dynamic and aerodynamic performances than a corresponding single main-span structure with the same bridging capacity.

Implementation of Polarization-Insensitive Directional Coupler using Curved Waveguides (곡면형 도파로를 사용한 편광 무의존성 방향성 결합기의 구현)

  • Ho, Kwang-Chun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2016
  • The polarization characteristics of polarization-insensitive directional coupler based on double sandwiched rib-type and curved waveguides are explored in detail by using conformal transformation method (CTM) and longitudinal modal transmission-line theory(L-MTLT). To obtain the polarization-insensitive condition of polarization-insensitive curved directional coupler(PI-CDC), the coupling length and coupling efficiency according to the inner radius of PI-CDC are analyzed for quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes. The numerical results show that the PI-CDC with a few micrometer scales can be realized by properly choosing the curvature and structural and material parameters of double sandwiched layers. Furthermore, the mode profiles propagating through PI-CDC are evaluated, and the influence on coupler performance has been investigated.