• 제목/요약/키워드: structural conception

검색결과 37건 처리시간 0.017초

질량중심 개념의 구조적 개념 형성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Structural Conception Formation of the Center of Mass Concept)

  • 최병철
    • 대한수학교육학회지:수학교육학연구
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2016
  • 우리가 어떤 한 개념을 형성하면 우리는 그 개념을 이용하여 어떤 사회 현상 또는 자연현상을 분석할 수 있는 힘을 갖게 된다. 그러나 어떤 대상에 대한 한 개념을 형성하는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 한 개인이 어떤 개념이든 그 개념을 이해하는 과정은 실로 험난한 정신적 여정이다. 이런 이유로 개념의 이해에 관한 문제는 교육에서 늘 연구의 대상이 되어왔다. 우리는 개념에 대한 선행연구를 통해 개념이 이중적 본성 즉, 조작적 특성과 구조적 특성을 갖고 있음을 알게 되었다. 또한 한 개념은 조작적 개념에서 구조적 개념으로 발전한다는 것을 이전 연구에서 발견할 수 있다. 그러나 어떤 한 개념의 이중적 본성을 안다는 것은 매우 어려운 일이며 특히 학생들이 한 개념의 구조적 개념을 이해하였는지 알기는 더더욱 쉽지 않다. 이에 본 연구에서는 질량중심의 개념에 대한 조작적 특성과 구조적 특성을 알아보고, 학생들이 질량중심 개념에 대하여 그 개념을 조작적 접근을 통하여 구조적 개념으로 어느 정도 형성하게 되는지 검사와 면담을 통하여 분석하고자 한다. 또한 이러한 분석을 통하여 한 개념에 대한 구조적 개념을 형성하도록 하기 위해서 무엇을 해야 하는지 그 함의하는 바를 찾고자한다.

개념 형성 과정에 관여하는 표현의 기호학적 분석 (A Semiotical Analysis of Expressions Which is Involved with The Process of A Conceptual Formation)

  • 최병철
    • 대한수학교육학회지:수학교육학연구
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.663-678
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    • 2017
  • 수학교육학 연구 중에서 기호학적 연구는 Saussure, Peirce, Frege의 기호학에 근거하고 있음을 알게 된다. 이들 선행연구는 기호학의 관점에서 개념을 다루어 왔지만 기호학의 요소들의 관계와 개념의 형성과 발전 과정은 여전히 많은 부분이 모호하고 베일에 싸여 있다. 본 논문은 기호학의 관점에서 기호학의 한 요소인 표현에 의해서 개념이 어떻게 형성되고 발전하는지를 보이고자 하였으며 이 과정에서 기호학의 세 요소인 표현, 개념, 대상의 관계를 부분적으로 조명하고자 하였다.

표본, 근결 이론에 나타난 체간부위에 대한 생체역학적 연구 가설 (Bio-mechanic Hypothesis of Truncus Area Based on Pyobon and Geungyul Theory)

  • 안성훈;조을화
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to understand truncus area conception to be explained in the pyobon and geungyul (Root-Stem and Origin-End relationships; PG) of meridian theory as to do the macro organic spatial conception in bio-mechanic system for human body. Methods : The extremity areas and truncus area to be explained in PG theories were classified spatially, and the reason was discussed that human body was classified as the extremities and truncus areas for the people of old times. It was considered the structural characteristics, exercise species and movement characteristics of truncus area in human body also. Results : The truncus area were made of cranium, vertebrae, sternum, ribs, clavicle, scapula, sacrum and the hipbone. It was the hollow structure and classified as cranial cavity, pleural cavity(thoracic cavity) and pelvic cavity. These cavities had mutually organic relationships, and because of cavity structures in the truncus and full structures in extremities would act in different direction about gravity with each other for movements. So it would be estimated that the old peoples had to need to separate the truncus and the extremities. Conclusions : In this study, the truncus area and the extremity areas in the PG of meridian theory could be recognized as the spatial conception of bio-mechanic system in human body. Although this study was the theoretical study not to be proven, it will be used to understand for the meridian theory as basic reference for spatial conception and bio-mechanic system.

변동하중(變動荷重)을 받는 용접구조재(熔接構造材)의 피로수명(疲勞壽命) 예측(豫測) (Fatigue Life Prediction of Welded Structural Material under Variable Loading)

  • 김민건;김동열
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제18권
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 1998
  • In this study, about the fatigue life of welded structure material under fluctuation loading, the prediction life which is produced by using the Histogram Recorder System was compared with the experimental life which is produced by the RMC model which is imported by conception of equivalent stress. In this result, this is represented few difference by comparing prediction life which is produced by damage analysis depended on Miner's rule, by using the Histogram Recorder System, with experimental life which is produced by the RMC load model which is imported by conception of equivalent of stress, therefore fatigue life is easily predicted by using Histogram Recorder System, and result of prediction has equivalent accuracy with other method which is more complex than the Histogram Recorder System. Besides the damage which is produced by stress which is high thirty percentage rank in the stress range of damage inducing, is nearly equal to the damage which is induced the rest of seventy percentage, there fore we can see that damage accumulation which is induced few time overload which is effected welded structure material is great.

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Foucault의 후기구조주의적 시각에서 본 19세기 패션에 표현된 성 - 19세기 중.후반 남녀 주류 패션과 반패션에 나타난 여성성과 남성성을 중심으로 - (Sexuality Expressed in the 19C Fashion in Foucauldian Post-Structural Perspective - Focusing on Femininity and Masculinity Represented in the Mainstream Fashion and Anti-Fashion in the Middle and Latter of the Nineteenth Century -)

  • 최경희
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.232-251
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to understand sexuality expressed in fashion in a discursive view and reinterpret sexuality represented in fashion in the 19th century in Foucauldian post-structural perspective. As for methodology, at first the conception of sexuality was examined from structural feminism to post-structural pluralism by a literature review and discussed in relation with the matters of body and fashion on the basis of Foucault's discourse. Then, sexuality represented in the 19C fashion as a case study was re-estimated in terms of power relationship between dominant and oppositional discourses and mainstream fashion and anti-fashion as well. The conception of sexuality in Foucauldian post-structuralism maintains the view of plural sexuality, which floats by discourse and power produced in a specific historical context. In the Foucauldian perspective sexuality expressed in the mainstream fashion and anti-fashion in the nineteenth century shows the following aspects. The mainstream fashion in the middle and latter of the 19C made the clear sexual difference in dress of plain and functional male suit and extravagant and decorative female dress on the center of bourgeois masculinity in the context of modernity and capitalism. Although anti-fashion was also co-existed with the mainstream fashion, it was criticized by the Victorian people. It codifies sexual ideology of the binary opposition of male domination and female subordination. Therefore, the traditional sexual ideology in the 19C is a capitalist value, which gives a priority to bourgeois man's profits, and the Victorian discourses of sexuality constructs the clear sexual difference in dress in the period.

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Options for sustainable earthquake-resistant design of concrete and steel buildings

  • Gilmore, Amador Teran
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제3권6호
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    • pp.783-804
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    • 2012
  • Because of its large contribution to the environmental instability of the planet, the building industry will soon be subjected to a worldwide scrutiny. As a consequence, all professionals involved in the building industry will need to create a professional media in which their daily work adequately solves the technical issues involved in the conception, design and construction of concrete and steel buildings, and simultaneously convey care for the environment. This paper discusses, from the point of view of a structural engineer involved in earthquake-resistant design, some of the measures that can be taken to promote the consolidation of a building industry that is capable of actively contributing to the sustainable development of the world.

Topological optimization procedure considering nonlinear material behavior for reinforced concrete designs

  • Franca, Marcela Bruna Braga;Greco, Marcelo;Lanes, Ricardo Morais;Almeida, Valerio Silva
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2016
  • The search for new structural systems capable of associating performance and safety requires deeper knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of structures subject to different loading conditions. The Strut-and-Tie Model is commonly used to structurally designing some reinforced concrete elements and for the regions where geometrical modifications and stress concentrations are observed, called "regions D". This method allows a better structural behavior representation for strength mechanisms in the concrete structures. Nonetheless, the topological model choice depends on the designer's experience regarding compatibility between internal flux of loads, geometry and boundary/initial conditions. Thus, there is some difficulty in its applications, once the model conception presents some uncertainty. In this context, the present work aims to apply the Strut-and-Tie Model to nonlinear structural elements together with a topological optimization method. The topological optimization method adopted considers the progressive stiffness reduction of finite elements with low stress values. The analyses performed could help the structural designer to better understand structural conceptions, guaranteeing the safety and the reliability in the solution of complex problems involving structural concrete.

Rubber bearing isolation for structures prone to earthquake - a cost effectiveness analysis

  • Islam, A.B.M. Saiful;Sodangi, Mahmoud
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2020
  • Recent severe earthquakes in and around the vital public places worldwide indicate the severe vulnerability of ground excitation to be assailed. Reducing the effect of seismic lateral load in structural design is an important conception. Essentially, seismic isolation is required to shield the superstructure in such a way that the building superstructure would not move when the ground is shaking. This study explores the effectiveness, design, and practical feasibility of base isolation systems to reduce seismic demands on buildings of varying elevations. Thus, static and dynamic analyses were conducted based on site-specific bi-directional earthquakes for base-isolated as well as fixed-based buildings. Remarkably, it was discovered that isolators used in low-rise to high-rise structures tend to significantly decrease the structural responses of seismic prone buildings. The higher allowable horizontal displacement induces structural flexibility and ensure good structural health of the building stories. Reinforcement from vertical and horizontal members can be reduced in significant amounts for BI buildings. Thus, although incorporating base isolators increases the initial outlay, it considerably diminishes the total structural cost.

현대패션에 표현된 다원적 성에 관한 사회기호학적 분석 (I) (Socio-Semiotic Analysis of Plural Sexuality Represented in Modern Fashion (I))

  • 최경희;김민자
    • 복식
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    • 제57권2호
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    • pp.190-201
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study Is to reinterpret sexuality represented in modern fashion with the conception of plural sexuality from post-structuralism in socio-semiotic approach. It consists of two parts.: The first part provides the theoretical background and the methodological framework of this study. The second part ultimately accomplishes this study by empirical research, which is to infer plural sexuality articulated with fashion images in men's and women's popular fashion magazines in Korea since 2000 and sexual ideology signified in modern fashion. In this part the theoretical background was focused on the conception of sexuality on the basis of Foucault's idea, and then the framework for this study was made up from socio-semiotic perspective. The conception of sexuality in Foucauldian post-structural idea maintains the view of plural sexuality, which floats by power relationship between dominant and oppositional discourses in a specific historical context. Socio-semiotics suggests a contextual methodology to analyze the phenomena of material culture by articulating the range of material objects with that of ideology. The socio-semiotic model applied to sexuality represented in fashion is the framework of classifying into the several versions of fashion images from fashion as a material object and then inferring sexual ideology codified in them. In addition, three stages of producer/object/user in socio-semiotics were revised into 'dominant sexuality' with mainstream fashion out of dominant discourses,'oppositional sexuality' to create anti-fashion from oppositional discourses of subculture, and 'alternative sexuality' to be appropriated to dominant discourses by the mix of mainstream fashion and anti-fashion.

경험적 감성 정보에 의한 직관적인 아이디어 발상 기법 (Intuitive conception method based on the experiential emotion information)

  • 허성철
    • 감성과학
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • 인간이 어떤 것에 대하여 경험을 할 때에, 그 경험은 지식이라고 하는 형식으로 뇌에 보존됨과 동시에, 상황에 따라서는 직관적인 판단을 위한 정보로서 역할을 수행한다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구에서는, 디자인 컨셉 작성에 필요한 여러 가지 요소에 대하여 직관적인 판단을 하고, 시각적인 컨셉을 작성했을 때, 그것이 아이디어 발상에 미치는 영향의 특징을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 실험은 두 가지 단계로 진행하였다. 첫 번째는, '새로운 디지털 카메라의 디자인'이라는 과제 수행을 위하여, 디지털 카메라의 12가지 구성 요소의 관계를 직관적으로 판단하여 일정한 공간에 배치하도록 하였다. 그 다음, 배치된 각 구성요소의 관계를 고려하여 아이디어 스케치를 진행하도록 하였다. 실험 결과, 직관적인 판단에 의해서 시각화된 컨셉은, 구조적인 사고, 다양한 형태의 전개, 구체적인 조작 방법의 제안, 그리고 자신의 스케치를 설명하기 쉽게 표현하는 것에 많은 영향을 미치는 것이 확인되었다. 그러나, 인간의 자유로운 감성적인 발상은, 조건의 제약에 의한 구조화가 아닌 것도 알 수 있었다.

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