• Title/Summary/Keyword: stochastic travel time

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An optimal and genetic route search algorithm for intelligent route guidance system (지능형 주행 안내 시스템을 위한 유전 알고리즘에 근거한 최적 경로 탐색 알고리즘)

  • Choe, Gyoo-Seok;Woo, Kwang-Bang
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 1997
  • In this thesis, based on Genetic Algorithm, a new route search algorithm is presented to search an optimal route between the origin and the destination in intelligent route guidance systems in order to minimize the route traveling time. The proposed algorithm is effectively employed to complex road networks which have diverse turn constrains, time-delay constraints due to cross signals, and stochastic traffic volume. The algorithm is also shown to significantly promote search efficiency by changing the population size of path individuals that exist in each generation through the concept of age and lifetime to each path individual. A virtual road-traffic network with various turn constraints and traffic volume is simulated, where the suggested algorithm promptly produces not only an optimal route to minimize the route cost but also the estimated travel time for any pair of the origin and the destination, while effectively avoiding turn constraints and traffic jam.

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The Solution of Vehicle Scheduling Problems with Multiple Objectives in a Probabilistic Environment

  • Park, Yang-Byung
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 1988
  • Vehicle Scheduling Problem (VSP) is a generic name given to a whole class of problems involving the visiting of "stations" by "vehicles," where a time is associated with each activity. The studies performed to date have the common feature of a single objective while satisfying a set of restrictions and known customer supplies or demands. However, VSPs may involve relevant multiple objectives and probabilistic supplies or demands at stations, creating multicriteria stochastic VSPs. This paper proposes a heuristic algorithm based on goal programming approach to schedule the most satisfactory vehicle routes of a bicriteria VSP with probabilistic supplies at stations. The two relevant objectives are the minimization of the expected travel distance of vehicles and the minimization of the due time violation for collection service at stations by vehicles. The algorithm developed consists of three major stages. In the first stage, an artificial capacity of vehicle is determined, on the basis of decision maker's subjective estimates. The second one clusters a set of stations into subsets by applying an efficient cluster method developed. In the third one, the stations in each subset are scheduled by applying an iterative goal programming heuristic procedure to each cluster.

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Development and Test of a Macro Traffic Simulation Model for Urban Traffic Management (도시 간선도로 교통류관리를 위한 교통모형의 개발 및 검증)

  • 이인원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.79-103
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    • 1995
  • The elasticity of a model is considered most important. Without showing the proper elasticity any model cannot provide useful information for decision making. This paper demonstrates a macro model which can generate dynamic transport informations every 15 minutes. Without the Wardrop principles and the monotonicity assumptions for the link travel time and link volume relationship, the basic elements of this new modeling approache are composed of link density simulation, stochastic incremental route choice, departure time choice, destination choice and mode choice. The elasticity of the proposed model is examined based on elasticity equations and simulation results. Also the transferability from a mega city like Seoul to a big city like Daejon is demonstrated for the choice model. The issues centering around the dynamic relations among density(k), speed(u), and flow rate(v) are also discussed for the modeling of highly congested situations.

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BSR (Buzz, Squeak, Rattle) noise classification based on convolutional neural network with short-time Fourier transform noise-map (Short-time Fourier transform 소음맵을 이용한 컨볼루션 기반 BSR (Buzz, Squeak, Rattle) 소음 분류)

  • Bu, Seok-Jun;Moon, Se-Min;Cho, Sung-Bae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.256-261
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    • 2018
  • There are three types of noise generated inside the vehicle: BSR (Buzz, Squeak, Rattle). In this paper, we propose a classifier that automatically classifies automotive BSR noise by using features extracted from deep convolutional neural networks. In the preprocessing process, the features of above three noises are represented as noise-map using STFT (Short-time Fourier Transform) algorithm. In order to cope with the problem that the position of the actual noise is unknown in the part of the generated noise map, the noise map is divided using the sliding window method. In this paper, internal parameter of the deep convolutional neural networks is visualized using the t-SNE (t-Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) algorithm, and the misclassified data is analyzed in a qualitative way. In order to analyze the classified data, the similarity of the noise type was quantified by SSIM (Structural Similarity Index) value, and it was found that the retractor tremble sound is most similar to the normal travel sound. The classifier of the proposed method compared with other classifiers of machine learning method recorded the highest classification accuracy (99.15 %).

Application of an Automated Time Domain Reflectometry to Solute Transport Study at Field Scale: Transport Concept (시간영역 광전자파 분석기 (Automatic TDR System)를 이용한 오염물질의 거동에 관한 연구: 오염물질 운송개념)

  • Kim, Dong-Ju
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.713-724
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    • 1996
  • The time-series resident solute concentrations, monitored at two field plots using the automated 144-channel TDR system by Kim (this issue), are used to investigate the dominant transport mechanism at field scale. Two models, based on contradictory assumptions for describing the solute transport in the vadose zone, are fitted to the measured mean breakthrough curves (BTCs): the deterministic one-dimensional convection-dispersion model (CDE) and the stochastic-convective lognormal transfer function model (CLT). In addition, moment analysis has been performed using the probability density functions (pdfs) of the travel time of resident concentration. Results of moment analysis have shown that the first and second time moments of resident pdf are larger than those of flux pdf. Based on the time moments, expressed in function of model parameters, variance and dispersion of resident solute travel times are derived. The relationship between variance or dispersion of solute travel time and depth has been found to be identical for both the time-series flux and resident concentrations. Based on these relationships, the two models have been tested. However, due to the significant variations of transport properties across depth, the test has led to unreliable results. Consequently, the model performance has been evaluated based on predictability of the time-series resident BTCs at other depths after calibration at the first depth. The evaluation of model predictability has resulted in a clear conclusion that for both experimental sites the CLT model gives more accurate prediction than the CDE model. This suggests that solute transport at natural field soils is more likely governed by a stream tube model concept with correlated flow than a complete mixing model. Poor prediction of CDE model is attributed to the underestimation of solute spreading and thus resulting in an overprediction of peak concentration.

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An Assessment of Trip-maker's Behavior Under Uncertainty for Value of Travel Time (시간가치의 불확실성 아래 통행자행태에 관한 연구)

  • 문동주
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.64-81
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    • 1983
  • 소비자 행태에 관한 신고전 경제이론을 통행수요의 분석에 그대로 적용하는데 문제 가 되는 특기 사항으로는 운임이외에 통행시간과 같은 서어비스 질도 통행수단의 선택에 영 향을 미친다는 점과 특정 두지점간의 통행에서 동일한 소비자도 여러 수송수단을 이용한다 는 점을 들수 있다. 본 연구의 주제는 이와같은 통행수요의 독특한 특성을 반영할 수 있는 소비자의 효용최대화모형의 설정과 이 모형에서 유도된 수요함수의 구조를 분석함에 있다. 상술하면, 통행시간 가치의 불확실성 아래에서 효용을 극대화하는 의사결정문제를 Stochastic Programming 모형으로 표현하였다. 또한 이 모형에서 유도된 특성 통행수단의 수요함수는 이 수단이 가장 유리한 시간가치의 범위에 대한 부정적분으로 표현되며 이 적분 범위와 피적분함수는 모든 경쟁수단의 운임과 통행수단의 함수로 정의됨을 증명하였다. 또 한 수요함수는 통행수요에 관한 통계분석모형에서 묵시적으로 가정되고 있는 통행수단간 대 체성(Property of gross substitute)과 대각방향우세성(Property of diagonal dominance)등의 특성을 가지고 있음을 보여 주었다.

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A study on the Waiting Line in the Automated Storage/Retrieval System with Dual Command Policy (이중명령 자동창고의 대기행렬에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jin-Ick;Kim, Won-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2005
  • Due to the complexity and stochastic nature of automated warehousing system, items are usually queued up at I/O point. We introduce a storage/retrieval policy : dual-command. We present quick approximations to queueing phenomena under these policies. It is assumed that the storage and retrieval arrival pattern follow the same poisson process. We also assumed that storage queue and retrieval queue being operated separately. The approximation attempts are performed under the proposed storage/retrieval policies after we derive S/R machine travel time distributions.

Using Genetic-Fuzzy Methods To Develop User-preference Optimal Route Search Algorithm

  • Choi, Gyoo-Seok;Park, Jong-jin
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2000
  • The major goal of this research is to develop an optimal route search algorithm for an intelligent route guidance system, one sub-area of ITS. ITS stands for intelligent Transportation System. ITS offers a fundamental solution to various issues concerning transportation and it will eventually help comfortable and swift moves of drivers by receiving and transmitting information on humans, roads and automobiles. Genetic algorithm, and fuzzy logic are utilized in order to implement the proposed algorithm. Using genetic algorithm, the proposed algorithm searches shortest routes in terms of travel time in consideration of stochastic traffic volume, diverse turn constraints, etc. Then using fuzzy logic, it selects driver-preference optimal route among the candidate routes searched by GA, taking into account various driver's preferences such as difficulty degree of driving and surrounding scenery of road, etc. In order to evaluate this algorithm, a virtual road-traffic network DB with various road attributes is simulated, where the suggested algorithm promptly produces the best route for a driver with reference to his or her preferences.

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A User Optimer Traffic Assignment Model Reflecting Route Perceived Cost (경로인지비용을 반영한 사용자최적통행배정모형)

  • Lee, Mi-Yeong;Baek, Nam-Cheol;Mun, Byeong-Seop;Gang, Won-Ui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2005
  • In both deteministic user Optimal Traffic Assignment Model (UOTAM) and stochastic UOTAM, travel time, which is a major ccriterion for traffic loading over transportation network, is defined by the sum of link travel time and turn delay at intersections. In this assignment method, drivers actual route perception processes and choice behaviors, which can become main explanatory factors, are not sufficiently considered: therefore may result in biased traffic loading. Even though there have been some efforts in Stochastic UOTAM for reflecting drivers' route perception cost by assuming cumulative distribution function of link travel time, it has not been fundamental fruitions, but some trials based on the unreasonable assumptions of Probit model of truncated travel time distribution function and Logit model of independency of inter-link congestion. The critical reason why deterministic UOTAM have not been able to reflect route perception cost is that the route perception cost has each different value according to each origin, destination, and path connection the origin and destination. Therefore in order to find the optimum route between OD pair, route enumeration problem that all routes connecting an OD pair must be compared is encountered, and it is the critical reason causing computational failure because uncountable number of path may be enumerated as the scale of transportation network become bigger. The purpose of this study is to propose a method to enable UOTAM to reflect route perception cost without route enumeration between an O-D pair. For this purpose, this study defines a link as a least definition of path. Thus since each link can be treated as a path, in two links searching process of the link label based optimum path algorithm, the route enumeration between OD pair can be reduced the scale of finding optimum path to all links. The computational burden of this method is no more than link label based optimum path algorithm. Each different perception cost is embedded as a quantitative value generated by comparing the sub-path from the origin to the searching link and the searched link.

A Stochastic Transit Assignment Model based on Mixed Transit Modes (복합수단을 고려한 확률적 대중교통 통행배정모형 개발)

  • Park, Gyeong-Cheol;Mun, Jeong-Jun;Lee, Seong-Mo;Park, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2007
  • A transit assignment model can forecast the behaviors of transit users. thereby playing an important role In the evaluation of transit policies. Most existing transit assignment models are based on the models for passenger cars; therefore they cannot reflect the specific characteristics of transit modes. In addition most of the existing models are based on a single transit mode (bus or rail), and they cannot forecast the behaviors of transit users in a changing mass transportation system. The goal of this study is to overcome these problems with the exiting models and to develop a more realistic model. The newly developed model is based on mixed transit modes and is a stochastic model that can reflect the different preferences of each transit user for travel time and transfering. Data gathered from the Seoul metropolitan area's smart card are used to calibrate this model. This study is expected to be used for the evaluation of transportation policies and to attribute the development of transit revitalization strategies.