• 제목/요약/키워드: stress shock proteins

검색결과 160건 처리시간 0.018초

SCK종양 세포에서Stress Protein의 합성유도 (Induction of Stress Proteins in the SCK Tumor Cells)

  • 강만식;김경희
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 1988
  • SCK종양세포에 온열처리와 여러가지 sulihydryl-reacting agents을 처리하여 stress protein의 합성을 유도하고, 그 양상을 검토해 봄으로서 stress proteins의 합성유도와 denatured protein의 생성과의 관계를 고찰하였다. 세포에 cycloximid와 더불어 Zn또는 ME를 처리한 경우에는 stress protein의 합성이 일어나지 않았으나,온열처리 또는 IAA를 처리한 경우에는 stress protein의 합성이 유도되었다. 이 결과로 미루어 볼 때,stress protein의 유도 경로에는 두 가지가 있어서 새로운 단백질의 합성이 필요한 경로와 새로운 단백질의 합성과는 무관한 경로가 있는 것으로 추정할 수 있었다. 결국, 본 실험에서 사용한 stress들이 기존의 mature protein을 denature시키거나 (온열처리 또는 IAA),새로 합성된 immature protein을 denatur시키는 것,(Zn 또는 ME)으로 알려져 있으므로,stress에 의한 abnormal protein의 출현이 stress proteins의 합성을 유도하는 tigger의 구실을 하는 것으로 생각된다. 이 밖에 여러 가지 stress가 동시에 작용할 경우, 세포는 보다 강한 stress에 대해서 stress protein을 합성하여 대치하게 되는 것으로 생각된다.

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혈관내피세포에 열 충격 부과시 죽력이 stress proteins의 발현에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen on the Stress Proteins Induced by Heating in Endothelial Cells)

  • 전훈
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.496-499
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    • 2004
  • We have previously observed that Bambusae Caul is in Liquamen (BCL) stimulates the adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 cells and molecular chaperones were involved in the process of the assembly and replacement of laminin subunits in Bovine aortic endothelial cells(BAEC). Endothelial cells are exposed to continuous shear stress due to the blood flow. Heat shock protens(hsp) are a well-known stress response protein, namely, stress proteins. To investigate effects of BCL on the stress proteins induced by heating in endothelial cells, we have analyzed synthetic amounts of stress proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. Under the condition of heating stress, BCL inhibited the synthesis of stress proteins in endothelial cells. These results suggest that BCL may have an important role for expression of stress proteins induced by heating in endothelial cells.

Burkholderia cepacia YK-2에서 페녹시계 제초제 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid에 의한 스트레스 충격 단백질 DnaK와 GroEL의 생성 (Production of Stress Shock Proteins DnaK and GroEL in Burkholderia cepacia YK-2 by Phenoxyherbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid as an Environmental Contaminant)

  • 조윤석;박상호;김치경;오계헌
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.270-276
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    • 1999
  • 환경오염원으로서 페녹시계 제초제인 ,2,4-D(2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)에 노출된 토양으로부터 분리된 세균인 Burkholderia cepacia YK-2에서 2,4-D에 의한 스트레스 충격 단백질의 생성을 조사하였다. 활발하게 생장을 하고 있는 B. cepacia YK-2의 배양은 다양한 농도의 2,4-D에 노출되어 스트레스 충격단백질을 생성하였다. 이 반응은 43kDa의 DnaK와 41kDa의 GroEL 단백질의 생성을 수반하였으며, 이 단백질들은 anti-DnaK 단일 항체와 anti-GroEL 단일 항체를 사용한 SDS-PAGE과 Western blot을 통하여 확인되었다. 생성된 총 스트레스 충격 단백질은 2-D PAGE 에 의하여 분석되었다. 다양한 2,4-D농도와 노출 시간에 따른 B. cepacia YK-2의 생존율을 분석한 결과, 이 세균의 생존율은 스트레스 충격 단백질의 생성과 비례하였다.

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Comparison of structure, function and regulation of plant cold shock domain proteins to bacterial and animal cold shock domain proteins

  • Chaikam, Vijay;Karlson, Dale T.
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • The cold shock domain (CSD) is among the most ancient and well conserved nucleic acid binding domains from bacteria to higher animals and plants. The CSD facilitates binding to RNA, ssDNA and dsDNA and most functions attributed to cold shock domain proteins are mediated by this nucleic acid binding activity. In prokaryotes, cold shock domain proteins only contain a single CSD and are termed cold shock proteins (Csps). In animal model systems, various auxiliary domains are present in addition to the CSD and are commonly named Y-box proteins. Similar to animal CSPs, plant CSPs contain auxiliary C-terminal domains in addition to their N-terminal CSD. Cold shock domain proteins have been shown to play important roles in development and stress adaptation in wide variety of organisms. In this review, the structure, function and regulation of plant CSPs are compared and contrasted to the characteristics of bacterial and animal CSPs.

Responses of Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12 to Pollutant Stresses of Benzoate and 4-Chlorobenzoate

  • Ko, Yeon-Ja;Park, Sang-Ho;Park, Yong-Keun;Kim, Chi-Kyung
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.422-428
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    • 1999
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons can be utilized as carbon and energy sources by some microorganisms at lower concentrations. However, they can also act as stresses to these organisms at higher concentrations. Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12 is capable of degrading 0.5 mM concentration of benzoate and 4-chlorobenzoate (4CBA). In this study, the exposure of Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12 to the pollutant stresses of benzoate and 4CBA at various concentrations was comparatively studied for its cellular responses, including survival tolerance, degradability of the aromatics, and morphological changes. Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12 utilized 0.5 to 1.0mM benzoate and 4CBA as carbon and energy sources for growth. However, the organism could not degrade the aromatics at concentrations of 3 mM or higher, resulting in reduced cell viability due to the destruction of the cell envelopes. Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12 cells produced stress-shock proteins such as DnaK and GroEL when treated with benzoate and 4CBA at concentrations of 0.5mM, or higher as sublethal dosage; Yet, there were differing responses between the cells treated with either benzoate or 4CBA. 4CBA affected the degradability of the cells more critically than benzoate. The DnaK and GroEL stress-shock proteins were produced either by 1mM benzoate with 5 min treatment or by higher concentrations after 10min. The proteins were also induced by 0.5mM 4CBA, however, it needed at least 20min treatment or longer. These results indicate that the chlorination of benzoate increased the recalcitrance of the pollutant aromatics and changed the conditions to lower concentrations and longer treatment times for the production of stress-shock proteins. of stress-shock proteins produced by the aromatics at sublethal concentrations functioned interactively between the aromatics for survival tolerance to lethal concentrations.

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Stress-shock Response of a Methylotrophic Bacterium Methylovorus sp. strain SSl DSM 11726

  • Park, Jong H.;Kim, Si W.;Kim, Eungbin;Young T. Ro;Kim, Young M.
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.162-167
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    • 2001
  • Methylovorus sp. strain SS1 DSM 11726 was found to grow continuously when it was transferred from 30$\^{C}$ to 40$\^{C}$ and 43$\^{C}$. A shift in growth temperature from 30$\^{C}$ to 45$\^{C}$, 47$\^{C}$ and 50$\^{C}$ reduced the viability of the cell population by more than 10$^2$, 10$^3$and 10$\^$5/ folds, respectively, after 1h cultivation. Cells transferred to 47$\^{C}$ and 50$\^{C}$ after preincubation for 15 min at 43$\^{C}$, however, exhibited 10-fold increase in viability. It was found that incubation for 15 min at 40$\^{C}$ of Methylovorus sp. strain SSl grown at 30$\^{C}$ was sufficient to accelerate the synthesis of a specific subset of proteins. The major heat shock proteins had apparent molecular masses of 90, 70, 66, 60, and 58 kDA. The 60 and 58 kDa proteins were found to cross-react with the antiserum raised against GroEL protein. The heat shock response persisted for over 1h. The shock proteins were stable for 90 min in the cell. Exposure of the cells to methanol induced proteins identical to the heat shock proteins. Addition of ethanol induced a unique protein with a molecular mass of about 40 kDa in addition to the heat-induced proteins. The proteins induced in paraquat-treated cells were different from the heat shock proteins, except the 70 and 60 kDa proteins.

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Heat Shock Proteins: A Review of the Molecular Chaperones for Plant Immunity

  • Park, Chang-Jin;Seo, Young-Su
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.323-333
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    • 2015
  • As sessile organisms, plants are exposed to persistently changing stresses and have to be able to interpret and respond to them. The stresses, drought, salinity, chemicals, cold and hot temperatures, and various pathogen attacks have interconnected effects on plants, resulting in the disruption of protein homeostasis. Maintenance of proteins in their functional native conformations and preventing aggregation of non-native proteins are important for cell survival under stress. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) functioning as molecular chaperones are the key components responsible for protein folding, assembly, translocation, and degradation under stress conditions and in many normal cellular processes. Plants respond to pathogen invasion using two different innate immune responses mediated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) or resistance (R) proteins. HSPs play an indispensable role as molecular chaperones in the quality control of plasma membrane-resident PRRs and intracellular R proteins against potential invaders. Here, we specifically discuss the functional involvement of cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) HSPs/chaperones in plant immunity to obtain an integrated understanding of the immune responses in plant cells.

Heat Shock Causes Oxidative Stress and Induces a Variety of Cell Rescue Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae KNU5377

  • Kim, Il-Sup;Moon, Hye-Youn;Yun, Hae-Sun;Jin, Ing-Nyol
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.492-501
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we attempted to characterize the physiological response to oxidative stress by heat shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae KNU5377 (KNU5377) that ferments at a temperature of $40^{\circ}C$. The KNU5377 strain evidenced a very similar growth rate at $40^{\circ}C$ as was recorded under normal conditions. Unlike the laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae, the cell viability of KNU5377 was affected slightly under 2 hours of heat stress conditions at $43^{\circ}C$. KNU5377 evidenced a time-dependent increase in hydroperoxide levels, carbonyl contents, and malondialdehyde (MDA), which increased in the expression of a variety of cell rescue proteins containing Hsp104p, Ssap, Hsp30p, Sod1p, catalase, glutathione reductase, G6PDH, thioredoxin, thioredoxin peroxidase (Tsa1p), Adhp, Aldp, trehalose and glycogen at high temperature. Pma1/2p, Hsp90p and $H^+$-ATPase expression levels were reduced as the result of exposure to heat shock. With regard to cellular fatty acid composition, levels of unsaturated fatty acids (USFAs) were increased significantly at high temperatures ($43^{\circ}C$), and this was particularly true of oleic acid (C18:1). The results of this study indicated that oxidative stress as the result of heat shock may induce a more profound stimulation of trehalose, antioxidant enzymes, and heat shock proteins, as well as an increase in the USFAs ratios. This might contribute to cellular protective functions for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis, and may also contribute to membrane fluidity.

Stress as a Trigger of Pollen Embryogenesis

  • Zarsky, Viktor;Soukupova, Hana
    • 식물조직배양학회지
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.411-413
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    • 2000
  • The ability of microspores or young pollen grains (male gametophytes) to undergo developmetal switch to embryogenic (sporophytic) pathway exemplifies the concept of totipotency as applied to haploid posmeiotic cells. As a first step pollen is devoid of positional information provided in situ by the intact anther - by isolation and cultivation in vitro in artificial media. This is inevitably accompanied by some degree of stress response in microspore/pollen. It has been shown in both monocots and dicots that intentional stress treatment (mostly starvation or heat shock) greatly stimulates embryo induction rate. Using transgenic sHSP antisense Nicotiana tabacum we show that expression of small heat shock proteins is an integral part of successful embryo and later haploid plant production from pollen grains. Our recently published data show that sHSP chaperone function is optimal in the absence of ATP.

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Expression Profile of Heat Shock Protein Gene Transcripts (HSP70 and HSP90) in the Nerve Ganglia of Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Exposed to Thermal Stress

  • Sukhan, Zahid Parvez;Kho, Kang Hee
    • 한국해양생명과학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2020
  • Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are highly conserved cellular proteins that contribute to adaptive responses of organisms to a variety of stressors. In response to stressors, cellular levels of HSPs are increased and play critical roles in protein stability, folding and molecular trafficking. The mRNA expression pattern of two well-known heat shock protein transcripts, HSP70 and HSP90 were studied in two tissues of nerve ganglia, cerebral ganglion and pleuropedal ganglion of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai). It was observed that both HSP70 and HSP90 transcripts were upregulated under heat stress in both ganglion tissues. Expression level of HSP70 was found higher than HSP90 in both ganglia whereas cerebral ganglion showed higher expression than pleuropedal ganglion. The HSP70 and HSP90 showed higher expression at Day-1 after exposed to heat stress, later decreased at Day-3 and Day-7 onwards. The present result suggested that HSP70 and HSP90 synthesize in nerve ganglion tissues and may provide efficient protection from stress.