• Title/Summary/Keyword: strong consonants

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The intonation patterns of accentual phrase in Jeju dialect (제주어 강세구의 억양)

  • Lee, Sook-Hyang
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the intonation patterns of accentual phrase in Jeju dialect. 9 speakers (Experiment 1) and 6 speakers (Experiment 2) read a carrier sentence '__ youngah miwonghumnida' with a target accentual phrase varying its number of syllables from 1 to 8. The results showed that like Seoul dialect pattern could be the basic pattern of accentual phase in Jeju dialect even though several differences were observed in the realization of each tone: Flat staircase-like tones in L, M, and even in H were often observed, and a very small difference in F0 between intial L and +H was found in many speakers. For some of these differences, this paper tried to give an explanation still in the Intonational Phonology framework. However, introducing M tone as a lexical tone was also suggested as one possible solution. Finally, unlike Seoul dialect, most speakers showed pattern in an accentual phrase beginning with a strong consonant, i.e., aspirated and unaspirated obstruents including /h/ and /s/.

On vowel and syllable duration related to prosodic structure in Korean (한국어 운율구조와 관련한 모음 및 음절 길이)

  • Lee Sook-hyang
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    • no.35_36
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 1998
  • This study aims at examining the relationship between tonal events and their related vowel and syllable duration in Korean. Two things were investigated: one is to see if there is a hierarchical relationship in prosodic unit-final-lengthening and the other is to see if accentual phrase initial high tone syllable gets lengthened. Generally, higher prosodic units show larger degree of lengthening of the final vowel and also final syllable duration than the lower ones except for accentual phrase: Mean duration of utterance-final or intonational-phrase-final syllable(and its vowels) was longer than that of accentual-phrase-final or word-final syllable(and its vowels). However, mean duration of accentual phrase final syllable was shorter than that of word final syllable. Mean vowel duration of accentual phrase initial high tone syllable was shorter than that of any other prosodic unit. Its mean syllable duration, however, was longer than that of accentual-phrase-final or word-final syllable, indicating that strong consonants(fortis and aspirated) frequently appear in the accentual phrase initial position and this position is a prosodically strong position showing longer duration as well as high tone.

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The effects of repeated speech training using speech cues on the percentage of correct consonants and speech intelligibility in children with cerebral palsy: A single-subject design research (Speech cues를 이용한 반복훈련이 뇌성마비 아동의 자음정확도 및 말명료도에 미치는 영향: 단일대상연구)

  • Seo, Saehee;Jeong, Pilyeon;Sim, Hyunsub
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2021
  • This single-subject study examined the effects of repetitive speech training at the word and sentence levels using speech cues on the percentage of correct consonants (PCC) and speech intelligibility of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Three children aged between 5-8 years with a history of CP participated in the study. Thirty-minute intervention sessions were provided four times a week for four weeks. The intervention included repeated training of words and sentences containing target phonemes using two instructions of speech cues, "big mouse" and "strong voice". First, the children improved their average PCC and speech intelligibility, but an effect size analysis indicated that the effect was different for each child, and the effect size for speech intelligibility was higher than for PCC. Second, the intervention effect was generalized to untrained words and sentences. Third, the maintenance effects of PCC and speech intelligibility were very high. These findings suggests that repeated speech training using speech cues is an intervention technique that can help improve PCC and speech intelligibility in children with CP.

Confusion in the Perception of English Anterior Coronal Consonants by Korean EFL Students (한국 EFL 학생들의 영어 전방 설정 자음 혼동)

  • Cho, Mi-Hui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.460-466
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    • 2010
  • It is well-known that Korean EFL learners have difficulties in producing English fricatives which are not in the inventory of Korean and consequently tend to replace English fricatives with stops. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Korean students also have difficulties perceiving English anterior coronal consonants including fricatives. To this end, forty Korean college students participated in an identification test which consisted of 24 nonce words with English anterior coronal consonants in 4 different prosodic locations (CV, VC, VCVV,VVCV). It was shown that the mean accuracy rates were higher in strong position like CV and VCVV than in weak position like VC and VVCV, providing confusion matrices for each target consonant. It was also found that Korean participants had a great difficulty identifying English[$\theta$] and [$\eth$], which are novel in Korean. Importantly, the confusion patterns found in the perception test tended not to be identical with those found in the previous production studies in that both stops and fricatives were misperceived as fricatives while fricatives were misproduced as stops. Further, perceptual devoicing and intervocalic voicing were attested inVC and intervocalic position, respectively. Based on the findings of this study, pedagogical implications were drawn.

The linguistic phenomena in cognitive grammar (인지문법에서 본 언어현상)

  • Jung, Choon-Hoi
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.4
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    • pp.179-206
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    • 1998
  • Despite the fact that the phenomenal success of the classical model in phonology in terms of a small set of binary atomic primitives has encouraged the use of criterical features in the characterization of syntactic and semantic categories, cognitive linguists have recently found many evidences against it and proposed a valid alternative like prototype approach to classical model of linguistic categorization. In this paper the examples with prototype effects are shown in phonology, morphology, and syntax. In phonology there is no clear-cut borderline in initial sounds such as / r, m, n, v, ${\eth}$, z, w. j, b. d, g / and between vowels and consonants. In morphology family resemblance is shown between strong verbs and past tenses. In syntax there is no borderline among various kinds of sentences such as declarative, command, WH-question, yes-no question, etc.

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Intervocalic Stop Voicing Revisited

  • Han, Jeong-Im
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to revisit the property of the Korean plain stops in intervocalic position. More specifically, focusing on a word-internal, intervocalic position, this study investigates 1) how often speakers pronounce intervocalic. stops as fully voiced, 2) in what amount each speaker voice the plain stops during the stop closure, 3) whether the preceding or the following vowel influences the voicing of target consonants, and 4) the fundamental frequency pattern at the vowel onset after the target consonant shows any consistent pattern, regardless of whether voicing is present during the closure. The results of this study give strong support for the phonetic account of the voicing distinction in Korean. (Jun 1995, 1996).

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Locus equation -as a phonetic descriptor for place articulation in Arabic.

  • Kassem Wahba
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.206-206
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    • 1996
  • Previous studies of American English(e.g. Sussman 1991, 1993, 1994) CVC coarticulation with initial consonants representing the labial, alveolar, and velar showed a linear relationship that fits to data points formed by plotting onsets of F2 transition along the y-axis and their corresponding midvowel points along the x-axis. The present study extends the locus equation metric to include the following places of articulation:uvular, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and emphatics. The question of interest is to determine if locus equation could serve as phonetic descriptor for the place of articulation in Arabic. Five male native speakers of Colloquial Egyptian Arabic(CEA) read a list of 204 CVC and CVCC words, containing eight different places of articulation and eight vowels. Average of formant patterns(Fl,F2,F3) onsets, midpoints, and offsets were calculated, using wide band spectrograms obtained by means of the kay spectrograph model(7029), and plotted as locus equations. A summary of the acoustic properties of the place of articulation of CEA will be presented in the frames of bVC and CVb. Strong linear regression relationships were found for every place of articulation.

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Acoustic, Intraoral Air Pressure and EMG Studies of Vowel Devoicing in Korean

  • Kim, Hyun-Gi;Niimi, Sei-Ji
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2003
  • The devoicing vowel is a phonological process whose contrast in sonority is lost or reduces in a particular phonetic environment. Phonetically, the vocal fold vibration originates from the abduction/adduction of the glottis in relation to supraglottal articulatory movements. The purpose of this study is to investigate Korean vowel devoicing by means of experimental instruments. The interrelated laryngeal adjustments and aerodynamic effects for this voicing can clarify the redundant articulatory gestures relevant to the distinctive feature of sonority. Five test words were selected, being composed of the high vowel /i/, between the fricative and strong aspirated or lenis affricated consonants. The subjects uttered the test words successively at a normal or at a faster speed. The EMG, the sensing tube Gaeltec S7b and the High-Speech Analysis system and MSL II were used in these studies. Acoustically, three different types of speech waveforms and spectrograms were classified, based on the voicing variation. The intraoral air pressure curves showed differences, depending on the voicing variations. The activity patterns of the PCA and the CT for devoicing vowels appeared differently from those showing the partially devoicing vowels and the voicing vowels.

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Perception of the English Epenthetic Stops by Korean Listeners

  • Han, Jeong-Im
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2004
  • This study investigates Korean listeners' perception of the English stop epenthesis between the sonorant and fricative segments. Specifically this study investigates 1) how often English epenthetic stops are perceived by native Korean listeners, given the fact that Korean does not allow consonant clusters in codas; and 2) whether perception of the epenthetic stops, which are optional phonetic variations, not phonemes, could be improved without any explicit training. 120 English non-words with a mono-syllable structure of CVC1C2, where C1=/m, n, $\eta$, 1/, and C2=/s, $\theta$, $\int$/, were given to two groups of native Korean listeners, and they were asked to detect the target stops such as [p], [t], and [k]. The number of their responses were computed to determine how often listeners succeed in recovering the string of segments produced by the native English speaker. The results of the present study show that English epenthetic stops are poorly identified by native Korean listeners with low English proficiency, even in the case where stimuli with strong acoustic cues are provided with, but perception of epenthetic stops is closely related with listeners' English proficiency, showing the possibility of the improvement of perception. It further shows that perception of epenthetic stops shows asymmetry between coronal and non-coronal consonants.

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An Experimental Phonetic Study of South and North Korean Speech (남북한 음성언어의 실험음성학적 연구)

  • Lee Hyeon-Bok
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    • no.29_30
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    • pp.61-94
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    • 1995
  • The aim of this paper is to describe the linguistic differences of two Koreas with a special emphasis on the phonetic aspect of Seoul and Pyongyang speech. The sources of the North Korean speech material used in the study are 1) the Pyongyang radio and TV broadcasts, 2) interviews of north Korean defectors and 3) speech material of north Korean scholars collected by the writer in london, Warsaw, France and China between 1989 and 1994. The most noticeable phonetic differences of Seoul and Pyongyang speech are abstracted as follows: 1) The vowels /이/, /에/ and /애/ are higher and fronter in Pyongyang speech than in Seoul speech. 2) The vowels /우/ and /으/ of Pyongyang speech are somewhat fronter than the corresponding vowels of Seoul speech. 3) The Pyongyang vowels /으/ and if are produced with rounded lips compared to the corresponding Seoul vowels. 4) The Pyongyang vowel /h) is much lower in tongue position and at the same time somewhat fronter than the corresponding Seoul vowel. 5) The consonants /r ,i ,n / are pronounced in Pyongyang as alveolar affricates or something close to them whereas they are pronounced in Seoul as post-alveolar affricates. 6) Unlike in Seoul speech there is a very strong tendency in Pyongyang speech to reduce aspiration feature in consonant seouences such as /ㅂ+ㅎ/, /ㄷ+ㅎ/, /ㄱ+ㅎ/. 7) /ㄴ/ and /ㄹ/(flap) freely occur word-initially in Pyongyang speech whereas they are restricted in Seoul speech. 8) Unlike in Seoul speech the phonemic contrast of long and short vowels are generally not functional in Pyongyang speech. Thus the vowels pronounced long in Seoul speech are usually pronounced short in Pyongyang speech.

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